Report: FBI’s McCabe Sat on Weiner Laptop’s Classified Clinton Emails on Eve of 2016 Election
PJ Media |
Report: FBI’s McCabe Sat on Weiner Laptop’s Classified Clinton Emails on Eve of 2016 Election
PJ Media Sources familiar with the upcoming Justice Department inspector general (IG) report on how the FBI handled the investigation into former secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s emails suggested that former deputy director Andrew McCabe — who was forced …and more » |
REVEALED: FBI boss Andrew McCabe was forced out over concern …
Daily Mail–6 hours ago
New details emerged Tuesday about what caused FBI deputy director Andrew McCabe to get forced out – including a revelation that the bureau’s inspector general was focusing in on why it took him weeks to examine Clinton emails discovered on Rep. Anthony Weiner’s laptop. The inspector general, who …
Report: FBI’s McCabe Sat on Weiner Laptop’s Classified Clinton …
PJ Media–5 hours ago
Sources familiar with the upcoming Justice Department inspector general (IG) report on how the FBI handled the investigation into former secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s emails suggested that former deputy director Andrew McCabe — who was forced to step down Monday — may have delayed the …
Ryan defends handling of GOP memo as proper
Arkansas Online–1 hour ago
A major line of inquiry for the inspector general has been trying to determine who at the FBI and the Justice Department knew about the Clinton emails on the Weiner laptop and when they learned about them. McCabe is a central figure in those inquiries, these people said. The FBI declined to comment, as …