FBI News Review

9:04 AM 12/5/2017 – Saved Stories: Recent Searches December 2017 | Trump Has Now Urged Seven Officials…

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Recent Searches December 2017
Trump Has Now Urged Seven Officials to Help End the Russia Probes
A special counsel needs to investigate the FBI and Justice Department. Now. – Washington Post
FBI director tells staff to ‘expect — and welcome’ tough questions – CNN
A special counsel needs to investigate the FBI and Justice Department. Now. – The Washington Post
3:38 AM 12/5/2017 A special counsel needs to investigate the FBI and Justice Department. Now. The Washington Post
fbi – Google News: Tucker Carlson: “Out Of Control” FBI Considers Itself Above The Law, Threat To Every American – RealClearPolitics
How Nonpartisan and Independent Was the FBI’s Leadership in 2016? – National Review
fbi – Google News: House Intel chairman threatens FBI director, deputy AG with contempt of Congress – USA TODAY
Tucker Carlson: “Out Of Control” FBI Considers Itself Above The Law, Threat To Every American | Video
4:34 AM 12/5/2017 “Out Of Control” FBI Considers Itself Above The Law, Threat To Every American | The World News and Times
FBI News Review | | Investigate the investigators! Save America! Reform the FBI now! | News, Reviews, Analysis, Opinions
Law enforcement officials warily eye White House as Trump criticizes FBI – Washington Post
Director Defends F.B.I. After Trump Says Bureau Is in Tatters
Yes, the President Can Obstruct Justice
Ex-Justice Department officials defend FBI after Trump says bureau is ‘in tatters’ – Yahoo News
FBI Director Chris Wray sends internal email to boost employee morale – CBS News
Tucker Carlson: “Out Of Control” FBI Considers Itself Above The Law, Threat To Every American – RealClearPolitics
Mueller reportedly subpoenas Deutsche Bank in Russia probe – Fox News
Mueller reportedly subpoenaed Deutsche Bank for information on Trump and his family – Business Insider
Deutsche Bank Subpoenaed in Mueller Probe into Trump Ties With Russia – Reports –
Trump hits FBI, Clinton as debate over Mike Flynn plea intensifies – Fox News
Mueller’s Facts and Trump’s Make-Believe – New York Times
Mueller reportedly subpoenaed Deutsche Bank for Trump finances – Axios
Andrew McCabe – Google News: Old Sarah Huckabee Sanders tweet about ‘attacking FBI’ goes viral after Trump’s tweetstorm – The Daily Dot
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Recent Searches December 2017

mikenova shared this story from The Web World News.

Trump Has Now Urged Seven Officials to Help End the Russia Probes

mikenova shared this story from Newsweek.

President Donald Trump has pushed at least seven officials to put an end to investigations at various levels of government into whether his campaign helped Russia meddle in the 2016 presidential election.
On Thursday The New York Times revealed that over the summer Trump urged members of the Senate—including those leading the Senate Intelligence Committee’s Russia investigation—to wrap up their investigations.
The chairman of the intelligence committee, Republican Richard Burr, said in an interview that Trump made a request “something along the lines of ‘I hope you can conclude this as quickly as possible.’”
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President Donald Trump speaks with reporters at the White House on November 28. The president has reportedly asked several officials to end the Russia investigations as soon as possible. Jonathan Ernst/Reuters
However, a Republican senator who spoke to Burr told the Times that Trump had been “very forceful” in conversations with Burr. Another senator, who also remained anonymous, told the paper Trump called other congressional members, asking them to lean on Burr to end the investigation.
Burr said other members of his committee told him of similar calls they received from Trump but said he didn’t feel pressured to end the probe, chalking up the president’s actions to inexperience.
According to lawmakers and aides, Trump also approached Republican Senator Roy Blunt, who sits on the committee, and Senate Majority leader Mitch McConnell, with requests to end the investigations quickly.
Related: Has Michael Flynn flipped? Special counsel Robert Mueller’s team reportedly met with his lawyer
The news brings to seven the total number of officials Trump has asked to help end the multiple investigations moving forward in both branches of Congress and the Department of Justice.
Special counsel Robert Mueller is pushing ahead with his investigation of whether Trump obstructed justice by firing former FBI Director James Comey, who was leading one of the investigations.
Congress started its investigation early this year after key American intelligence agencies compiled a report that found Russia worked to undermine Trump’s campaign rival Hillary Clinton and assist his campaign.
The latest news is a “huge story,” wrote attorney Norm Eisen on Twitter Thursday because it “corroborates a corrupt motive” for Trump’s firing of Comey on May 9.
Eisen, a former White House special counsel for ethics and a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution, published a report in October arguing that Trump obstructed justice by attempting to intervene in the investigations.
In a letter written by Comey ahead of his testimony to Burr’s committee in June, he wrote that Trump had pressured him on several occasions to end the part of the investigation examining former national security adviser Michael Flynn.
Writing about a rare private meeting between the president and his top law enforcement official in February, Comey said Trump tried to pressure him into “letting Flynn go.” The request came after Flynn misled Vice President Mike Pence about contact he had had with the Russian ambassador. Trump made a similar request to him in a phone call, Comey said.
During closed testimony before Burr’s committee and in separate interviews with Mueller’s legal team in June, two top Trump administration intelligence officials said the president approached them to defend him publicly against the investigations, multiple sources told CNN.
Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats and National Security Agency Director Mike Rogers said Trump asked them to state publicly that his campaign did not work with Russia to interfere in the election. A report by The Wall Street Journal in June cited sources who said Trump also called Rogers to state publicly that there is no evidence his campaign colluded with Russia.
Officials who spoke with The Washington Post in June said that Trump applied pressure to CIA Director Mike Pompeo in March when he kept Pompeo and Coats behind after a meeting to complain about Comey’s handling of the Russia investigation. Coats reportedly told other officials that Trump had asked for an intervention. It is not known whether Trump asked Pompeo directly to intervene.
Trump’s request came after Comey testified before Congress that the FBI was investigating whether Trump’s campaign worked with Russia during the election campaign.
“Who believes at this point he didn’t obstruct justice?” former Department of Justice public affairs director Matthew Miller‏ wrote on Twitter Thursday.
“Pressuring senators to end an investigation that impacts him & those close to him could be further evidence of obstruction of justice by the President,” wrote Noah Bookbinder‏, an attorney who co-wrote the report with Eisen, on Thursday. He called Trump’s behavior “part of a pattern of conduct.”
A special counsel needs to investigate the FBI and Justice Department. Now. – Washington Post

mikenova shared this story from Peter Strzok – Google News.

The Rebel
A special counsel needs to investigate the FBI and Justice Department. Now.
Washington Post
The Post reported that a former top FBI official, Peter Strzok, who had been assigned to and then removed from special counsel Robert S. Mueller III’s investigation, had exchanged politically charged texts disparaging [President] Trump and supporting 
FBI’s Disgraced Strzok interveiwed both Flynn and HillaryThe Rebel
Conway on Allegedly ‘Tainted’ FBI Agent: Americans Frustrated by Clinton Double StandardFox News Insiderall 4 news articles »
FBI director tells staff to ‘expect — and welcome’ tough questions – CNN

mikenova shared this story from Peter Strzok – Google News.

FBI director tells staff to ‘expect — and welcome’ tough questions
Read More. Wray also did not mention the case of Peter Strzok, the bureau official who was removed by special counsel Robert Mueller from his team of investigators over the summer after an internal investigation found messages he sent that could be and more »
A special counsel needs to investigate the FBI and Justice Department. Now. – The Washington Post

mikenova shared this story .

Robert S. Mueller III. (Charles Dharapak/Associated Press)

December 4 at 6:11 PM

The Post reported that a former top FBI official, Peter Strzok, who had been assigned to and then removed from special counsel Robert S. Mueller III’s investigation, had “exchanged politically charged texts disparaging [President] Trump and supporting Democrat Hillary Clinton” and that Strzok was “also a key player in the investigation into Clinton’s use of a private email server.”
This is a blockbuster revelation, carrying the possibility of shattering public confidence in a number of long-held assumptions about the criminal-justice system generally and the FBI and the Justice Department specifically. The Justice Department should appoint a special counsel to investigate Strzok’s actions as soon as possible.
The Strzok report comes on heels of the widely derided Justice Department investigation into IRS discrimination against conservative groups, including the disposition of allegations against IRS senior official Lois Lerner, and after the wildly erratic behavior of then-FBI Director James B. Comey during 2016. It also follows the vote to hold then-Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. in contempt of Congress — the first ever against a sitting member of the Cabinet — with 17 Democrats voting in support. Mix into this battering of the Justice Department’s and FBI’s reputations the still-murky charges and counter-charges of abuse of “unmasking” powers during the waning days of the Obama era.

The story must be told.
Your subscription supports journalism that matters.

As a result, a large swath of responsible center-right observers are now demanding a full review of the investigation and prosecution powers wielded by the Obama-era Justice Department and FBI. Former federal prosecutor Andrew C. McCarthy wrote in the National Review on Saturday that President Trump should call for a second independent counsel to investigate abuse of the counterintelligence authorities under President Barack Obama, abuses he suggests were undertaken to protect the controversial Iran deal on nuclear weapons.

This is an excellent idea. The new special counsel could also review Strzok’s texts and, more crucially, his conduct throughout 2015 and 2016. Strzok may be completely innocent of anything except an off-handed joke that the straight-laced Mueller deemed necessary to punish in a display of a “Caesar’s wife” sort of purity of purpose. But if his texts to FBI lawyer Lisa Page reveal a partisan animus towards Trump or admiration for Clinton, then the bureau and the department have a huge problem on their hands and not just with Strzok and Page.
When FBI Special Agent Robert Hanssen was revealed to have committed espionage against the United States, it didn’t mean that even one other member of the bureau was guilty of Hanssen’s sins, but it did require a painstaking review of all of Hanssen’s activities and inputs, as all of them had to be reconsidered in light of his treasonous behavior.
If Strzok’s texts reveal deep animus towards Trump or an operational effort to tilt one or more investigations, then all of his actions have to be reviewed to assure the public’s confidence in the bureau. That one or two agents or officials of the bureau are discovered to have been acting from improper motives would be bad enough. To try and sweep those activities under the rug would be worse. Against the backdrop of other recent controversies, it would be disastrous.
Step one is a quick publication of the questionable texts. All of them. The public has a right to know what the predicate for Mueller’s extraordinary action was. The public also deserves a detailed account of Strzok’s (and Page’s) duties and authorities during the years in question. If an NBA official was discovered to have purposefully thrown even one game, every game in which he had carried a whistle would be under the microscope. That’s how it works.
Unless there’s a coverup.
Nevertheless, just as Hanssen was “one bad apple” who didn’t spoil the bunch, so even an out-of-bounds Strzok doesn’t necessarily mean anything about the FBI beyond him. To get to the truth, and restore confidence in federal law enforcement, better a special counsel to conduct the inquiry, bring any necessary charges and make a report — someone without ties to the president or his opponents.
They do exist, such men and women. Former federal judges make excellent candidates. But we need one appointed right now.

3:38 AM 12/5/2017 A special counsel needs to investigate the FBI and Justice Department. Now. The Washington Post

mikenova shared this story from FBI News Review.

A special counsel needs to investigate the FBI and Justice Department. Now. – The Washington Post When FBI Special Agent Robert Hanssen was revealed to have committed espionage against the United States, it didnt mean that even one other member of the bureau was guilty of Hanssens sins, but it did require a painstaking review of all … Continue reading“3:38 AM 12/5/2017 – A special counsel needs to investigate the FBI and Justice Department. Now. – The Washington Post”

fbi – Google News: Tucker Carlson: “Out Of Control” FBI Considers Itself Above The Law, Threat To Every American – RealClearPolitics

mikenova shared this story from 1. FBI from mikenova (16 sites).

Tucker Carlson: “Out Of Control” FBI Considers Itself Above The Law, Threat To Every American
Tucker Carlson delivers commentary on FBI agent Peter Strzok and an “out of control” FBI on Monday’s broadcast of his FOX News show. Strzok was heavily involved in two politicized cases — the Clinton email investigation and the Russian collusion probe  

 fbi – Google News

How Nonpartisan and Independent Was the FBI’s Leadership in 2016? – National Review

mikenova shared this story from fbi criticism – Google News.

National Review
How Nonpartisan and Independent Was the FBI’s Leadership in 2016?
National Review
Yes, President Trump doesn’t help himself when he Tweets, After years of Comey, with the phony and dishonest Clinton investigation (and more), running the FBI, its reputation is in Tatters worst in History! But criticism of a particular FBI 
Russia-Trump: President criticised for attacking FBIBBC News
President Trump complains about ‘unfair’ treatment of Michael FlynnChicago Tribune
Trump slams DOJ and FBI in weekend tweetstormCNN
The Daily Caller –U.S. News & World Report
all 3,000 news articles »
fbi – Google News: House Intel chairman threatens FBI director, deputy AG with contempt of Congress – USA TODAY

mikenova shared this story from 1. FBI from mikenova (16 sites).

House Intel chairman threatens FBI director, deputy AG with contempt of Congress
WASHINGTON House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes has directed his staff to prepare a contempt of Congress resolution against FBI Director Christopher Wray and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein for “hiding” a top agent’s alleged 
House Republicans Prepare Contempt Action Against FBI, DOJBloomberg
House Republicans target FBI, DOJ for contempt over Russia
Justice Dept. offers up key witness in Russia probe as House Intel Chair threatens contemptCNN
Breitbart News –PJ Media – –Washington Examiner
all 31 news articles »

 fbi – Google News

Tucker Carlson: “Out Of Control” FBI Considers Itself Above The Law, Threat To Every American | Video

mikenova shared this story .

Tucker Carlson delivers commentary on FBI agent Peter Strzok and an “out of control” FBI on Monday’s broadcast of his FOX News show. Strzok was heavily involved in two politicized cases — the Clinton email investigation and the Russian collusion probe and oversaw interviews with Mike Flynn.
“There are many examples of this, but the point is clear, the FBI is out of control and not just in the Trump investigation but much more broadly. An agency charged with enforcing the law clearly considers itself above the law, and that is a threat to you and every American, no matter who you voted for,” Carlson said Monday.
Carlson also reported that Strzok had a hand in the wording of then-FBI Director James Comey’s infamous statement clearing Hillary Clinton of wrongdoing in the investigation into her private server. Strzok reportedly prodded Comey to use “extremely careless” instead of “grossly negligent.”
Strzok has since been removed from Mueller’s investigative team after it was found out he exchanged anti-Trump text messages with a mistress.

CARLSON: Two days ago comment news broke that a key figure in the Mueller investigation, a longtime FBI official named Peter Strzok had been removed from his job for sending highly political text messages to his mistress, whose another FBI official.
Apparently, those texts attacked President Trump and expressed affection for Hillary Clinton. Ordinarily, this would not rate a headline. Even career government officials are allowed to have political views. But this is no ordinary moment. Peter Strzok is at the very center of the two most politicized Justice Department cases in a generation.
Strzok was first of all deeply involved in the investigation of Hillary Clinton’s private email server last year. At the conclusion of that investigation, it was apparently Strzok who changed the FBI’s description of what Hillary did from “grossly negligent” to “extremely careless.” Now, the first description is a crime, the second is merely a blunder. So in effect, Peter Strzok exonerated Hillary Clinton in the middle of a presidential campaign.

Carlson said when Strzok interviewed Flynn, the one that resulted in his guilty plea, the then-National Security Advisor did not have a lawyer present because he had no idea he was being officially interviewed.

CARLSON: In effect, Peter Strzok exonerated Hillary Clinton in the middle of a presidential campaign. But then he kept going. Strzok went on to sign the document, the official document that opened an investigation into Russian meddling in an election. The very same investigation the Hillary campaign was calling for at the time. The one that has now completely overwhelmed to the Trump presidency.
And if that wasn’t enough, it was also Peter Strzok who, according to news accounts this afternoon oversaw the FBI’s interviews in January with general Mike Flynn at the White House. The ones that resulted in Flynn pleading guilty to felony charges on Friday. Apparently, Flynn had no idea he was being interviewed and that would explain why he didn’t have a lawyer present. If true, that would qualify as trickery, it would be unethical.

4:34 AM 12/5/2017 “Out Of Control” FBI Considers Itself Above The Law, Threat To Every American | The World News and Times

mikenova shared this story from The World News and Times.

Tucker Carlson Tonight 12/4/17 – Tucker Carlson Tonight December 4, 2017 Fox News

“As a result, a large swath of responsible center-right observers are now demanding a full review of the investigation and prosecution powers wielded by the Obama-era Justice Department and FBI. Former federal prosecutor Andrew C. McCarthy wrote in the National Review on Saturday that President Trump should call for a second independent counsel to

investigate abuse of the counterintelligence authorities under President Barack Obama,

abuses he suggests were undertaken to protect the controversial Iran deal on nuclear weapons.


This is an excellent idea. The new special counsel could also review…” 

FBI News Review 

Investigate the investigators! Save America! Reform the FBI now!

News, Reviews, Analysis, Opinions

“There are many examples of this, but the point is clear,

the FBI is out of control

and not just in the Trump investigation but much more broadly.

An agency charged with enforcing the law clearly considers itself above the law, and that is a threat to you and every American,

no matter who you voted for,” Carlson said Monday.

Mike Nova’s Shared NewsLinks

Mike Nova’s Shared NewsLinks
fbi – Google News: House Intel chairman threatens FBI director, deputy AG with contempt of Congress – USA TODAY
3:38 AM 12/5/2017 A special counsel needs to investigate the FBI and Justice Department. Now. The Washington Post
FBI director tells staff to ‘expect — and welcome’ tough questions – CNN
A special counsel needs to investigate the FBI and Justice Department. Now. – Washington Post
Trump Has Now Urged Seven Officials to Help End the Russia Probes
Recent Searches December 2017
3:36 AM 12/4/2017 – British security services are vastly outgunned by the Russian counterintelligence…
3:36 AM 12/4/2017 – British security services are vastly outgunned by the Russian counterintelligence…
4:02 AM 12/4/2017 – The FBI’s reputation is “in Tatters worst in History!” New FBI Director Chris …
5:23 AM 12/4/2017 – Et Tu, Brutus?! Met Opera Suspends James Levine After New Sexual Abuse Accusations…
The U.S. and Global Security Review: Behavior and Law: M.N.: FBI, get your hands off the Sciences!!! We d…
M.N.: FBI, get your hands off the Sciences!!! We do need the comprehensive, in-depth, objective investigation…
Personally, besides the FBIs blatant and undue interference in political matters, I am especially concerned…
8:47 AM 12/4/2017 – Dear Mr. Clapper…
Putin, Trump and ISIS ‘main threats to liberal values,’ European deputies say –
Turkey issues warrant for ex-CIA officer over alleged role in 2016 coup
All the signs in the Russia probe point to Jared Kushner. Who next? – The Guardian
Is Vladimir Putin really the evil genius behind Donald Trump? – Toronto Star
Russia edges in as key power broker with North Korea – Nikkei Asian Review
Who’s an Oligarch? Rich Russians Fret Over US Sanctions Label – Bloomberg
Little peace, and our strength is ebbing: A report from the Reagan National Defense Forum. – National Review


Mike Nova’s Shared NewsLinks
Tucker Carlson: “Out Of Control” FBI Considers Itself Above The Law, Threat To Every American | Video
mikenova shared this story .

Tucker Carlson delivers commentary on FBI agent Peter Strzok and an “out of control” FBI on Monday’s broadcast of his FOX News show. Strzok was heavily involved in two politicized cases — the Clinton email investigation and the Russian collusion probe and oversaw interviews with Mike Flynn.
“There are many examples of this, but the point is clear, the FBI is out of control and not just in the Trump investigation but much more broadly. An agency charged with enforcing the law clearly considers itself above the law, and that is a threat to you and every American, no matter who you voted for,” Carlson said Monday.
Carlson also reported that Strzok had a hand in the wording of then-FBI Director James Comey’s infamous statement clearing Hillary Clinton of wrongdoing in the investigation into her private server. Strzok reportedly prodded Comey to use “extremely careless” instead of “grossly negligent.”
Strzok has since been removed from Mueller’s investigative team after it was found out he exchanged anti-Trump text messages with a mistress.

CARLSON: Two days ago comment news broke that a key figure in the Mueller investigation, a longtime FBI official named Peter Strzok had been removed from his job for sending highly political text messages to his mistress, whose another FBI official.
Apparently, those texts attacked President Trump and expressed affection for Hillary Clinton. Ordinarily, this would not rate a headline. Even career government officials are allowed to have political views. But this is no ordinary moment. Peter Strzok is at the very center of the two most politicized Justice Department cases in a generation.
Strzok was first of all deeply involved in the investigation of Hillary Clinton’s private email server last year. At the conclusion of that investigation, it was apparently Strzok who changed the FBI’s description of what Hillary did from “grossly negligent” to “extremely careless.” Now, the first description is a crime, the second is merely a blunder. So in effect, Peter Strzok exonerated Hillary Clinton in the middle of a presidential campaign.

Carlson said when Strzok interviewed Flynn, the one that resulted in his guilty plea, the then-National Security Advisor did not have a lawyer present because he had no idea he was being officially interviewed.

CARLSON: In effect, Peter Strzok exonerated Hillary Clinton in the middle of a presidential campaign. But then he kept going. Strzok went on to sign the document, the official document that opened an investigation into Russian meddling in an election. The very same investigation the Hillary campaign was calling for at the time. The one that has now completely overwhelmed to the Trump presidency.
And if that wasn’t enough, it was also Peter Strzok who, according to news accounts this afternoon oversaw the FBI’s interviews in January with general Mike Flynn at the White House. The ones that resulted in Flynn pleading guilty to felony charges on Friday. Apparently, Flynn had no idea he was being interviewed and that would explain why he didn’t have a lawyer present. If true, that would qualify as trickery, it would be unethical.

fbi – Google News: House Intel chairman threatens FBI director, deputy AG with contempt of Congress – USA TODAY
mikenova shared this story from 1. FBI from mikenova (16 sites).

House Intel chairman threatens FBI director, deputy AG with contempt of Congress
WASHINGTON House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes has directed his staff to prepare a contempt of Congress resolution against FBI Director Christopher Wray and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein for “hiding” a top agent’s alleged 
House Republicans Prepare Contempt Action Against FBI, DOJBloomberg
House Republicans target FBI, DOJ for contempt over Russia investigation<a href=”” rel=”nofollow”></a>
Justice Dept. offers up key witness in Russia probe as House Intel Chair threatens contemptCNN
Breitbart News –PJ Media – –Washington Examiner
all 31 news articles »

 fbi – Google News

How Nonpartisan and Independent Was the FBI’s Leadership in 2016? – National Review
mikenova shared this story from fbi criticism – Google News.

National Review
How Nonpartisan and Independent Was the FBI’s Leadership in 2016?
National Review
Yes, President Trump doesn’t help himself when he Tweets, After years of Comey, with the phony and dishonest Clinton investigation (and more), running the FBI, its reputation is in Tatters worst in History! But criticism of a particular FBI 
Russia-Trump: President criticised for attacking FBIBBC News
President Trump complains about ‘unfair’ treatment of Michael FlynnChicago Tribune
Trump slams DOJ and FBI in weekend tweetstormCNN
The Daily Caller –U.S. News & World Report
all 3,000 news articles »
fbi – Google News: Tucker Carlson: “Out Of Control” FBI Considers Itself Above The Law, Threat To Every American – RealClearPolitics
mikenova shared this story from 1. FBI from mikenova (16 sites).

Tucker Carlson: “Out Of Control” FBI Considers Itself Above The Law, Threat To Every American
Tucker Carlson delivers commentary on FBI agent Peter Strzok and an “out of control” FBI on Monday’s broadcast of his FOX News show. Strzok was heavily involved in two politicized cases — the Clinton email investigation and the Russian collusion probe 

 fbi – Google News

3:38 AM 12/5/2017 A special counsel needs to investigate the FBI and Justice Department. Now. The Washington Post
mikenova shared this story from FBI News Review.

A special counsel needs to investigate the FBI and Justice Department. Now. – The Washington Post When FBI Special Agent Robert Hanssen was revealed to have committed espionage against the United States, it didnt mean that even one other member of the bureau was guilty of Hanssens sins, but it did require a painstaking review of all … Continue reading“3:38 AM 12/5/2017 – A special counsel needs to investigate the FBI and Justice Department. Now. – The Washington Post”

A special counsel needs to investigate the FBI and Justice Department. Now. – The Washington Post
mikenova shared this story .

Robert S. Mueller III. (Charles Dharapak/Associated Press)

December 4 at 6:11 PM

The Post reported that a former top FBI official, Peter Strzok, who had been assigned to and then removed from special counsel Robert S. Mueller III’s investigation, had “exchanged politically charged texts disparaging [President] Trump and supporting Democrat Hillary Clinton” and that Strzok was “also a key player in the investigation into Clinton’s use of a private email server.”
This is a blockbuster revelation, carrying the possibility of shattering public confidence in a number of long-held assumptions about the criminal-justice system generally and the FBI and the Justice Department specifically. The Justice Department should appoint a special counsel to investigate Strzok’s actions as soon as possible.
The Strzok report comes on heels of the widely derided Justice Department investigation into IRS discrimination against conservative groups, including the disposition of allegations against IRS senior official Lois Lerner, and after the wildly erratic behavior of then-FBI Director James B. Comey during 2016. It also follows the vote to hold then-Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. in contempt of Congress — the first ever against a sitting member of the Cabinet — with 17 Democrats voting in support. Mix into this battering of the Justice Department’s and FBI’s reputations the still-murky charges and counter-charges of abuse of “unmasking” powers during the waning days of the Obama era.

The story must be told.
Your subscription supports journalism that matters.

As a result, a large swath of responsible center-right observers are now demanding a full review of the investigation and prosecution powers wielded by the Obama-era Justice Department and FBI. Former federal prosecutor Andrew C. McCarthy wrote in the National Review on Saturday that President Trump should call for a second independent counsel to investigate abuse of the counterintelligence authorities under President Barack Obama, abuses he suggests were undertaken to protect the controversial Iran deal on nuclear weapons.

This is an excellent idea. The new special counsel could also review Strzok’s texts and, more crucially, his conduct throughout 2015 and 2016. Strzok may be completely innocent of anything except an off-handed joke that the straight-laced Mueller deemed necessary to punish in a display of a “Caesar’s wife” sort of purity of purpose. But if his texts to FBI lawyer Lisa Page reveal a partisan animus towards Trump or admiration for Clinton, then the bureau and the department have a huge problem on their hands and not just with Strzok and Page.
When FBI Special Agent Robert Hanssen was revealed to have committed espionage against the United States, it didn’t mean that even one other member of the bureau was guilty of Hanssen’s sins, but it did require a painstaking review of all of Hanssen’s activities and inputs, as all of them had to be reconsidered in light of his treasonous behavior.
If Strzok’s texts reveal deep animus towards Trump or an operational effort to tilt one or more investigations, then all of his actions have to be reviewed to assure the public’s confidence in the bureau. That one or two agents or officials of the bureau are discovered to have been acting from improper motives would be bad enough. To try and sweep those activities under the rug would be worse. Against the backdrop of other recent controversies, it would be disastrous.
Step one is a quick publication of the questionable texts. All of them. The public has a right to know what the predicate for Mueller’s extraordinary action was. The public also deserves a detailed account of Strzok’s (and Page’s) duties and authorities during the years in question. If an NBA official was discovered to have purposefully thrown even one game, every game in which he had carried a whistle would be under the microscope. That’s how it works.
Unless there’s a coverup.
Nevertheless, just as Hanssen was “one bad apple” who didn’t spoil the bunch, so even an out-of-bounds Strzok doesn’t necessarily mean anything about the FBI beyond him. To get to the truth, and restore confidence in federal law enforcement, better a special counsel to conduct the inquiry, bring any necessary charges and make a report — someone without ties to the president or his opponents.
They do exist, such men and women. Former federal judges make excellent candidates. But we need one appointed right now.

FBI director tells staff to ‘expect — and welcome’ tough questions – CNN
mikenova shared this story from Peter Strzok – Google News.

FBI director tells staff to ‘expect — and welcome’ tough questions
Read More. Wray also did not mention the case of Peter Strzok, the bureau official who was removed by special counsel Robert Mueller from his team of investigators over the summer after an internal investigation found messages he sent that could be and more »
A special counsel needs to investigate the FBI and Justice Department. Now. – Washington Post
mikenova shared this story from Peter Strzok – Google News.

The Rebel
A special counsel needs to investigate the FBI and Justice Department. Now.
Washington Post
The Post reported that a former top FBI official, Peter Strzok, who had been assigned to and then removed from special counsel Robert S. Mueller III’s investigation, had exchanged politically charged texts disparaging [President] Trump and supporting 
FBI’s Disgraced Strzok interveiwed both Flynn and HillaryThe Rebel
Conway on Allegedly ‘Tainted’ FBI Agent: Americans Frustrated by Clinton Double StandardFox News Insiderall 4 news articles »
Trump Has Now Urged Seven Officials to Help End the Russia Probes
mikenova shared this story from Newsweek.

President Donald Trump has pushed at least seven officials to put an end to investigations at various levels of government into whether his campaign helped Russia meddle in the 2016 presidential election.
FBI News Review | | Investigate the investigators! Save America! Reform the FBI now! | News, Reviews, Analysis, Opinions

mikenova shared this story from FBI News Review.

Tucker Carlson Tonight 12/4/17 | Fox News Today December 4, 2017

Tucker Carlson – YTS – YouTube Search

A special counsel needs to investigate the FBI and Justice Department. Now. – The Washington Post

When FBI Special Agent Robert Hanssen was revealed to have committed espionage against the United States, it didn’t mean that even one other member of the bureau was guilty of Hanssen’s sins, but it did require a painstaking review of all of Hanssen’s activities and inputs, as all of them had to be reconsidered in light of his treasonous behavior.

Tucker Carlson: “Out Of Control” FBI Considers Itself Above The Law, Threat To Every American

Mike Nova’s Shared NewsLinks

Mike Nova’s Shared NewsLinks
A special counsel needs to investigate the FBI and Justice Department. Now. – The Washington Post
FBI director tells staff to ‘expect — and welcome’ tough questions – CNN
A special counsel needs to investigate the FBI and Justice Department. Now. – Washington Post
Trump Has Now Urged Seven Officials to Help End the Russia Probes
Recent Searches December 2017
3:36 AM 12/4/2017 – British security services are vastly outgunned by the Russian counterintelligence…
3:36 AM 12/4/2017 – British security services are vastly outgunned by the Russian counterintelligence…
4:02 AM 12/4/2017 – The FBI’s reputation is “in Tatters worst in History!” New FBI Director Chris …
5:23 AM 12/4/2017 – Et Tu, Brutus?! Met Opera Suspends James Levine After New Sexual Abuse Accusations…
The U.S. and Global Security Review: Behavior and Law: M.N.: FBI, get your hands off the Sciences!!! We d…
M.N.: FBI, get your hands off the Sciences!!! We do need the comprehensive, in-depth, objective investigation…
Personally, besides the FBIs blatant and undue interference in political matters, I am especially concerned…
8:47 AM 12/4/2017 – Dear Mr. Clapper…
Putin, Trump and ISIS ‘main threats to liberal values,’ European deputies say –
Turkey issues warrant for ex-CIA officer over alleged role in 2016 coup
All the signs in the Russia probe point to Jared Kushner. Who next? – The Guardian
Is Vladimir Putin really the evil genius behind Donald Trump? – Toronto Star
Russia edges in as key power broker with North Korea – Nikkei Asian Review
Who’s an Oligarch? Rich Russians Fret Over US Sanctions Label – Bloomberg
Little peace, and our strength is ebbing: A report from the Reagan National Defense Forum. – National Review
James Comey, Sally Yates and Eric Holder defend FBI after Trump’s Twitter attack – Washington Post
Michael Flynn Investigation Sparks Concern About a Politicized FBI – LifeZette
Michael Flynn shouldn’t have lied about doing the right thing
If Michael Flynn’s ‘crime’ is all Robert Mueller has, it is time to move on – USA TODAY
Russia-Trump: President criticised for attacking FBI – BBC News
Mike Nova’s Shared NewsLinks
A special counsel needs to investigate the FBI and Justice Department. Now. – The Washington Post
mikenova shared this story .

Robert S. Mueller III. (Charles Dharapak/Associated Press)

December 4 at 6:11 PM

The Post reported that a former top FBI official, Peter Strzok, who had been assigned to and then removed from special counsel Robert S. Mueller III’s investigation, had “exchanged politically charged texts disparaging [President] Trump and supporting Democrat Hillary Clinton” and that Strzok was “also a key player in the investigation into Clinton’s use of a private email server.”

Law enforcement officials warily eye White House as Trump criticizes FBI – Washington Post

mikenova shared this story from fbi criticism – Google News.

Washington Post
Law enforcement officials warily eye White House as Trump criticizes FBI
Washington Post
FBI Director Christopher A. Wray sent a staff-wide message Monday in the wake of fresh criticism from President Trump, telling employees to keep focused on their mission and praising them for example after example” of their professionalism. The note 
Director Defends F.B.I. After Trump Says Bureau Is in ‘Tatters’ – The …New York Times
Clapper pushes back on Trump: FBI is premiere law enforcement …The Hill
FBI director tells staff to ‘expect — and welcome’ tough questionsCNN
TODAYonline –Newsmax
all 17 news articles »
Director Defends F.B.I. After Trump Says Bureau Is in Tatters

Christopher A. Wray, the F.B.I. director, did not mention the president in defending the agencys work force as focused on our critical mission.
Yes, the President Can Obstruct Justice

Also: Why lie if youve done nothing wrong?
Ex-Justice Department officials defend FBI after Trump says bureau is ‘in tatters’ – Yahoo News

Yahoo News
Ex-Justice Department officials defend FBI after Trump says bureau is ‘in tatters’
Yahoo News
At the time, the White House also said that Comey left the FBI disorganized and with low morale, though then-acting DirectorAndrew McCabe contradicted that claim. Trump ultimately appointed Christopher Wray to replace Comey, and the Senate confirmed and more »
FBI Director Chris Wray sends internal email to boost employee morale – CBS News

CBS News
FBI Director Chris Wray sends internal email to boost employee morale
CBS News
FBI Director Chris Wray sent an internal email to FBI employees Monday amid concerns about morale. On Sunday in a tweet President Trump had disparaged the Bureau as having a reputation “in tatters — worst in history.” In the email, which was obtained  
Tucker Carlson: “Out Of Control” FBI Considers Itself Above The Law, Threat To Every American – RealClearPolitics

Tucker Carlson: “Out Of Control” FBI Considers Itself Above The Law, Threat To Every American
Tucker Carlson delivers commentary on FBI agent Peter Strzok and an “out of control” FBI on Monday’s broadcast of his FOX News show. Strzok was heavily involved in two politicized cases — the Clinton email investigation and the Russian collusion probe  
FBI agent dismissed from Mueller probe changed Comey’s description of Clinton to ‘extremely careless’CNN
A special counsel needs to investigate the FBI and Justice Department. Now.Washington Post
Fact check: Trump accused Clinton of lying but the FBI said she did
FactCheck.orgNew York PostSlate Magazine
all 3,220 news articles »
Mueller reportedly subpoenas Deutsche Bank in Russia probe – Fox News

Fox News
Mueller reportedly subpoenas Deutsche Bank in Russia probe
Fox News
Strzok sent anti-Trump pro-Clinton text messages to his mistress; debate on ‘The Ingraham Angle.’ Robert Mueller, the special counsel investigating alleged Russian election meddling, reportedly subpoenaed Deutsche Bank several weeks ago, calling on the  
Mueller has subpoenaed Deutsche Bank for information on Trump and his familyBusiness Insider
Mueller Subpoenas Trump Deutsche Bank RecordsBloomberg
Mueller’s Facts and Trump’s Make-BelieveNew York Times
all 37 
Robert Mueller’s Investigation Has Transformed the White House Into a Paranoid HellscapeGQ Magazine
It’s time to ask every Republican this question about Trump and MuellerWashington Post
Why Mueller banished a top agent to the FBI’s ‘Siberia’CNN
Wall Street JournalReutersLos Angeles Times
all 3,193
 news articles »
Mueller reportedly subpoenaed Deutsche Bank for information on Trump and his family – Business Insider

Business Insider
Mueller reportedly subpoenaed Deutsche Bank for information on Trump and his family
Business Insider
Robert Mueller, the Special Counsel investigating President Donald Trump’s campaign’s ties to Russia, has reportedly subpoenaed Deutsche Bank for data on accounts held by Trump and his family. Deutsche Bank has loaned the Trump organization millions 
Mueller Subpoenas Trump Deutsche Bank RecordsBloomberg
Mueller reportedly subpoenas Deutsche Bank in Russia probeFox News
Donald Trump’s personal banking information handed over to Robert MuellerThe Guardian
all 13 news articles »
Deutsche Bank Subpoenaed in Mueller Probe into Trump Ties With Russia – Reports –
Deutsche Bank Subpoenaed in Mueller Probe into Trump Ties With Russia – Reports
Deutsche Bank AG (DB) shares fell Tuesday amid reports that German’s biggest lender has been asked by Special Counsel Robert Mueller to provide details on accounts held by U.S. President Donald Trump and his family. German business daily Handelsblatt  
Trump hits FBI, Clinton as debate over Mike Flynn plea intensifies – Fox News

Fox News
Trump hits FBI, Clinton as debate over Mike Flynn plea intensifies
Fox News
His firing of James Comey almost definitely triggered the naming of (former FBI chief) Robert Mueller as special counsel, but it also enabled the president to install Christopher Wray as the new director. Wray has kept an extraordinarily low profile 
Tucker Carlson: “Out Of Control” FBI Considers Itself Above The Law, Threat To Every AmericanRealClearPolitics
Fact check: Trump accused Clinton of lying but the FBI said she did
FBI agent dismissed from Mueller probe changed Comey’s description of Clinton to ‘extremely careless’CNN
Washington Post – –HuffPost
all 3,295 news articles »
Mueller’s Facts and Trump’s Make-Believe – New York Times

New York Times
Mueller’s Facts and Trump’s Make-Believe
New York Times
Robert Mueller is why they may not work. Mueller, as the special counsel investigating Russian interference in the 2016 election, is interested in facts. On one side, the steady accumulation of facts and the flipping of Michael Flynn, Trump’s first and more »
Mueller reportedly subpoenaed Deutsche Bank for Trump finances – Axios

Mueller reportedly subpoenaed Deutsche Bank for Trump finances
Mueller reportedly subpoenaed Deutsche Bank for Trump finances. Photo: Andrew Harnik / AP. Special Counsel RobertMueller issued a subpoena to Deutsche Bank several weeks ago “to provide information on certain money and credit transactions” for  
Andrew McCabe – Google News: Old Sarah Huckabee Sanders tweet about ‘attacking FBI’ goes viral after Trump’s tweetstorm – The Daily Dot

The Daily Dot
Old Sarah Huckabee Sanders tweet about ‘attacking FBI’ goes viral after Trump’s tweetstorm
The Daily Dot
A tweet from White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders last year shortly before the presidential election has a bit of a different meaning after President Donald Trump blasted the FBI on Twitter over the weekend. On Nov. 3 last year, Sandersand more »