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Donald Trump’s latest delusional meltdown gives away just how much trouble he’s in

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As Donald Trump not-so-quietly rages, he doesn’t seem to understand that he will never be able to break free from his ultimate fate and destiny. In Greek mythology, it was believed that one’s fate was predestined. People did have free will, but fate always knew how they would react to life’s challenges.

There were three divinities that presided over the fate of humans. They were Clotho, Lachesis, and Atropos. And they knew what humans did not — that escaping one’s destiny was impossible. And so it is that in the here and now, Donald Trump is doing his best to escape his own fate. Unfortunately for Donald, he seems unaware that his fate is the one thing he cannot change. All the money and grift in the world will not move fate. She is immovable.

That doesn’t mean he isn’t trying, though. I imagine if the fates are watching him from somewhere far away, they must be amused — as they watch the fish battle unsuccessfully against the net in which he has found himself.

“Total immunity.” That is Trump’s latest anguished moan. He cannot be prosecuted because he has “total immunity.” Poor Donald. (sarcasm.) He has learned nothing. On Truth Social, where fallen traitors go to rage, Trump was insistent that he did nothing wrong and EVEN IF — even if he did, he could not be prosecuted.

Many would argue that he said those words meaning because he was once President, he has immunity. I am going to respectfully disagree with that. I think Donald would have posted these same words even if he’d never been President at all. It’s all part of his malignant narcissism.

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He is a pitiful man, a lonely being, but to get through the long and endless days, he has to think of himself as special. I suspect it would be nightmarish for him if he admitted the truth.

And the truth is that he is not special. He is a pathetic coward, cast aside, alone and angry, isolated and belligerent, trying desperately to outwit and outplay the hands of fate from reaching for him. But that cannot happen. Fate was written in the stars true. But free will is always a part of fate.

Donald Trump had free will, and his ultimate test was on January 6. He flunked the “free will” test badly. And so he rages and rants, yells and shouts as fate watches with all-knowing amusement waiting for the moment when justice pounces.

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