The News And Times Blog

M.N.: These opinions are legitimate and adequately based on facts. They have to be taken very seriously! | Omicron COVID variant was in Europe before South African scientists detected and flagged it to the world | Вирусолог Чумаков: омикрон-штамм COVID-19 мог быть создан искусственно – Virologist Chumakov: omicron-strain COVID-19 could be created artificially | Yale Epidemiologist: #CoronaKrise is a government-generated …


Virologist Chumakov: omicron-strain COVID-19 could be created artificially | Yale Epidemiologist: #CoronaKrise is a government-generated

M.N.: These opinions are legitimate and adequately based on facts. They have to be taken very seriously!

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Virologist Chumakov: omicron-strain COVID-19 could be created artificially | Yale Epidemiologist: #CoronaKrise is a government-generated

M.N.: These opinions are legitimate and adequately based on facts. They have to be taken very seriously!