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Kremlin: We would agree to Vatican as mediator

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Featured, Vatican, Dmitry Peskov, Moscow, Kyiv, peace talks Kremlin’s spokesperson Dmitry Peskov. Photo: Flickr

Moscow announced it would welcome the Vatican to mediate peace talks, but, given the Ukrainian stance, it is impossible, writes Reuters.

The Vatican is among several other countries named as possible mediators between Russia and Ukraine, others including Turkey, Israel, and China. The Vatican said more than once that it would do anything to end the war in Ukraine.

Last month Pope Francis directly addressed Russian President Vladimir Putin and asked to stop the spiral of death and violence caused by Russia.

Kremlin’s spokesperson Dmitry Peskov blamed Ukraine for making peace talks with the Vatican mediating impossible: «Of course, we welcome such political will, but given the de facto and de jure situation that we now have on the Ukrainian side, such platforms cannot be in demand.»

Moscow says Kyiv deliberately shuts down any chance to discuss the situation, but Ukrainians had announced that they won’t give away their land.

Read also: Ukraine struggling to get the light and heat back
