
War in Ukraine: CIA dedicates significant resources to protect Zelensky

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According to information from the American channel “NBC News”, an alert from the CIA saved the Ukrainian president, targeted by the Russians.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has been the target of several assassination attempts since the start of the Russian invasion. According to the New York Post , more than a dozen times mercenaries or soldiers tried to kill him. And according to information from NBC News , the Ukrainian president is still in office thanks in part to information from the CIA.

According to the American media, relayed by our colleagues from Le Parisien , the CIA devotes significant resources “to collecting intelligence in order to protect Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.”

important help

NBC News cites officials from the United States intelligence agency, but also former members. According to them, the CIA is “consulting with the Ukrainians to make sure that [Zelensky] is not on the same premises as his entire chain of command.”

The American services affirm that never so much classified information will have been shared, in such a massive way with an allied country. And this while Ukraine is not a member of NATO.

The role of the American secret services has been major since the start of the war. On BFMTV, Jérôme Poirot, former assistant to the National Intelligence Coordination , explained that “the Americans have been observing what is happening in Russia for a long time (…) and have shown that they are often one step ahead.”

Ariel Guez