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Donald Trump suffers another legal setback

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Hide yer ketchup bottles. Once again, Orange Florida Man (OFM) suffered another legal setback in court. Having had enough of OFM’s legal antics, U.S. District Judge Donald Middlebrooks sanctioned OFM and his legal team and ordered them to pay over $900,000 in fines over a previously dismissed case.

In his order, Middlebrooks wrote the “case should never have been brought. Its inadequacy as a legal claim was evident from the start” and no “cognizable legal claim” was stated in the complaint. He then wrote that OFM and his lawyers were misusing the courts in a way that undermined the rule of law and diverted “resources from those who have suffered actual legal harm.”

This is not the first time Middlebrooks crossed the international enough line with OFM’s lawyers. Last November he sanctioned four attorneys and two law firms and ordered them to pay fines and costs to a defendant OFM sued in bad faith.

A key component of the oath Florida requires attorneys to take states that they “will not counsel or maintain any suit or proceedings which shall appear to me to be unjust, nor any defense except such as I believe to be honestly debatable under the law of the land.” I believe every American jurisdiction has a similar statement in their oaths. OFM’s lawyers continue to bring unjust suits so the sanctions and fines against them are appropriate. OFM’s hurt feelings are not cause to bring legal claims, and his lawyers would do well to remember their oaths before they run out of money and further ruin their careers. They also need to grow a spine and tell OFM not to file these bullshit claims otherwise further sanctions will be coming.

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