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FBI News Review

6:40 AM 1/31/2018 – Report: FBI's McCabe Sat on Weiner Laptop's Classified Clinton Emails…

Report: FBI’s McCabe Sat on Weiner Laptop’s Classified Clinton Emails on Eve of 2016 Election

PJ Media
Report: FBI’s McCabe Sat on Weiner Laptop’s Classified Clinton Emails on Eve of 2016 Election
PJ Media
Sources familiar with the upcoming Justice Department inspector general (IG) report on how the FBI handled the investigation into former secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s emails suggested that former deputy director Andrew McCabe — who was forced and more »
 Emails Investigation Reopening – Google News
McCabe Weiner Laptop Emails – Google Search
Story image for McCabe Weiner Laptop Emails from Daily Mail

REVEALED: FBI boss Andrew McCabe was forced out over concern …

Daily Mail6 hours ago
New details emerged Tuesday about what caused FBI deputy director Andrew McCabe to get forced out – including a revelation that the bureau’s inspector general was focusing in on why it took him weeks to examine Clinton emails discovered on Rep. Anthony Weiner’s laptop. The inspector general, who …
Media image for McCabe Weiner Laptop Emails from CNN


Media image for McCabe Weiner Laptop Emails from The Hill

The Hill

Media image for McCabe Weiner Laptop Emails from New York Post

New York Post

Media image for McCabe Weiner Laptop Emails from CNBC


Media image for McCabe Weiner Laptop Emails from Fox News

Fox News

Media image for McCabe Weiner Laptop Emails from Business Insider

Business Insider
Story image for McCabe Weiner Laptop Emails from PJ Media

Report: FBI’s McCabe Sat on Weiner Laptop’s Classified Clinton …

PJ Media5 hours ago
Sources familiar with the upcoming Justice Department inspector general (IG) report on how the FBI handled the investigation into former secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s emails suggested that former deputy director Andrew McCabe — who was forced to step down Monday — may have delayed the …
Story image for McCabe Weiner Laptop Emails from Arkansas Online

Ryan defends handling of GOP memo as proper

Arkansas Online1 hour ago
A major line of inquiry for the inspector general has been trying to determine who at the FBI and the Justice Department knew about the Clinton emails on the Weiner laptop and when they learned about them. McCabe is a central figure in those inquiries, these people said. The FBI declined to comment, as …
FBI News Review

6:01 AM 1/25/2018 – fbi scandal – Google News: FBI Texts and Dueling Memos Escalate Fight Over Russia Inquiry – New York Times

FBI from mikenova (10 sites) 

FBI from mikenova (13 sites)
fbi – Google News: ‘Storm Chasers’ Star Joel Taylor Apparent Fatal OD Triggers FBI Investigation –
‘Storm Chasers’ Star Joel Taylor Apparent Fatal OD Triggers FBI Investigation
We’re told there were huge quantities of party drugs on board the ship, including cocaine, Ecstasy and GHB. Our sources say several people were arrested before the ship left the Ft. Lauderdale port. After Taylor died, the boat docked in Puerto Rico andand more »

fbi – Google News

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FBI from mikenova (13 sites)
fbi – Google News: ‘Storm Chasers’ Star Joel Taylor Apparent Fatal OD Triggers FBI Investigation –
1. FBI from mikenova (16 sites): fbi – Google News: ‘Storm Chasers’ Star Joel Taylor Apparent Fatal OD Triggers FBI Investigation –
Crime and Criminology from mikenova (8 sites): Twitter Search / engcrimerussia: Rosneft insists on Schröders remuneration
Crime and Criminology from mikenova (8 sites): political crimes – Google News: Paul Manafort has a point – The Times and Democrat
Crime and Criminology from mikenova (8 sites): political crimes – Google News: JaRistotle’s Jottings | Crime Management 101 (Part 2) – Jamaica Gleaner
1. FBI from mikenova (16 sites): Andrew McCabe – Google News: After Comey firing, Trump asked acting FBI director how he voted – CBS News
1. FBI from mikenova (16 sites): Andrew McCabe – Google News: Trump ‘looking forward’ to speaking with Robert Mueller under oath – Washington Examiner
fbi criticism – Google News: Tweets About “One Who Does” Are Roasting Donald Trump’s Question To Andrew McCabe – Elite Daily
1. FBI from mikenova (16 sites): Christopher Wray – Google News: Tweets About “One Who Does” Are Roasting Donald Trump’s Question To Andrew McCabe – Elite Daily
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Saved Stories – FBI 

Saved Stories – FBI
james b. comey – Google News: Half of Americans believe Trump’s campaign colluded with Russia – Washington Post

Washington Post
Half of Americans believe Trump’s campaign colluded with Russia
Washington Post
Special counsel Robert S. Mueller III is seeking to question the president in the coming weeks about his decisions to fire former national security adviser Michael Flynn and FBI Director James BComey, according to two people familiar with his plans and more »

 james b. comey – Google News

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Saved Stories – FBI
james b. comey – Google News: Half of Americans believe Trump’s campaign colluded with Russia – Washington Post
The FBI IS hiding something over Hillary and Russia probes, say majority of public amid growing text scandal – and … – Daily Mail
“A made-up pseudo-scandal: GOP ratchets up FBI conspiracy theories as Mueller circles Trump – Mic
GOP Steps Up Effort to Protect Trump, Discredit FBI – The Independent Weekly
The Epistemic Quandary of the FBI and Trump – The Atlantic
Trump lashes out over FBI agents’ missing messages – New York Post
Analysis: Your guide to those anti-FBI conspiracy theories – The Mercury News
Wray makes changes to senior leadership team as Trump keeps up attacks on FBI – CBS News
The Early Edition: January 24, 2018 – Just Security
FBI director, under pressure to make changes, is replacing Comey aides – Washington Post
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FBI News Review

4:05 PM 1/24/2018 – The FBI IS hiding something…

Latest 10 – Saved Stories

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The FBI IS hiding something over Hillary and Russia probes, say majority of public amid growing text scandal – and … – Daily Mail

Washington Times
The FBI IS hiding something over Hillary and Russia probes, say majority of public amid growing text scandal – and …
Daily Mail
Perhaps they really were lost. Perhaps it is another strange coincidence,’ Texas Republican Rep. John Ratcliffe told Fox News on Monday evening. ‘It is harder and harder for us to explain one strange coincidence after another.’ A letter from Assistant 
‘Stinks To High Heaven’: Rep. Mark Meadows Lays Out Strzok Scandal In EPIC Tweet StormThe Daily Caller
Mark Meadows blasts FBI, says text scandal ‘stinks to high heaven’Washington Times
Kennedy rips Mueller investigation over FBI anti-Trump text scandalFox Business
Vox –The Atlantic –Fox News
all 254 news articles »
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Saved Stories – None
The FBI IS hiding something over Hillary and Russia probes, say majority of public amid growing text scandal – and … – Daily Mail
“A made-up pseudo-scandal: GOP ratchets up FBI conspiracy theories as Mueller circles Trump – Mic
GOP Steps Up Effort to Protect Trump, Discredit FBI – The Independent Weekly
The Epistemic Quandary of the FBI and Trump – The Atlantic
Trump lashes out over FBI agents’ missing messages – New York Post
Analysis: Your guide to those anti-FBI conspiracy theories – The Mercury News
Wray makes changes to senior leadership team as Trump keeps up attacks on FBI – CBS News
The Early Edition: January 24, 2018 – Just Security
FBI director, under pressure to make changes, is replacing Comey aides – Washington Post
Top committee Dems: GOP chairs trying to undermine Russia probe with FBI texts – The Hill
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News and Times – Last Page Design Update – 12:00 PM 1/22/2018
Latest 10 – Saved Stories

Saved Stories – None
Wray makes changes to senior leadership team as Trump keeps up attacks on FBI – CBS News

Wray makes changes to senior leadership team as Trump keeps up attacks on FBI
CBS News
FBI Director Christopher Wray is making changes to his senior leadership team, as President Donald Trump has continued to attack the bureau for perceived biases against him and has been calling for a shakeup at the top. Officials said Tuesday that Wray 
FBI Director Wray replaces 2 top aidesPolitico
FBI Director Wray resists pressure from Sessions to replace senior personnel as tensions swellChicago Tribune
Under criticism from Trump, FBI director shakes up staffWTOPall 457 news articles »
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Saved Stories – None
Wray makes changes to senior leadership team as Trump keeps up attacks on FBI – CBS News
The Early Edition: January 24, 2018 – Just Security
FBI director, under pressure to make changes, is replacing Comey aides – Washington Post
Top committee Dems: GOP chairs trying to undermine Russia probe with FBI texts – The Hill
Comey ‘Friend’ Who Leaked FBI Memos Now Claims To Be His Attorney – The Federalist
FBI Agent Was Hesitant to Join Special Counsel’s Russia Probe – Wall Street Journal
Trump Administration Pledges to Get to Bottom of Missing FBI Texts – Daily Signal
GOP escalates law enforcement probes as Russia inquiry heats up – Politico
Evidence suggests a massive scandal is brewing at the FBI | New … – New York Post
FBI: Violent Crime Fell in First Half of 2017 – Voice of America
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FBI News Review

3:40 PM 1/24/2018 – FBI director, under pressure to make changes, is replacing Comey aides

Latest 10 – Saved Stories

Saved Stories – None
FBI director, under pressure to make changes, is replacing Comey aides – Washington Post

Washington Post
FBI director, under pressure to make changes, is replacing Comey aides
Washington Post
FBI Director Christopher A. Wray, who has been under political pressure to remove top officials at the bureau, is filling two senior positions previously held by people who served under former director James B. Comey. Dana Boente, the U.S. attorney in 
FBI Director Wray replaces 2 top aides chief of staff Politico
Comey’s former chief of staff finally quits FBI under pressure from GOP lawmakersNew York Post
Source: New FBI director threatened to resign under pressure from SessionsCNN
CBS NewsCNBC Fox News
all 107 ABC News
all 99
news articles »
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Saved Stories – None
FBI director, under pressure to make changes, is replacing Comey aides – Washington Post
Top committee Dems: GOP chairs trying to undermine Russia probe with FBI texts – The Hill
Comey ‘Friend’ Who Leaked FBI Memos Now Claims To Be His Attorney – The Federalist
FBI Agent Was Hesitant to Join Special Counsel’s Russia Probe – Wall Street Journal
Trump Administration Pledges to Get to Bottom of Missing FBI Texts – Daily Signal
GOP escalates law enforcement probes as Russia inquiry heats up – Politico
Evidence suggests a massive scandal is brewing at the FBI | New … – New York Post
FBI: Violent Crime Fell in First Half of 2017 – Voice of America
Carr: Scandal-ridden FBI must be abolished – Boston Herald
Classified Memo, Missing Texts Are Latest Salvos As Parties War Over FBI – NPR
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FBI News Review

"It’s time to put the FBI out of business, throw as many of these corrupt G-men into prison as possible, raze the J. Edgar Hoover Office Building in D.C., sow the land with salt, hold an exorcism and turn it into a parking lot. There is only one way to restore the rule of law and order. The FBI must be abolished." – 3:18 PM 1/24/2018 – It’s time to abolish the Federal Bureau of Investigation

“It’s time to put the FBI out of business, throw as many of these corrupt G-men into prison as possible, raze the J. Edgar Hoover Office Building in D.C., sow the land with salt, hold an exorcism and turn it into a parking lot.

There is only one way to restore the rule of law and order. The FBI must be abolished.”

Carr: Scandal-ridden FBI must be abolished

1 Share
It’s time to abolish the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
The G-men have degenerated into nothing more than a racketeering enterprise, a banana republic-style criminal conspiracy of vast proportions.
Now we know that the FBI was plotting a coup against President-elect Trump.
The crooked cops even had a name for their Democrat cabal — the Secret Society. It’s all laid out in black and white, in the post-election texts the FBI neglected to delete as part of their ongoing obstruction of justice.
How many scandals does the FBI get a pass on?
As a society, we’ve eradicated earlier threats to the public order — the American Communist Party and La Cosa Nostra, among others. Is the current police-state incarnation of the FBI any less sinister than either of those two mobs?
The solution is very simple — we have the DEA take over all federal police functions, just like they did with the Whitey Bulger investigation here in Boston because the FBI was too corrupt to be trusted. Maybe the U.S. Marshals could help out, too. They’re a lot better at finding fugitives than Famous But Incompetent.
Abolishing the FBI may sound like a radical solution, but they have metastasized into a clear and present danger to the Republic.
This latest attempted coup is so much worse than Watergate or any of the earlier scandals that have rocked the Bureau.
This Comey-Strzok-Page gang didn’t need no stinkin’ warrants. Or, if they did bother to get them, they made up the evidence they took to the courts — like the dodgy dossier.
And now we find out the FBI is claiming that 50,000 smoking-gun texts between the two crooked lovebirds, Peter Strzok and Lisa Page, have disappeared due to a “misconfiguration.”
Do you believe this? Me neither. This is, after all, the FBI. They lie like a rug, always have, always will.
Think about Zip Connolly ­— “decorated” FBI agent now doing life in a Florida prison for a gangland hit in Florida. Or H. Paul Rico, another G-man who died in a prison hospital in Oklahoma after being arrested for yet another organized-crime rubout in Oklahoma. And this is just the Boston office, where gangster Stevie Flemmi told the DEA that he and Whitey Bulger were bribing six — six! —agents.
Boston, the same FBI office where the agents knew that a hood named Teddy Deegan was going to be hit, and by whom. Yet they let it happen and then allowed four innocent men to be framed for the murder in order to protect the serial-killing brother of Flemmi, who after all was paying them all off.
As evil as all this stuff is, it pales in comparison to what it now appears was an attempted coup by the top brass of the FBI.
The “Secret Society,” as the plotters call themselves, is now desperately trying to cover up how they attempted to rig a presidential election on behalf of the most corrupt candidate in American history, Hillary Clinton, using a fake document largely produced by Vladimir Putin’s operatives.
That’s the real Russian collusion — the FBI using Kremlin-generated disinformation that Hillary Clinton paid millions for to violate the civil rights of American citizens.
And now the G-men claim they’ve “lost” the evidence, just like the Deep State “lost” Hillary Clinton’s 33,000 emails and IRS crook Lois Lerner’s hard drive.
It’s time to put the FBI out of business, throw as many of these corrupt G-men into prison as possible, raze the J. Edgar Hoover Office Building in D.C., sow the land with salt, hold an exorcism and turn it into a parking lot.
There is only one way to restore the rule of law and order. The FBI must be abolished.
Order Howie’s new book, Kennedy Babylon, at <a href=”” rel=”nofollow”></a>.
Read the whole story
· · ·

Carr: Scandal-ridden FBI must be abolished – Boston Herald

1 Share

Boston Herald
Carr: Scandal-ridden FBI must be abolished
Boston Herald
How many scandals does the FBI get a pass on? As a society, we’ve eradicated earlier threats to the public order — the American Communist Party and La Cosa Nostra, among others. Is the current police-state incarnation of the FBI any less sinister than and more »

Michael Goodwin: Evidence suggests a massive scandal is brewing at the FBI

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Michael Goodwin: Evidence suggests a massive scandal is brewing at the FBI 

1 Share
During the financial crisis, the federal government bailed out banks it declared “too big to fail.” Fearing their bankruptcy might trigger economic Armageddon, the feds propped them up with taxpayer cash.

The FBI has lost data that could shed light on anti-Trump bias ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 

1 Share
From: RussiaToday
Duration: 04:37

The FBI has lost crucial text messages sent by its employees, which could have shed light on alleged anti-Donald Trump bias within the agency – particularly over the so-called Trump-Russia investigation.
Sameera Khan reports.
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Latest 10 – Saved Stories

Saved Stories – None
Carr: Scandal-ridden FBI must be abolished – Boston Herald

Boston Herald
Carr: Scandal-ridden FBI must be abolished
Boston Herald
How many scandals does the FBI get a pass on? As a society, we’ve eradicated earlier threats to the public order the American Communist Party and La Cosa Nostra, among others. Is the current police-state incarnation of the FBI any less sinister than and more »
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Saved Stories – None
Carr: Scandal-ridden FBI must be abolished – Boston Herald
Classified Memo, Missing Texts Are Latest Salvos As Parties War Over FBI – NPR
GOP feud with FBI ratchets up – The Hill
The massive FBI sting to bring down an ISIS-supporting weightlifter in Key West – CNN
Your guide to the anti-FBI conspiracy theories rippling through conservative media – Washington Post
Sessions Has No Choice But To Appoint A Special Counsel To Investigate DOJ/FBI – The Federalist
Flynn met with FBI investigators without Trump’s knowledge: report – The Hill (blog)
Flynn kept FBI interview concealed from White House, Trump –
Donald Trump points finger at Samsung for lost FBI messages – CNET
The Real Story Behind the Waco Siege: Who Was David Koresh – TIME
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FBI News Review

3:13 PM 1/24/2018 – Sessions Has No Choice But To Appoint A Special Counsel To Investigate DOJ/FBI – The Federalist

Latest 10 – Saved Stories

Saved Stories – None

The Federalist
Sessions Has No Choice But To Appoint A Special Counsel To Investigate DOJ/FBI
The Federalist
It is long past time for Attorney General Jeff Sessions to appoint a special counsel to investigate the possibility of widespread and systematic corruption, obstruction, leaking, and collusion within America’s law enforcement and intelligence agencies 
The FBI Is Looking Guilty As Hell In Russia ProbeInvestor’s Business Daily
Schumer on Nunes’ Investigation Into FBI/DOJ Corruption: “We’re All Worried About It”RealClearPolitics
GOP escalates law enforcement probes as Russia inquiry heats upPolitico
Vox – –CNN
all 401 news articles »
Feed Integration by RSS Dog.


Saved Stories – None
Sessions Has No Choice But To Appoint A Special Counsel To Investigate DOJ/FBI – The Federalist
Flynn met with FBI investigators without Trump’s knowledge: report – The Hill (blog)
Flynn kept FBI interview concealed from White House, Trump –
Donald Trump points finger at Samsung for lost FBI messages – CNET
The Real Story Behind the Waco Siege: Who Was David Koresh – TIME
Changes in FBI leadership follow criticism from Trump – PBS NewsHour
Ex-national security advisor Flynn reportedly met FBI agents in the West Wing without telling the White House – CNBC
Michael Goodwin: Evidence suggests a massive scandal is brewing at the FBI – Fox News
Let’s Wait and See about the FBI ‘Conspiracy’ – National Review
Lost in (fiscal) space
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News and Times – Last Page Design Update – 12:00 PM 1/22/2018

FBI News Review

"Blame it on their Sham-Shung", The Boss said – 1:13 PM 1/24/2018 – Trump 'blaming Samsung' over missing FBI text messages – The Hill

Michael Goodwin: Evidence suggests a massive scandal is brewing at the FBI

During the financial crisis, the federal government bailed out banks it declared too big to fail. Fearing their bankruptcy might trigger economic Armageddon, the feds propped them up with taxpayer cash.

FBI from mikenova (10 sites) 

FBI from mikenova (10 sites)
fbi and trump – Google News: Trump ‘blaming Samsung’ over missing FBI text messages – The Hill

The Hill
Trump ‘blaming Samsung’ over missing FBI text messages
The Hill
It was unclear if Trump was being sarcastic in his tweet. The president has been critical in the past of the DOJ and FBI in its handling of the Russia investigation. The text messages have come into focus as some Republicans raise concerns about 
Did Trump Blame Samsung for Missing FBI Text Messages? President Gets Number of Messages WrongNewsweek
Donald Trump points finger at Samsung for lost FBI messagesCNET
Trump mocks FBI for blaming Samsung for missing texts between agent and lawyer engaged in affairNew York Daily News
RealClearPolitics –HuffPost –Fox News
all 230 news articles »

fbi and trump – Google News

Feed Integration by RSS Dog.


FBI from mikenova (10 sites)
fbi and trump – Google News: Trump ‘blaming Samsung’ over missing FBI text messages – The Hill
fbi and trump – Google News: Tomi Lahren: If Media Covered Missing FBI Texts, It Would ‘Invalidate’ Their Trump-Russia Narrative – Fox News Insider
political criminology – Google News: Annual Reviews launches 48th review journal covering Criminology – PR Newswire (press release)
Crime and Criminology from mikenova (8 sites): political criminology – Google News: Annual Reviews launches 48th review journal covering Criminology – PR Newswire (press release)
1. FBI from mikenova (16 sites): mueller – Google News: White House Doctor Writes Note Saying Trump Too Sick to Talk to Mueller – The New Yorker (satire)
1. FBI from mikenova (16 sites): Andrew McCabe – Google News: Trump asked FBI official Andrew McCabe whom he voted for in 2016 – Alaska Dispatch News
1. FBI from mikenova (16 sites): peter strzok is removed – Google News: Lou Dobbs: ‘May be time to declare war’ on ‘deep state’ – The Hill
1. FBI from mikenova (16 sites): fbi – Google News: FBI searches for 4 armed, masked men accused of robbing bank, shooting at officers – WYFF Greenville
Peter Strzok – Google News: ABC, NBC, CBS ignore and downplay missing Strzok-Page texts – Fox News
1. FBI from mikenova (16 sites): fbi – Google News: FBI: International scam has $900K tie to Oregon –
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Saved Stories – FBI 

Saved Stories – FBI
GOP senator releases additional messages from FBI agent removed from Mueller probe – The Hill

The Hill
GOP senator releases additional messages from FBI agent removed from Mueller probe
The Hill
I hesitate in part because of my gut sense and concern there’s no big there, Strzok wrote. The FBI notified lawmakers late last week that it was unable to preserve text messages exchanged between Strzok and Page. Messages sent between Dec. 14, 2016 
Strzok had doubts about Mueller probe, Sen. Johnson tells radio programWashington Times
The growing conservative conspiracy theory about missing FBI texts, explainedVox
Trump overstates missing texts involving FBI agentWHSV
Earn The Necklace
all 40 news articles »
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Saved Stories – FBI
GOP senator releases additional messages from FBI agent removed from Mueller probe – The Hill
FBI’s Strzok allegedly dismissed Mueller probe: ‘no big there there’ – Fox News
Jeff Sessions interviewed by Robert Mueller’s Russian investigation –
House committee releases Fusion GPS transcript – WLS
One year in, is Donald Trump’s presidency a fluke or a political turning point? – Los Angeles Times
FBI ‘Failed To Preserve’ Five Months Of Text Messages Between Anti-Trump FBI Agents – The Daily Caller
The Real Endgame For The President’s Focus On ‘Fake News’ Is The Mueller Investigation – Forbes
More texts turned over from FBI agent taken off Mueller team – CBS News
Is the FBI’s latest probe of the Clinton Foundation a ‘witch hunt’ or something more? – San Francisco Chronicle
‘SNL’ Weekend update hosts visits from Stormy Daniels and Robert Mueller – Mashable
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Saved Stories In 10 Pages

Saved Stories – None
Michael Goodwin: Evidence suggests a massive scandal is brewing at the FBI

During the financial crisis, the federal government bailed out banks it declared too big to fail. Fearing their bankruptcy might trigger economic Armageddon, the feds propped them up with taxpayer cash.

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Saved Stories – None
Michael Goodwin: Evidence suggests a massive scandal is brewing at the FBI
Newt Gingrich: Schumer Shutdown turns into Schumer Surrender
Op-Ed Contributor: I Was Tortured in Gay Conversion Therapy. And Its Still Legal in 41 States.
FOX News: Its time for Senate to put Americans and their dreams first
FOX News: Liz Peek: Schumers mistakes pile up, endangering Democrats prospects for 2018
NYT > Opinion: Op-Ed Contributor: Lessons From a Spy Ships Seizure
NYT > Opinion: Contributing Op-Ed Writer: What Remains
Opinions: This one trick explains the pattern of conservative praise for Trumps first year
News 12 – Home: Starbucks gives workers raises, stock grants due to tax law
NYDN Rss Article only: Kentucky attack was 11th school shooting in 23 days of 2018
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News and Times – Last Page Design Update – 12:00 PM 1/22/2018

FBI News Review

12:04 PM 1/23/2018 – Jeff Sessions interviewed in Robert Mueller's special counsel investigation –

FBI from mikenova (10 sites) 

FBI from mikenova (10 sites)
1. FBI from mikenova (16 sites): peter strzok is removed – Google News: Jeff Sessions interviewed in Robert Mueller’s special counsel investigation –
Jeff Sessions interviewed in Robert Mueller’s special counsel investigation
Trump on Tuesday called news the FBI was missing five months’ worth of texts from the agent, Peter Strzok, “one of the biggest stories in a long time.” Strzok was removed from Mueller’s team following the discovery of anti-Trump text messages exchanged 
and more »

 peter strzok is removed – Google News
1. FBI from mikenova (16 sites)

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FBI from mikenova (10 sites)
1. FBI from mikenova (16 sites): peter strzok is removed – Google News: Jeff Sessions interviewed in Robert Mueller’s special counsel investigation –
fbi criticism – Google News: Jeff Sessions interviewed by Robert Mueller’s Russian investigation –
fbi and trump – Google News: Trump-Russia: Jeff Sessions questioned in Mueller inquiry – BBC News
1. FBI from mikenova (16 sites): mueller – Google News: Charles Kushner isn’t worried about Mueller investigation: Report – Asbury Park Press
1. FBI from mikenova (16 sites): mueller – Google News: Jeff Sessions interviewed by Mueller team in Russia investigation – Chicago Tribune
1. FBI from mikenova (16 sites): Andrew McCabe – Google News: Attorney General Sessions questioned in special counsel’s Russia probe – CNBC
1. FBI from mikenova (16 sites): mueller – Google News: Sessions interviewed by Mueller team as part of Russia probe, report says – Atlanta Journal Constitution
1. FBI from mikenova (16 sites): fbi – Google News: Source: New FBI director threatened to resign under pressure from Sessions – CNN
FBI News Review: 10:04 AM 1/23/2018 The FBI has lost data
1. FBI from mikenova (16 sites): FBI News Review: 10:04 AM 1/23/2018 The FBI has lost data
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Saved Stories – FBI 

Saved Stories – FBI
Jeff Sessions interviewed by Robert Mueller’s Russian investigation –
Jeff Sessions interviewed by Robert Mueller’s Russian investigation
Jeff Sessions, the US attorney general and a key Donald Trump campaign adviser, has been interviewed by the investigation into Russian election meddling. Mr Sessions was asked about whether the US president had obstructed justice, according to The New 
AG Jeff Sessions questioned by Mueller team as part of Russia
Sessions interviewed by Mueller team in Russia probeThe Detroit News
Sessions is interviewed in Mueller’s Russia investigation, the first Trump cabinet member known to be questionedToronto Star
KUOW News and Information
all 154 news articles »
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Saved Stories – FBI
Jeff Sessions interviewed by Robert Mueller’s Russian investigation –
House committee releases Fusion GPS transcript – WLS
One year in, is Donald Trump’s presidency a fluke or a political turning point? – Los Angeles Times
FBI ‘Failed To Preserve’ Five Months Of Text Messages Between Anti-Trump FBI Agents – The Daily Caller
The Real Endgame For The President’s Focus On ‘Fake News’ Is The Mueller Investigation – Forbes
More texts turned over from FBI agent taken off Mueller team – CBS News
Is the FBI’s latest probe of the Clinton Foundation a ‘witch hunt’ or something more? – San Francisco Chronicle
‘SNL’ Weekend update hosts visits from Stormy Daniels and Robert Mueller – Mashable
FBI looking into whether Russian banker gave money to NRA to support Trump: report – The Hill
Mueller reportedly investigating whether Russia funneled money through the NRA to elect Trump – ThinkProgress
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FBI News Review
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FBI News Review

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The FBI has lost data that could shed light on anti-Trump bias ¯\_()_/¯
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Mike Nova’s Shared NewsLinks
The FBI has lost data that could shed light on anti-Trump bias ¯\_()_/¯

mikenova shared this story from RussiaToday’s YouTube Videos.

From: RussiaToday
Duration: 04:37

The FBI has lost crucial text messages sent by its employees, which could have shed light on alleged anti-Donald Trump bias within the agency – particularly over the so-called Trump-Russia investigation.
Sameera Khan reports.
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RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 1 billion YouTube views benchmark.

As Turkey Invades, Kurds See Betrayal Once Again

mikenova shared this story from World News.

Turkeys military offensive is reminding Kurds in both Syria and Iraq how disposable they are to regional and global powers, especially now that their help is no longer needed in the campaign to topple Islamic State.

Hope, fear as Puerto Rico moves to privatize power company

mikenova shared this story .

Associated Press
SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico (AP) – The announcement that Puerto Rico’s governor is moving to privatize the U.S. territory’s public power company has many on the island of 3.3 million people asking whether this will finally bring them more affordable electric bills and more reliable service.
More than 30 percent of customers are still without electricity more than four months after Hurricane Maria, and many blame that and previous blackouts on the Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority, whose infrastructure averages roughly 45 years old, compared with 18 years on the U.S. mainland.
FBI News Review

4:54 PM 1/21/2018

Saved Stories

Saved Stories – None
More texts turned over from FBI agent taken off Mueller team – CBS News
Gov. Cuomo to keep Statue of Liberty open during government shutdown – WPIX 11 New York
Newly released texts between ex-Mueller team members suggest they knew outcome of Clinton email probe in advance – Fox News
Russian trolls | 9:01 AM 1/20/2018 – Twitter admits Russian propaganda more widespread than initially…
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Trumps inauguration speech, one year later
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In Cairo, Pence praises the friendship and partnership between the U.S. and Egypt
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Is the FBI’s latest probe of the Clinton Foundation a ‘witch hunt’ or something more? – San Francisco Chronicle
‘SNL’ Weekend update hosts visits from Stormy Daniels and Robert Mueller – Mashable
The Memo: How Trump changed everything – The Hill
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Teacher allegedly performed oral sex on teen student – New York Post
Congressman Combating Harassment Settled His Own Misconduct Case – New York Times
Those deadly mudslides you’ve read about? Expect worse in the future. – Washington Post
Open, Closed or Something in Between: What a Shutdown Looks Like – New York Times
WaPo: FBI Was Alarmed By Presence Of Key Russian Elites At Trump Inauguration – TPM
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8 to 12 inches of snow possible for Twin Cities by Monday night – Minneapolis Star Tribune
Sheriff’s deputy’s teacher wife, 29, is accused of performing oral sex on her 14-year-old student – Daily Mail
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Saved Stories – None
More texts turned over from FBI agent taken off Mueller team – CBS News

CBS News
More texts turned over from FBI agent taken off Mueller team
CBS News
WASHINGTON — The Justice Department has turned over to Congress additional text messages involving an FBI agent who was removed from special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigative team following the discovery of derogatory comments about President 
and more »
Gov. Cuomo to keep Statue of Liberty open during government shutdown – WPIX 11 New York

WPIX 11 New York
Gov. Cuomo to keep Statue of Liberty open during government shutdown
WPIX 11 New York
NEW YORK, N.Y. Governor Cuomo has volunteered to use state funds to keep the Statue of Liberty open during the federal government shutdown. In an announcement Sunday afternoon, Gov. Cuomo said Lady Liberty will be back to work tomorrow. The Statue 
and more »
Newly released texts between ex-Mueller team members suggest they knew outcome of Clinton email probe in advance – Fox News

Fox News
Newly released texts between ex-Mueller team members suggest they knew outcome of Clinton email probe in advance
Fox News
Catherine Herridge reports on the text messages between agent Peter Strzok and lawyer Lisa Page. The Justice Department has given various congressional committees nearly 400 pages of additional text messages between two FBI officials who were removed 
More texts turned over from FBI agent taken off Mueller teamCBS News
Breaking: FBI admits it ‘failed to preserve’ five months of text messages from anti-Trump FBI
FBI ‘Failed To Preserve’ Five Months Of Text Messages Between Anti-Trump FBI AgentsThe Daily Caller
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Russian trolls | 9:01 AM 1/20/2018 – Twitter admits Russian propaganda more widespread than initially…

Russian trolls | 9:01 AM 1/20/2018 – Twitter admits Russian propaganda more widespread than initially reported – CBS News
11:39 AM 1/20/2018 – Performance Crimes are the crimes of publicity

11:39 AM 1/20/2018 – Performance Crimes are the crimes of publicity
11:39 AM 1/20/2018 – Performance Crimes are the crimes of publicity

11:39 AM 1/20/2018 – Performance Crimes are the crimes of publicity
12:03 PM 1/21/2018

12:03 PM 1/21/2018
Adult-film star reportedly spoke to journalist in 2016 about Trump settlement, fearing he wouldnt pay up