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Flynns indictment tightens the noose on Trumps White House

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Flynns indictment tightens the noose on Trumps White House
Flynn’s indictment tightens the noose on Trump’s White House – Financial Times
Trump keeps playing nice with Mueller, for now – Politico
Trump calls Tillerson exit reports ‘fake news’ but was it a misfired plot?
Rex Tillerson Isn’t the Problem. It’s Trump. – POLITICO Magazine
The Russia Investigations: After Flynn Plea Deal, Where Does Mueller Aim Next? – North Country Public Radio
Mueller has arrested 4 ex-Trump advisers in 6 months, signaling peril ahead for White House – Chicago Tribune
The Scalp-Taking of Gen. Flynn – Center for Research on Globalization
Russian Security Council head to visit Brazil, Argentina – TASS
The Kathryn Steinle murder trial: Why the jury and Trump saw two different cases – Los Angeles Times
What Flynn’s guilty plea means for Trump and the GOP –
Flynn plea deal increases exposure of senior Trump transition team members
Who Is Jared Kushner: Trump loyalist or Kissinger protege? – RT
Russia investigation ‘wearing’ on White House, despite spin – Q13 FOX
Friday Talking Points Lock Him Up! – HuffPost
Michael Flynn Knew the FBI Had Heard His Calls with Russians. So Why Did He Lie About Them? – Daily Beast
Mike Flynn – Google News: ‘Something was desperately wrong with this guy’: US Army lieutenant general who served with Mike Flynn weighs in on … – Business Insider
The details of Michael Flynns plea deal with Robert Mueller are nothing short of brutal
Michael Flynn may have just incriminated Tom Cotton, Donald Trumps new CIA Director pick, in Russia scandal
Dacha in reserve and real estate in Miami. How retired police General obtained ownership of paradise –
Letter from the US: Behind the ‘Russia Did it!’ frenzy – Green Left Weekly
Russia investigation ‘wearing’ on White House, despite spin – WGNO
Don’t use antivirus firms linked to Russia, cyber security chief tells Whitehall – The Guardian
Flynn Plea Shows Collusion With… Israel? – The Real News Network
This is the worst day of Donald Trumps life and its about to get far worse for him
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Flynns indictment tightens the noose on Trumps White House

Indictment on a relatively minor count suggests retired general has juicy information to share, writes Edward Luce
Flynn’s indictment tightens the noose on Trump’s White House – Financial Times

Financial Times
Flynn’s indictment tightens the noose on Trump’s White House
Financial Times
The last time Mr Trump contemplated sacking the special counsel was in July when the FBI raided the home of Paul Manafort, Mr Trump’s former campaign chairman, who was indicted on several counts in October. As the investigative noose tightens, that 
Michael Flynn’s Guilty Plea Sends Donald Trump’s Lawyers ScramblingThe New Yorker 
Who Is Michael Flynn? The Former Top Trump Aide Just Pleaded Guilty to Lying to the FBITIME
all 2,624 
all 2,563
 news articles »
Trump keeps playing nice with Mueller, for now – Politico

Trump keeps playing nice with Mueller, for now
Trump, who has specifically been advised to avoid targeting Mueller on Twitter, kept quiet about the special counsel Friday even as his former White House national security adviser, Michael Flynn, entered a guilty plea for lying to FBI agents about his
Russia investigation zeroes in on Trump inner circleCNN International 
Michael Flynn’s Guilty Plea Sends Donald Trump’s Lawyers ScramblingThe New Yorker

Flynn’s plea deal puts Mueller inside Trump’s inner circle with a message: ‘We’re coming for you’USA TODAY 
The Russia Investigations: After Flynn Plea Deal, Where Does Mueller Aim Next?NPR

NewsweekThe Boston Globe The New Yorker
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news articles »
Trump calls Tillerson exit reports ‘fake news’ but was it a misfired plot?

Multiple reports said the secretary of state would be replaced. Were those sources wrong or did a move against Tillerson fall victim to the Mike Flynn drama?
Donald Trump insisted on Friday that Rex Tillerson was not leaving the US state department, denouncing as fake news multiple reports quoting White House officials as saying the secretary of state was about to be ousted.
Earlier in the day, Tillerson also rejected the reports of his imminent departure as laughable.
Related: ‘Guilty, your honor’: Michael Flynn, who led the ‘lock her up’ chants, enters his plea
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Rex Tillerson Isn’t the Problem. It’s Trump. – POLITICO Magazine

Rex Tillerson Isn’t the Problem. It’s Trump.
It appears that those who have been calling for Rex Tillerson’s headwhich includes most of the foreign policy know-it-alls inside the Beltwaymay have finally gotten their wish. The Trump administration’s public shaming of Tillerson this week 
Trump: Tillerson is ‘not leaving,’ but ‘I call the final shots’CNBC
Trump Rejects Reports That His Top Diplomat is DepartingNew York Times
Trump calls Tillerson exit reports ‘fake news’ but was it a misfired plot?The Guardian
CNN –Bloomberg –Financial Times
all 1,037 news articles »
The Russia Investigations: After Flynn Plea Deal, Where Does Mueller Aim Next? – North Country Public Radio

The Russia Investigations: After Flynn Plea Deal, Where Does Mueller Aim Next?
North Country Public Radio
That was the question raised by Flynn’s guilty plea on Friday, in which he admitted to lying to the FBI about his conversations with Russia’s ambassador in late December 2016. Flynn conferred with the Trump transition team to ask then-Ambassador Sergey 
and more »
Mueller has arrested 4 ex-Trump advisers in 6 months, signaling peril ahead for White House – Chicago Tribune

Chicago Tribune
Mueller has arrested 4 ex-Trump advisers in 6 months, signaling peril ahead for White House
Chicago Tribune
After six months of work, special counsel Robert Mueller III has indicted two top advisers to President Donald Trump and accepted guilty pleas from two others in exchange for their cooperation with his probe into Russian meddling in the 2016 election 
Trump’s favorite general: Michael Flynn’s rise and fallThe News Tribune
Michael Flynn is now cooperating with Mueller and could fuel the obstruction case against TrumpBusiness Insider
Flynn Pleads Guilty: Is He Singing on Trump-Russia?The Nation.
Newsweek –Los Angeles Times –Bloomberg
all 2,621 news articles »
The Scalp-Taking of Gen. Flynn – Center for Research on Globalization

Center for Research on Globalization
The Scalp-Taking of Gen. Flynn
Center for Research on Globalization
Russia-gate enthusiasts are thrilled over the guilty plea of President Trump’s former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn for lying to the FBI about pre-inauguration conversations with the Russian ambassador, but the case should alarm true civil 
Friday Talking Points Lock Him Up!HuffPost
The fallen military hero who could bring down a president: How Mike Flynn marched into Trump’s inner circle and …Daily Mail
all 2,600 news articles »
Russian Security Council head to visit Brazil, Argentina – TASS

Russian Security Council head to visit Brazil, Argentina
MOSCOW, December 2. /TASS/. Secretary of the Russian Security Council Nikolai Patrushev on December 4-6 will visit Brazil and Argentina, the authority’s press service said on Saturday. “In Brasilia and in Buenos Aires, Nikolai Patrushev will have 
and more »
The Kathryn Steinle murder trial: Why the jury and Trump saw two different cases – Los Angeles Times

Los Angeles Times
The Kathryn Steinle murder trial: Why the jury and Trump saw two different cases
Los Angeles Times
At the time of the shooting, Trump called Garcia Zarate an animal, the embodiment of the bad hombres and rapists he’d been railing against. This senseless and totally preventable act of violence committed by an illegal immigrant is yet another 
and more »
What Flynn’s guilty plea means for Trump and the GOP –
What Flynn’s guilty plea means for Trump and the GOP
WASHINGTON It’s going to get harder for President Donald Trump to distance himself politically from Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia probe after Michael Flynn’s guilty plea and that could be bad news for his fellow Republicans at the polls 
GOP races to pass tax plan as Russia probe threatens to take down Trump administrationCNBC
all 2,633 news articles »
Flynn plea deal increases exposure of senior Trump transition team members

By agreeing to cooperate with federal prosecutors in a deal announced on Friday, former national security adviser Michael Flynn won for himself protection from further prosecution. That protection could conceivably extend to his son, Michael Flynn Jr, who once worked for his father.
Related: ‘Guilty, your honor’: Michael Flynn, who led the ‘lock her up’ chants, enters his plea
Related: Michael Flynn’s wrongdoing is just the tip of the iceberg | Richard Wolffe
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Who Is Jared Kushner: Trump loyalist or Kissinger protege? – RT

Who Is Jared Kushner: Trump loyalist or Kissinger protege?
The second even more mysterious ‘mistake’ involved the firing of James Comey, the FBI Director who was in the process of investigating claims of collusion between Trump and Russia in the course of the 2016 presidential election. It did not take a 
and more »
Russia investigation ‘wearing’ on White House, despite spin – Q13 FOX

Washington Post
Russia investigation ‘wearing’ on White House, despite spin
I think that Russia investigation is wearing on all of us, the President most of all, said a source close to Trump. But I think he is more concerned about the state of his accomplishments and this presidency. Flynn’s plea is the closest that 
Donald Trump Suspected for Weeks That Mike Flynn Would FlipDaily Beast 
Flynn’s plea deal puts Mueller inside Trump’s inner circle with a message: ‘We’re coming for you’WXIA-TV

Trump’s best and worst day as presidentWashington Post 
Does Donald Trump Fear Impeachment After Flynn Plea? President Was Terrified Flynn ‘Turned On Me,’ Report Says

The Inquisitr
all 2,593 2,457 news articles »
Friday Talking Points Lock Him Up! – HuffPost

Friday Talking Points Lock Him Up!
<p>This morning, Donald Trump’s first National Security Advisor, Michael Flynn, pled guilty to charges of lying to the F.B.I. He is now the highest-ranking Trump aide to be targeted by Robert Mueller, and also the highest-ranking person to have flipped 
The Scalp-Taking of Gen. FlynnConsortium News
The fallen military hero who could bring down a president: How Mike Flynn marched into Trump’s inner circle and …Daily Mail
all 2,399 news articles »
Michael Flynn Knew the FBI Had Heard His Calls with Russians. So Why Did He Lie About Them? – Daily Beast

Daily Beast
Michael Flynn Knew the FBI Had Heard His Calls with Russians. So Why Did He Lie About Them?
Daily Beast
For example, the FBI has conducted extensive physical and electronic surveillance of the defendants including the covert placement of microphone-type listening devices in certain locations; the covert placement of video cameras in public locations
Here’s what Mike Flynn lied to the FBI aboutVICE News 
Breaking down Flynn’s lies about his Russia callsCNN

Mike Flynn, Trump and Mar-a-Lago: A timeline on path to guilty pleaPalm Beach Post 
Russian investigation reaches White

Slate Magazine (blog) NBC Montana
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Mike Flynn – Google News: ‘Something was desperately wrong with this guy’: US Army lieutenant general who served with Mike Flynn weighs in on … – Business Insider

Business Insider
‘Something was desperately wrong with this guy’: US Army lieutenant general who served with Mike Flynnweighs in on …
Business Insider
A retired US Army lieutenant general weighed in on Michael Flynn’s guilty plea in the ongoing Russia investigation. Lt. Gen. Mark Hertling, who served with Flynn in the US Army, said he believes the former national security adviser’s downfall was the
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 Mike Flynn – Google News

The details of Michael Flynns plea deal with Robert Mueller are nothing short of brutal

Just how hard of a bargain does Robert Mueller drive? He handed what initially appeared to be a sweetheart deal to Michael Flynn, and in exchange Flynn agreed to provide evidence to incriminate Donald Trump, Jared Kushner, and other key players in the Trump-Russia scandal. But the details of that plea deal are now surfacing, and what’s stunning is just how little Mueller ended up giving Flynn when it comes down to it. This is nothing short of brutal.
Legal experts dissected the Flynn plea deal during Rachel Maddow’s MSNBC show on Friday night, and I’ll spare you the legalese and boil it down to three points for you. First: Flynn’s deal only grants him leniency on the charge of lying to the FBI. If Mueller doesn’t end up liking what he sees going forward, he can still charge Flynn with other crimes. Second: Mueller now officially owns Flynn. He can make him wear a wire, or dress up like a chicken. The third bullet point is the most astounding one.
There is nothing in the plea deal which formally protects Michael Flynn Jr. By now we all know that Michael Flynn cut the deal in order to protect his son. But even that’s not guaranteed. If Mueller doesn’t like how things are going, he can go back and charge Junior with various crimes at any point. This motivates Flynn to work as hard as he possibly can to help take down the likes of Trump and Kushner, because his son is still far from officially being in the clear.
This deal offers the clearest insight yet into just how brutally effective Robert Mueller can be with his wheeling and dealing. It’s not that he’s trying to torture Michael Flynn. It’s that he wants to keep Flynn motivated to continue cooperating as emphatically as possible. It also means no one else in the Trump-Russia scandal is getting free lunch if they seek a plea deal of their own.
The post The details of Michael Flynn’s plea deal with Robert Mueller are nothing short of brutalappeared first on Palmer Report.
Michael Flynn may have just incriminated Tom Cotton, Donald Trumps new CIA Director pick, in Russia scandal

Earlier this week, just as it was becoming clear that Michael Flynn was about to cut a devastating plea deal against Donald Trump and other big fish in the Russia scandal, Trump began pushing a weird sideshow story. He suddenly wants to oust Secretary of State Rex Tillerson after months of hemming and hawing about it, as part of a series of moves that would elevate Senator Tom Cotton to CIA Director. Now that Flynn’s deal is official, it reveals that Cotton may have been part of the Trump-Russia conspiracy all along.
Let’s emphasize the word “may” here. Perhaps this is all one massive coincidence. Perhaps Trump really does just happen to be looking to give Cotton a coveted promotion, just as Michael Flynn seems to be pointing the finger at Cotton. But if this is a coincidence, it’s a remarkable one. Flynn is confessing that while he was conspiring with the Russian Ambassador to sabotage President Obama’s Russian sanctions, he was relaying that conversation to the Trump national security transition team. Guess who was on that team? Tom Cotton.
We may have to wait a bit to see whether Flynn is referring to everyone on the Trump national security transition team, or just some of its members. But if Flynn is referring to the entire team, then he’s accusing Tom Cotton of having known about the Trump-Russia conspiracy since at least December. If Cotton knew about that felony conspiracy and failed to report it, he would be guilty of a felony himself, and Trump could be offering him a promotion in the hope of buying his continued silence.
Again, let’s not get ahead of ourselves here. We can’t assume Tom Cotton is guilty of anything. But if Michael Flynn really did just implicate Cotton in the Trump-Russa conspiracy, it would very conveniently explain why Donald Trump is trying to buy Cotton’s silence by giving him a promotion, However, if Cotton was looking to disappear into the recesses of the CIA before he could become a suspect in the Trump-Russia scandal, Trump may have blown it by taking this step far too late in the game. Trump should have made the move months ago. Now it may be too late.
The post Michael Flynn may have just incriminated Tom Cotton, Donald Trump’s new CIA Director pick, in Russia scandal appeared first on Palmer Report.
Dacha in reserve and real estate in Miami. How retired police General obtained ownership of paradise –

Dacha in reserve and real estate in Miami. How retired police General obtained ownership of paradise
… fight against organized crime turns out to be a profitable occupation. Is there any other explanation of the Petukhov’s possession of real estate in Miami for almost $40 million? The General himself claims that he bought Florida property on 
Letter from the US: Behind the ‘Russia Did it!’ frenzy – Green Left Weekly

Green Left Weekly
Letter from the US: Behind the ‘Russia Did it!’ frenzy
Green Left Weekly
By this narrative, Clinton didn’t lose the election, Russia won it. Was the Trump campaign contacting Russian officials to see if business deals could be made for a quid-pro-quo of relaxing some US sanctions? Probably. But US sanctions on other 
and more »
Russia investigation ‘wearing’ on White House, despite spin – WGNO

Washington Post
Russia investigation ‘wearing’ on White House, despite spin
I think that Russia investigation is wearing on all of us, the President most of all, said a source close to Trump. But I think he is more concerned about the state of his accomplishments and this presidency. Flynn’s plea is the closest that 
Donald Trump Suspected for Weeks That Mike Flynn Would FlipDaily Beast
Trump’s best and worst day as presidentWashington Post
Does Donald Trump Fear Impeachment After Flynn Plea? President Was Terrified Flynn ‘Turned On Me,’ Report SaysThe Inquisitr
all 2,542 2,463 news articles »
Don’t use antivirus firms linked to Russia, cyber security chief tells Whitehall – The Guardian

The Guardian
Don’t use antivirus firms linked to Russia, cyber security chief tells Whitehall
The Guardian
Russia stands accused of meddling in the 2016 US election, while MPs have questioned if Moscow has sought to interfere in UK elections and the Brexit referendum. Theresa May used a November speech to tell Russian president Vladimir Putin that the 
and more »
Flynn Plea Shows Collusion With… Israel? – The Real News Network

Flynn Plea Shows Collusion With… Israel?
The Real News Network
Just the level of absurdity of Flynn’s activities has reached a sublime level then you have Flynn testifying before Congress that the U.S. needed to be in the driver’s seat back in 2015 to prevent Russia from setting up nuclear facilities in Egypt and 
and more »
This is the worst day of Donald Trumps life and its about to get far worse for him

You’re Donald Trump. You only care about a handful of things in life. Money. Power. Cheating people. The perverse thrill of scamming society while proudly providing nothing in return. You’ve been getting away with it for seven decades. Except this time you took it a little too far, or at least you did it in the wrong arena. Now your own evil tactics are being used against you, by the very monsters you created. This has been the worst day of your life and it’s about to get far uglier, because you made it that way.
Donald, you took a disgraced and down on his luck former military hero name Michael Flynn, and you helped turn him into a traitor. You encouraged him to sell out everything he ever stood for, in the name of personal ambition. You taught him how to not care about anything or anyone. You taught him the art of cold hard ruthless revenge. And so when it all went wrong and Flynn’s back was against the wall, he took the lessons you taught him and sold you out to save himself. He destroyed you today. Your presidency is a ticking timebomb. Your family is about to be in ruins. Oh, and he’s not the only one.
You also helped turn Paul Manafort into a financial fraudster over the years, a traitor willing to take any money, no matter how bloody. Manafort has begun selling you out as well. Oh, or did you think prosecutors have suddenly moved to release him on bail for no reason? Manafort wants to get out of prison in time to spend up his blood money, and the only way he can do it is to sell you out as callously as you’ve spent your life selling others out.
Just wait, Donald Trump, until this mess lurches even closer to you. You taught your daughter to seek out and marry the exact same kind of piece of crap that you are. His back is now against the wall as well. Do you really think for one second that Jared Kushner won’t sell you out in order to save himself? This is just getting started, Donald. You’ve surrounded yourself with bad people and you’ve taught them how to be even worse people. Of course they were going to betray you when it inevitably came down to it. Everything gets worse for you, Donald, from here.
The post This is the worst day of Donald Trump’s life and it’s about to get far worse for him appeared first on Palmer Report.