FBI News Review

Review of FBI's action during election coming next year

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Review of FBI’s action during election coming next year

FBI foreign influence task force – Google Search
FBI Warns of Mounting Collaboration Between Nations, Criminals to Launch Cyberattacks
FBI Warns of Mounting Collaboration Between Nations, Criminals to … – Washington Free Beacon
Robert Mueller just penetrated the White House gates with Michael Flynn’s guilty plea – Washington Post
Charging Flynn With Lying Shows That Mueller Is Still Only Getting Started – New York Magazine
3:31 PM 12/1/2017 Criminologists Are Asking Jeff Sessions To Release FBI Crime Data FiveThirtyEight
Robert Mueller is a bloodhound on the trail: Donald Trump should be very worried after Michael Flynn’s guilty plea – New York Daily News
Mueller’s swift moves signal mounting legal peril for the White House – Washington Post
Grassley suggests deputy FBI director may have violated Hatch Act – The Hill
Lying to FBI Is Illegal; How About the FBI Lying to Us? – Townhall
The Orthodox Jewish communities in the U.S. and Israel and their leadership groups are deeply infiltrated by Putins agents. These matters are serious, and they have to be properly investigated and addressed. M.N.  12.2.17
Lying to FBI Is Illegal; How About the FBI Lying to Us?
8:57 AM 12/2/2017
Trump attacks media in his first post-Thanksgiving tweet
Trump touts benefits of tax cuts for the people that like me best
Is Trump reshaping an entire branch of government the judiciary?
Will Obama Be Questioned About Trump and Michael Flynn in the Russia Investigation? – Newsweek
Flynn’s plea is bad for Trump. But he may never face any consequences.
Flynn’s plea is bad for Trump. But he may never face any consequences. –
What Flynn’s guilty plea means for Trump and the GOP –
Michael Flynn Knew the FBI Had Heard His Calls with Russians. So Why Did He Lie About Them? – Daily Beast
Mike Flynn – Google News: ‘Something was desperately wrong with this guy’: US Army lieutenant general who served with Mike Flynn weighs in on … – Business Insider
The details of Michael Flynns plea deal with Robert Mueller are nothing short of brutal
Michael Flynn may have just incriminated Tom Cotton, Donald Trumps new CIA Director pick, in Russia scandal
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Review of FBI’s action during election coming next year

mikenova shared this story .

Washington (CNN)A watchdog review of how the FBI handled its investigation into then-presidential candidate Hillary Clinton is on track for release next March or April, Justice Department inspector general Michael Horowitz said Wednesday.

The inspector general gave no clues in Wednesday’s appearance before the House oversight committee hinting at what the report would conclude. But he said the review is “moving along quite expeditiously.”


opened the probe

 in mid-January — prior to President Donald Trump’s inauguration — when James Comey was still FBI director and when questions were still fresh about Clinton’s use of a private email server as secretary of state.

Horowitz indicated at the time it would be a wide-ranging look at multiple ways the Justice Department and FBI may have impacted the election, including potentially improper disclosures of information and the bureau’s decision, days before the election, to release documents on a controversial pardon issued nearly 16 years earlier by Clinton’s husband, President Bill Clinton.
But no doubt central to the probe will be Comey’s multiple announcements about Clinton’s emails. In July 2016, he announced he would not recommend charges against Clinton. In late October — less than two weeks before the election — he notified Congress that the FBI obtained emails it previously did not have and would re-open the investigation.

close dialog

Two days before the election, he said the FBI had reviewed the emails and would not recommend charges.
Then-candidate Trump made the private server a key criticism of his campaign, and Clinton struggled to put the issue behind her.
Horowitz said Wednesday his office has “interviewed dozens of people” and reviewed 1.2 million records.
The report has taken time because some former Justice Department and FBI employees and their attorneys needed to have security clearances authorized, he added.
Horowitz noted the report could be delayed “because, as we’ve seen, events can arise, issues can arise that requires us to do additional interviews or get additional records.”

FBI foreign influence task force – Google Search

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Story image for FBI foreign influence task force from TPM

FBI Sets Up ‘Foreign Influence‘ Task Force To Protect Election System

TPMNov 30, 2017
FBI Director Christopher Wray told Congress Thursday that the FBI has a “foreign influence” task force to deal with election interference by outside actors. “I take any effort to interfere with out election system by Russia or any other nation state or non-nation state seriously, because it strikes right at the heart …
FBI Warns of Mounting Collaboration Between Nations, Criminals to …
Highly CitedWashington Free BeaconDec 1, 2017
Media image for FBI foreign influence task force from The Hill

The Hill

Media image for FBI foreign influence task force from Washington Free Beacon

Washington Free Beacon

Media image for FBI foreign influence task force from Newsmax

FBI Warns of Mounting Collaboration Between Nations, Criminals to Launch Cyberattacks

mikenova shared this story from Washington Free Beacon.

FBI Director Christopher WrayFBI Director Christopher Wray / Getty Images

BY: Natalie Johnson
FBI Director Christopher Wray warned Thursday that adversarial governments are more often collaborating with criminals to carryout cyber attacks against the United States.
Wray said the indictment of a Canadian national who pleaded guilty on Tuesday to helping Russian spies hack into Yahoo email accounts reflect “one of the more dangerous, emerging threats” facing the United States today, known in the intelligence community as a “blended threat.”
“We are seeing an emergence of that kind of collaboration,” Wray testified before the House Homeland Security Committee, noting that until recently governments and criminals worked separately. “Now there’s this collusion, if you will, that’s occurring on a number of instances … like mercenaries being used to commit cyber attacks.”
The Justice Department announced charges in March against Karim Baratov, a 22-year-old Canadian citizen, and three other men, including two officers of Russia’s Federal Security Service, or FSB, for their involvement in the 2014 hack into Yahoo that affected 500 million accounts.
U.S. law enforcement officials said Baratov, who they dubbed a “hacker-for-hire,” acknowledged breaking into email accounts and selling the passwords to an agent of the FSB, a Russian intelligence agency.

The individuals targeted included Russian officials, a European diplomat, a former economic minister from a neighboring country, and a prominent banker.
The case confirmed longstanding suspicions that Russia’s government hires non-government hackers and uses its spy services to facilitate criminal activity in addition to conducting espionage.
Wray, who President Donald Trump handpicked to replace ousted FBI Director James Comey in June, said Russia is attempting to assert its dominance in the world by relying on asymmetric warfare to “damage and weaken” the United States
To combat the threat, Wray said he has set up a “foreign influence task force” within the bureau made up of different divisions, including counterintelligence, cyber, and criminal investigation. He said the agency would also coordinate closely with the Department of Homeland Security, which is charged with overseeing critical election infrastructure, to prevent against cyberattacks.

FBI Warns of Mounting Collaboration Between Nations, Criminals to … – Washington Free Beacon

mikenova shared this story from Christopher Wray – Google News.

Washington Free Beacon
Robert Mueller just penetrated the White House gates with Michael Flynn’s guilty plea – Washington Post

mikenova shared this story from mueller – Google News.

Washington Post
Robert Mueller just penetrated the White House gates with Michael Flynn’s guilty plea
Washington Post
Mueller’s decision to actually charge Flynn, then, is clearly a significant escalation of an investigation that has already led to charges against Manafort and his deputy, Rick Gates, and a similar guilty plea for making false statements by 
Charging Flynn With Lying Shows That Mueller Is Still Only Getting StartedNew York Magazine
What Michael Flynn’s Guilty Plea Means in Mueller’s Russia InquiryNew York Times
Michael Flynn’s Guilty Plea Shows That Robert Mueller Is Closing InWIRED
The Hill –Fox News
all 2,303 news articles »
Charging Flynn With Lying Shows That Mueller Is Still Only Getting Started – New York Magazine

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New York Magazine
Charging Flynn With Lying Shows That Mueller Is Still Only Getting Started
New York Magazine
Robert Mueller, the special counsel appointed to investigate crimes associated with Russia’s role in the 2016 election, speaks softly but carries a big stick. On Friday, he quietly charged one of the biggest players in the saga, Donald Trump’s former 
Robert Mueller just penetrated the White House gates with Michael Flynn’s guilty pleaWashington Post
Michael Flynn’s Guilty Plea Shows That Robert Mueller Is Closing InWIRED
Flynn enters guilty plea, will cooperate with MuellerThe Hill
New York Times –NPR –New York Times
all 1,292 news articles »
3:31 PM 12/1/2017 Criminologists Are Asking Jeff Sessions To Release FBI Crime Data FiveThirtyEight

mikenova shared this story from FBI News Review.

Saved Stories Saved Stories – None Criminologists Are Asking Jeff Sessions To Release FBI Crime Data … – FiveThirtyEight Flynn is front and center – and that’s bad news for Trump and his relatives – SFGate Keeping America Secure in the New Age of Terror – Federal Bureau of Investigation (press release) (blog) Air Force … Continue reading“3:31 PM 12/1/2017 – Criminologists Are Asking Jeff Sessions To Release FBI Crime Data … – FiveThirtyEight”

Robert Mueller is a bloodhound on the trail: Donald Trump should be very worried after Michael Flynn’s guilty plea – New York Daily News

mikenova shared this story from mueller – Google News.

New York Daily News
Robert Mueller is a bloodhound on the trail: Donald Trump should be very worried after Michael Flynn’s guilty plea
New York Daily News
It seems we now know the reason the President has been unhinged these past few days. In his insecure and troubled mind, his worst fears have come to pass. Mike Flynn has turned state’s evidence. It should come as no surprise. The warning signs have 
and more »
Mueller’s swift moves signal mounting legal peril for the White House – Washington Post

mikenova shared this story from mueller – Google News.

Washington Post
Mueller’s swift moves signal mounting legal peril for the White House
Washington Post
After six months of work, special counsel Robert S. Mueller III has indicted two advisers to President Trump and accepted guilty pleas from two others in exchange for their cooperation with his probe into Russian meddling in the 2016 election a sign
Trump keeps playing nice with Mueller, for nowPolitico
The Russia Investigations: After Flynn Plea Deal, Where Does Mueller Aim Next?NPR
Is It Too Late for Robert Mueller to Save Us?Slate Magazine
National Review –Newsweek
all 2,647 news articles »
Grassley suggests deputy FBI director may have violated Hatch Act – The Hill

mikenova shared this story from Andrew McCabe – Google News.

The Hill
Grassley suggests deputy FBI director may have violated Hatch Act
The Hill
“However, the e-mail communications released by the FBI show that Mr. McCabe did precisely that during his wife’s Virginia Senate campaign,” Grassley wrote. “For instance, in an August 19, 2015, e-mail from his FBI e-mail account to an undisclosed
Lying to FBI Is Illegal; How About the FBI Lying to Us? – Townhall

mikenova shared this story from fbi – Google News.

Lying to FBI Is Illegal; How About the FBI Lying to Us?
While the liberal media is celebrating the announcement that former Trump National Security Adviser Michael Flynn has pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI, a bigger scandal was practically ignored. On Thursday, Judicial Watch released 29 pages ofFBI 
Clinton-Lynch tarmac meeting report triggered FBI hunt for leaker …Fox News
Loretta Lynch Meeting With Clinton Sparked FB | The Daily CallerThe Daily Caller
all 11 news articles »
The Orthodox Jewish communities in the U.S. and Israel and their leadership groups are deeply infiltrated by Putins agents. These matters are serious, and they have to be properly investigated and addressed. M.N.  12.2.17

mikenova shared this story from FBI News Review.

The Orthodox Jewish communities in the U.S. and Israel and their leadership groups are deeply infiltrated by Putin’s agents. These matters are serious, and they have to be properly investigated and addressed.  The KGB (which always had a strong “zhidovskiy” element in it, and it always showed) extended their ugly stinking tentacles in the form and … Continue reading“The Orthodox Jewish communities in the U.S. and Israel and their leadership groups are deeply infiltrated by Putin’s agents. These matters are serious, and they have to be properly investigated and addressed. – M.N. – 12.2.17 “

Lying to FBI Is Illegal; How About the FBI Lying to Us?

mikenova shared this story from FBI News Review.

Mike Novas Shared NewsLinks Mike Nova’s Shared NewsLinks Lying to FBI Is Illegal; How About the FBI Lying to Us? GUEST EDITORIAL: Rise in hate crimes is disturbing | Editorial Whats behind the Russian presidents close relationship with an Orthodox Jewish sect? The Happy-Go-Lucky Jewish Group That Connects Trump and Putin ABC Corrects Explosive Flynn … Continue reading“Lying to FBI Is Illegal; How About the FBI Lying to Us?”

8:57 AM 12/2/2017

mikenova shared this story from FBI News Review.

FBI from mikenova (4 sites) FBI News Review: The Orthodox Jewish communities in the U.S. and Israel and their leadership groups are deeply infiltrated by Putins agents. These matters are serious, and they have to be properly investigated and addressed. M.N.  12.2.17 1. FBI from mikenova (15 sites): james b. comey – Google News: GUEST EDITORIAL: … Continue reading“8:57 AM 12/2/2017”

Trump attacks media in his first post-Thanksgiving tweet

mikenova shared this story from Post Politics.

Trump attacks media in his first post-Thanksgiving tweet

President Trump returned from the Thanksgiving holiday with another attack on one of his favorite targets the news media suggesting Monday morning on Twitter a contest to determine which television network deserves a fake news trophy. Taking special aim at CNN, and carving out an exception for Fox News, which often provides flattering […]

Trump touts benefits of tax cuts for the people that like me best

mikenova shared this story from Post Politics.

Trump touts benefits of tax cuts for 'the people that like me best'

ST. CHARLES, Mo. With a critical Senate vote looming, President Trump on Wednesday pitched the Republican tax plan as a boon to his working-class supporters, even as independent analyses have indicated that the wealthy and corporations would be the biggest beneficiaries. Our focus is on helping the folks who work in the mail rooms […]

Is Trump reshaping an entire branch of government the judiciary?

mikenova shared this story from Post Politics.

Is Trump reshaping an entire branch of government  the judiciary?

Heres a story you likely heard a bit about this week: The director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, Richard Cordray, stepped down. To replace him, Cordray himself promoted his chief of staff, Leandra English, to become deputy director and serve as acting director until the Senate confirmed a replacement. Meanwhile, President Trump proposed his […]

Will Obama Be Questioned About Trump and Michael Flynn in the Russia Investigation? – Newsweek

mikenova shared this story from trump and intelligence community – Google News.

Will Obama Be Questioned About Trump and Michael Flynn in the Russia Investigation?
Why is Trump trying to protect Flynn, saying ‘he’s a good guy,’ after all these peoplethe former president, Sally Yateswarned him? Others doubt Obama will be asked to speak up in the Mueller investigation. Once Trump became the Republican 
Mueller has arrested 4 ex-Trump advisers in 6 months, signaling peril ahead for White HouseChicago Tribune
Trump’s favorite general: Michael Flynn’s rise and fallThe News Tribune
Michael Flynn is now cooperating with Mueller and could fuel the obstruction case against TrumpBusiness Insider
The Nation. –Los Angeles Times –Bloomberg
all 2,667 news articles »
Flynn’s plea is bad for Trump. But he may never face any consequences.

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Former National Security Adviser Lt. General Michael Flynn’s Friday guilty plea to making false statements to the FBI about his conversations before President Donald Trump’s inauguration— reportedly a deal in exchange for his cooperation with the investigation of retired FBI director Robert Mueller — is bad news for Trump.
It shouldn’t be surprisingly bad news: After all, Trump didn’t allegedly pressure former FBI director James Comey to drop the investigation into Flynn, nor then fire Comey when he refused because he thought that Flynn hadn’t done anything that would implicate Trump and/or his close associates.
But it shows that Mueller is leading a serious, meticulous investigation that is carefully being built from the ground up, like an organized crime investigation, which won’t be easy for Trump to derail. Flynn would not have been offered a plea on a relatively minor charge if Mueller didn’t think he had information that was valuable to his investigation.
The facts to which Flynn agreed in his plea are in themselves very damning to Trump: Most critically, Flynn has acknowledged that at least one his conversations with Kislyak took place at the direction of a “very senior” official on Trump’s transition team — reportedly,Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner — who asked Flynn to ask Kislyak to oppose or delay a United Nations Security Council resolution declaring Israeli settlements in the West Bank illegal.
So not only is Kushner also now in substantial legal jeopardy, but this latest revelation brings the personal ties between the Trump campaign and the Russian government not only into Trump’s closest political circles, but into his family.
Worse yet is, according to a report from ABC News, that Flynn is prepared to testify that Trump asked him to speak with representatives of the Russian government during the campaign. That would suggest significant ties between the campaign and a state that was almost certainly intervening in the election in favor of Trump.

Flynn would not have been offered a plea on a relatively minor charge if Mueller didn’t think he had information that was valuable.

Still, it’s impossible to know at this point precisely where Mueller’s investigation will lead. Flynn may well have information that is seriously damaging for senior advisers besides Kushner — like Donald Trump Jr. who, during the campaign, met with a Russian lawyer who claimed to have information from the Russian government that was damaging to Hillary Clinton.
But everyone implicated by Flynn would become someone else with incentives to provide further information. It’s entirely possible that this chain of testimony could lead all the way to the president himself; at a minimum, some of his closest advisers are very likely to be implicated
This doesn’t guarantee, of course, that Flynn or any other Trump associate will end up in jail or that Mueller’s investigation will fully play out. Trump has two formidable weapons he can still use. The first is a plenary power to pardon people for federal offenses, including preemptively. If the investigation gets too close, Trump could simply pardon Flynn, Kushner, his sons and anyone else Mueller’s investigation might implicate.

Because of the care Mueller is evidently taking with his investigation, however, Trump might not be able to escape trouble so easily.

And, should Mueller’s investigation continue to accumulate damning information, Trump could also have it shut down. If Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein — who is ultimately in charge of the Mueller investigation because Attorney General Jeff Sessions recused himself over his own meetings with Russian officials — refused to shut down Mueller’s investigation, Trump could fire him and find someone in the Justice Department who would.
Because of the care Mueller is evidently taking with his investigation, however, Trump might not be able to escape trouble so easily. Trump’s pardon power doesn’t extend to state crimes, and Mueller’s investigation may well uncover illegal activity (including money laundering) that is illegal under New York as well as federal law. Were Trump to shut down Mueller’s federal investigation, New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman would likely be particularly inclined to be aggressive in investigating violations of state law by Trump and his associates — and Mueller is certainly aware of this.
Still, if Trump issues blanket pardons or terminates Mueller’s investigation, the short-term remedies at the federal level might be limited. It is clear that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and Speaker of the House Paul Ryan will not seriously investigate Trump, let alone impeach and convict him, as long as he will advance their agenda.
Ultimately, payback for Trump’s actions may have to be at the ballot box next November, and then in 2020.
Scott Lemieux is a lecturer in the Department of Political Science at the University of Washington. He is the co-author of Judicial Review and Democratic Theory and contributes regularly to The Week, Reuters and the New Republic.

Flynn’s plea is bad for Trump. But he may never face any consequences. –

mikenova shared this story from trump under federal investigation – Google News.
Flynn’s plea is bad for Trump. But he may never face any consequences.
Because of the care Mueller is evidently taking with his investigation, however, Trump might not be able to escape trouble so easily. Trump’s pardon power doesn’t extend to state crimes, and Mueller’s investigation may well uncover illegal activity 
Michael Flynn’s Guilty Plea Sends Donald Trump’s Lawyers ScramblingThe New Yorker
The four people charged so far in Russia investigationUSA TODAY
Did Trump team plan to reward Russians for election meddling?CNN
Chicago Tribune –Washington Post –Slate Magazine
all 2,647 news articles »
What Flynn’s guilty plea means for Trump and the GOP –

mikenova shared this story from trump and republican party – Google News.
What Flynn’s guilty plea means for Trump and the GOP
WASHINGTON It’s going to get harder for President Donald Trump to distance himself politically from Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia probe after Michael Flynn’s guilty plea and that could be bad news for his fellow Republicans at the polls 
GOP races to pass tax plan as Russia probe threatens to take down Trump administrationCNBC
all 2,633 news articles »
Michael Flynn Knew the FBI Had Heard His Calls with Russians. So Why Did He Lie About Them? – Daily Beast

mikenova shared this story from Russian Intelligence services – Google News.

Daily Beast
Michael Flynn Knew the FBI Had Heard His Calls with Russians. So Why Did He Lie About Them?
Daily Beast
For example, the FBI has conducted extensive physical and electronic surveillance of the defendants including the covert placement of microphone-type listening devices in certain locations; the covert placement of video cameras in public locations
Here’s what Mike Flynn lied to the FBI aboutVICE News
Mike Flynn, Trump and Mar-a-Lago: A timeline on path to guilty pleaPalm Beach Post
Russian investigation reaches White
Slate Magazine (blog) –NBC Montana
all 2,518 news articles »
Mike Flynn – Google News: ‘Something was desperately wrong with this guy’: US Army lieutenant general who served with Mike Flynn weighs in on … – Business Insider

mikenova shared this story from 1. Trump Investigation – Mike Flynn from mikenova (9 sites).

Business Insider
‘Something was desperately wrong with this guy’: US Army lieutenant general who served with Mike Flynnweighs in on …
Business Insider
A retired US Army lieutenant general weighed in on Michael Flynn’s guilty plea in the ongoing Russia investigation. Lt. Gen. Mark Hertling, who served with Flynn in the US Army, said he believes the former national security adviser’s downfall was the
and more »

 Mike Flynn – Google News

The details of Michael Flynns plea deal with Robert Mueller are nothing short of brutal

mikenova shared this story from Palmer Report.

Just how hard of a bargain does Robert Mueller drive? He handed what initially appeared to be a sweetheart deal to Michael Flynn, and in exchange Flynn agreed to provide evidence to incriminate Donald Trump, Jared Kushner, and other key players in the Trump-Russia scandal. But the details of that plea deal are now surfacing, and what’s stunning is just how little Mueller ended up giving Flynn when it comes down to it. This is nothing short of brutal.
Legal experts dissected the Flynn plea deal during Rachel Maddow’s MSNBC show on Friday night, and I’ll spare you the legalese and boil it down to three points for you. First: Flynn’s deal only grants him leniency on the charge of lying to the FBI. If Mueller doesn’t end up liking what he sees going forward, he can still charge Flynn with other crimes. Second: Mueller now officially owns Flynn. He can make him wear a wire, or dress up like a chicken. The third bullet point is the most astounding one.
There is nothing in the plea deal which formally protects Michael Flynn Jr. By now we all know that Michael Flynn cut the deal in order to protect his son. But even that’s not guaranteed. If Mueller doesn’t like how things are going, he can go back and charge Junior with various crimes at any point. This motivates Flynn to work as hard as he possibly can to help take down the likes of Trump and Kushner, because his son is still far from officially being in the clear.
This deal offers the clearest insight yet into just how brutally effective Robert Mueller can be with his wheeling and dealing. It’s not that he’s trying to torture Michael Flynn. It’s that he wants to keep Flynn motivated to continue cooperating as emphatically as possible. It also means no one else in the Trump-Russia scandal is getting free lunch if they seek a plea deal of their own.
The post The details of Michael Flynn’s plea deal with Robert Mueller are nothing short of brutalappeared first on Palmer Report.

Michael Flynn may have just incriminated Tom Cotton, Donald Trumps new CIA Director pick, in Russia scandal

mikenova shared this story from Palmer Report.

Earlier this week, just as it was becoming clear that Michael Flynn was about to cut a devastating plea deal against Donald Trump and other big fish in the Russia scandal, Trump began pushing a weird sideshow story. He suddenly wants to oust Secretary of State Rex Tillerson after months of hemming and hawing about it, as part of a series of moves that would elevate Senator Tom Cotton to CIA Director. Now that Flynn’s deal is official, it reveals that Cotton may have been part of the Trump-Russia conspiracy all along.
Let’s emphasize the word “may” here. Perhaps this is all one massive coincidence. Perhaps Trump really does just happen to be looking to give Cotton a coveted promotion, just as Michael Flynn seems to be pointing the finger at Cotton. But if this is a coincidence, it’s a remarkable one. Flynn is confessing that while he was conspiring with the Russian Ambassador to sabotage President Obama’s Russian sanctions, he was relaying that conversation to the Trump national security transition team. Guess who was on that team? Tom Cotton.
We may have to wait a bit to see whether Flynn is referring to everyone on the Trump national security transition team, or just some of its members. But if Flynn is referring to the entire team, then he’s accusing Tom Cotton of having known about the Trump-Russia conspiracy since at least December. If Cotton knew about that felony conspiracy and failed to report it, he would be guilty of a felony himself, and Trump could be offering him a promotion in the hope of buying his continued silence.
Again, let’s not get ahead of ourselves here. We can’t assume Tom Cotton is guilty of anything. But if Michael Flynn really did just implicate Cotton in the Trump-Russa conspiracy, it would very conveniently explain why Donald Trump is trying to buy Cotton’s silence by giving him a promotion, However, if Cotton was looking to disappear into the recesses of the CIA before he could become a suspect in the Trump-Russia scandal, Trump may have blown it by taking this step far too late in the game. Trump should have made the move months ago. Now it may be too late.
The post Michael Flynn may have just incriminated Tom Cotton, Donald Trump’s new CIA Director pick, in Russia scandal appeared first on Palmer Report.