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FBI News Review

4:19 PM 6/30/2018 – 20 Latest Posts: 11:23 AM 6/29/2018 – Mueller investigation and The "German hypothesis" of the "Trump-Russia scandal": Germany wants to keep the US out of Ukraine and to drive the geopolitical wedges.

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Posts on G+ from mikenova (2 sites)
Public RSS-Feed of Mike Nova. Created with the PIXELMECHANICS ‘GPlusRSS-Webtool’ at 11:23 AM 6/29/2018 – Mueller investigation and The “German hypothesis” of the “Trump-Russia scandal”…

11:23 AM 6/29/2018 – Mueller investigation and The “German hypothesis” of the “Trump-Russia scandal”: Germany wants to keep the US out of Ukraine and to drive the geopolitical wedges.

Public RSS-Feed of Mike Nova. Created with the PIXELMECHANICS ‘GPlusRSS-Webtool’ at

Public RSS-Feed of Mike Nova. Created with the PIXELMECHANICS ‘GPlusRSS-Webtool’ at 11:23 AM 6/29/2018 – Mueller investigation and The “German hypothesis” of the “Trump-Russia scandal”…

11:23 AM 6/29/2018 – Mueller investigation and The “German hypothesis” of the “Trump-Russia scandal”: Germany wants to keep the US out of Ukraine and to drive the geopolitical wedges.

Public RSS-Feed of Mike Nova. Created with the PIXELMECHANICS ‘GPlusRSS-Webtool’ at

Saved Stories – Posts on G+: 3:25 AM 6/11/2018 – M.N.: Merkel gets so much mileage out of Trump-Russia affair, that it becomes increasingly…

3:25 AM 6/11/2018 – M.N.: Merkel gets so much mileage out of Trump-Russia affair, that it becomes increasingly hard to believe that it was not a German design…

Saved Stories – Posts on G+

Public RSS-Feed of Mike Nova. Created with the PIXELMECHANICS ‘GPlusRSS-Webtool’ at The FBI Crisis Of 2018 – News Review – 9:51 AM 6/28/2018 | Global Russian Jewish Mafia – Google Search…

The FBI Crisis Of 2018 – News Review – 9:51 AM 6/28/2018 | Global Russian Jewish Mafia – Google Search

Public RSS-Feed of Mike Nova. Created with the PIXELMECHANICS ‘GPlusRSS-Webtool’ at

Public RSS-Feed of Mike Nova. Created with the PIXELMECHANICS ‘GPlusRSS-Webtool’ at The FBI Crisis Of 2018 – News Review – 9:51 AM 6/28/2018 | Global Russian Jewish Mafia – Google Search…

The FBI Crisis Of 2018 – News Review – 9:51 AM 6/28/2018 | Global Russian Jewish Mafia – Google Search

Public RSS-Feed of Mike Nova. Created with the PIXELMECHANICS ‘GPlusRSS-Webtool’ at

Public RSS-Feed of Mike Nova. Created with the PIXELMECHANICS ‘GPlusRSS-Webtool’ at The FBI Crisis Of 2018 – News Review – 9:51 AM 6/28/2018 | Global Russian Jewish Mafia – Google Search…

The FBI Crisis Of 2018 – News Review – 9:51 AM 6/28/2018 | Global Russian Jewish Mafia – Google Search

Public RSS-Feed of Mike Nova. Created with the PIXELMECHANICS ‘GPlusRSS-Webtool’ at

Saved Stories – Posts on G+: 10:29 AM 6/28/2018 – FBI vs Global Russian Jewish Mafia (GRJM) – News Review

10:29 AM 6/28/2018 – FBI vs Global Russian Jewish Mafia (GRJM) – News Review

Saved Stories – Posts on G+

Public RSS-Feed of Mike Nova. Created with the PIXELMECHANICS ‘GPlusRSS-Webtool’ at 10:29 AM 6/28/2018 – FBI vs Global Russian Jewish Mafia (GRJM) – News Review

10:29 AM 6/28/2018 – FBI vs Global Russian Jewish Mafia (GRJM) – News Review

Public RSS-Feed of Mike Nova. Created with the PIXELMECHANICS ‘GPlusRSS-Webtool’ at

Public RSS-Feed of Mike Nova. Created with the PIXELMECHANICS ‘GPlusRSS-Webtool’ at 10:29 AM 6/28/2018 – FBI vs Global Russian Jewish Mafia (GRJM) – News Review

10:29 AM 6/28/2018 – FBI vs Global Russian Jewish Mafia (GRJM) – News Review

Public RSS-Feed of Mike Nova. Created with the PIXELMECHANICS ‘GPlusRSS-Webtool’ at

Public RSS-Feed of Mike Nova. Created with the PIXELMECHANICS ‘GPlusRSS-Webtool’ at 10:29 AM 6/28/2018 – FBI vs Global Russian Jewish Mafia (GRJM) – News Review

10:29 AM 6/28/2018 – FBI vs Global Russian Jewish Mafia (GRJM) – News Review

Public RSS-Feed of Mike Nova. Created with the PIXELMECHANICS ‘GPlusRSS-Webtool’ at

Public RSS-Feed of Mike Nova. Created with the PIXELMECHANICS ‘GPlusRSS-Webtool’ at 10:29 AM 6/28/2018 – FBI vs Global Russian Jewish Mafia (GRJM) – News Review

10:29 AM 6/28/2018 – FBI vs Global Russian Jewish Mafia (GRJM) – News Review

Public RSS-Feed of Mike Nova. Created with the PIXELMECHANICS ‘GPlusRSS-Webtool’ at

Saved Stories – Posts on G+: 9:50 AM 6/26/2018 – The FBI Crisis Of 2018 – News Review

9:50 AM 6/26/2018 – The FBI Crisis Of 2018 – News Review

Saved Stories – Posts on G+

Saved Stories – Posts on G+: 11:02 AM 6/26/2018 – The FBI Crisis And The FBI Reform – News Review

11:02 AM 6/26/2018 – The FBI Crisis And The FBI Reform – News Review

Saved Stories – Posts on G+

Saved Stories – Posts on G+: 10:05 AM 6/27/2018 – The German hypothesis of the Trump – Russia Affair – Update

10:05 AM 6/27/2018 – The German hypothesis of the Trump – Russia Affair – Update

Saved Stories – Posts on G+

Saved Stories – Posts on G+: 10:05 AM 6/27/2018 – The German hypothesis of the Trump – Russia Affair – Update

10:05 AM 6/27/2018 – The German hypothesis of the Trump – Russia Affair – Update

Saved Stories – Posts on G+

Saved Stories – Posts on G+: 10:05 AM 6/27/2018 – The German hypothesis of the Trump – Russia Affair – Update

10:05 AM 6/27/2018 – The German hypothesis of the Trump – Russia Affair – Update

Saved Stories – Posts on G+

Public RSS-Feed of Mike Nova. Created with the PIXELMECHANICS ‘GPlusRSS-Webtool’ at 10:05 AM 6/27/2018 – The German hypothesis of the Trump – Russia Affair – Update

10:05 AM 6/27/2018 – The German hypothesis of the Trump – Russia Affair – Update

Public RSS-Feed of Mike Nova. Created with the PIXELMECHANICS ‘GPlusRSS-Webtool’ at

Public RSS-Feed of Mike Nova. Created with the PIXELMECHANICS ‘GPlusRSS-Webtool’ at 10:05 AM 6/27/2018 – The German hypothesis of the Trump – Russia Affair – Update

10:05 AM 6/27/2018 – The German hypothesis of the Trump – Russia Affair – Update

Public RSS-Feed of Mike Nova. Created with the PIXELMECHANICS ‘GPlusRSS-Webtool’ at

Public RSS-Feed of Mike Nova. Created with the PIXELMECHANICS ‘GPlusRSS-Webtool’ at 10:05 AM 6/27/2018 – The German hypothesis of the Trump – Russia Affair – Update

10:05 AM 6/27/2018 – The German hypothesis of the Trump – Russia Affair – Update

Public RSS-Feed of Mike Nova. Created with the PIXELMECHANICS ‘GPlusRSS-Webtool’ at

Saved Stories – Posts on G+: 1:03 PM 6/10/2018 – Merkel: “What does Putin have on you?” Trump: “None of your bidniz. You worry about…

1:03 PM 6/10/2018 – Merkel: “What does Putin have on you?” Trump: “None of your bidniz. You worry about your own problems. See you later, Alligator!” Merkel: “In a while, Krokodile!”

Saved Stories – Posts on G+

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FBI News Review

4:05 PM 6/30/2018 – Does FBI Get The Big Picture?! FBI vs Global Russian Jewish Mafia… Mueller investigation and The "German hypothesis" of the "Trump-Russia scandal"… 

Does FBI Get The Big Picture?!

FBI vs Global Russian Jewish Mafia… Mueller investigation and The “German hypothesis” of the “Trump-Russia scandal”… 
10:29 AM 6/28/2018 – FBI vs Global Russian Jewish Mafia (GRJM) – News Review | FBI News Review
10:29 AM 6/28/2018 – FBI vs Global Russian Jewish Mafia (GRJM) – News Review | FBI News Review


Recent Posts – 3:32 PM 6/30/2018
“Trump Russia affair: Key questions answered”, claims the BBC. Me thinks humbly, that the key questions were not even asked, and the main question among them remains definitely unanswered: Who really was behind all of this? The issue of the possible “combined and complex ‘who’, a group of actors”, and for what really purposes, has to be addressed. This issue is still unclear, and the deep digging here might strike the gold of truth, eventually. M.N. – 10:27 AM 6/30/2018
9:16 AM 6/30/2018 – Is the undeniable German Intelligence – Deutsche Bank Connection of the Trump – Russia Affair investigated properly and thoroughly by Mr. Mueller? M.N.
1:03 PM 6/10/2018 – Merkel: “What does Putin have on you?” Trump: “None of your bidniz. You worry about your own problems. See you later, Alligator!” Merkel: “In a while, Krokodile!”
8:03 AM 6/30/2018 – German Intelligence, Deutsche Bank, Oligarchs, Mafia, and FBI – 6.28.18 – News Review – All part of the plan. Right, Mrs. Merkel?
6:53 AM 6/30/2018 – The Bad Kaiser Trump Vs. Good Chancellor Merkel The Dragon Slayer! If she does not land on her ass again, bursting out her poder unstoppable. Help the Lady, Idiots!
11:23 AM 6/29/2018 – Mueller investigation and The “German hypothesis” of the “Trump-Russia scandal”: Germany wants to keep the US out of Ukraine and to drive the geopolitical wedges.
The FBI Crisis Of 2018 – News Review – 9:51 AM 6/28/2018 | Global Russian Jewish Mafia – Google Search
10:29 AM 6/28/2018 – FBI vs Global Russian Jewish Mafia (GRJM) – News Review
6:53 AM 6/28/2018 – German Intelligence, Deutsche Bank, Oligarchs, Global Mafia’s Reach To Power, And The “Trump – Russia Affair” – Does FBI Get The Big Picture?!


Mike Nova’s Shared NewsLinks 

Mike Nova’s Shared NewsLinks
nato summit 2018 trump merkel putin – Google Search
nato summit 2018 trump merkel putin – Google Search
nato summit 2018 – Google Search
trump vs merkel – Google Search
trump vs merkel – Google Search
german intelligence – Google Search
deutsche bank ceo christian sewing – Google Search
deutsche bank – Google Search
German Intelligence and Deutsche Bank – Google Search
Germany’s Ex-Spy Chief Is Now Working For Deutsche Bank
Trump Russia Affair – Google Search
Trump Russia affair: Key questions answered
mueller investigation – Google Search
Mueller investigation of German Intelligence, Deutsche Bank, Trump, Russia – Google Search
Merkel landed on her ass while skiing – Google Search
Merkel landed on her ass while skiing – Google Search
trump vs merkel – Google Search
Good Chancellor Merkel The Dragon Slayer – Google Search
Good Chancellor Merkel The Dragon Slayer – Google Search
The Bad Kaiser Trump – Google Search
Gangsters of the Mediterranean – The Atlantic
A complete guide to the Jewish machers in the Russia probe | The Times of Israel
mueller investigation – Google Search
Former US intelligence chief: Russia had ‘profound impact’ on 2016 election – France 24
Trump’s Russia ties are really Jewish ties | Light On Conspiracies

In Brief – Saved Stories

Saved Stories – None
International Edition 2330 EDT – June 28, 2018
mueller investigation – Google Search
Mueller Poised to Zero In on Trump-Russia Collusion Allegations
intelligence hybrid war – Google Search
Manafort Yanukovych – Google Search
Germany wants to keep the US out of Ukraine – Google Search
Trump – Russia Affair – Google Search
German hypothesis Trump – Russia Affair – Google Search
German hypothesis Trump – Russia Affair – Google Search
The “German hypothesis” of the “Trump-Russia scandal” | The Web World Times – News and Opinions Review
3:25 AM 6/11/2018 – M.N.: Merkel gets so much mileage out of Trump-Russia affair, that it becomes increasingly…
German hypothesis Trump – Russia Affair – Google Search
Beware the kaiser chiefs
deutsche bank and russian jewish oligarchs – Google Search
Is Donald Trump’s Dark Russian Secret Hiding in Deutsche Bank’s Vaults?
Russian Jewish Mafia – Google Search
Russian Jewish Mafia – Google Search
Russian Jewish Mafia and Trump – Google Search
Russian Jewish Mafia and Trump – Google Search
Russian Jewish Mafia and Trump – Google Search
Global Russian Jewish Mafia – Google Search
Global Russian Jewish Mafia – Google Search
Global Russian Jewish Mafia – Google Search
Global Russian Jewish Mafia and Trump – Google Search
Semion Mogilevich – Google Search

Recent Tweets

  1. Michael Novakhov@mikenov

    Germany’s Ex-Spy Chief Is Now Working For Deutsche Bank  via @businessinsider

    Germany’s Ex-Spy Chief Is Now Working For Deutsche Bank

  2. Michael Novakhov@mikenov

    “Trump Russia affair: Key questions answered”, claims the BBC. Me thinks humbly, that the key questions were not even asked, and the main question among them remains definitely unanswered: Who really was behind all of this? 

    “Trump Russia affair: Key questions answered”, claims the BBC. Me thinks humbly, that the key…

    “Trump Russia affair: Key questions answered”, claims the BBC. Me thinks humbly, that the key questions were not even asked, and the main question among them remains definitely unanswered: Who really…

  3. Michael Novakhov@mikenov

    BBC News – Trump Russia affair: Key questions answered 

    Trump Putin composite

    All you need to know about Trump Russia story

    Get your head around the sprawling saga of alleged collusion between the Trump team and Moscow.

  4. Michael Novakhov@mikenov

    9:16 AM 6/30/2018 – Is the undeniable German Intelligence – Deutsche Bank Connection of the Trump – Russia Affair investigated properly and thoroughly by Mr. Mueller? M.N. 

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  5. Michael Novakhov@mikenov

    9:16 AM 6/30/2018 – Is the undeniable German Intelligence – Deutsche Bank Connection of the Trump – Russia Affair investigated properly and thoroughly by Mr. Mueller? M.N. 

    9:16 AM 6/30/2018 – Is the undeniable German Intelligence – Deutsche Bank Connection of the Trump –…

    Is the undeniable German Intelligence – Deutsche Bank Connection of the Trump – Russia Affair investigated properly and thoroughly by Mr. Mueller? M.N. RECENT POSTS 9:16 AM 6/30/2018 – Is the…

  6. Michael Novakhov@mikenov

    German Intelligence, Deutsche Bank, Oligarchs, Mafia, and FBI… All part of the plan. Merkel: “What does Putin have on you?” Trump: “None of your bidniz. You worry about your own problems. See you later, Alligator!” Merkel: “In a while, Krokodile!” 

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  7. Michael Novakhov@mikenov

    German Intelligence, Deutsche Bank, Oligarchs, Mafia, and FBI – all part of the plan. Right, Mrs. Merkel? 

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  8. Michael Novakhov@mikenov

    German Intelligence, Deutsche Bank, Oligarchs, Mafia, and FBI – all part of the plan. Right, Mrs. Merkel? 

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  9. Michael Novakhov@mikenov

    8:03 AM 6/30/2018 – German Intelligence, Deutsche Bank, Oligarchs, Mafia, and FBI – 6.28.18 – News Review – All part of the plan. Right, Mrs. Merkel? 

    8:03 AM 6/30/2018 – German Intelligence, Deutsche Bank, Oligarchs, Mafia, and FBI – 6.28.18 – News…

    All part of the plan. Right, Mrs. Merkel? TopicsLinks℠ German Intelligence, Deutsche Bank, Oligarchs, Mafia, and FBI – 6.28.18 News – mueller investigation – Google Search News by dates – mueller…

  10. Michael Novakhov@mikenov

    The Bad Kaiser Trump Vs. Good Chancellor Merkel The Dragon Slayer! If she does not land on her ass again, bursting out her poder unstoppable. Help the Lady, Idiots! 

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  11. Michael Novakhov@mikenov

    The Bad Kaiser Trump Vs. Good Chancellor Merkel The Dragon Slayer! If she does not land on her ass again, bursting out her poder unstoppable. Help the Lady, Idiots! 

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  12. Michael Novakhov@mikenov

    The Bad Kaiser Trump Vs. Good Chancellor Merkel The Dragon Slayer! If she does not land on her ass again, bursting out her poder unstoppable. Help the Lady, Idiots! 

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  13. Michael Novakhov@mikenov

    The Bad Kaiser Trump Vs. Good Chancellor Merkel The Dragon Slayer! If she does not land on her ass again, bursting out her poder unstoppable. Help the Lady, Idiots! 

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  14. Michael Novakhov@mikenov

    The Bad Kaiser Trump Vs. Good Chancellor Merkel The Dragon Slayer! If she does not land on her ass again, bursting out her poder unstoppable. Help the Lady, Idiots! 

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  15. Michael Novakhov@mikenov

    The Bad Kaiser Trump Vs. Good Chancellor Merkel The Dragon Slayer! If she does not land on her ass again, bursting out her poder unstoppable. Help the Lady, Idiots! 

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  16. Michael Novakhov@mikenov

    The Bad Kaiser Trump Vs. Good Chancellor Merkel The Dragon Slayer! If she does not land on her ass again, bursting out her poder unstoppable. Help the Lady, Idiots! 

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  17. Michael Novakhov@mikenov

    The Bad Kaiser Trump Vs. Good Chancellor Merkel The Dragon Slayer! If she does not land on her ass again, bursting out her poder unstoppable. Help the Lady, Idiots! 

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  18. Michael Novakhov@mikenov

    The Bad Kaiser Trump Vs. Good Chancellor Merkel The Dragon Slayer! If she does not land on her ass again, bursting out her poder unstoppable. Help the Lady, Idiots! 

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  19. Michael Novakhov@mikenov

    The Bad Kaiser Trump Vs. Good Chancellor Merkel The Dragon Slayer! If she does not land on her ass again, bursting out her poder unstoppable. Help the Lady, Idiots! 

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  20. Michael Novakhov@mikenov

    The Bad Kaiser Trump Vs. Good Chancellor Merkel The Dragon Slayer! If she does not land on her ass again, bursting out her poder unstoppable. Help the Lady, Idiots! 

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  21. Michael Novakhov@mikenov

    The Bad Kaiser Trump Vs. Good Chancellor Merkel The Dragon Slayer! If she does not land on her ass again, bursting out her poder unstoppable. Help the Lady, Idiots! 

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  22. Michael Novakhov@mikenov

    The Bad Kaiser Trump Vs. Good Chancellor Merkel The Dragon Slayer! If she does not land on her ass again, bursting out her poder unstoppable. Help the Lady, Idiots! 

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  23. Michael Novakhov@mikenov

    The Bad Kaiser Trump Vs. Good Chancellor Merkel The Dragon Slayer! If she does not land on her ass again, bursting out her poder unstoppable. Help the Lady, Idiots! 

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  24. Michael Novakhov@mikenov

    The Bad Kaiser Trump Vs. Good Chancellor Merkel The Dragon Slayer! If she does not land on her ass again, bursting out her poder unstoppable. Help the Lady, Idiots! 

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  25. Michael Novakhov@mikenov

    The Bad Kaiser Trump Vs. Good Chancellor Merkel The Dragon Slayer! If she does not land on her ass again, bursting out her poder unstoppable. Help the Lady, Idiots! 

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  26. Michael Novakhov@mikenov

    The Bad Kaiser Trump Vs. Good Chancellor Merkel The Dragon Slayer! If she does not land on her ass again, bursting out her poder unstoppable. Help the Lady, Idiots! 

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  27. Michael Novakhov@mikenov

    The Bad Kaiser Trump Vs. Good Chancellor Merkel The Dragon Slayer! If she does not land on her ass again, bursting out her poder unstoppable. Help the Lady, Idiots! 

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  28. Michael Novakhov@mikenov

    The Bad Kaiser Trump Vs. Good Chancellor Merkel The Dragon Slayer! If she does not land on her ass again, bursting out her poder unstoppable. Help the Lady, Idiots! 

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  29. Michael Novakhov@mikenov

    The Bad Kaiser Trump Vs. Good Chancellor Merkel The Dragon Slayer! If she does not land on her ass again, bursting out her poder unstoppable. Help the Lady, Idiots! 

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  30. Michael Novakhov@mikenov

    The Bad Kaiser Trump Vs. Good Chancellor Merkel The Dragon Slayer! If she does not land on her ass again, bursting out her poder unstoppable. Help the Lady, Idiots! 

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  31. Michael Novakhov@mikenov

    The Bad Kaiser Trump Vs. Good Chancellor Merkel The Dragon Slayer! If she does not land on her ass again, bursting out her poder unstoppable. Help the Lady, Idiots! 

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  32. Michael Novakhov@mikenov

    The Bad Kaiser Trump Vs. Good Chancellor Merkel The Dragon Slayer! If she does not land on her ass again, bursting out her poder unstoppable. Help the Lady, Idiots! 

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  33. Michael Novakhov@mikenov

    The Bad Kaiser Trump Vs. Good Chancellor Merkel The Dragon Slayer! If she does not land on her ass again, bursting out her poder unstoppable. Help the Lady, Idiots! 

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  34. Michael Novakhov@mikenov

    The Bad Kaiser Trump Vs. Good Chancellor Merkel The Dragon Slayer! If she does not land on her ass again, bursting out her poder unstoppable. Help the Lady, Idiots! 

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  35. Michael Novakhov@mikenov

    The Bad Kaiser Trump Vs. Good Chancellor Merkel The Dragon Slayer! If she does not land on her ass again, bursting out her poder unstoppable. Help the Lady, Idiots! 

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  36. Michael Novakhov@mikenov

    The Bad Kaiser Trump Vs. Good Chancellor Merkel The Dragon Slayer! If she does not land on her ass again, bursting out her poder unstoppable. Help the Lady, Idiots! 

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  37. Michael Novakhov@mikenov

    The Bad Kaiser Trump Vs. Good Chancellor Merkel The Dragon Slayer! If she does not land on her ass again, bursting out her poder unstoppable. Help the Lady, Idiots! 

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  38. Michael Novakhov@mikenov

    The Bad Kaiser Trump Vs. Good Chancellor Merkel The Dragon Slayer! If she does not land on her ass again, bursting out her poder unstoppable. Help the Lady, Idiots! 

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  39. Michael Novakhov@mikenov

    The Bad Kaiser Trump Vs. Good Chancellor Merkel The Dragon Slayer! If she does not land on her ass again, bursting out her poder unstoppable. Help the Lady, Idiots! 

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  40. Michael Novakhov@mikenov

    The Bad Kaiser Trump Vs. Good Chancellor Merkel The Dragon Slayer! If she does not land on her ass again, bursting out her poder unstoppable. Help the Lady, Idiots! 

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  41. Michael Novakhov@mikenov

    The Bad Kaiser Trump Vs. Good Chancellor Merkel The Dragon Slayer! If she does not land on her ass again, bursting out her poder unstoppable. Help the Lady, Idiots! 

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  42. Michael Novakhov@mikenov

    The Bad Kaiser Trump Vs. Good Chancellor Merkel The Dragon Slayer! If she does not land on her ass again, bursting out her poder unstoppable. Help the Lady, Idiots! 

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  43. Michael Novakhov@mikenov

    The Bad Kaiser Trump Vs. Good Chancellor Merkel The Dragon Slayer! If she does not land on her ass again, bursting out her poder unstoppable. Help the Lady, Idiots! 

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  44. Michael Novakhov@mikenov

    The Bad Kaiser Trump Vs. Good Chancellor Merkel The Dragon Slayer! If she does not land on her ass again, bursting out her poder unstoppable. Help the Lady, Idiots! 

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  45. Michael Novakhov@mikenov

    The Bad Kaiser Trump Vs. Good Chancellor Merkel The Dragon Slayer! If she does not land on her ass again, bursting out her poder unstoppable. Help the Lady, Idiots! 

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  46. Michael Novakhov@mikenov

    The Bad Kaiser Trump Vs. Good Chancellor Merkel The Dragon Slayer! If she does not land on her ass again, bursting out her poder unstoppable. Help the Lady, Idiots! 

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  47. Michael Novakhov@mikenov

    6:53 AM 6/30/2018 – The Bad Kaiser Trump Vs. Good Chancellor Merkel The Dragon Slayer! If she does not land on her ass again, bursting out her poder unstoppable. Help the Lady, Idiots! 

    6:53 AM 6/30/2018 – The Bad Kaiser Trump Vs. Good Chancellor Merkel The Dragon Slayer! If she does…

    The Bad Kaiser Trump Vs. Good Chancellor Merkel The Dragon Slayer! If she does not land on her ass again, bursting out her poder unstoppable. Help the Lady, Idiots! Mike Nova’s Shared NewsLinks Mike…

  48. Michael Novakhov@mikenov

    Sebastian Rotella’s gripping long read on the Russian mafia in a small town of Spain, in partnership with @ProPublica: 

    Gangsters of the Mediterranean

    The story of the Russian mob in Spain—and the detectives who spent years trying to bring them down.

  49. Michael Novakhov@mikenov

    Know your oligarch  via @jewishstandard

    Know your oligarch

    A guide to the Jewish machers in the Russia probe

  50. Michael Novakhov@mikenov

    A complete guide to the Jewish machers in the Russia probe  via @timesofisrael

    A complete guide to the Jewish machers in the Russia probe

    From Len Blavatnik to Yuri Milner, several Russian Jews who made it big also feature prominently in the investigation into Trump’s ties to Moscow

  51. Michael Novakhov@mikenov

    11:23 AM 6/29/2018 – Mueller investigation and The “German hypothesis” of the “Trump-Russia scandal”: Germany wants to keep the US out of Ukraine and to drive the geopolitical wedges. 

    11:23 AM 6/29/2018 – Mueller investigation and The “German hypothesis” of the “Trump-Russia…

    In Brief – Saved Stories Saved Stories – None mueller investigation – Google Search Mueller Poised to Zero In on Trump-Russia Collusion Allegations intelligence hybrid war – Google Search Manafort…

  52. Michael Novakhov Retweeted

    Robby Cortés@RobbyCortes

    Welcome to Puerto Rico… 27 de junio de 2018. Así vi hoy, desde el aire, los techos de muchas casas con toldos azules, justo al pasar la Milla de Oro en Hato Rey. Hace más de nueve meses que el huracán María azotó a nuestra isla y miles de familias aún no tienen un techo seguro.

  53. Michael Novakhov Retweeted

    Ricardo Rossello


    Nuestra política pública va dirigida a lograr la igualdad de condiciones y derechos para cada ciudadano americano que vive en Puerto Rico. Ayer le dimos continuidad a ese compromiso acompañando a nuestra comisionada residente @RepJenniffer a presentar el Acta de Admisión.

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  54. Michael Novakhov Retweeted

    Radio Isla 1320@radioislatv

    Anticipan Carmen Yulín será la próxima gobernadora 

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  55. Michael Novakhov Retweeted

    Ricardo Rossello


    Puerto Rico introduces bill in Congress seeking statehood by 2021

    Resident Commissioner Jenniffer Gonzalez said Wednesday that 14 Democrats and 20 Republicans currently sponsor the bill

  56. Michael Novakhov@mikenov 

    Trump’s Russia ties are really Jewish ties | Light On Conspiracies – Revealing the Agenda

    Trump’s Russia ties are really Jewish ties The Judeo-Russian Mafia: From the Gulag to Brooklyn to World Dominion By M. Raphael Johnson, PH.D. July 11, 2017 Anno Domini (Barnes Review May/June 2006)…

  57. Michael Novakhov@mikenov

    The FBI Crisis Of 2018 – News Review – 9:51 AM 6/28/2018 | Global Russian Jewish Mafia – Google Search 

    The FBI Crisis Of 2018 – News Review – 9:51 AM 6/28/2018 | Global Russian Jewish Mafia – Google…

    10:29 AM 6/28/2018 – FBI vs Global Russian Jewish Mafia (GRJM) – News Review Thu, 28 Jun 2018 17:01:49 +0200 10:29 AM 6/28/2018 – FBI vs Global Russian Jewish Mafia (GRJM) – News Review Deutsche…

  58. Michael Novakhov@mikenov

    Think You Know How Deep Trump-Russia Goes? Think Again: This Chart/Info Will Blow Your Mind 

    Think You Know How Deep Trump-Russia Goes? Think Again: This Chart/Info Will Blow Your Mind –

    Author’s note: Though this was originally published in late July 2017, and was itself built upon previous editions published in March 2017, November 2016 (pre-election), and July 2016, even today…

  59. Michael Novakhov@mikenov

    The Russian crime organization that operated in Trump Tower 

    The Russian crime organization that operated in Trump Tower

  60. Michael Novakhov@mikenov

    10:29 AM 6/28/2018 – FBI vs Global Russian Jewish Mafia (GRJM) – News Review 

    10:29 AM 6/28/2018 – FBI vs Global Russian Jewish Mafia (GRJM) – News Review | FBI News Review

    Deutsche Bank: A Global Bank for Oligarchs — American & Russian, Part 3 Deutsche Bank: A Global Bank for Oligarchs — American & Russian, Part 3 – WhoWhatWhy Not only is President Donald Trump…

  61. Michael Novakhov@mikenov

    6:53 AM 6/28/2018 – German Intelligence, Deutsche Bank, Oligarchs, Global Mafia’s Reach To Power, And The “Trump – Russia Affair” – Does FBI Get The Big Picture?! 

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  62. Michael Novakhov@mikenov

    Deutsche Bank: A Global Bank for Oligarchs — American & Russian, Part 3  via @whowhatwhy

    Deutsche Bank: A Global Bank for Oligarchs — American & Russian, Part 3 – WhoWhatWhy

    Not only is President Donald Trump personally tied up with Deutsche Bank to the tune of $300 million, but his son-in-law Jared Kushner has his own history with the global banking colossus. Part 3…

  63. Michael Novakhov@mikenov

    Is Donald Trump’s dark Russian secret hiding in Deutsche Bank’s vaults? 

    Is Donald Trump’s dark Russian secret hiding in Deutsche Bank’s vaults?

    Robert Mueller appears to be following the money, trying to determine if Trump has a financial connection to Russia.

  64. Michael Novakhov@mikenov

    10:05 AM 6/27/2018 – The “German Hypothesis” Of The “Trump – Russia Affair” – By Michael Novakhov – Update 

    10:05 AM 6/27/2018 – The German hypothesis of the Trump – Russia Affair – Update | Global Security…

    The German hypothesis of the Trump – Russia Affair: the long planned design of the revived Abwehr to keep the US out of Ukraine (Manafort – Yanukovich Affair), and to drive the series of the geopol…

  65. Michael Novakhov@mikenov

    10:05 AM 6/27/2018 – The German hypothesis of the Trump – Russia Affair – Update 

    10:05 AM 6/27/2018 – The German hypothesis of the Trump – Russia Affair – Update | Global Security…

    The German hypothesis of the Trump – Russia Affair: the long planned design of the revived Abwehr to keep the US out of Ukraine (Manafort – Yanukovich Affair), and to drive the series of the geopol…

  66. Michael Novakhov@mikenov

    Mueller is preparing to accelerate his probe into collusion allegations, source says  via @bpolitics

    Mueller Poised to Zero In on Trump-Russia Collusion Allegations

    Special Counsel Robert Mueller is preparing to accelerate his probe into possible collusion between Donald Trump’s presidential campaign and Russians who sought to interfere in the 2016 election,…

  67. Michael Novakhov@mikenov

    8:08 AM 6/27/2018 – Did FBI try to entrap Trump’s campaign? – News Review 

    8:08 AM 6/27/2018 – Did FBI try to entrap Trump’s campaign? – News Review | FBI News Review

    Under Mueller’s Scrutiny, Trump Allies Cry FBI Entrapment Mike Nova’s Shared NewsLinks Mike Nova’s Shared NewsLinks Did FBI try to entrap Trump’s campaign? – Google Search fbi entrapment of politic…

  68. Michael Novakhov Retweeted

    Ángel Pérez Otero@angelguaynabo

    Estamos renovando la tecnología que utilizan nuestros policías para hacer valer las leyes de tránsito en nuestras carreteras. Las nuevas máquinas de emisión de multas, permitirán agilizar el trabajo de los policias municipales y destinar más recursos a la prevención.

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    Ricardo Rossello


    Speaking with leaders of the Puerto Rican and latino communities in the mainland as part of the activities of the @aspenideas Festival 2018 about Puerto Rico’s stride to complete recuperation. @Mercader1

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    Cato Institute


    The undermines a core principle of the U.S. immigration system since 1965: that the law will not discriminate against immigrants based on nationality or place of birth. 

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    BREAKING: Rep. Joe Crowley, the powerful chairman of the House Democratic Caucus seen as a potential future speaker, was unseated Tuesday night by primary challenger Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez in his New York district.

  72. Michael Novakhov Retweeted

    John Schindler


    FYI : The same lovely people who attacked NSA & US IC in 2013-14 with Kremlin-scripted lies to lay the groundwork for President Trump are repeating their rancid act to blunt Mueller in advance of his coming bombshells. 

    The History of the Secret NSA-AT&T Buildings Across the Country

    NSA’s partnership with AT&T is perfectly normal and legal.

  73. Michael Novakhov Retweeted

    The Hill


    JUST IN: Judge says prosecutors will get access to Cohen raid materials this week 

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    Ricardo Rossello


    Participating in @aspenideas . We submitted Puerto Rico’s reality after hurricane Maria and the great opportunities the Island has to offer in order to become an example of transformation and innovation.

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  75. Michael Novakhov Retweeted

    John Schindler


    “It’s not difficult to understand why Putin’s Kremlin dislikes NSA passionately, given that agency’s role as the cornerstone of the Western intelligence alliance, but it’s worth asking why certain Western journalists seem to share that Russian passion.” 

    The History of the Secret NSA-AT&T Buildings Across the Country

    NSA’s partnership with AT&T is perfectly normal and legal.

  76. Michael Novakhov Retweeted

    Human Rights Campaign


    : Three years ago today, the Obama administration lit up the White House in rainbow colors to celebrate marriage equality.

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  77. Michael Novakhov Retweeted

    Ricardo Rossello


    We are committed to marketing as the most competitive investment destination in the world, promoting comprehensive reforms in areas such as the tax code as well as creating incentives to boost investment and increase revenues. @aspenideas

FBI News Review

11:23 AM 6/29/2018 – Mueller investigation and The "German hypothesis" of the "Trump-Russia scandal": German Intelligence wants to keep the US out of Ukraine and to drive the geopolitical wedges using the Global Russian Jewish Mafia as their fronts.

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Mueller Poised to Zero In on Trump-Russia Collusion Allegations
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The “German hypothesis” of the “Trump-Russia scandal” | The Web World Times – News and Opinions Review
3:25 AM 6/11/2018 – M.N.: Merkel gets so much mileage out of Trump-Russia affair, that it becomes increasingly…
German hypothesis Trump – Russia Affair – Google Search
Beware the kaiser chiefs
deutsche bank and russian jewish oligarchs – Google Search
Is Donald Trump’s Dark Russian Secret Hiding in Deutsche Bank’s Vaults?
Russian Jewish Mafia – Google Search
Russian Jewish Mafia – Google Search
Russian Jewish Mafia and Trump – Google Search
Russian Jewish Mafia and Trump – Google Search
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A broad debunking of Trump’s claims about Russian interference and …

Washington PostJun 28, 2018
The best evidence for this was presented by Mueller himself in an indictment filed …. Why confidence in Mueller’s investigation is warranted.
Story image for mueller investigation from Politico

Mueller took ‘steps’ to shield Russia probe from bias, DOJ says

Politico21 hours ago
Special counsel Robert Mueller has taken “appropriate steps” to ensure that anti-Trump bias hasn’t infected his investigation of Russian …
Media image for mueller investigation from WJLA


Media image for mueller investigation from The Week Magazine

The Week Magazine

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Media image for mueller investigation from The Australian

The Australian

Media image for mueller investigation from WFDD


Media image for mueller investigation from Washington Post

Washington Post
Story image for mueller investigation from Rantt Media

Here’s How The Mueller Investigation Compares To Past Probes

Rantt Media12 hours ago
House Republicans fielded their various conspiracy theories, trying to undermine Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into Russia’s …
Trey Gowdy proves he is a complete fraud
ThinkProgress18 hours ago
Story image for mueller investigation from CNN

Another former aide to Roger Stone subpoenaed in Russia investigation

CNN19 hours ago
… appear before the grand jury in special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation — an effort his lawyers are aiming to beat back in court.
Media image for mueller investigation from CNBC


Media image for mueller investigation from The Hill

The Hill

Media image for mueller investigation from WPLG Local 10

WPLG Local 10

Media image for mueller investigation from WBAY


Media image for mueller investigation from Washington Examiner

Washington Examiner
Mueller Poised to Zero In on Trump-Russia Collusion Allegations

Special Counsel Robert Mueller is preparing to accelerate his probe into possible collusion between Donald Trump’s presidential campaign and Russians who sought to interfere in the 2016 election, according to a person familiar with the investigation.
Mueller and his team of prosecutors and investigators have an eye toward producing conclusions — and possible indictments — related to collusion by fall, said the person, who asked not to be identified. He’ll be able to turn his full attention to the issue as he resolves other questions, including deciding soon whether to find that Trump sought to obstruct justice.

Mike Nova’s Shared NewsLinks 

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Former US intelligence chief: Russia had ‘profound impact’ on 2016 election – France 24
Trump’s Russia ties are really Jewish ties | Light On Conspiracies
Chet Baker. Sings – YouTube
Chet Baker’s Autumn Leaves – YouTube
The Russian crime organization that operated in Trump Tower – U.S. News
FBI vs Global Russian Jewish Mafia – Google Search
Semion Mogilevich – Google Search
Global Russian Jewish Mafia and Trump – Google Search
Global Russian Jewish Mafia – Google Search
Global Russian Jewish Mafia – Google Search
Global Russian Jewish Mafia – Google Search
Russian Jewish Mafia and Trump – Google Search
Russian Jewish Mafia and Trump – Google Search
Russian Jewish Mafia and Trump – Google Search
Russian Jewish Mafia – Google Search
Russian Jewish Mafia – Google Search
Francisco Tárrega – Capricho árabe – YouTube
Chet Baker – I fall in love too easily – YouTube
Chet Baker – The Touch of Your Lips – YouTube
Is Donald Trump’s Dark Russian Secret Hiding in Deutsche Bank’s Vaults?
deutsche bank and russian jewish oligarchs – Google Search
Beware the kaiser chiefs
German hypothesis Trump – Russia Affair – Google Search
3:25 AM 6/11/2018 – M.N.: Merkel gets so much mileage out of Trump-Russia affair, that it becomes increasingly…
1:03 PM 6/10/2018 – Merkel: “What does Putin have on you?” Trump: “None of your bidniz. You worry about…
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Former US intelligence chief: Russia had ‘profound impact’ on 2016 election – France 24

mikenova shared this story from Top stories – France 24 – International News 24/7.

An interview with a French or international personality from the world of economics, politics, culture or diplomacy. Every Wednesday at 4.45 pm Paris time and Saturday at 7.45 am.

Latest update : 2018-06-29

Former US intelligence chief: Russia had ‘profound impact’ on 2016 election

James Clapper was the head of US intelligence under Barack Obama. He recently published his memoirs, entitled “Facts and Fears: Hard Truths from a Life in Intelligence”. In an interview with FRANCE 24, he reacted to recent developments in the United States, including the retirement of Justice Anthony Kennedy from the Supreme Court and the forthcoming meeting between Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin. He also shared his thoughts on alleged Russian meddling in the 2016 US presidential election.

Former US intelligence chief James Clapper reacted to the retirement of Justice Anthony Kennedy from the US Supreme Court, pointing that it could have “impacts for decades”, especially on the issue of abortion. He also warned that Donald Trump‘s travel ban could be “counterproductive” from a national security standpoint by fuelling anti-American sentiment.
The former US Director of National Intelligence welcomed the announcement of a Trump-Putin meeting next month, but cautioned that it should be well prepared and not simply another example of the US president indulging authoritarian rulers. “What seems to be uppermost in Mr. Trump’s mind is having a positive relationship with autocrats”, he told FRANCE 24.
Clapper also discussed alleged Russian meddling in the 2016 US presidential election, saying that while he regretted that he and the Obama administration had not been more forceful in denouncing Russian meddling before the election, he added that doing so would have given the impression that they were taking sides. “President Obama was legitimately concerned about the optic of his putting his hand on the scale in favour of one of the candidates into the disfavour of the other”, he explained.


However, the former US intelligence chief asserted his belief that Russian meddling did actually swing the election in favour of Donald Trump. “When you consider that the election turned on less than 80,000 votes in three key states; when you look at the massive effort that the Russians directed across many fronts and using multifaceted enablers, notably social media… To me, it just stretches logic and credulity to think that the Russians didn’t have [a] profound impact on the outcome of the election and in fact could have turned it”, he told FRANCE 24.
Finally, Clapper said he could not assert whether there had been collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia but noted that candidate Trump’s exhortation to Russia to “go find 30,000 missing emails” from the Clinton campaign was a strong indication of coordination between them. “I hope Special Counsel Mueller will resolve this issue one way or the other, because this is a cloud hanging over this country, it’s a cloud hanging over the presidency and it needs resolution one way or the other”, he concluded.

Trump’s Russia ties are really Jewish ties | Light On Conspiracies

mikenova shared this story from Light On Conspiracies – Revealing the Agenda.

The Judeo-Russian Mafia: From the Gulag to Brooklyn to World Dominion
By M. Raphael Johnson, PH.D.
July 11, 2017 Anno Domini
(Barnes Review May/June 2006)
On April 28, 2002, a military helicopter went down in the southern part of the Krasnoyarsk region of Siberia. On board was a major Russian dignitary, Gen. Alexander Lebed, governor of the region. Lebed was pronounced dead at the scene.
Almost immediately, the international press blamed “heavy fog” for the incident. However, at the time, every member of the Russian military was convinced the death of Lebed was no accident, but rather another hit by the international Jewish mafia, an organization that had long since taken control over much of Russia’s economy. Lebed, likely the most popular man in Russia at the time, was going to build a national socialist empire—possibly with Chinese assistance—based on the massive oil and mineral wealth of the region.
Had he succeeded, world history could have changed, and the 21st century would look very different. Prior to that, dozens of anti-Zionists in Russia had been murdered by car bombs or other devices, while none of the cases was ever solved. Only a handful was even investigated.

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The very fact that the Jewish mafia (often misnamed the “Russian” mafia) was capable of completely covering its tracks, being completely left out of all news reports surrounding the incident, while the common people (in Russia) were utterly convinced of their complicity, proves the immense strength of this rather new movement of organized crime. The Jewish mafia is nothing like their Irish or Italian predecessors in its American or European operations. They are richer, more international in scope and far more violent and ruthless. They kill children. They kill policemen and their families. They kill whomever they like. There has been nothing like it before in the history of the globe. And they are just getting started.
The major figure in uncovering the web of secrecy that surrounds the Jewish mafia was a journalist named Robert I. Friedman, who died at an early age from a “tropical disease.” He has interviewed the major figures in this underground and has uncovered their hiding spots and plans. After his book on the subject was published, major mafia leaders put a bounty on his head. The “Russian” mafia knows that it can kill with impunity, and, given their cozy relationship with European and American intelligence agencies, their immunity from real prosecution will only get more pronounced.

Friedman’s work is breathtaking in scope, and this essay will cite him extensively, especially his book Red Mafiya: How the Russian Mob Has Invaded America. Friedman is not afraid to state the obvious, namely, that the entire “Russian” mafia is Jewish, without exception, and that they have used this as a shield to deflect criticism. This shield has permitted them to grow and prosper. Further, Friedman is also not afraid to admit that Jewish organizations throughout the world, led by the Anti-Defamation League, are the beneficiaries of largesse coming from organized crime, and that the organizations in question are aware of it. In other words, Jewish organized crime is considered an acceptable part of Jewish life, and that Jewish organizations have actually lobbied law enforcement to stop investigations into this phenomenon, almost always with success. The confirmation of Zionist Michael Chertoff to the post as chief of Homeland Security guarantees that Jewish organized crime in America will not be at the receiving end of the many stings that have targeted the Italian Mafia.
The roots of Jewish organized crime, it is said, go far back into tsarist times. Organized crime syndicates assisted Lenin’s gangs in bank robberies and the creation of general mayhem. During the so-called revolution, it was difficult, sometimes impossible, to distinguish between Bolshevik ideologues and Jewish organized crime syndicates. They acted in nearly an identical manner.
However, in more modern times, they seem to have had their roots in the waning days of the stagnant USSR under Leonid Brezhnev. By the late 1970s, the Russian economy was driven by the black market, and the early stages of the Jewish mafia were involved in this black underground. In fact, the Russian socialist economy would have collapsed much sooner if it had not been propped up by the extensive black economy. Soon, the rulers of the black market became so powerful they were able to form their own “people’s courts,” which dispensed “justice” completely apart from the Soviet state, and away from its control. Many of these black marketeers had been recently released from the gulag system of prison camps in an earlier era for their black market activities, and the toughness that was required to survive these dungeons served this new criminal elite very well (Friedman, 9).
The black market acted as a safety valve for the Soviet state for decades, making all estimations of the strength of the Soviet economy subject to speculation. The black market provided many goods and services the overextended Soviet system could not provide. In the gulag, they had formed brotherhoods, much like blacks and Hispanics currently do today in prison. They formed Jewish bunds that, upon release, served to create deep bonds that exist today, maintaining a highly secretive organization almost impossible to deal with or penetrate.
Sen. Henry “Scoop” Jackson’s famous bill, the Jackson-Vanick law, linked Soviet trade privileges to the treatment of Soviet Jews. It was a bill lobbied heavily for by American Jewish organizations. And while non-Jews could not emigrate from Russia, Jews could. Quickly, the KGB took this opportunity to dump its hardcore criminals into the United States, many who were Jewish, as conservatives cheered, believing, naively as usual, to have scored a major victory against the USSR. Much of the Jewish mafia’s penetration into the United States came as a result of these Soviet “boatlifts,” which were partially financed by groups such as the ADL or the Hebrew Aid Society. Given the substantial nature of the black market and the Soviet criminal underground, and its exclusively Jewish character, it is difficult to believe that the Jewish groups who were financing the immigration of Russian Jews to America were unaware of the connections of many of the new arrivals. Regardless, much of the money earmarked for immigration to Israel was pocketed by the mafia and redirected to settling Jews in New York—the New Promised Land.
Marat Balagula was one of these. A major Jewish crime figure, he bought a restaurant in Brighton Beach, Brooklyn, named it the Odessa (a major port city in Ukraine), and quickly converted it into a central recruiting base for mobsters. It was also closely linked with Zionist agencies in the area, including the women’s group Hadassah, who used the establishment for meetings and fund raising dinners (Friedman, 17). This restaurant also became the seat of real political power in Brooklyn, for in the upstairs part of the establishment, Balagula and other Jewish mobsters would convene the “People’s Courts,” and their word was (and is) law. Ordinary courts in the area could not hope to compete with the mobsters, well protected by powerful Jewish groups within the city and the municipal government itself.

These courts, controlled by the Jewish mob, were more powerful and acted more quickly than the regular municipal courts of New York City. Balagula had created a state within a state. The Italian gangs in New York didn’t know what hit them. Public executions and torturings were common in Brooklyn, and in broad daylight. Often, public murders would happen for the tiniest offenses, or to prove one’s toughness. While the Italians were very cautious and deliberate, the Jewish mob was flamboyant and gratuitously violent.
Yuri Brokhin, another Jewish mobster who had already made a name for himself in America, and Balagula were heavily into stealing diamonds from jewelry stores and replacing them with cheap fakes. At one incident, narrated by Friedman, the pair pulled such a scam in Chicago, and was caught at the airport with $175,000. As it turns out, the duo was seen by a Jewish security guard in Chicago’s O’Hare Airport wearing their phony Hassidic garb on the eve of Yom Kippur, when Jews are strictly forbidden to travel. This sloppiness got them caught. The duo was convicted, but as proof of the power of the Jewish mafia, they both got off without a jail sentence, having committed major grand larceny, among other crimes. Of course, Friedman does not speculate as to why this would be, since a major felony such as this often carried sentences over 20 years. Both Brokhin and Balagula were criminals in the USSR, and were able to transfer their wealth to America via Zionist and “charitable” organizations of Jewry.
A major connection between the halls of American political power and the Jewish mafia is the rabbi Ronald Greenwald. He knowingly did business with con artists and mafia figures, and used his major political connections to shield them. Greenwald was a major player in CREEP, the re-election campaign for Richard Nixon in 1972. Greenwald was used heavily by Nixon and other Republicans to gain the Jewish vote, which he doubled for Nixon during that election (Friedman, 31) in the state of New York. Soon, the rabbi was given a post as an “advisor” to Nixon on “Jewish poverty programs,” a post which certainly made some snicker at the time, though it was clear that Nixon owed Greenwald, and the rabbi made quick use of his new-found powers. He used his power to protect the mafia’s bilking of Medicaid programs and other crimes that were never investigated by the authorities.
His post as head of the “Jewish poverty” initiative permitted him to shield those involved with such financial scams, as well as call off any and all FBI investigations of his friends. Part of the rise of Jewish mafia groups was the protection afforded it by Greenwald’s political connections.
Greenwald was also instrumental in protecting Marc Rich, a billionaire Jewish investor with mob ties. Rich, a major player in the Clinton administration, swindled investors out of billions. Nothing was done, again, though negative media treatment against Rich was permitted largely because he did do business with Iran, and thus was considered a traitor by his fellow Jews. Eventually, Clinton pardoned Rich in a much-publicized case, and Rich is now free.
Jewish mafia investors all but took over Las Vegas, also with the political protection and patronage of Greenwald. Some years back, a movie was released called Casino, starring Robert DeNiro and Joe Pesci. Concerning itself with the takeover of Las Vegas, the film depicted Mr. Rothstein (played by the Jewish DeNiro) as the suave and successful entrepreneur, and Pesci as the typical Italian wiseguy, brash and insolent. Of course, the purpose of the movie was to absolve Jewish organized crime and transfer all blame to Italian mobsters. The opposite was true.
Balagula, before taking over Jewish mafia interests in the United States, acted as a mob functionary for the KGB. In his very own words, Balagula said that the “KGB gave him visas, no problem” (Friedman, 44) and was instrumental in sending him stolen art and jewels, which he sold to foreign tourists. The KGB also set him up as head of the largest food co-op in Ukraine, a position he quickly turned into a major black market operation with the blessings of the KGB. Near the end of the Cold War, members of the KGB viewed the Jewish crime syndicate as a source of possible new jobs for them after the old system was destroyed. So, not only did they have the patronage of the American political establishment under Greenwald, but also the decaying intelligence apparatus of the USSR as well.
What needs to be kept in mind about the bootlegging operation is that it was never small time. Nothing the Jewish mob did was ever small. This operation was multinational in scope. They had a fleet of massive oil tankers, tanker trucks and hundreds of gasoline stations and distributorships, all owned by Jews loyal to the mob. Balagula had created a massive mafia empire leading from North Africa to Saudi Arabia to Venezuela to Brooklyn. The Jewish mobsters developed an infrastructure within the oil trade that made them invincible. Mafia influence is substantial in the price of oil, as well as acting as the occasional go-between between the Mossad and Arab oil-producing sheikdoms. No one of substance was ever brought to justice.
With all the power that the Jewish mob has amassed, they are merely a pimple on the back of the master of them all, and a man who truly controls much of the globe. There is no one on Earth more powerful than he, and, as per usual, he remains unknown, left out of all press and television reports on the subject. The CIA considers him a “grave threat” to global security and the “world’s most dangerous man” (Friedman). The fact that he remains almost unknown shows the power of the Zionist-controlled media and their relentless drive to suppress all investigation into Jewish crime. He has created a massive, global communications network and employs hundreds of Ph.D.s in computer science, physics and economics to run his massive financial empire. He has penetrated every stock exchange in the world and controls much of the trading therein.
He was also the mastermind of the largest money-laundering scheme in U.S. history, “washing” $7 billion through the Bank of New York, which is a major branch of the Federal Reserve and his bank of choice. His name is Semion Mogilevich, born in 1946.
Basing his first operations in Israel, where he fleeced Jewish refugees from Russia, Mogilevich acquired Hungarian citizenship after making the comment that the biggest problem with Israel is that there are “too many Jews there.” However, he single-handedly controls the brothels in Israel, where Ukrainian and Russian girls are forced into sexual slavery. This is legal in Israel if the girls are non-Jews. The name of Mogilevich has been left out of every report on the phenomenon in Israel, Ukraine or the United States.
Mogilevich also controls the vodka trade in Russia and Central Europe.
Most ominously, Mogilevich has bought Hungary’s armaments industry. In other words, he controls the military equipment being manufactured in Hungary. He has his own army, artillery, mechanized infantry, antiaircraft guns and missiles of all types. NATO has said that he is a “threat to the stability of Europe,” though his name remains little known. This mobster is militarily more powerful than many European countries. He has nuclear weapons from the former Warsaw Pact countries and is presently trading with various governments and providing them with nuclear technology. He has agents in the intelligence agencies of all European countries, which means that he may never be prosecuted, for he is made aware of any pending investigation into his activities, which quickly gets quashed.
German television reported that the German intelligence service, the BND, had entered into secret negotiations with Mogilevich whereby the latter would supply information on his rivals in Russia. He has a similar arrangement with French intelligence. He has close connections to the Mossad, which destroyed his criminal file (Friedman, 245-247). Therefore he is immune to prosecution and travels freely. He controls the black market from Central Europe to Russia. He has a Rockefeller connection as well, as his main economics advisor, Igor Fisherman was a consultant to Chase Manhattan Bank. Friedman writes, concerning the Fed and its relations to Mogilevich: “While the bank has not been charged with any wrongdoing, some investigators believe that the money laundering could not have taken place unless senior bank officials were bought off or otherwise involved” (259). When the Justice Department began a criminal investigation into Mogilevich (which went nowhere), he accused the Department of an “anti-Semitic conspiracy.”

George W. Bush’s professed mentor, Natan Sharansky, has long and deep ties to organized crime. The Congress, State Department and the CIA all have lengthy dossiers on Sharansky, who acted as a bridge between the Republican Party and Jewish thugs in a similar manner to Rabbi Greenwald. Sharansky, knowing his power, simply refused to sever his ties with organized crime, infusing the Jewish mafia into the highest echelons of the Bush administration. A pattern emerges in relation to the Republican Party: Russian Jews usually pose as “anti-Communists.” They did this partially because they had been arrested by security services for their black market activities, but also because this posture would make them valuable to Republican operatives and the Beltway “conservative movement.” Their reputations as “dissidents” protected them almost as much as their religion.
Because of this, George W.’s father also refused to cooperate with several investigations into Russian mob activities in Switzerland. The CIA has commented that there is no “major Russian mob figure that does not carry an Israeli passport,” but the Israeli state refuses to take any action against the gangsters. Yitzhak Rabin was the one exception, and met with Mossad figures, as well as Shin Bet and Israel’s FBI, to combat organized crime, believing that it could destabilize Israel. Within a few days, he was murdered. His successor, Shimon Peres, shelved the recommendations formulated under Rabin, where they collect dust to this day.
It might be worthwhile to delve into some of the causes of this phenomenon. Why the Jews? It is true that many culture groups have engaged in ethnic based organized crime, but it seems only the Italians get frequently mentioned. Today, Chechen, Hispanic and Albanian gangs are growing in power, but none has come close to being even a footnote to the Jewish clans. Few people in the FBI, CIA or DEA speak Hebrew or Yiddish. Some Jewish mobsters go back and forth between languages, including Russian, so as to make themselves more indecipherable.
The power of the Jewish gangs is wielded more ruthlessly than any other criminal gang. Jewish mobsters enjoy inflicting pain, they murder children as well as unarmed men and women. The old code of honor among Irish and Italian gangsters is nonexistent. These old-time mobsters would only kill another mobster. The Jewish gangs have no regard for these rules, and thus are more feared. The sheer arrogance of the Jewish gangsters and their outrageous self-assurance have allowed their “competition” among the Italian gangs to take a very cautious stance toward their Jewish counterparts.
The state of Israel is a major factor in the rise and power of the Jewish mafia. Jewish drug dealers, child porn pushers, and slave traders are free from prosecution in Israel. Israel does not consider these to be crimes, again, so long as the victims are non-Jews. The mafia proved its power in the murder of Yitzhak Rabin. The Israeli state will not extradite its citizens to non-Jewish countries, and, therefore, Jewish murderers can quite easily escape punishment in Israel.
The unique situation in the former USSR, and the fact that Jews predominated in the Soviet bureaucracy, provides another link in the rise of the mafia. Jews predominated in the earlier and more primitive black market in Russia, and thus these groups were physically more ready to take advantage of the crisis in Russia beginning in the mid-1980s.
Jewish organized crime, connected to both the KGB and Mossad, automatically had the skids greased to remain off the radar screen for allied intelligence agencies.
Likely the most important factor is the complete control of the media by Jewish families and the power of the ADL in American culture. The power of the Jews in America is so great that any serious investigation into Jewish crime will see shrill attacks from every major media outlet in America. In terms of public relations, it is just not worth it. Therefore, one will see a television program like The Sopranos about Italian mobsters, but one will never see the same program featuring Jewish mobsters.
There is very little that can be done at this time. There is every reason to believe that soon, nationalists and Revisionists will be targeted by Jewish criminals with strong ties to the Mossad. The fate of the West is being decided in Moscow, not in Washington, D.C. or New York. Russian President Vladimir Putin needs to continue to centralize power in his own person. His elimination of provincial governors was meant primarily as a crime fighting campaign, as local governors were making peace with the crime bosses. Putin also needs to continue to reform the military and security services, making them more and more loyal to the new Russian order. Putin should begin publicly drawing attention to the global power of the bosses and the connivance of western powers in their rise and present prosperity.
The ruble should be made non-convertible (so as to prevent its manipulation by crime bosses in the currency markets), and a strong Sino-Slavic trading bloc needs to be solidified. Police work in Russia is now a rough business. Poorly paid policemen need to be supplemented by local militias to begin direct and militant confrontations with organized crime and corruption wherever it might arise. Putin has the popularity and the power to create a major security bloc against organized crime, as well as capitalist imperialism. Russian banks need to come under state control, and be purged of all criminal elements. Furthermore, the church, currently the second most popular institution in Russia after Putin, needs to place its powerful seal on the development of a mob-free Russia, and call on all Russians to repent and begin building a nationalist and communitarian system. Agriculture and the village commune should receive government support to repopulate the countryside, making Russia self-sufficient in food.
And, of course, Russia’s extremely important and strategic oil and natural gas reserves need to be protected by interior ministry troops and placed under government control if need be. Putin, the nationalists and the church have tremendous popularity and influence. This capital should be spent on developing a nationalist system dedicated to purging Russia of Jewish-inspired crime, imperialism, depopulation, and liberalism. He is already moving in this direction, and Russian economic growth and a low inflation and unemployment rate are its fruits.

This article is based chiefly on: Robert I. Friedman, Red Mafiya: How the Russian Mob Has Invaded America, 288 pages, hardcover, Little, Brown; May 1, 2000; mass market paperback publisher: Berkley Publishing Group (2002). Other books of similar interest: Russian Mafia in America: Immigration, Culture, and Crime by James O. Finckenauer; Comrade Criminal: Russia’s New Mafiya, by Stephen Handelman; Godfather of the Kremlin: The Decline of Russia in the Age of Gangster Capitalism by Paul Klebnikov; Darkness at Dawn: The Rise of the Russian Criminal State, by David Satter.

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The Russian crime organization that operated in Trump Tower – U.S. News

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The FBI did wiretap Trump Tower, but its target was not the future president of the United States and the operation was over well before Donald Trump even declared his candidacy. Instead, the bureau was listening in on a Russian crime organization that worked out of offices on the building’s 63rd floor, just three stories below Trump’s penthouse. As reported by ABC News on Tuesday, the FBI had the building under surveillance, including electronic monitoring, from 2011 to 2013. The investigation led to the indictment of Alimzhan Tokhtakhounov, who is wanted by Interpol and on the lam in Russia, and 33 individuals suspected of working for him.
“He is a major player,” Mike Gaeta, who ran the FBI’s Eurasian organized crime unit in New York and led the 2013 FBI investigation, told ABC News about Tokhtakhounov, who holds both Russian and Israeli citizenship.
“He is prominent. He has extremely good connections in the business world as well as the criminal world, overseas, in Russia, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, other countries.
“Because of his status, we have kept tabs on his activities and particularly as his activities truly enter New York City. Their money was ultimately laundered from Russia, Ukraine and other locations through Cyprus banks and shell companies based in Cyprus and then ultimately here to the United States,” Gaeta said.
Tokhtakhounov, a “vor v zakone,” the equivalent of a “godfather” in Russian crime organizations, has been a fugitive from American justice since before the wiretap in Trump Tower. In the summer of 2002 Tokhtakhounov , who is also known as “Taiwanchik” (“little Taiwanese in Russias), was arrested in Italy for bribing judges of the figure skating competitions in the Salt Lake City Winter Olympics that year. In a press conference after the arrest, James Comey — now the director of the FBI at a time when the bureau is investigating the Trump campaign’s ties to Russia, who at the time was the U.S. attorney in Manhattan, announced Tokhtakhounov’s arrest.



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“The complaint alleges that the long arm of Russian organized crime reached across the globe this past February and into Salt Lake City with a pair of fixes for the Winter Olympics,” Comey said at the press conference. The accusations were based on recorded conversations that Tokhtakhounov conducted.
Italy refused the U.S. extradition request, and Tokhtakhounov returned to Moscow, where he continues to be a presence in local social scene, boasting of friendships with local athletes and celebrities such as the pop singer Philip Kirkorov, appearing in documentaries and voicing his support for the government of President Vladimir Putin.
In interviews, Tokhtakhounov has expressed sadness over losing the opportunity to travel and live abroad, especially in France and Italy. In the Israeli documentary “Thieves in Law” (2010), Tokhtakhounov recalled his life in Israel in the early 1990s. “I understood that it’s hard to live with a Russian passport, ’cause you have to renew the visa all the time. I had a Jewish lover so we went to Israel. We got married, moved to Israel and I got the papers. I lived in Israel for six months. Then I realized it’s not for me. My wife dies, we buried her and I moved to Paris,” he said in the movie.
While Tokhtakhounov was hiding in Russia, his associate, according to the court documents, was running a crime operation from Trump Tower. Vadim Trincher, an emigrant from the former Soviet Union who holds American and Israeli citizenship, moved to Trump Tower in 2009.
According to the sealed indictment issued by the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York in 2013 as a result of the surveillance operation, “VADIM TRINCHER, a/k/a ‘Dima,’ was a participant in the enterprise, the Taiwanchik-Trincher Organization, and was a leader of it. In that capacity, TRINCHER participated in and profited from various crimes, which he committed along with other members and associates of the Taiwanchik-Trincher Organization. Among other things, TRINCHER oversaw a high-stakes illegal sports gambling business that catered almost exclusively to oligarchs living in Ukraine and the Russian Federation. Members and associates of the Taiwanchik-Trincher Organization and their co-conspirators employed a sophisticated money laundering scheme to move tens of millions of dollars in proceeds from the gambling operation from the former Soviet Union through shell companies in Cyprus into various investments and other shell companies in the United States.”
The organization laundered millions of dollars, with $10 million paid to Tokhtakhounov himself. Trincher pled guilty to conspiracy to commit racketeering, and was sentenced to five years in prison.
Another part of the scheme was operated by the organization’s younger generation. According to court documents, Trincher’s son Ilya and Hillel “Helly” Nahmad, a prominent art dealer who lived on the 51st floor of Trump Tower, ran an “illegal international gambling business that catered to multi-millionaires and billionaires”.
Nahmad is the scion of a family of Jewish bankers from Syria. He owns Helly Nahmad Gallery, in Manhattan, which has exhibited works by Picasso, Modigliani and Kandinsky. Nahmad pled guilty to gambling charges and received a one-year prison sentence. Having served his sentence, Nahmad continues to be a prominent figure in the art world and to live in his Trump Tower residence.
In 2013, a few months after the arrests of members of the Russian crime ring that worked out of his eponymous midtown tower, Donald Trump flew to Moscow for the Miss Universe contest. Among the guests spotted on the red carpet was Tokhtakhounov, who has been accused of rigging beauty contests in the past. According to a report in Mother Jones, he was invited as a VIP guest to the show, but journalists couldn’t confirm if the two met at the event. After returning to the United States, Donald Trump boasted to the New York Post, “Almost all of the oligarchs were in the room”.

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Donald Trump Associate Felix Sater Is Linked to the Mob and the CIA …

NewsweekJun 7, 2018
“I will get all of [Russian President Vladimir] Putin’s team to buy in on this.” …. He also performed odd jobs and hawked The Jewish Daily Forward, … (Former FBI and CIA officials support Sater’s account. …. the south tower of the World Trade Center and explodes on September 11, 2001, in New York City.
Story image for FBI vs Global Russian Jewish Mafia from Financial Times

How football’s World Cup fell into the hands of autocracy

Financial TimesJun 5, 2018
Ken Bensinger of BuzzFeed tells the story of the FBI and Internal … FBI about purported collusion between Russia and Donald Trump’s … The FBI prosecuted soccer officials under US racketeering laws, in effect, treating Fifa as a mafia. … German-Jewish refugees, he grew up between Paris and Frankfurt.
Story image for FBI vs Global Russian Jewish Mafia from The Sydney Morning Herald

‘You ain’t seen nothing yet’: Farage denies Russia interfered in Brexit …

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‘You ain’t seen nothing yet’: Farage denies Russia interfered in Brexit vote … reaction by “internationalelites” to what he called the two revolutions of 2016 … FBI investigation into Russian interference in the US election and possible … The billionaire Jewish investor, philanthropist and liberal political donor, …
Story image for FBI vs Global Russian Jewish Mafia from Haaretz

Jewish Insider’s Daily Kickoff: June 7, 2018

HaaretzJun 7, 2018
And now we are in a different place in the world, we are a rising power It’s a … “Israeli firm under FBIscrutiny in Trump probe allegedly targeted BDS …. Israel Baline, the son of a cantor fleeing persecution of the Jews of Russia. … it again showed how the management of Argentine football is a huge mafia,” …
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Airless GOTTI Ensures The Teflon Don Bores You Silly

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… a half Italian half RussianJewish housewife in the mid-60s forward. … Kevin Connolly has boldly decided the world wanted a play about … John Gotti was a member of a Mafia crime family from the 60s … I don’t know how you take the story of the most notorious gangster of the late era Mafia and make it …
Story image for FBI vs Global Russian Jewish Mafia from Daily Beast

It’s Not Just Jeff Sessions: America Has Shown No Mercy to Refugees …

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Jews were forced to watch the synagogues burn, women and children were …. in 1885, part of an exodus of Jews fleeing a wave of anti-Semitic pogroms in Russia. … Division of the Justice Department, andforerunner of the FBI. … all over the world,” Sessions told a meeting of immigration judges this week.

AP Top News at 2:31 pm EDT

<a href=”” rel=”nofollow”></a>Jun 17, 2018
BOSTON (AP) — Francis Salemme leaned forward in his chair and craned his neck to … curly hair, at the time the New England Mafia boss known as “Cadillac Frank,” holding court outside a hotel under the watchful eye of the FBI. … soccer fans and six other pedestrians as Russia hosts the World Cup told …
Story image for FBI vs Global Russian Jewish Mafia from Fox News

Rudy Giuliani: Mueller probe should never have taken place

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And Chairman Gowdy praising the FBI’s overall handling of the Russian probe? … While this off-the-rails Russia so-called collusion investigation rolls on way …. So, you got a group there, a lynching mob, so let them do their job and, boy, ….. The satanic Jews, they control everything and mostly everybody.
Story image for FBI vs Global Russian Jewish Mafia from The Times of Israel

Ex-FBI chief Comey: Trump ran White House like a ‘mob boss’

The Times of IsraelApr 12, 2018
Ex-FBI chief Comey: Trump ran White House like a ‘mob boss’ … of a mafia boss who demanded absolute loyalty, saw the entire world against him, and lied … agent who researched alleged links between Trump’s campaign and Russia. ….. Bennett teased for proposing ‘world Jewish singles’ event in Israel.
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Gangster Place in the Sun: How Spain’s Fight Against the Mob …

ProPublicaNov 10, 2017
And alongside other globally minded gangsters, they established … An FBI expert on the Russian mafia, who came to train the Spanish police …
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Story image for Semion Mogilevich from Kyiv Post

Oleg Sukhov: Reformer and anti-reformer of the week

Kyiv Post3 hours ago
… against Security Service of Ukraine officials who allegedly destroyed investigative materials linked to Russian mafia boss Semion Mogilevich.
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A top Russian mob boss known as ‘The Brainy Don’ connects last week’s staged assassination of an anti-Putin reporter to key Trump-Russia …
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Crime lord from FBI’s Ten Most Wanted list seen at funeral of Russian …

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… linked to one of Russia’s most notorious criminals: Semion Mogilevich. Mogilevich is frequently described as “the most dangerous mobster in …
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Donald Trump Associate Felix Sater Is Linked to the Mob and the CIA …

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There are rumors that his father was a capo in a gang run by alleged über boss Semion Mogilevich; Sater denies that as well. His father, he …
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Firtash was believed to be a front man for Semion Mogilevich. In court papers in Chicago, where Firtash was indicted in a separate international …
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His family ties, in fact, led straight to the top: His brother ran a $150 million stock scam with none other than Semion Mogilevich, whom the FBI …
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Kyiv Post

Time to Cut Out the Middlemen in Ukraine Gas Trade

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The heist was devised years ago by mafia kingpin Semion Mogilevich, and has been fronted by Dmytro Firtash with the blessing of Russian …
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Story image for Global Russian Jewish Mafia and Trump from Tablet Magazine

“With Canada?” —Philip Roth, The Plot Against America

Tablet MagazineJun 17, 2018
Until the advent of Mikhail S. Gorbachev, no large and glorious empire in all of history had ever decided of its own volition to dismantle itself.
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Donald Trump and the 1930s playbook: liberal democracy comes …

Financial TimesJun 22, 2018
Others believed she was telling the world what she thought of her marriage. … called for a “census” of Roma citizens evoking Italy’s fascist-era registry of Jews. … Russia’s president and Nato’s consistent ill-wisher, either before or after … for Roberto Saviano, the anti-mafia author of the Gomorrah series, after …
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Tony Blair is not the Messiah – but he’s right about the mess we’re in 27, 2018
The new political battle is between open and closed, global and national … Donald Trump isn’t a Republican – he’s a businessman who wants to close the competition. … care what he gets up to, and friendship with a Russian regime which is … and never mind the cartels and the Mafia and the sex traffickers.
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How football’s World Cup fell into the hands of autocracy

Financial TimesJun 5, 2018
Sepp Blatter, president of the game’s global authority Fifa, opened … collusion between Russia and Donald Trump’s campaign for the US … The FBI prosecuted soccer officials under US racketeering laws, in effect, treating Fifa as a mafia. … Born in southwestern France in 1945 to German-Jewish refugees, …
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Think You Know How Deep TrumpRussia Goes? Think Again: This …

<a href=”” rel=”nofollow”></a>Mar 15, 2018
Perhaps the main problem with coverage of Trump’s Russia ties is that many … picture can be harder than ever, even with the most-covered story in the world. … and the Russian mafia and each other and Trumpproperties, we pass out of the …… PUTIN gain influence over Russia’s Jewish community, with …
Story image for Global Russian Jewish Mafia and Trump from Haaretz

The Countless Israeli Connections to Mueller’s Probe of Trump and …

HaaretzMay 26, 2018
Who is Joel Zamel, the Australian-Israeli linked to Mueller’s Trump Probe? … have developed an international reputation for election campaigns; many are …. the Russian Jewish Congress, headed by Israeli-Russian oligarch Vladimir … has named as a lieutenant for Russia mafia kingpin Sergei Mogilevich.
Story image for Global Russian Jewish Mafia and Trump from Haaretz

Know Your Oligarch: A Guide to the Jewish Billionaires in the Trump …

HaaretzMay 23, 2018
The special prosecutor’s probe into Russian meddling in the 2016 election offers an …. Forbes lists him as the 48th richest man in the world. … chauffeur, who had risen through the company ranks, was a Russian mafia boss.
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George Soros: ‘Trump would like to establish a mafia state’

POLITICO.euJan 25, 2018
“In the United States, President Trump would like to establish a mafia state, but can’t,” the financier George Soros told the World Economic …
Story image for Global Russian Jewish Mafia and Trump from Patheos (blog)

New Book Documents Trump’s Long Relationship with Russian Mafia

Patheos (blog)May 14, 2018
“That was Trump’s introduction into this world of Russian criminal money,” Hettena argued. “It continued in Trump Tower, it continued in his …
Story image for Global Russian Jewish Mafia and Trump from The Guardian

Cranks have turned the world upside down – it’s time to fight back

The GuardianMar 17, 2018
Until the moment Trump was elected American politicians and … to arrange and conceal: the Jews or the “Zionists”, as they say today. … Jews. Corbyn eggs them on by saying that “Russian mafia-like groups” may be behind it.
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FBI News Review

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Deutsche Bank: A Global Bank for Oligarchs — American & Russian, Part 3 

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deutsche bank and russian jewish oligarchs – Google Search


GOP senator places hold on Trump counterintelligence nominee | TheHill
william evanina – Google Search
Reorg puts DOD in charge of clearances — Defense Systems
vocero federales amplian foco en san juan – Google Search
Edición del 25 junio de 2018 by El Vocero de Puerto Rico – issuu
fbi san juan – Google Search
Puerto Rican mayor is reportedly being investigated by the FBI for corruption | Daily Mail Online
News – fbi san juan yadira molina investigation – Google Search
foco federal sobre otra contratista – Google Search
Foco federal sobre otro contratista de San Juan – Noticias Bles.Com
itza garcia – Google Search
News – itza garcia – Google Search
issuu – pricing
Crisis Of Trust In The FBI – Google Search
fbi – Google Search
FBI Still Stonewalls Congress On Russia: More Deep State Obstruction?
christopher wray – Google Search
No, Christopher Wray, we don’t trust you | TheHill
FBI Director Wray press conference on the DOJ Inspector General report
Christopher Wray – YouTube
FBI Director Chris Wray knocks down the agency’s partisan critics – Business Insider
FBI director: ‘These are challenging times for the organization’ |
fbi reform – Google Search
travel ban – Google Search
The NSA ‘spy hubs’ hidden in plain sight across the country | Daily Mail Online
fbi meeting los angeles – Google Search
jazz – YouTube
” Autumn Leaves ” Chet Baker – Paul Desmond – YouTube
Early FBI contacts with Trump campaign officials analyzed; ‘Efforts to manufacture evidence’ – Washington Times
Ex-CIA director: GOP needs ‘heroes’ to put country above Trump | TheHill
News by date – mueller investigation – Google Search
Images – Michael Novakhov – Google Search
8.16.17 – Damnatio memoriae: No further news transpired on Peter Strzok’s departure | peter strzok is removed – Google News – WorldWide Times –
Michael Novakhov – Google Search
The Best of Opera – YouTube
The Best of Opera – YouTube
Russian Classical Music | Tchaikovsky, Prokofiev, Rachmaninoff, Rimskij-Korsakov – YouTube
Maria Callas, Luciano Pavarotti – 50 Most Beautiful Opera Arias & Ouvertures – YouTube
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A Brooklyn Favorite for Jamaican Food Beats the Odds – The New York Times


Looming question for Mueller probe: How much to make public? Washington Post – Google Search
saint john’s day 2018 – Google Search
trump putin – Google Search
Francisco Reyes Caparros – Google Search
Francisco Reyes Caparros – Google Search
FBI may be biggest loser in investigation of investigations | YouGov
A crisis in leadership at the FBI – Washington Times
G7 leaders can’t trust Trump, former FBI director James Comey says – The Globe and Mail
Special counsel obtains Trump ally Erik Prince’s phones, computer – ABC News
Donald Trump and the erosion of democratic norms in America | US news | The Guardian
héctor ferrer – Google Search
Héctor Ferrer acusa al Gobierno de Rosselló de la situación crítica de Puerto Rico Hoy San Diego (Comunicado de prensa) – Google Search
Héctor Ferrer acusa al Gobierno de Rosselló de la situación crítica de Puerto Rico | Puerto Rico | Edición USA | Agencia EFE
Puerto Rico | Edición USA | Agencia EFE
héctor ferrer – Google Search
Crisis en el PNP | Opinión |
Ex-teacher accused of raping minor linked to Anthony Weiner, report says


Carlos Cases FBI – Google Search
Comey, ashamed by immigration crisis, considered hiding citizenship
Manipulations of the Public Opinions – Google Search
FBI criticism – Google Search
trump – Google Search
Elections 2016 Russia, Israel, Russian Jewish Oligarchs Mafia, Germany, China, and others, Scandal – Google Search
Elections 2016 Interference Russia, Israel, Russian Jewish Oligarchs Mafia, Germany, China, and others, Scandal – Google Search
elections 2016 Russia scandal – Google Search
court of the public opinion – Google Search
Trump Comey political games – Google Search
James Comey: ‘You stare at children crying – what kind of people are we?’ | US news | The Guardian
Trump Comey political games – Google Search
phenomenon of “politicization” – Google Search
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comey – Google Search
Biblical Children Border Crisis – Google Search
News – elections 2016 Russia scandal – Google Search
News – Elections 2016 Interference Russia, Israel, Russian Jewish Oligarchs Mafia, Germany, China, and others, Scandal – Google Search
FBI criticism – Google Search
Trump’s FBI attacks divide bureau’s longtime critics – POLITICO
IG Report Highlights FBI Counterspy Failings
strzok storozh roots etymology – Google Search
fbi counterintelligence – Google Search
Randall Coleman fbi – Google Search
Andrew McCabe fbi – Google Search
E.W. “Bill” Priestap fbi – Google Search
FBI Officials Claim No Recollection of Key Moments in Clinton Investigation, IG Report Reveals | The Epoch Times
News – E.W. “Bill” Priestap fbi – Google Search
Leonard Cohen – Take this waltz – YouTube
june 23 2018 holiday puerto rico – Google Search

Mike Nova’s Shared NewsLinks 

Mike Nova’s Shared NewsLinks
FBI vs Global Russian Jewish Mafia – Google Search
Semion Mogilevich – Google Search
Global Russian Jewish Mafia and Trump – Google Search
Global Russian Jewish Mafia – Google Search
Global Russian Jewish Mafia – Google Search
Global Russian Jewish Mafia – Google Search
Russian Jewish Mafia and Trump – Google Search
Russian Jewish Mafia and Trump – Google Search
Russian Jewish Mafia and Trump – Google Search
Russian Jewish Mafia – Google Search
Russian Jewish Mafia – Google Search
Francisco Tárrega – Capricho árabe – YouTube
Chet Baker – I fall in love too easily – YouTube
Chet Baker – The Touch of Your Lips – YouTube
Is Donald Trump’s Dark Russian Secret Hiding in Deutsche Bank’s Vaults?
deutsche bank and russian jewish oligarchs – Google Search
Beware the kaiser chiefs
German hypothesis Trump – Russia Affair – Google Search
3:25 AM 6/11/2018 – M.N.: Merkel gets so much mileage out of Trump-Russia affair, that it becomes increasingly…
1:03 PM 6/10/2018 – Merkel: “What does Putin have on you?” Trump: “None of your bidniz. You worry about…
The “German hypothesis” of the “Trump-Russia scandal” | The Web World Times – News and Opinions Review
German hypothesis Trump – Russia Affair – Google Search
German hypothesis Trump – Russia Affair – Google Search
Trump – Russia Affair – Google Search
Germany wants to keep the US out of Ukraine – Google Search
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Mike Nova’s Shared NewsLinks
FBI vs Global Russian Jewish Mafia – Google Search

mikenova shared this story from FBI vs Global Russian Jewish Mafia – Google News.

Story image for FBI vs Global Russian Jewish Mafia from Newsweek

Donald Trump Associate Felix Sater Is Linked to the Mob and the CIA …

NewsweekJun 7, 2018
“I will get all of [Russian President Vladimir] Putin’s team to buy in on this.” …. He also performed odd jobs and hawked The Jewish Daily Forward, … (Former FBI and CIA officials support Sater’s account. …. the south tower of the World Trade Center and explodes on September 11, 2001, in New York City.
In Brief – Saved Stories

Saved Stories – None
9:50 AM 6/26/2018 – The FBI Crisis Of 2018 – News Review
11:02 AM 6/26/2018 – The FBI Crisis And The FBI Reform – News Review
10:05 AM 6/27/2018 – The German hypothesis of the Trump – Russia Affair – Update
10:05 AM 6/27/2018 – The German hypothesis of the Trump – Russia Affair – Update
10:05 AM 6/27/2018 – The German hypothesis of the Trump – Russia Affair – Update
10:05 AM 6/27/2018 – The “German Hypothesis” Of The “Trump – Russia Affair” – By Michael Novakhov – Update
1:03 PM 6/10/2018 – Merkel: “What does Putin have on you?” Trump: “None of your bidniz. You worry about…
Look to Trump, Not Trey Gowdy, to Address Bias at the FBI and DOJ – National Review
The DOJ has turned over additional FISA records to Republicans, and former intelligence officials say the … – Business Insider
DOJ gives Congress new classified documents on Russia probe – PBS NewsHour
Justice Department gives Congress new classified documents on Russia probe – Chicago Tribune
What did Peter Strzok do? – The Hill
Bolton in Moscow to work out details of Trump-Putin summit – Las Vegas Review-Journal
Justice Department Tells Devin Nunes It Complied With His Requests on FBI Probe – Wall Street Journal
McCarthy: Peter Strzok Likely to ‘Talk’ in Upcoming Congressional Interview – Fox News Insider
Embattled FBI agent meets with Congress behind closed doors – CNN
Mueller makes crucial headway in Russia investigation – ThinkProgress
Tech Companies Asked the FBI for Help Fighting Fake News and the FBI Told Them No – GQ Magazine
10 Signs the Government Is Spying on You (and 5 Ways They’re Already Watching You Every Day) – The Cheat Sheet
Nothing is going right for Paul Manafort lately – Vox
Mueller: Putin Ally Could Get Info About US Efforts To Stop His Ongoing Crimes – TPM
Former Omaha FBI employee’s lawsuit says she was told to wear more skirts and ‘smile occasionally’ – Omaha World-Herald
FOX NEWS FIRST: Anti-Trump FBI agent Strzok faces grilling; Big primary night for Trump bumps; Socialist shocks top … – Fox News
Lawmakers Interview FBI Agent Who Sent Anti-Trump Texts – NPR
Russian pop star at center of 2016 Trump Tower meeting story trolls US – CNN

Saved Stories 

Saved Stories – None
9:50 AM 6/26/2018 – The FBI Crisis Of 2018 – News Review

9:50 AM 6/26/2018 – The FBI Crisis Of 2018 – News Review
11:02 AM 6/26/2018 – The FBI Crisis And The FBI Reform – News Review

11:02 AM 6/26/2018 – The FBI Crisis And The FBI Reform – News Review
10:05 AM 6/27/2018 – The German hypothesis of the Trump – Russia Affair – Update

10:05 AM 6/27/2018 – The German hypothesis of the Trump – Russia Affair – Update
10:05 AM 6/27/2018 – The German hypothesis of the Trump – Russia Affair – Update

10:05 AM 6/27/2018 – The German hypothesis of the Trump – Russia Affair – Update
10:05 AM 6/27/2018 – The German hypothesis of the Trump – Russia Affair – Update

10:05 AM 6/27/2018 – The German hypothesis of the Trump – Russia Affair – Update
10:05 AM 6/27/2018 – The “German Hypothesis” Of The “Trump – Russia Affair” – By Michael Novakhov – Update

Beware the kaiser chiefs!  The “German Hypothesis” Of The “Trump – Russia Affair” Mike Nova’s Shared NewsLinks German hypothesis The German hypothesis of the Trump – Russia Affair – Google Search   mikenova shared this story . 3:25 AM 6/11/2018 – M.N.: Merkel gets so much mileage out of Trump-Russia affair, that it becomes increasingly…   mikenova shared this story from Public RSS-Feed of Mike Affair: the long planned design of the revived Abwehr to keep the US out of Ukraine (Manafort – Yanukovich Affair), and to drive the series of the geopolitical wedges to change the post-WW2 balances of powers by “soft and peaceful” (sophisticated and meticulously planned and performed, or more precisely … Continue reading“10:05 AM 6/27/2018 – The “German Hypothesis” Of The “Trump – Russia Affair” – By Michael Novakhov – Update” German hypothesis of the Trump – Russia Affair”
1:03 PM 6/10/2018 – Merkel: “What does Putin have on you?” Trump: “None of your bidniz. You worry about…

1:03 PM 6/10/2018 – Merkel: “What does Putin have on you?” Trump: “None of your bidniz. You worry about your own problems. See you later, Alligator!” Merkel: “In a while, Krokodile!”
Look to Trump, Not Trey Gowdy, to Address Bias at the FBI and DOJ – National Review

National Review
Look to Trump, Not Trey Gowdy, to Address Bias at the FBI and DOJ
National Review
This week, Gowdy did a 180: back on the warpath, slamming the politically biased Feebs over “prejudging” the outcomes of the Clinton-emails and TrumpRussia investigations and delivering a chest-beating vow that the House would “use its full arsenal of …
The DOJ has turned over additional FISA records to Republicans, and former intelligence officials say the … – Business Insider

Business Insider
The DOJ has turned over additional FISA records to Republicans, and former intelligence officials say the …
Business Insider
The surveillance of Trump associates was conducted as part of the department’s Russia-related investigation, which is examining whether members of the Trump campaign colluded with Moscow to tilt the 2016 presidential election in his favor. The news was …and more »
DOJ gives Congress new classified documents on Russia probe – PBS NewsHour

PBS NewsHour
DOJ gives Congress new classified documents on Russia probe
PBS NewsHour
Democrats have criticized the multiple document requests, charging that they are intended to discredit the department and discredit or even undermine special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into the Trump campaign’s Russia ties and whether there …
Look to Trump, Not Trey Gowdy, to Address Bias at the FBI and DOJNational Review
The DOJ has turned over additional FISA records to Republicans, and former intelligence officials say the Business Insiderall 49 news articles »
Justice Department gives Congress new classified documents on Russia probe – Chicago Tribune

Chicago Tribune
Justice Department gives Congress new classified documents on Russia probe
Chicago Tribune
Democrats have criticized the multiple document requests, charging that they are intended to discredit the department and distract from or even undermine special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into the Trump campaign’s Russia ties and whether … and more » 
Look to Trump, Not Trey Gowdy, to Address Bias at the FBI and DOJNational Reviewall 67 news articles » 
What did Peter Strzok do? – The Hill

The Hill

What did Peter Strzok do?
The Hill
It’s also directly relevant to the FBI investigations of TrumpRussia collusion, which the IG did not examine in this report. There are multiple allegations of FBI misbehavior in that inquiry, including conspiracies to frameTrump, and improper spying 
FBI Agent Peter Strzok Expected to Speak to Congress on
Strzok To Testify In Closed Hearing WednesdayTownhall
all 16 agent Peter Strzok subpoenaed after anti-Trump text messagesUSA TODAY
Rep. DeSantis: Strzok Is ‘Walking Into a Buzzsaw’ After Being Subpoenaed to TestifyFox News Insider
all 91news articles »
Bolton in Moscow to work out details of Trump-Putin summit – Las Vegas Review-Journal

Las Vegas Review-Journal
Bolton in Moscow to work out details of Trump-Putin summit
Las Vegas Review-Journal
National Security Adviser John Bolton will meet Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and then head to the Kremlin for a meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin. Anticipation has been high for a possible TrumpPutin meeting as Trump seeks to …and more »
Justice Department Tells Devin Nunes It Complied With His Requests on FBI Probe – Wall Street Journal

Daily Mail
Justice Department Tells Devin Nunes It Complied With His Requests on FBI Probe
Wall Street Journal
The episode marked the latest turn in a long-brewing standoff between Justice Department officials and Mr. Trump’sRepublican allies in Congress, led by Mr. Nunes, who have been demanding increasingly sensitive information about the FBI’sinvestigation …
FBI Still Stonewalls Congress On Russia Investigation — More Deep State Obstruction?Investor’s Business Daily
Nunes sets new deadline for DOJ on use of FBI informantThe Hill
Rep. Nunes sets deadline for DOJ to say whether FBI used informants against TrumpKATV
LifeZette –Daily Mail
all 93 news articles »
McCarthy: Peter Strzok Likely to ‘Talk’ in Upcoming Congressional Interview – Fox News Insider

Fox News Insider
McCarthy: Peter Strzok Likely to ‘Talk’ in Upcoming Congressional Interview
Fox News Insider
Fox News contributor and former federal prosecutor Andy McCarthy said he predicts FBI Agent Peter Strzok “will talk” when he appears before House lawmakers for an interview on Wednesday. “He talked to [Inspector General Michael] Horowitz,” McCarthy … and more » 
Embattled FBI agent meets with Congress behind closed doors – CNN

Embattled FBI agent meets with Congress behind closed doors
The House Judiciary and Oversight Committees are interviewing FBI agent Peter Strzok behind closed doors this morning as part of the joint investigation into the FBI’s actions in 2016. Strzok has been lambasted by Republicans — and criticized by some … 
GOP set to grill agent who vowed to stop TrumpThe Hill
Peter Strzok heading to Hill for closed-door interview with House …Fox News

Senior FBI Agent Who Criticized Trump Is Due In Congress Amid GOP OnslaughtNPR 
Washington ExaminerPolitico
Peter Strzok heading to Hill for closed-door interview with House lawmakersFox News
FBI agent Peter Strzok dodges Bob Goodlatte’s subpoenaWashington Examiner

all 199 158 news articles »
Mueller makes crucial headway in Russia investigation – ThinkProgress

New York Post
Mueller makes crucial headway in Russia investigation
Special Counsel Robert Mueller this week was given “total access” to the phone and personal computer of Trump ally Erik Prince, who met with a Russian official in the Seychelles shortly after the 2016 election, ABC News reported Monday. A spokesperson …
Special counsel obtains Trump ally Erik Prince’s phones, computerABC News
Mueller obtains Erik Prince’s communicationsThe Hill
Mueller obtains phone records for Trump ally Erik PrinceNew York Post 
Washington Post
TPMNew York Daily NewsWashington PostABC News

all 40 news articles »
Tech Companies Asked the FBI for Help Fighting Fake News and the FBI Told Them No – GQ Magazine

GQ Magazine
Tech Companies Asked the FBI for Help Fighting Fake News and the FBI Told Them No
GQ Magazine
To put it bluntly, Facebook still hasn’t figured out what to do about fake news stories on its site. The trolls who plagued social media during the 2016 election were consistently steps ahead of the social media giant, and the steps that the company  and more » 
10 Signs the Government Is Spying on You (and 5 Ways They’re Already Watching You Every Day) – The Cheat Sheet

The Cheat Sheet
10 Signs the Government Is Spying on You (and 5 Ways They’re Already Watching You Every Day)
The Cheat Sheet
Scarily enough, the American Civil Liberties Union notes the government. is slicker than you think … Here’s something even scarier: Daily Mail Online reports the government has the technology to trigger your webcam without even turning the light on
Nothing is going right for Paul Manafort lately – Vox

Nothing is going right for Paul Manafort lately
Manafort’s lawyers had challenged Robert Mueller’s authority to prosecute him under the special counsel regulation. But Judge Ellis concluded that Mueller’s appointment “was consistent with both the Constitution and relevant federal statutes,” so
Judge Praised by Trump for Questioning Robert Mueller’s Authority Rules That Mueller Does, In Fact, Have AuthoritySlate Magazine
A federal judge who Trump praised just denied Paul Manafort’s motion to dismiss Mueller’s charges against himBusiness Insider
Judge rejects Manafort’s effort to dismiss Mueller indictment as overreachABC News
New York TimesPoliticoThe Week Magazine
all 407 challenge to Mueller’s legitimacyPolitico
Boing BoingTPMABC News
all 276
news articles »
Mueller: Putin Ally Could Get Info About US Efforts To Stop His Ongoing Crimes – TPM

Mueller: Putin Ally Could Get Info About US Efforts To Stop His Ongoing Crimes
Special counsel Robert Mueller in court filings Tuesday raised concerns that a Russian oligarch known as “Putin’s chef” could get access — via the discovery process in the criminal case against his firm — to sensitive materials, including 
Robert Mueller says Putin associate shouldn’t see evidence in US criminal case unless he appears in courtThe Japan Timesall 3 news articles »
Former Omaha FBI employee’s lawsuit says she was told to wear more skirts and ‘smile occasionally’ – Omaha World-Herald

Omaha World-Herald
Former Omaha FBI employee’s lawsuit says she was told to wear more skirts and ‘smile occasionally’
Omaha World-Herald
A former Omaha FBI employee has filed a federal lawsuit alleging that her boss treated her as a stereotypical “angry black female,” then ordered her to wear high heels and smile more often. Georgia M. Scott, who still works for the FBI and lives in San 
FOX NEWS FIRST: Anti-Trump FBI agent Strzok faces grilling; Big primary night for Trump bumps; Socialist shocks top … – Fox News

Fox News
FOX NEWS FIRST: Anti-Trump FBI agent Strzok faces grilling; Big primary night for Trump bumps; Socialist shocks top …
Fox News
THE LEAD STORY – GRILLING FOR STRZOK: Peter Strzok, the FBI agent who was removed from Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation after sending several anti-Trump text messages during the 2016 presidential election, will voluntarily …
Lawmakers Interview FBI Agent Who Sent Anti-Trump Texts – NPR

Lawmakers Interview FBI Agent Who Sent Anti-Trump Texts
June 27, 20185:09 AM ET. Heard on Morning Edition · Ryan Lucas in 2018 · Ryan Lucas · Twitter. The FBI agent who was removed from special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation for sending anti-Trump text messages will be on Capitol Hill today.
Russian pop star at center of 2016 Trump Tower meeting story trolls US – CNN

Russian pop star at center of 2016 Trump Tower meeting story trolls US
Washington (CNN) The Russian pop star who is said to have requested the infamous Trump Tower meeting in 2016 released a music video playing fun with about as many risqué Trump stories as he could fit in a three-minute time span. The Azerbaijan-born …
Trump Tower-Linked Russian Pop Star Releases ‘Pee Tape’ Music Video With (Fake) Trump, Ivanka, & Stormy DanielsDaily Beast
Watch: Russian Behind Trump Tower Meeting Trolls Investigation with ‘Ivanka,’ ‘Stormy Daniels’ in Music VideoNewsweek
EMIN – In Another Life (ft. Donald Trump and Miss Universe’13 Contestants) Official VideoYouTube
all 32 news articles »


Home Page –  The Case of Francisco Reyes Caparrós 

Try COINTELPRO on them! Pepper-spray them from the motorcycles! 

Disclaimer and Clarification for our most studious and brightest FBI investigators: this title is the literary device of irony, not a call to violence. So give your new “carpetas” the correct tags and labels, dance ethically and esthetically, keep your guns securely holstered, and do not drink too much. Are they able or willing to understand the difference? Hopefully, they kapish. They are not that dumb. Hopefully. Most importantly, address the issues.

1.1 The Case Of Francisco Caparros – Puerto Rico News – Front Page | Saved Stories – Puerto Rico News – Francisco Caparros Case

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The News and Times of Puerto Rico – Recent Posts

The News and Times of Puerto Rico
9:50 AM 6/26/2018 – The FBI Crisis Of 2018 – News Review
7:01 AM 6/25/2018 – Looming question for Mueller probe: How much to make public? – Washington Post
11:46 AM 6/24/2018 – Carlos Cases FBI – Google Search, and other Saved Stories
9:34 AM 6/24/2018 – The game they play… | “Former FBI director James Comey is “ashamed” and “horrified” at the way the United States government has separated …”
6:45 AM 6/23/2018 – News Update: Francisco Reyes Caparrós | FBI – Selected and Saved Articles Review
7:35 AM 6/22/2018 – James Comey interview on Trump, Russia, Hillary Clinton and the USA’s border policy | NICK FERRARI – Former FBI Director James Comey’s Comments On Donald Trump Are Brutal
6:56 AM 6/21/2018 – “Public opinion is a reed that moves with the wind. The rule of law is a rock that keeps us free.” – Judge Andrew Napolitano: Can the FBI be independent? – Mike Nova’s Shared NewsLinks Review
8:47 AM 6/19/2018 – The Caldero effect
5:48 PM 6/18/2018 – Mexico arrests ex-prosecutor in disappearance cases
6:01 AM 6/18/2018 – “The wound will not heal if the whole truth does not come out. The archives and the formerly secret files and pages have to be opened.”
11:09 AM 6/17/2018 – News Update: Francisco Reyes Caparrós – Google Search
5:56 AM 6/17/2018 – The Crisis OF Credibility In The Office Of Federal Prosecutor
4:50 AM 6/17/2018 – Como hacer Cabrito, A Mi Manera Boricua – YouTube
12:55 PM 6/15/2018 – Puerto Rico ya se ve alumbrado desde el espacio
3:10 PM 6/14/2018 – A Review of Various Actions by the Federal Bureau of Investigation and Department of Justice in Advance of the 2016 Election
2:25 PM 6/14/2018 – Mayor Carmen Yulín Cruz and her administration are under FBI investigation after reports that corruption – Google Search | Jefe del FBI en Puerto Rico prepara arrestos de políticos
10:33 AM 6/13/2018 – Leff’s Interview: Bajo la mira del FBI la corrupción en Puerto Rico
11:47 PM 6/12/2018 – Proyecto para privatizar la AEE espera por firma de Rosselló
10:51 AM 6/12/2018 – Update: Crime In Puerto Rico: “So far this year, there have been 296 murders, this is three less than the previous year.” | Meet Inspector Drone: A Single Drone Helped Mexican Police Drop Crime 10 Percent (!)
10:08 AM 6/11/2018 – FBI apuesta a la experiencia: Leff indicó que el FBI tiene abiertas más de cinco pesquisas por el mal uso de fondos asignados por FEMA tras el azote de María. | M.N.: I think that this is very good initiative, and hopefully it will work: “Given the high incidence of violent crimes on the island, the deputy director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) of the United States, David Bowdich, undertook to assign new agents to Puerto Rico and veterans from other districts of that dependency with experience in gang cases, revealed the director of the FBI on the island, Douglas Leff.”
8:58 AM 6/11/2018 – John Kelly Says The White House Is A ‘Miserable’ Place To Work: Report – HuffPost
4:51 AM 6/11/2018 – “This transatlantic rift is a gift to Russia that amply repays Vladimir Putin’s investment in helping the Trump campaign,” wrote the conservative foreign policy expert Max Boot.
4:00 AM 6/11/2018 – National Puerto Rican Day Parade… | ‘What does Putin have on you?’ Verhofstadt MOCKS Donald Trump on Twitter –
3:25 AM 6/11/2018 – M.N.: Merkel gets so much mileage out of Trump-Russia affair, that it becomes increasingly hard to believe that it was not a German design…
1:03 PM 6/10/2018 – Merkel: “What does Putin have on you?” Trump: “None of your bidniz. You worry about your own problems. See you later, Alligator!” Merkel: “In a while, Krokodile!”

Video News – Page

1. VIDEO NEWS from mikenova (71 sites)
RussiaToday’s YouTube Videos: ‘Violating rights since 2001’: AT&T allegedly provides data to NSA

From: RussiaToday
Duration: 02:31

At least eight AT&T facilities across the US provide the NSA with data essential to spy on internet and phone traffic across the globe, the Intercept has revealed.
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1. News in Photos from mikenova (5 sites) World News: U.K. Knew U.S. Mistreated 9/11 Suspects, Parliamentary Report Says

British spies were aware that the U.S. mistreated suspected militants after the Sept. 11 attacks and were complicit in “inexcusable” interrogation and detention methods, an influential parliamentary committee said in a World News

The News and Times -All Posts – Page 
In Brief 

The News and Times from mikenova (7 sites)
mikenov on Twitter: 6:53 AM 6/28/2018 – German Intelligence, Deutsche Bank, Oligarchs, Global Mafia’s Reach To Power, And The “Trump – Russia Affair” – Does FBI Get The Big Picture?!…
Global Security News: 6:53 AM 6/28/2018 – German Intelligence, Deutsche Bank, Oligarchs, Global Mafia’s Reach To Power, And The “Trump – Russia Affair” – Does FBI Get The Big Picture?! | Global Russian Jewish Mafia and Trump – GS
mikenov on Twitter: Deutsche Bank: A Global Bank for Oligarchs — American & Russian, Part 3… via @whowhatwhy
mikenov on Twitter: Is Donald Trump’s dark Russian secret hiding in Deutsche Bank’s vaults?…
mikenov on Twitter: 10:05 AM 6/27/2018 – The “German Hypothesis” Of The “Trump – Russia Affair” – By Michael Novakhov – Update…
Public RSS-Feed of Mike Nova. Created with the PIXELMECHANICS ‘GPlusRSS-Webtool’ at 10:05 AM 6/27/2018 – The German hypothesis of the Trump – Russia Affair – Update
Public RSS-Feed of Mike Nova. Created with the PIXELMECHANICS ‘GPlusRSS-Webtool’ at 10:05 AM 6/27/2018 – The German hypothesis of the Trump – Russia Affair – Update
Public RSS-Feed of Mike Nova. Created with the PIXELMECHANICS ‘GPlusRSS-Webtool’ at 10:05 AM 6/27/2018 – The German hypothesis of the Trump – Russia Affair – Update
Saved Stories – The News and Times: 1:03 PM 6/10/2018 – Merkel: “What does Putin have on you?” Trump: “None of your bidniz. You worry about…
mikenov on Twitter: 10:05 AM 6/27/2018 – The German hypothesis of the Trump – Russia Affair – Update…
Global Security News: 10:05 AM 6/27/2018 – The “German Hypothesis” Of The “Trump – Russia Affair” – By Michael Novakhov – Update
mikenov on Twitter: Mueller is preparing to accelerate his probe into collusion allegations, source says… via @bpolitics
mikenov on Twitter: 8:08 AM 6/27/2018 – Did FBI try to entrap Trump’s campaign? – News Review…
FBI News Review: 8:08 AM 6/27/2018 – Did FBI try to entrap Trump’s campaign? – News Review
mikenov on Twitter: RT @angelguaynabo: Estamos renovando la tecnología que utilizan nuestros policías para hacer valer las leyes de tránsito en nuestras carret…
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Chet Baker – The Touch of Your Lips – YouTube
Is Donald Trump’s Dark Russian Secret Hiding in Deutsche Bank’s Vaults?
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3:25 AM 6/11/2018 – M.N.: Merkel gets so much mileage out of Trump-Russia affair, that it becomes increasingly…
1:03 PM 6/10/2018 – Merkel: “What does Putin have on you?” Trump: “None of your bidniz. You worry about…
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Global Russian Jewish Mafia and Trump – Google Search

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“With Canada?” —Philip Roth, The Plot Against America

Tablet MagazineJun 17, 2018
Until the advent of Mikhail S. Gorbachev, no large and glorious empire in all of history had ever decided of its own volition to dismantle itself.
Story image for Global Russian Jewish Mafia and Trump from Financial Times

Donald Trump and the 1930s playbook: liberal democracy comes …

Financial TimesJun 22, 2018
Others believed she was telling the world what she thought of her marriage. … called for a “census” of Roma citizens evoking Italy’s fascist-era registry of Jews. … Russia’s president and Nato’s consistent ill-wisher, either before or after … for Roberto Saviano, the anti-mafia author of the Gomorrah series, after …
Story image for Global Russian Jewish Mafia and Trump from

Tony Blair is not the Messiah – but he’s right about the mess we’re in 27, 2018
The new political battle is between open and closed, global and national … Donald Trump isn’t a Republican – he’s a businessman who wants to close the competition. … care what he gets up to, and friendship with a Russian regime which is … and never mind the cartels and the Mafia and the sex traffickers.
Story image for Global Russian Jewish Mafia and Trump from Financial Times

How football’s World Cup fell into the hands of autocracy

Financial TimesJun 5, 2018
Sepp Blatter, president of the game’s global authority Fifa, opened … collusion between Russia and Donald Trump’s campaign for the US … The FBI prosecuted soccer officials under US racketeering laws, in effect, treating Fifa as a mafia. … Born in southwestern France in 1945 to German-Jewish refugees, …
Story image for Global Russian Jewish Mafia and Trump from

Think You Know How Deep TrumpRussia Goes? Think Again: This …

<a href=”” rel=”nofollow”></a>Mar 15, 2018
Perhaps the main problem with coverage of Trump’s Russia ties is that many … picture can be harder than ever, even with the most-covered story in the world. … and the Russian mafia and each other and Trumpproperties, we pass out of the …… PUTIN gain influence over Russia’s Jewish community, with …
Story image for Global Russian Jewish Mafia and Trump from Haaretz

The Countless Israeli Connections to Mueller’s Probe of Trump and …

HaaretzMay 26, 2018
Who is Joel Zamel, the Australian-Israeli linked to Mueller’s Trump Probe? … have developed an international reputation for election campaigns; many are …. the Russian Jewish Congress, headed by Israeli-Russian oligarch Vladimir … has named as a lieutenant for Russia mafia kingpin Sergei Mogilevich.
Story image for Global Russian Jewish Mafia and Trump from Haaretz

Know Your Oligarch: A Guide to the Jewish Billionaires in the Trump …

HaaretzMay 23, 2018
The special prosecutor’s probe into Russian meddling in the 2016 election offers an …. Forbes lists him as the 48th richest man in the world. … chauffeur, who had risen through the company ranks, was a Russian mafia boss.
Story image for Global Russian Jewish Mafia and Trump from

George Soros: ‘Trump would like to establish a mafia state’

POLITICO.euJan 25, 2018
“In the United States, President Trump would like to establish a mafia state, but can’t,” the financier George Soros told the World Economic …
Story image for Global Russian Jewish Mafia and Trump from Patheos (blog)

New Book Documents Trump’s Long Relationship with Russian Mafia

Patheos (blog)May 14, 2018
“That was Trump’s introduction into this world of Russian criminal money,” Hettena argued. “It continued in Trump Tower, it continued in his …
Story image for Global Russian Jewish Mafia and Trump from The Guardian

Cranks have turned the world upside down – it’s time to fight back

The GuardianMar 17, 2018
Until the moment Trump was elected American politicians and … to arrange and conceal: the Jews or the “Zionists”, as they say today. … Jews. Corbyn eggs them on by saying that “Russian mafia-like groups” may be behind it.
Global Russian Jewish Mafia – Google Search

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Global Russian Jewish Mafia – Google Search

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Global Russian Jewish Mafia – Google Search

mikenova shared this story from Global Russian Jewish Mafia – Google News.

Story image for Global Russian Jewish Mafia from Financial Times

How football’s World Cup fell into the hands of autocracy

Financial TimesJun 5, 2018
Sepp Blatter, president of the game’s global authority Fifa, opened envelopes to reveal that Russia and Qatar would host the 2018 and 2022 World Cups. … officials under US racketeering laws, in effect, treating Fifa as a mafia. … Born in southwestern France in 1945 to German-Jewish refugees, he grew up …
Story image for Global Russian Jewish Mafia from Tablet Magazine

“With Canada?” —Philip Roth, The Plot Against America

Tablet MagazineJun 17, 2018
Until the advent of Mikhail S. Gorbachev, no large and glorious empire in all of history had ever decided of its own volition to dismantle itself.
Story image for Global Russian Jewish Mafia from

Tony Blair is not the Messiah – but he’s right about the mess we’re in 27, 2018
The new political battle is between open and closed, global and … care what he gets up to, and friendship with a Russian regime which is willing … cost us £11billion, and Jews, Muslims, Romanians and Caribbeans are equally unwelcome. … and never mind the cartels and the Mafia and the sex traffickers.
Story image for Global Russian Jewish Mafia from The Atlantic

Gangsters of the Mediterranean

The AtlanticNov 10, 2017
Beyond his island refuge, he was said to control a global network of …. was multi-ethnic—Russians, Georgians, Ukrainians, Armenians, Jews. …. “We had accepted the idea that the world of the Russian mafia was like that,” …
Story image for Global Russian Jewish Mafia from The Guardian

The Vory: Russia’s Super Mafia review – a kleptocracy in the making

The GuardianApr 8, 2018
Kirill was a Muscovite, intellectual and Jewish, all characteristics likely to attract … Thieves are mythologised in Russia, much in the way the mafia are in … By the end of the Soviet Union, the criminal world and the security …
Story image for Global Russian Jewish Mafia from Financial Times

Donald Trump and the 1930s playbook: liberal democracy comes …

Financial TimesJun 22, 2018
Others believed she was telling the world what she thought of her marriage. … called for a “census” of Roma citizens evoking Italy’s fascist-era registry of Jews. … Russia’s president and Nato’s consistent ill-wisher, either before or after … for Roberto Saviano, the anti-mafia author of the Gomorrah series, after …
Story image for Global Russian Jewish Mafia from The Times of Israel

US targets ‘Thieves-in-Law,’ Russian mafia royalty

The Times of IsraelDec 23, 2017
And in doing so, Washington seems to be confirming that the threat posed by the fabled “Russian mafia” from the former Soviet republics is a …
Story image for Global Russian Jewish Mafia from Haaretz

Is New BBC Hit TV Show ‘McMafia’ anti-Semitic and anti-Israeli? Its …

HaaretzJan 9, 2018
… accusations that McMafia – set in the world of international organized crime and featuring an Anglo-Russian Jewish protagonist – is anti-Semitic and …. BBCs #McMafia depicts Britain as a playground for Russian gangsters.
Story image for Global Russian Jewish Mafia from Variety

TV Review: ‘McMafia’ on AMC

VarietyFeb 23, 2018
The story follows the Godman family, RussianJewish expatriates in … This quest takes Alex and Semiyon from a global fund based in the United … in their complementary portraits of gangsterssurveying the end of their reign.
McMafia Is Just Okay
VultureFeb 23, 2018

Story image for Global Russian Jewish Mafia from Haaretz

Know Your Oligarch: A Guide to the Jewish Billionaires in the Trump …

HaaretzMay 23, 2018
The special prosecutor’s probe into Russian meddling in the 2016 election offers an …. Forbes lists him as the 48th richest man in the world. … chauffeur, who had risen through the company ranks, was a Russian mafia boss.
Russian Jewish Mafia and Trump – Google Search

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Story image for Russian Jewish Mafia and Trump from Newsweek

Donald Trump Associate Felix Sater Is Linked to the Mob and the CIA …

NewsweekJun 7, 2018
In the two years since the TrumpRussia scandal exploded into the … He also performed odd jobs and hawked The Jewish Daily Forward, …
Story image for Russian Jewish Mafia and Trump from Haaretz

Not to Be Outdone by Trump, Italy Flirts, Dangerously, With Fascism

HaaretzJun 20, 2018
Even though, as a Jew growing up in Italy, I had already had multiple … The renowned left-leaning anti-mafia writer Roberto Saviano (who lives … as a role model and has close political ties to RussianPresident Vladimir Putin …
Story image for Russian Jewish Mafia and Trump from Tablet Magazine

“With Canada?” —Philip Roth, The Plot Against America

Tablet MagazineJun 17, 2018
No one is going to liken Donald Trump and his manner of doing things to Gorbachev and his own manner. And yet, it may be that, in some …
Story image for Russian Jewish Mafia and Trump from The New Yorker

A New Revolution in Mexico

The New YorkerJun 18, 2018
Sick of corruption and of Trump, voters embrace the maverick leftist Andrés … Proclaiming a “people’s struggle” against the country’s “power mafia,” Andrés … way Hitler and the Nazis referred to the Jews, just before undertaking the …. from Russia in a submarine” and calling himself “Andrés Manuelovich.
Story image for Russian Jewish Mafia and Trump from Haaretz

Jewish Insider’s Daily Kickoff: June 7, 2018

HaaretzJun 7, 2018
MUELLER WATCH — “Ivanka Trump Was In Contact With A Russian …. showed how the management of Argentine football is a huge mafia,” …
Story image for Russian Jewish Mafia and Trump from Financial Times

Donald Trump and the 1930s playbook: liberal democracy comes …

Financial TimesJun 22, 2018
said graffiti on the back of Melania Trump’s coat as she boarded the … for a “census” of Roma citizens evoking Italy’s fascist-era registry of Jews. … Russia’s president and Nato’s consistent ill-wisher, either before or after the Nato meeting. … for Roberto Saviano, the anti-mafia author of the Gomorrah series, …
Story image for Russian Jewish Mafia and Trump from The Cheat Sheet

See the Richest Members of Donald Trump’s Family Today

The Cheat SheetJun 3, 2018
While in recent years, Donald Trump’s net worth has gone up and down, either …. however, and gave land for the construction of Beach Haven Jewish Center. … He has faced criticism for meeting with a Russian lawyer who …
Russian Jewish Mafia and Trump – Google Search

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Russian Jewish Mafia and Trump – Google Search

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Russian Jewish Mafia – Google Search

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Russian Jewish Mafia – Google Search

mikenova shared this story from Russian Jewish Mafia – Google News.

Story image for Russian Jewish Mafia from Refinery29

The True Stories Behind 2018’s Biggest Mafia Biopic

Refinery29Jun 14, 2018
Notably, Gotti wasn’t born into the mob — he was born into poverty. … Victoria DiGiorgio, the daughter of a RussianJewish immigrant mother …
Story image for Russian Jewish Mafia from Newsweek

Donald Trump Associate Felix Sater Is Linked to the Mob and the CIA …

NewsweekJun 7, 2018
“I will get all of [Russian President Vladimir] Putin’s team to buy in on …. He also performed odd jobs and hawked The Jewish Daily Forward, …
Story image for Russian Jewish Mafia from Haaretz

Jewish Insider’s Daily Kickoff: June 7, 2018

HaaretzJun 7, 2018
MUELLER WATCH — “Ivanka Trump Was In Contact With A Russian …. showed how the management of Argentine football is a huge mafia,” …
Story image for Russian Jewish Mafia from The Times of Israel

Out of prison, notorious Russian mobster yearns to return home

The Times of IsraelJan 27, 2018
Boris Nayfeld, who came to New York with other Jewish emigres, is at … enforcer and narcotics distributor” for the Russian mafia in a 1997 US …
Story image for Russian Jewish Mafia from Tablet Magazine

“With Canada?” —Philip Roth, The Plot Against America

Tablet MagazineJun 17, 2018
… the other, the pro-Russian American and the pro-American Russian. …. something lower still—to a mafia enterprise, requiring ceremonies of …
Story image for Russian Jewish Mafia from The Times of Israel

Is Israel becoming a mafia state?

The Times of IsraelSep 10, 2017
Russian-born woman objected: “That is really offensive. … DC, I found myself talking to a Jewishwoman who works in the US government.
Story image for Russian Jewish Mafia from The Times of Israel

US targets ‘Thieves-in-Law,’ Russian mafia royalty

The Times of IsraelDec 23, 2017
And in doing so, Washington seems to be confirming that the threat posed by the fabled “Russian mafia” from the former Soviet republics is a …
Story image for Russian Jewish Mafia from ComicsVerse

Airless GOTTI Ensures The Teflon Don Bores You Silly

ComicsVerseJun 18, 2018
… to play a half Italian half RussianJewish housewife in the mid-60s forward. … John Gotti was a member of a Mafia crime family from the 60s …
Story image for Russian Jewish Mafia from Jewish Chronicle

Is McMafia about me?

Jewish ChronicleFeb 2, 2018
Isaac Babel told stories of Jewish gangsters in his Tales of Odessa; the … had Jewish Russians in fits of laughter, such as when Alex Godman, …
Story image for Russian Jewish Mafia from

Glorious times of Russian mafia: Boris Nayfeld, Razhden Shulaya and …

<a href=”” rel=”nofollow”></a>Feb 5, 2018
Glorious times of Russian mafia: Boris Nayfeld, Razhden Shulaya and … in the late 1970s amid a wave of emigration of Jews from the USSR …
Francisco Tárrega – Capricho árabe – YouTube

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Francisco Tárrega – Capricho árabe

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Chet Baker – I fall in love too easily

Chet Baker – The Touch of Your Lips – YouTube

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Chet Baker – The Touch of Your Lips

Is Donald Trump’s Dark Russian Secret Hiding in Deutsche Bank’s Vaults?

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It sounded like an exhausted parent scolding a tantrum-prone toddler with a penchant for tossing toys from his stroller.
In November 2008, Steven Molo, an attorney for Deutsche Bank, wrote a letter to the Supreme Court of New York about one of the company’s most troublesome clients. At issue was $640 million that client had borrowed in 2005 to fund construction of a new hotel in Chicago. The client had personally guaranteed the loan, but a few years later, the Great Recession devastated the economy, and he defaulted on his payment, with $330 million outstanding. Deutsche was seeking an immediate $40 million from the client, plus interest, legal fees and costs.
The debtor in question: Donald Trump, the future president of the United States.
Instead of paying up, the New York real estate mogul countersued, claiming the 2008 crash was a force majeure event—one that Deutsche had helped precipitate. Therefore, he argued, he wasn’t obliged to pay back the money. Instead, he claimed Deutsche owed him money—about $3 billion in damages.
In response, Molo drew up a withering document, contrasting Trump’s frivolous writ with his long career of boasting about how rich he was:
Trump proclaims himself “the archetypal businessman, a deal-maker without peer.” Trump has stated in court he is worth billions of dollars. In addition to substantial cash, personal investments and various other tangible assets, he maintains substantial interests in numerous extraordinary properties in New York and around the country.
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Those assets included hotel projects in seven U.S. cities, as well as in Mexico, the Dominican Republic, Canada, Panama and Dubai, United Arab Emirates, the lawyer noted. There were also casinos and golf courses scattered all over the world.
The same day Trump argued that the Great Recession meant he didn’t need to pay back his debts, he gave an interview to The Scotsman newspaper. After a two-year fight, he had gotten approval from the Scottish government for a new resort near Balmedie in Aberdeenshire—and he was thrilled. “The world has changed financially, and the banks are all in such trouble,” he told the paper, “but the good news is that we are doing very well as a company, and we are in a very, very strong cash position.” Trump said he didn’t have any exposure to the stock market, had bought the Scottish land for cash and was now well placed to build “the world’s greatest golf course.” Two weeks later, George Sorial, a Trump Organization executive, assured The Scotsman that the tycoon had a billion dollars earmarked for the course.
If those statements weren’t damning enough, Molo’s affidavit cited the real estate tycoon’s literary works, which summarized his insouciant attitude toward paying back other people’s money. Trump, the attorney observed, provided extensive advice on how to do business in his half-dozen or so books. In How to Get Rich, Trump advises readers to use the courts to “be strategically dramatic.” In Think Big and Kick Ass in Business and in Life, he boasts of how he “love[s] to crush the other side and take the benefits.” Trump’s strategy—honed during his terrible financial struggles with lenders during the 1990s—“was to turn it back on the banks…. I figured it was the bank’s problem, not mine,” Molo quoted him as saying, in connection with unpaid debt.
As a result of these maneuvers, by the mid-2000s, U.S. financial institutions had stopped lending to Trump for his building projects. Deutsche was the only one still willing to work with him.
After Trump burned the bank, Deutsche shunned him as well. But Trump soon found a creative way to get off its blacklist—and return to solvency.

‘Are You Fucking Kidding Me?’

Two years after Molo wrote his letter to the court, Trump settled his feud with the German bank. How he did it was bizarre: He paid back Deutsche with a massive lifeline—from Deutsche. Only this time he eschewed its real estate team—which wanted nothing to do with him—and got a loan from its private wealth division. This group typically deals with high-net-worth individuals, not real estate transactions, but in 2010 it not only lent him the money he owed its real estate team but also reportedlygave Trump another $25 million to $50 million in credit.
Deutsche employees in New York were surprised by the bank’s decision. When asked whether it was normal to give more money to a customer who was a bad credit risk and liked to sue, one former senior staff member at the bank put it succinctly: “Are you fucking kidding me?”
Over the next few years, the money kept rolling in for Trump. He took out two mortgages against a resort in Miami and a $170 million loan to finish his hotel in Washington, D.C. According to Bloomberg, by the time Trump was elected president of the United States in November 2016, he owed Deutsche around $300 million, an unprecedented debt for an incoming president. (His June financial disclosure showed he owes the bank $130 million, which is due in full in 2024.)
The loans to Trump weren’t the only abnormal behavior at Deutsche. Around the same time he received his new line of credit, the bank was laundering money, according to the New York State Department of Financial Services (DFS). Russian money. Billions of dollars that flowed from Moscow to London, then from London to New York—part of a scheme for which European and American regulators eventually punished the bank.
Real estate developer and president-elect Donald Trump poses for portrait at his office at Trump Tower, in New York, on November 21, 2016. David Hume Kennerly/Getty
Was the timing of this illicit operation and the loans to Trump coincidental? Or evidence of something more sinister—a critical chapter in the president’s long history of suspicious business deals with Russian and post-Soviet oligarchs? In January, Trump claimed the former, tweeting in his usual bombastic style: “I have nothing to do with Russia—no deals, no loans, no nothing.” But the president’s refusal to accept the assessment of his intelligence agencies—that Moscow meddled in the 2016 election—has, among other things, fueled suspicions about his ties to Russia.
Robert Mueller is now trying to find out the truth about those suspicions. The special counsel is investigating Russian interference—from the hacking of the Democratic National Committee (DNC) to alleged coordination between the Trump campaign and Moscow. So far, his team has charged key Trump campaign officials Paul Manafort and Rick Gates with money laundering, as well as other offenses. He’s also gotten two former advisers, Michael Flynn and George Papadopoulos, to plead guilty to lying to the FBI and cooperate with the probe.
Now, however, Mueller appears to be following the money, trying to determine if Trump has a financial connection to Russia—one that might at least partly explain his behavior. In December, the German newspaper Handelsblatt reported that the special counsel’s office has subpoenaed Deutsche Bank, demanding data and documents related to people or entities tied to the president and those close to him. The White House says the subpoena doesn’t directly pertain to Trump or his family’s accounts. But if the president has a dark Russian secret, the German banking giant’s money-laundering scandal may be key to finding out what it is.

Friends With Kremlin Benefits

The story of how Deutsche became embroiled in the Trump-Russia probe dates back to 2005, when the German lender bought UFG, a boutique investment bank, to acquire an entry point into Moscow. UFG’s co-founder and chairman was Charles Ryan, a charming American banker with libertarian views. Ryan’s partner was Boris Fyodorov, a finance minister under former Russian President Boris Yeltsin. The bank straddled West and East, and was international and local.
The man behind Deutsche Bank’s aggressive expansion was Anshu Jain, its future co-CEO. He persuaded Ryan to stay on and head up Deutsche’s new Moscow office, and he came up with a controversial strategy to tap into potentially huge Russian profits: forge relationships with state partners. He wanted, in effect, to become friends with the Kremlin. One way of doing this was to hire people with connections. Among them: Russia’s most powerful banker, Andrey Kostin, who had served as a Soviet diplomat in Sydney and London. (Intelligence sources think he was a KGB spy. Like many others who spoke to me for this story, they did so anonymously because they weren’t authorized to talk to the press.) In the 1990s, he became head of Vnesheconombank (VEB), a state development institution described by one former CIA analyst as the “Kremlin’s cookie jar.” Then Vladimir Putin made Kostin head of Vneshtorgbank (VTB), another state-run bank, after which Kostin expanded it to operate in 19 countries.
VTB worked in many countries with minimal oversight, which meant the Kremlin could use it for espionage. In 2005, VTB absorbed two banks traditionally used in Soviet times for spying and shifting currency to Western communist parties. These were the Moscow Narodny Bank, based in London, and Euro-bank, in Paris.
Meanwhile, Jain and Deutsche Bank recruited Kostin’s 20-something son, Andrey. In spring of 2007, the young Kostin moved from a posting in London to Deutsche Bank in Moscow.
Suddenly, Kostin’s son got massive flows of business, a high-level banking source told me. And it appeared his father may have helped: Deutsche did a series of lucrative trades with VTB. According to the source, the German bank’s Moscow subsidiary began posting profits of $500 million to $1 billion a year, with VTB generating somewhere between 50 and 80 percent of all revenue.
Anshu Jain, the former co-chief executive officer of Deutsche Bank AG, poses for a photograph at the Bloomberg Markets Most Influential Summit in London, on Wednesday, Sept. 28, 2016. Jain came up with a controversial strategy to tap into potentially huge Russian profits: forge relationships with state partners. He wanted, in effect, to become friends with the Kremlin. Jason Alden/Bloomberg/Getty
Other investment banks based in Moscow were chagrined and suspected that Deutsche owed its success to its alliance with Russian state interests. “They were doing some very curious things,” says Christopher Barter, the CEO of Goldman Sachs Moscow at the time. “Nobody could make sense of their business. We found the nature and concentration of their business with VTB quite galling. Nobody else could touch VTB.”
Everyone in Moscow understood that VTB was more than a bank. It had ties to Russian intelligence. Putin’s Federal Security Service (FSB) spy chief, Nikolai Patrushev, and his successor, Alexander Bortnikov, both sent their sons to work at VTB. The bank’s deputy chief executive, Vasily Titov, chaired the FSB’s public council.
VTB may have also had contacts with Trump associates, according to The New York Times. In November 2015, a few months after Trump announced he was running for president, one of his business partners, Felix Sater, wrote an email to Trump lawyer Michael Cohen, saying VTB had agreed to bankroll a Trump Tower Moscow project. Trump signed a letter of intent for the deal. When the project stalled, Cohen tried reaching out to Putin’s spokesperson, Dmitri Peskov, to help jump-start it. But it ultimately failed.
Kostin, the VTB banker, says he doesn’t know Sater and never had any role in the real estate deal. “We never, ever heard about this case,” he told the Times. “It’s absolutely wrong information; it’s absolutely fake news.”
During those negotiations, Sater—the son of a Russian mafia boss—saw things differently. “Our boy can become president of the USA and we can engineer it,” he wrote to Cohen about the Trump Tower Moscow plans. “I will get all of Putin’s team to buy in on this, I will manage this process.”

Shady Trades and Endless Vodka Shots

Well before Sater went looking for a deal there, the Russian capital was awash with petrodollars and opportunity. At the start of the new millennium, Moscow was an alluring destination for Western expatriates. Especially for young single males. There were the devushki—long-legged Russian girls, some from Moscow, some newly arrived from the provinces—who were keen to meet foreigners and practice their English. There were the nightclubs, the parties, fueled by toasts and endless vodka shots. And the friendships, always more intense than those at home.
But there was a dark side to this new Russia—as one of those attracted by its offer of riches discovered. Tim Wiswell grew up in Old Saybrook, Connecticut, about 100 miles northeast of New York City. He was more of a repatriate than an expat: His father had worked in oil and gas in Russia. When he was 17, Wiswell spent a year at the Anglo-American School in Moscow and then returned to the United States for college. In his mid-20s, Wiswell went back to Moscow and got a job with Alfa, the private bank owned by the oligarch Mikhail Fridman. From there, he moved to Deutsche Bank. By age 29, he was head of Russian equities. He found a Russian girlfriend—Natalia Makosiy, an art historian whom he met at a Moscow dinner party and later married.
In the wake of the 2007-2008 crash, profits from the bank’s Russian business plummeted. Traders were now under pressure to increase revenue. But after Wiswell took over around 2009, business was suddenly improving. And Barter suspects that “something nefarious” was going on at Deutsche during that time period.
After the crash, Barter says, he was approached by “broker types, not very senior,” seeking to do large, unexplained volumes of trades with Goldman Sachs. These were on behalf of major Russian clients. The brokers declined to identify their counterparties. Their names were concealed beneath “shell company after shell company,” Barter says, making a due diligence impossible. He turned this business down “in five seconds.”
The same entities approached Wiswell and company, and got better results. Between 2011 and February 2015, Wiswell presided over a money-laundering scheme run from the equities desk of Deutsche Bank’s Moscow office, according to a report from the DFS, and more than $10 billion was shifted from Russia to the West.
The method was simple but effective. In Moscow, a Russian client bought blue-chip Russian stocks from Deutsche Bank Moscow in companies like Gazprom or Sberbank. The payments were in rubles. The size of a typical order was $2 million to $3 million. Shortly afterward, a non-Russian “customer” sold exactly the same number of securities to Deutsche Bank in London, paying in dollars.
Deutsche Bank AG’s regional head office on Wall Street. Deutsche Bank sued Donald Trump in 2008 for defaulting on a $640 million loan. Deutsche later bailed Trump out through its own private wealth division. Ullstein Bild/Getty
There was no economic logic to these “mirror trades,” the DFS report found. The buyers and sellers were ostensibly different, but in reality, one in the same. At least 12 entities used the scheme to surreptitiously convert rubles into dollars. The money was interred in offshore accounts. Those involved moved billions out of one Deutsche location in Moscow to another location in New York through offshore territories such as Cyprus and the British Virgin Islands. There were nearly 6,000 of such transactions, and nobody in New York, London, Frankfurt or any other international financial centers seemed to notice.
When outsiders raised concerns—like a European bank, for example—Wiswell swatted them aside. The DFS report said he told the European bank not to worry. Wiswell approved the trades with anonymous Russian clients. He “threatened” and browbeat his colleagues on several occasions, a New York regulator said, according to the report, “when it appeared they had not moved quickly enough to facilitate transactions.”
In Moscow, Wiswell’s 20-person equities desk was made up of Russians and Americans. One of its duties was to keep clients happy. That might mean extravagant skiing trips and visits to elite nightclubs. One of Wiswell’s business (and skiing) partners was Dmitry Perevalov, the owner of a Moscow fund called Lanturno. About seven years ago, for his 40th birthday, Perevalov flew a group of people on a private jet to Mauritius. The jet belonged to the Russian Orthodox Church’s most important bishop, Patriarch Kirill of Moscow, but Perevalov chartered it for the occasion. His guests stayed at the luxurious Four Seasons hotel in Anahita, on the east coast of the Indian Ocean island. Some invitees scarcely knew their host, a former bartender. Those who were his friends—including Wiswell—called him Dima.
One guest who met Wiswell at the party described him as charismatic and charming, a tall, handsome, all-American guy. This person also said Wiswell came across as a “major lightweight” in terms of banking and finance. “He had nothing special going for him. I remember him speaking pretty poor Russian. We wondered whether he was doing kosher business.”
Perevalov flew in a popular performer to crown his birthday celebration—the Russian rapper Timati, who gave a concert. Under a starry sky, guests danced to Timati’s hit “Welcome to St. Tropez”:
Too much money in the bank account
Hands in the air
Make you scream and shout
Drinks, private villas, waterskiing in the lagoon—everything was taken care of. “I was wondering: Who the fuck is paying for all this?” the guest told me. “It was crazy.”
Lightweight or not, Wiswell was getting rich. While the mirror trades were happening, Wiswell’s wife became the owner of two offshore companies—one in the British Virgin Islands, one in Cyprus. In 2015, a counterparty paid $250,000 into her account. This was for “financial consulting.” Similar payments, totaling $3.8 million, were made through two companies in Belize. These payments were “undisclosed compensation,” the DFS found—“a bribe.” Which bank cleared them? Deutsche Bank in New York.
Andrey Kostin, chief executive officer of VTB Bank PJSC, poses for a photograph following a Bloomberg Television interview in Davos, Switzerland, on January 20, 2016. Russia’s most powerful banker, Kostin, had served as a Soviet diplomat in Sydney and London. (Intelligence sources think he was a KGB spy.) Vladimir Putin made Kostin head of state-run VTB Bank, after which Kostin expanded it to operate in 19 countries. Simon Dawson/Bloomberg/Getty
According to journalist Ed Caesar, there were further payments made to the Wiswells. The idea of the money was “to hook you, so you are not going to do unexpected things,” one Moscow broker told Caesar in an article published in The New Yorker. These payments were always made in cash and always delivered in a bag.
The end of this scheme came in August 2015, when Deutsche Bank suspended Wiswell and then fired him. After that, he disappeared. There were Facebook postings from Southeast Asia and Bali, where the Wiswells went with their two small children. (He is now allegedly back in Moscow.) His lawyer, Ekaterina Dukhina, declined to comment on his case, but in his wrongful-dismissal suit against Deutsche, Wiswell said he was merely the fall guy for the bank’s wrongdoing. He also claimed that around 20 colleagues, including two senior managers in London, knew all about the trades.
The scandal was a grievous blow to Deutsche Bank’s reputation. And an expensive one. About 10 days before Trump’s inauguration, the DFS—which has the power to suspend any bank with a branch in New York—fined the bank $475 million. London’s Financial Conduct Authority imposed a £163 million ($218 million) penalty. (The Justice Department and the U.S. Attorney’s Office in the Southern District of New York are still investigating the bank’s role in the scandal.
The bank carried out an internal review, which didn’t identify the Russians behind the scheme. It’s still unclear who they were or where the billions went. Or where the money came from in the first place.
What is clear, however, from the DFS report and conversations with sources in Moscow is that a Kremlin bank, VTB, run by proxies of the FSB, had seemingly captured Deutsche Bank’s Moscow outpost. The German bank’s London and New York divisions were economic beneficiaries of this arrangement, as they facilitated the illegal flight of capital by some well-connected Kremlin insiders.
While this was going on, Deutsche Bank in New York was lending hundreds of millions of dollars to the future American president, a man known to be litigious and a credit risk. My Guardian colleague Nick Hopkins and I wanted to find out if Trump’s loans and the money-laundering scandal were connected. But Deutsche Bank stonewalled us; its policy was to say nothing about its clients, including the president.


In late 2016, that question and others led Hopkins and me to a man now at the center of Mueller’s inquiry: Christopher Steele. This was before the world knew he was behind the famous dossier, raw intelligence alleging, among other things, that Russian intelligence had years of compromising information on Trump, some of it sexual in nature. Hopkins knew Steele, but neither of us were aware of what he was sitting on in that dossier.
We met on a Thursday afternoon, weeks before Christmas, when London’s streets were crowded with shoppers. Steele had agreed to chat over 4 o’clock tea. We tried a café and wine bar called Balls Brothers—and found a tucked-away table. I went to the bar and came back with drinks: beer for Steele, Coke for Nick, pot of tea for me.
Steele clearly likes being in the shadows, away from publicity or fuss. In the world of corporate intelligence, the fewer people who know what you are doing, the better. “Have you heard of me?” he asked.
I confessed I hadn’t. I knew most of the people in London who were focused on Russia, but not Steele.
“Good,” he said. “That’s how I like it.”
For the next 45 minutes or so, we asked Steele about Trump’s connections to Moscow. He offered helpful hints about following the money but little more.
In addition to questions about Deutsche Bank, we inquired about another Russian money-laundering operation, one that involved Putin’s cousin Igor. Between 2010 and 2014, Moscow bankers were sending cash out of the country through something called the Global Laundromat—a scheme that cleaned at least $20 billion, according to investigators in Moldova and the Balkans, though the true figure may be much greater.
This is how it worked: Shell companies in the United Kingdom “lent” money to one another, at least on paper. Russian businesses underwrote these “loans.” Company A would default on paying back Company B. Typically, a Moldovan citizen was involved. The companies would obtain a court judgment in Moldova asking the Russian firms to settle the debt. And voilà! The Russian businesses would legally transfer hundreds of millions of dollars to a bank in Moldova’s capital, Chisinau. From Chisinau, the money went to a bank in Latvia, Trasta Komercbanka. From there, the cash went everywhere, to 92 countries, much of it vanishing offshore.
The Latvian bank required a corresponding Western financial institution to process its dollar-denominated transactions. Most U.S. banks, including JPMorgan Chase, refused to offer banking services to Trasta, given the city of Riga’s reputation as a European money-laundering hub. Only two Western banks agreed, according to Moldovan and Latvian investigators. Both were German: Deutsche Bank and Commerzbank. Once again, Deutsche was the entry point for criminal Russian money into the global financial system, the investigators found. (The bank severed its relationship with Trasta shortly before Latvian officials shut down the bank in 2016 for money laundering.) According to the DFS, Deutsche was reluctant to classify Russia as a “high-risk” location for money laundering.
Sergei Gorkov, chairman of Vnesheconombank (VEB Bank), which Andrey Kostin had run and whom Putin had promoted. Gorkov met directly with Jared Kushner in New York. Dmitry Astakhov/TASS/Getty
When Hopkins and I asked Deutsche Bank about the scandal, we were rebuffed. So we talked to current and former Deutsche Bank staff. According to one senior ex-employee, who worked in equities in Asia and New York, the bank’s problems went way beyond these scams. The 2008 crash hit Deutsche Bank hard, the employee said. In order to cover up holes in the balance sheet, a few members of staff took part in risky, complex and possibly illegitimate forms of finance. These practices were extensive, the person alleged. They might have involved innovative and opaque ways of getting outside parties to underwrite risky loans, the banker added, using structures to disguise who ultimately are the lenders and the beneficiaries.
Such impenetrable structures have led some to wonder whether Deutsche’s unusual loans to Trump and its Russian money-laundering schemes were connected.
Adding to the intrigue: the statements of Trump’s own children. In May, for instance, golf writer James Dodson said that during an interview more than three years ago, Trump’s son Eric boasted that his father’s company had access to Russian money. “We don’t rely on American banks,” Dodson said Trump told him. “We have all the funding we need out of Russia.” (Eric Trump later denied he made this claim.) Years earlier, at a real estate conference in 2008, Donald Trump Jr. said, “Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our assets.” He later added, “We see a lot of money pouring in from Russia.”
In an interview with Prospect magazine, Richard Dearlove, the former head of British secret intelligence service MI6, summed up the suspicions surrounding the alleged connection between Trump, Russia and Deutsche Bank. “What lingers for Trump may be what deals—on what terms—he did after the financial crisis of 2008 to borrow Russian money when others in the West would not lend to him.”
According to our sources inside Deutsche Bank, Trump’s bid to become president made him a politically exposed person, or PEP. Banks scrutinize such individuals carefully because they’re often targets for illicit financial schemes. Deutsche reviewed its lending to Trump and his relatives. Its goal was to discover if there was a Russian connection to Trump’s loans. The DFS also requested information from the bank about its dealings with Russia. The sources were vague about the review, who carried it out and what its precise conclusions were. But they insist that no trail to Moscow was ever discovered.
Other sources suggest the review was cursory, but Deutsche hasn’t released any information about it, so there’s no way to evaluate either claim. Meanwhile, Trump refuses to release his tax filings, breaking decades of precedent.
Over the past year, U.S. lawmakers such as Maxine Waters, the top Democrat on the House Financial Services Committee, have urged the bank to privately hand over its internal review—along with information about Trump’s accounts—but Deutsche declined to do so, citing privacy rules.
Now, nearly a year after BuzzFeed published Steele’s dossier, the bank is handing records over to Mueller, as the special counsel tries to figure out if there is a connection between the Russian laundromat and the president of the United States.


The special counsel’s inquiry could also reach people in Trump’s orbit. Many were clients of Deutsche Bank—and also credit risks. Among them is Jared Kushner, Trump’s son-in-law, who is trying to salvage a massive—and reportedly imperiled—investment in 666 Fifth Avenue, a prominent piece of Manhattan real estate. His relationship with Deutsche emerged in 2013, when he apparently ordered a flattering profile of Trump’s wealth manager, Rosemary Vrablic, by his newspaper, The New York Observer.
In a letter this spring to Bill Woodley, Deutsche Bank’s U.S. CEO, Senator Chris Van Hollen expressed concerns about the bank’s lending to Kushner, who had a $25 million line of credit with the German institution. In October 2016, it loaned him $285 million. The cash was used to replace an existing loan on the old New York Times building, which Kushner had bought the previous year from Lev Leviev, a businessman from the former Soviet Union.
The bank made the loan at a time when Kremlin representatives were eager to speak to Trump’s son-in-law, according to a timeline laid out in Kushner’s testimony to Congress. In April, he first met Sergey Kislyak, the Russian ambassador, when Trump gave his foreign policy speech at D.C.’s Mayflower Hotel—just a handshake and pleasantries, Kushner said. Next came a meeting at Trump Tower with Natalia Veselnitskaya, the Moscow lawyer who sat down with Kushner, Manafort and Trump Jr. They talked about dirt on Hillary Clinton and repealing the Magnitsky Act, an Obama-era law that leveled sanctions against Russians accused of human rights abuses. Then, on November 16, Kislyak got in touch again. By this point, it was clear that Kushner would become senior adviser to the president.
There was another Kushner-Kislyak meeting, on December 1 at Trump Tower. Flynn, Trump’s adviser, was present too, as Kushner made an unusual proposal: He asked Kislyak if it would be possible to set up a secret and secure communications channel between the Trump transition team and the Kremlin. The purpose, it seems, was to keep their conversations hidden from the outgoing Obama administration and U.S. intelligence. Could this be done, Kushner wondered, by using Russian diplomatic facilities in the United States? The inquiry was staggeringly naïve. If Kushner or Flynn were to drop by the Russian Embassy, U.S. intelligence would certainly notice.
The FBI hadn’t bugged that conversation but learned of it when Kislyak reported to his superiors back in Moscow. According to FBI intercepts of those Russian communications, Kislyak was taken aback by Kushner’s request. It was unlikely Moscow would allow any American to use its encrypted networks. The Trump transition team said nothing about these secret negotiations. One person who knew the details was so alarmed he sent The Washington Post an anonymous note about it, explaining what had happened.
Russia, it seemed, didn’t need to expend much effort to get close to Trump’s aides. Kislyak came up with a suggestion of his own, according to Kushner’s testimony. Perhaps Kushner would like to meet with another person from Moscow, someone with “a direct relationship” to Putin?
During a meeting between Kislyak and Kushner’s assistant, Avi Berkowitz, on December 12, they agreed on the details of this meeting. Putin’s emissary turned out to be a banker, or, more accurately, a banker-spy. His name was Sergey Gorkov, and he was the head of VEB, the state development bank, which Kostin had run, and whose board Putin had chaired during his four years as prime minister. He had trained in the 1990s at the FSB’s academy before joining energy company Yukos and state-run Sberbank. Like VTB, Sberbank was allegedly an arm of the Kremlin. It was the official sponsor of the 2013 Miss Universe contest in Moscow, attended by Trump and hosted by Emin Agalarov, the pop-star son of Aras Agalarov, who worked with Trump to bring the pageant to Russia. Eight days after the contest, Sberbank announced it was lending Agalarov $1.3 billion to finance new projects. One of those under consideration was Trump Tower Moscow. In February 2016, Putin promoted Gorkov to VEB chief.
Deutsche Bank loaned Jared Kushner $285 million to replace an existing loan on the old New York Times building, which Kushner had bought from Lev Leviev, a businessman from the former Soviet Union. The bank made the loan at a time when Kremlin representatives were eager to speak to Trump’s son-in-law.Zach Gibson/Pool/Getty
The bank’s mission was to support Moscow’s political programs. It provided capital to build facilities at the Sochi Olympics and fund secessionist rebels in eastern Ukraine. These top-down ventures lost money. VEB had large debts. The United States had included VEB, VTB and Sberbank in the sanctions it passed in 2014 after Putin annexed Crimea. And Gorkov’s job was to restore the bank’s fortunes.
Gorkov was well prepared for his meeting with Kushner. He was, after all, a graduate of the Dzerzhinsky Higher School, a KGB training center. He flew in from Moscow bearing gifts. Among them: soil from the town of Novogrudok in northwest Belarus, where Kushner’s paternal grandmother grew up. In 1941, the German army arrived, and the town’s Jewish inhabitants were rounded up and forced to live and work in an agricultural college. Around half were executed. The survivors dug a tunnel, and in September 1943 they crawled out, fleeing into the forest.
This information and much more would have been included in the FSB’s Kushner file. Gorkov’s presents were chosen to remind the young Trump adviser of his origins in a part of the world that once belonged to the Soviet Union, and of his spiritual roots. (This subtlety was wasted. In his written testimony to Congress, Kushner said Putin’s messenger had given him a “bag of dirt.” It came from “Nvgorod,” he wrote, spelling his grandmother’s birthplace incorrectly.)
This meeting occurred on December 13, and according to Kushner, Gorkov introduced himself and “made some statements about the Russian economy.” The banker said he was friendly with Putin, expressed disappointment about the state of U.S.-Russian relations under President Barack Obama and “his hopes for a better relationship” in the future, Kushner told congressional committees.
There was no discussion of lifting sanctions, Kushner said. Nor was he offered any commercial deals. Kushner characterized the encounter as brief, meaningless. But there’s no official record of what was said in the meeting, so this is hard to verify. After all, it was difficult to discuss the Russian economy without mentioning its depressed state. Gorkov then flew directly from New York to Japan, where Putin was attending a summit. He would likely have reported the details of the meeting then.
Kushner’s official account to Congress on his dealings with Kremlin representatives is 11 pages long. It’s a flat, sterile document, clearly reviewed by his lawyers. In his version, there was no wrongdoing, just a series of inconsequential meetings during a hectic campaign. Kushner said in written evidence to Congress that he even forgot Kislyak’s name. There was no secret channel. Nor did he rely on “Russian funds” to finance his business. In short, a nothing burger with Russian dressing.
Despite these protestations, it’s clear Russian intelligence found it easy to access Trump’s inner circle. Ambassadors, lawyers, bankers…all made their way to Trump Tower in 2016. All were welcomed and listened to. Gorkov was part of them, but the cast also included Kislyak, Veselnitskaya and the Agalarovs and other unknown actors working behind the scenes.
Targeting Kushner was logical. He was soon to become a federal employee. His White House portfolio included tax policy, the military and international affairs. In a protean White House—where anyone could be fired—Kushner’s status as the president’s son-in-law made him unfireable.
During his meetings with Russians, Kushner apparently said nothing about Moscow’s attack on American democracy during the presidential campaign, nothing about hacking the Democratic National Committee or circulating fake news on Facebook, Twitter and other platforms. He also kept his meetings with the Russians secret. So did the Trump administration. In his security clearance form, Kushner didn’t mention Gorkov or Kislyak. (Kushner said this was an accident, an administrative error by an underling.)
The American public found out about these meetings only because of a steady stream of leaks—leaks that would eventually offer Mueller some important clues.

Ursa Major

Today, the questions Mueller is asking seem to be the same questions that led us to meet with Christopher Steele last year. Namely: Was Trump hiding a connection to Russian money? And if so, was Moscow blackmailing him with that information? And how?
On the campaign trail—and well before he became a candidate—Trump’s praise of Putin was effusive and unwavering. He called him a strong leader and claimed they’d spoken and gotten along well. His fidelity to Russia’s president has continued in the White House, even as he lambasted other world leaders, turned on aides and allies, fired the head of the FBI and publicly humiliated his attorney general. Shunning Putin would have been the savvy political move, but he has refused to do so.
Robert Mueller, then FBI director, testifies during a hearing of the Senate Appropriations Committee’s Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies Subcommittee on Capitol Hill, on May 16, 2013. Mueller appears to be following the money, trying to determine if Trump has a financial connection to Russia. BRENDAN SMIALOWSKI/AFP/Getty
Republicans have criticized Steele’s dossier because the DNC and Clinton campaign helped pay for it. But the document offers a compelling explanation for the president’s unusual behavior vis-à-vis Russia. First, there was Moscow’s alleged kompromat operation against Trump going back three decades. If the president had indulged in compromising behavior, whether sexual or otherwise, Putin likely knew of it. Second, there was the cash from Russian oligarchs that went into Trump’s real estate ventures—and the prospect of a lucrative deal to build a hotel and tower in Moscow, a project that was still being negotiated as Trump addressed adoring crowds on the campaign trial. Finally, there were the Deutsche Bank loans that rescued Trump after the crash. They had come from a bank that was simultaneously laundering billions of dollars of Russian money. (Though parts of Steele’s dossier remain unverified, some of his claims have been substantiated. The former spy told his friends he believes the document is about 70 to 90 percent accurate.)
And then there are the people in the president’s inner circle. Wherever you look, there is a link to Russia. His pick for secretary of state? Rex Tillerson, a figure known and trusted in Moscow, and recipient of the country’s Order of Friendship. Former national security adviser? Flynn, a beneficiary of undeclared Russian money. Campaign manager? Manafort, longtime confidant to ex–Soviet oligarchs. Foreign policy adviser? Carter Page, whom Russia tried to recruit as a spy. Commerce secretary? Wilbur Ross, an entrepreneur with Russia-connected investments. Personal lawyer? Cohen, who sent emails to Putin’s press secretary. Business partner? Sater, who sent Flynn a plan to lift Russian sanctions. And so on.
It was almost as if Putin had picked Trump’s Cabinet. The U.S. president, of course, did the choosing, but the pattern of all these individuals, and their alignment with Russian interests, forms a constellation. Call it Ursa Major. A big Russian bear Robert Mueller is now hunting—at Deutsche Bank and beyond.
This article was adapted from Collusion: Secret Meetings, Dirty Money, and How Russia Helped Trump Win by Luke Harding. Copyright © 2017 by Luke Harding. Reprinted by permission of Vintage, an imprint of the Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group, a division of Penguin Random House, LLC.

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Beware the kaiser chiefs

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A Donald Trump presidency now seems increasingly unlikely, but the tycoon’s success in securing the Republican Party’s presidential nomination has concentrated minds. No one remotely like him has made it this far before. Richard Nixon behaved erratically on occasion – drinking Scotch and watching the film Patton all day, for instance, to steel himself for the invasion of Cambodia. And clearly something was starting to go wrong with Ronald Reagan in his second term. Yet both men were paragons of poise and equanimity compared to the current Republican nominee. What, we all wonder, could happen if the highest office in the world’s most powerful nation were to be occupied by someone so erratic and unpredictable?
In answering this question, we could look back to 1888, when the 29-year-old Wilhelm Hohenzollern ascended the throne to become the last kaiser of the German empire. The new monarch – the first grandchild of Queen Victoria and Prince Albert – was boastful, arrogant and impetuous. He spent most of his waking hours talking, arguing, shouting, predicting, threatening and generally unbosoming himself of his latest preoccupations to whomever happened to be within earshot. Even when he made the utmost effort to restrain himself, the indiscretions kept slipping out.
The effect is heightened in retrospect by the way that almost everything the kaiser said, no matter how risible, was recorded and preserved for posterity. It’s all there in the archives: page after page of cajoling, whining, demanding, vociferating and babbling –fantastical geopolitical speculations, crackpot plans, sarcastic asides and off-colour jokes. Reading these transcripts of Wilhelm opining on every conceivable subject is like listening to a dog barking inside a locked car.
Yet the kaiser wasn’t just indiscreet. He was also impulsive and unbalanced. He was prone to adopting a self-righteous and contemptuous tone. He showed an unhealthy interest in the sexual behaviour of his royal colleagues. He was self-absorbed and often had fits of anger.
He was not stupid, however. Contemporaries testify that he was quick to grasp complex subject matter or to pick up the thread of a conversation. The problem was not his intellect as such, but his lack of judgement. He would overshoot the mark, admixing facts with fantasies born of anger or paranoid speculations about the future.
So frequent were the kaiser’s verbal gaffes that historians have wondered whether he was in his right mind. The Freudian psycho­historian Thomas A Kohut argued that emotional deficiencies in the young Wilhelm’s relationship with his parents might have induced a narcissistic personality disorder. The kaiser’s most authoritative biographer, John Röhl, proposed that the roots of the problem were neurological and grew from an insufficiency of oxygen during birth. The resulting minor cerebral damage, Röhl argued, though asymptomatic when Wilhelm was born, laid the foundations for a “secondary neuroticisation” in his childhood and adolescence.

Neither of these hypotheses can be verified and both may be false, but they offer explanations for some of the most striking traits of the adult Wilhelm II: a tendency to respond to even measured criticism with vengeful rage, a compulsion to associate things and persons with himself and to view the world in excessively personal terms, irascibility and incoherence under stress, extreme vanity, an alarming lack of empathy and the inability to discern the boundary between fact and speculation.
Whether Donald Trump suffers from a diagnosable disorder, it is also ­impossible to say, but the parallels with the kaiser are striking. Trump’s problems with the boundary between truth and fantasy have been widely remarked on. The man who claimed in 2012, “My Twitter has become so powerful that I can actually make my enemies tell the truth,” either cannot see the line or doesn’t mind which side of it he is on. His anger management issues are now a matter of common knowledge, as is his wont to drift into incoherence under pressure. His taunting of the parents of a Muslim soldier who died while fighting in the US armed forces demonstrated an empathy bypass that is unusual even in the highest strata of the political class.
Trump, like Wilhelm, seems to take everything personally. Cities are places where he owns property; other people are appendices to his ego-narratives. Referring to an injury suffered by the New York Yankees baseball player Derek Jeter in 2012, Trump tweeted (erroneously, as it happens) that the sportsman had broken his ankle “one day after he sold his apartment in Trump World Tower”.
Vanity is another thing that Trump and Wilhelm have in common. The kaiser cared as assiduously for his erect moustaches as Trump does for the pillow of golden fibres on the top of his head, although it is not recorded that the kaiser ever boasted about the size of his genitalia or of his “success” in getting women to comply with his sexual demands.


The US presidency and the German imperial office are not precise analogues. The emperor succeeded by birth, not by election. The Reichstag of the German empire was a less effective check on the executive in domestic affairs than Congress is in the United States of America.
Yet there are also many parallels. Imperial Germany was a nation of federal states, and so is the US. The powers to sign or veto legislation, appoint federal officials, command the armed forces and receive ambassadors are among those that were or are assigned to the highest office of both systems. The kaiser did not manage all official contacts with foreign governments, as the US president does with the secretary of state, but he had the means to reach out to other heads of state and Wilhelm II made energetic use of this privilege.
In the sphere of domestic policy, the incumbents of both offices have faced formidable constraints. The president has to work his or her way through a maze of departments and agencies in order to execute laws passed by Congress (and Congress, too, can play an obstructive role). For the kaiser, the first and greatest obstacle was the imperial chancellor, a kind of super-minister who had great influence in the system – as one would expect from a constitution drawn up by Bismarck, who was the first holder of that office. And the chancellor was of no use to the emperor unless he could secure majorities from the Reichstag, the German imperial parliament.
Those who worry about the risks arising from a Trump presidency usually have their eye on foreign policy, however, and here the comparison looks rather different. Wilhelm II came to the throne determined to run his country’s external relations. “The foreign office?” he once joked. “Why, I am the German foreign office!”
Yet his interventions were so inconsistent that often they cancelled each other out. In the late 1890s, he was taken with the idea of founding a “New Germany” in the jungles of Brazil and demanded that the imperial administration do everything it could to stimulate German emigration to the region – but nothing happened. In 1899, he declared that he had always planned to acquire Mesopotamia as a German colony, but that never happened, either: the British got it instead. A year later, he proposed to the then chancellor, Bernhard von Bülow, that China be partitioned among the great powers. In 1903, he announced, “Latin America is our goal,” and ordered the imperial admiralty staff to prepare invasion plans for Cuba, Puerto Rico and New York. Yet this got nowhere, because, among other things, the army never agreed to supply the necessary troops or logistical support.

The kaiser quickly picked up new ideas, but dropped them as soon as he was bored by them. Proposals flowed endlessly from the imperial pen: for an alliance with Russia and France against Japan and England; or with Russia, England and France against the United States; or with China and the US against Japan and the Triple Entente; or with Japan and the US against the Entente, and so on. Usually, however, the more frequent and the zanier the proposals got, the less impact they had on the process of decision-making.
“It seems that His Majesty is recommending another new programme,” Chancellor Hohenlohe complained in February 1897, after receiving a series of non sequiturs from the emperor’s desk. “But I don’t take it too tragically. I’ve seen too many programmes come and go.” The furious marginal jottings through which the emperor communicated with his officials were not to be considered as “orders”, another senior functionary remarked, but as “future music” that was purely speculative in character.

We haven’t yet had the chance to see how a Trump-led foreign policy would pan out in practice, but his pronouncements on foreign policy are already strikingly Wilhelmine. They are unpredictable variations on the official line, driven by his own emotions and bordering on incoherence. Trump on China: “The Chinese leaders are not our friends. I’ve been criticised for calling them our enemy. But what else do you call the people who are destroying your children’s and grandchildren’s future?” But then, this year, on North Korea: “I would get China to make that guy disappear in one form or another very quickly.”
Trump has poured scorn on Nato, the keystone of US security policy, and raised doubts as to whether he would fulfil America’s treaty obligations to its European allies. He says he will get Mexico to pay for the anti-immigrant mega-wall that he hopes to build along the US-Mexico border. He has repeatedly expressed solidarity with the Russian president, Vladimir Putin, the saviour of the Assad regime in Syria, whose bombs are reducing Aleppo to rubble as we write. He has praised the Turkish strongman, Recep Tayyip Erdogan.
The nuttiness of all this posturing might lead us to believe that Trump would sooner or later find himself in the same pickle as the kaiser, encircled by rings of courtiers, advisers and officials adept at managing the sovereign person and insulating the system from destabilising interventions from above. But not necessarily. In foreign and defence policy, the US president has a great deal of latitude – much more, indeed, than the kaiser did. Franklin Roosevelt got the US into a shooting war with Nazi Germany in the North Atlantic even though most Americans were opposed to joining the conflict. Lyndon B Johnson secretly bombed Cambodia for three years. Richard Nixon vastly expanded that bombing but still kept it secret – he even had the Pentagon give US pilots false co-ordinates, so that they thought they were bombing targets in South Vietnam, and he tried to keep the secretaries of state and defence, opponents of this policy, in the dark. According to the US constitution, only Congress can declare war. But it hasn’t declared war on anyone since 1941, and the US has been at war a lot since then.


The reign of the last German kaiser ended with the outbreak of war in 1914, leading to four years of carnage and a defeat that traumatised the nation, sowing the seeds for future catastrophes. The role of the kaiser and of his country in these unhappy events is the subject of a vast and complex debate. This makes the extraction of historical analogies difficult. Speculating on future wars is a fool’s game. Yet one thing is clear: whether or not the kaiser’s actions or statements made war more likely, his impact as a figurehead was disastrous.
As the most visible German in the world, Wilhelm II set the tone: his gaffes, belligerence and jumpiness personified everything that worried the other powers about his nation’s policies. He accentuated the paranoia and uncertainty in the system, rather than correcting it. If Trump becomes president, he, too, will personify America and its ­democracy in the eyes of the world. With or without arbitrary international interventions, that is a sobering prospect.
When his empire collapsed under the strain of warfare and defeat in 1918 and he was forced into exile in the Netherlands, Wilhelm II blamed the Americans, the British, the French, Edward VII, George V, the Jews, the Freemasons, his former ministers and military commanders – in short, everyone but himself. He experienced the disaster of his reign as a personal injury, maliciously inflicted by others. He learned nothing from it all and he stayed angry for the rest of his life.
In this, Donald Trump will surely follow the kaiser, whether he makes it to the White House or not.
Christopher Clark is Regius Professor of History at the University of Cambridge and the author of “The Sleepwalkers: How Europe Went to War in 1914” (Penguin)
Andrew Preston is a professor of American history at Cambridge

German hypothesis Trump – Russia Affair – Google Search

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3:25 AM 6/11/2018 – M.N.: Merkel gets so much mileage out of Trump-Russia affair, that it becomes increasingly…

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3:25 AM 6/11/2018 – M.N.: Merkel gets so much mileage out of Trump-Russia affair, that it becomes increasingly hard to believe that it was not a German design…
1:03 PM 6/10/2018 – Merkel: “What does Putin have on you?” Trump: “None of your bidniz. You worry about…

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1:03 PM 6/10/2018 – Merkel: “What does Putin have on you?” Trump: “None of your bidniz. You worry about your own problems. See you later, Alligator!” Merkel: “In a while, Krokodile!”
The “German hypothesis” of the “Trump-Russia scandal” | The Web World Times – News and Opinions Review

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We are witnessing the inexorable and the most interesting rise of Germany as the world power, at the center of her old European Empire. At the same time the recent changes in the utterances, verbalizations, pronouncements, and probably the future policies of the European politicians, and first of all Ms. Merkel, suggest that these new developments, along with the conceptual historical lines of the German independence and assertiveness, might have benefited from the Trump Presidency and the circumstances around it. 
And, which is much more, that this pattern of events and involvements that we see so far, might be indicative of a certain, perhaps, the leading, the strategic, and the planning role, that Germany hypothetically played in the Trump-Russia “affair” and “scandal”, according to the arguments presented in this article and as a matter of exercise in building a hypothesis for the journalistic investigation of the “Trump-Russia connections“. 
It is Germany who wants to “divide and rule”, feeling that this is her turn, and feeling supremely confident and self-assured, probably more than ever, of her “superiority”: economic, political, and racial. Here is the example of the “diplomatic” hypocrisy par excellence: “German economy minister threatens counter-measures in response to US sanctions on Russia“: “There is an aggressive tone in the German media and among politicians towards Berlin’s closest ally in the post-war period that has not been heard for a long time… The Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung even called for Germany to develop its own nuclear weapons [- GS – M.N.].
Germany’s nuclear armament is promoted as the legitimate and timely subject for the public discussions: “The call for German nuclear weapons in one of the most powerful German daily newspapers two months before the Bundestag elections is a warning. In its plans to impose its imperialist interests a third time on the global arena, the German ruling class will shrink from nothing.” 
Image result for What does not kill us, makes us stronger
The way the American Democracy handles the “Trump Crisis”: measured, fair, truth and roots seeking, etc., etc.,  proves that it is a viable, strong, and self-sustaining institution, and I have no doubts that it will resolve and overcome this crisis and will come out of it stronger. In the end, it will enhance the security of the country and, do not be surprised, the global security. “What does not kill us, makes us stronger“. Hopefully, it will not kill us. 
But this crisis certainly raises a lot of interesting questions, and the role of Germany and her intelligence services in it should certainly be a part of these questions and a part of the Mr. Mueller’s, Intelligence bodies’, Congressional, journalistic, historical, and other investigations. 

“Cui bono?”

The set of issues and questions which have to do with and to deal with the motivations are always important for investigations, it is important for understanding of “what happenned”, but answers are often elusive and subjectively colored, skewed by our projective tendencies, which bring our own backgrounds, personalities, and experience into our attempts at interpretations and understanding. To put it simply, it comes to a question: “Why do you think, he (she, they, etc.) did it? 

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Obama’s Russia Expert Explains the ‘Giant Gap’ Between Trump’s …

AlterNetJun 24, 2018
Michael McFaul served as Barack Obama’s ambassador to Russia from … in Russian affairs and America’s bilateral relationship with Russia, … There were tensions between Germany and other countries prior to … By the way, there’s some empirical evidence to support that hypothesis over the last 70 years.
Story image for German hypothesis Trump - Russia Affair from Raw Story

Russia expert explains the extremely unusual disconnect between …

Raw StoryJun 25, 2018
Michael McFaul served as Barack Obama’s ambassador to Russia from 2012 … in Russian affairs and America’s bilateral relationship with Russia, and used … not only of President Donald Trump’s odd relationship with the Russian … There were tensions between Germany and other countries prior to World …
Story image for German hypothesis Trump - Russia Affair from The Guardian

Guardian view on the Russian spy attack: Sergei Skripal and the …

The GuardianMar 9, 2018
Donald Trump’s caprice is not Mrs May’s fault. But she is in charge of Brexit – a pointless hindrance to coordination with fellow European …
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Washington’s tougher stance on Russia likely to escalate

Business DayMar 16, 2018
This has exasperated Trump, who instructed his team to make sure the … “My hypothesis is … the White House stance on Russia is going to be …
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The Trump spectacle and the end of truth in the US

People’s WorldJan 25, 2018
… reduced to a mere hypothesis and consistently subordinated to orchestration. … Anticipating anti-Trump protests, the president cancelled his trip to London, … noose around Trump’s neck in the Russia affair is getting tighter every day. … Washington’s allies, among them Australia, France, and Germany.
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Why Trump toned down his Russia tweets

POLITICO.euOct 23, 2017
Cobb’s ability to keep Trump’s Russia rage under control is going to be tested in the months ahead as Mueller’s probe heats up. The special …
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What Republicans suspect about the FBI’s TrumpRussia probe

Chicago Daily HeraldJun 20, 2018
But what do those investigators think actually happened in the TrumpRussia affair — at least, what do they think the FBI did? First, they’re …
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Trump ‘could pardon himself over Russia but won’t’, says Giuliani

BBC NewsJun 3, 2018
Donald Trump probably has the power to pardon himself in the Russia collusion affair but does not intend to do so, his lawyer Rudy Giuliani …
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Byron York: What Republicans suspect about the FBI’s TrumpRussia

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But what do those investigators think actually happened in the TrumpRussia affair — at least, what do they think the FBI did? First, they’re …
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Russia’s Real Target Is US Alliances & Ukraine, Not Elections: CIA …

Breaking DefenseJun 11, 2018
Russia’s Real Target Is US Alliances & Ukraine, Not Elections: CIA Veterans … about, especially Ukraine, which they are desperate to keep out of NATO. … Russia was not seriously trying to get Trump elected in2016, agreed … either dominated by Moscow — like East Germany — or directly ruled from it …
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Putin Sees an Opening in Europe’s Fury With Trump

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BRUSSELS — President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia arrived in Austria on … recently virtually a pariah inEurope after his military interventions in Ukraine, … are within the European Union, the greater the risks and uncertainties for us.” … “We want to be a bridge between East and West, and keep the lines of …
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Manafort Trial Is to Go Forward, but Judge Warns Mueller to Stay …

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Mr. Manafort, President Trump’s former campaign chairman, has been … pro-Russian president, Viktor F. Yanukovych, and his political allies, …
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In Eastern Europe, Militaries Gird Against Russian Might and …

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… so-called hybrid warfare, which American and Lithuania officials say … the director of national intelligence, warned separately in a speech in …
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RAW declares hybrid war

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The conventional wars have now taken over by the intelligence which are fought with dirty tricks and damaging tools to destroy vital abilities of …
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Ukraine reports 1 KIA, 2 WIAs amid 30 enemy attacks in Donbas in …

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According to intelligence reports, three occupiers were killed and … Russia’s hybrid military forces mounted 30 attacks on Ukrainian army …
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Tracing The Reason For The CIA’s Consistently Faulty HUMINT On …

<a href=”” rel=”nofollow”></a>Jun 22, 2018
Since the Hybrid War of Terror on the Golden Ring is unpopular, the CIA … The intentionally inaccurate “intelligence” being peddled to the CIA …

Intelligence services guarding against possible Russian interference …

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Belgium’s intelligence services are taking the possibility of Russian … intelligence chief said he was paying attention to “hybrid war”, which uses …

Predicting War

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Review of Lawrence Freedman’s “The Future of War: A History” (Public Affairs, 2017). …. were by classified intelligence briefs to see Freedman’s main point. …. including hybrid war, cyber war, climate change, robotics, drones, …


Elections 2016

8:08 AM 6/27/2018 – Did FBI try to entrap Trump's campaign? – News Review

Tue, 26 Jun 2018 20:26:14 +0200

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The NSA ‘spy hubs’ hidden in plain sight across the country | Daily Mail Online
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Did FBI try to entrap Trump’s campaign? – Google Search

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Under Mueller’s Scrutiny, Trump Allies Cry FBI Entrapment

The AtlanticJun 25, 2018
Mueller is investigating whether the Trump campaign abetted a … she has said, and was targeted by western agents trying to entrap him.
FBI’s anti-Trump texter takes to Capitol Hill
InternationalPolitico2 hours ago
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The Epoch Times

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Media image for Did FBI try to entrap Trump's campaign? from CNN

Story image for Did FBI try to entrap Trump's campaign? from Washington Times

Early FBI contacts with Trump campaign officials analyzed; ‘Efforts to …

Washington Times22 hours ago
From left, FBI Director James Comey, CIA Director John Brennan, and Director of National Intelligence James Clapper sit together in the front …

Roger Stone Thinks the FBI Tried to Entrap Trump Campaign

One America News Network (press release)Jun 18, 2018
A new report says Roger Stone believes the FBI attempted to entrap members of President Trump’s 2016 election campaign through an …
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Under Mueller’s Scrutiny, Trump Allies Cry FBI Entrapment

The AtlanticJun 25, 2018
President Donald Trump’s repeated claims that the FBI planted a “spy” in his campaign has handed his associates a new way to characterize …
Story image for fbi entrapment of politicians from Washington Times

Early FBI contacts with Trump campaign officials analyzed; ‘Efforts to …

Washington Times22 hours ago
Early FBI contacts with Trump campaign officials analyzed; ‘Efforts to … Another two approaches included political operatives, one foreign, with ties to … FBI agent with experience in such tactics, sees an effort at entrapment.
THE REAL PUTINGATE News Agency12 hours ago
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Wash Post: Stone, Caputo Allege FBI Entrapment Scheme

NewsmaxJun 17, 2018
Wash Post: Stone, Caputo Allege FBI Entrapment Scheme … Greenberg reportedly was offering politicaldirt on Donald Trump’s prospective …
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Mueller Poised to Zero In on Trump-Russia Collusion Allegations

BloombergJun 26, 2018
The longtime Trump political adviser confirmed for the first time this … Stone says he thinks the meeting was part of an FBI plot to entrap him in …
Story image for fbi entrapment of politicians from Spectator USA

Sorry Ron Radosh, Spygate really is the biggest political scandal in …

Spectator USAJun 4, 2018
it is becoming apparent that the FBI source (since exposed as …. to have been a plot to entrap, and even frame, a political opponent and his …
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Under Mueller’s Scrutiny, Trump Allies Cry FBI Entrapment

The AtlanticJun 25, 2018
President Donald Trump’s repeated claims that the FBI planted a “spy” in his campaign has handed his associates a new way to characterize …
Story image for fbi entrapment from Washington Times

Early FBI contacts with Trump campaign officials analyzed; ‘Efforts to …

Washington Times22 hours ago
Early FBI contacts with Trump campaign officials analyzed; ‘Efforts to … FBI agent with experience in such tactics, sees an effort at entrapment.
THE REAL PUTINGATE News Agency12 hours ago
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Wash Post: Stone, Caputo Allege FBI Entrapment Scheme

NewsmaxJun 17, 2018
Roger Stone has revealed a previously unreported contact in May 2016 with a Russian — one who had worked as an FBI informant — who …
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Ex-FBI Agent: This Looks Like Sting Operation Against Trump

The Epoch Times11 hours ago
Ex-FBI Agent: This Looks Like Sting Operation Against Trump …. it would be an entrapment and therefore inadmissible in a criminal case.
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Mel Weinberg, 93, the FBI’s Lure in the Abscam Sting, Dies

New York TimesJun 6, 2018
It inspired a revision of guidelines in federal undercover cases and legal and … over whether the defendants had been unlawfully entrapped.
Story image for fbi entrapment cases from Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Cudahy mother charged in terrorism plot to use Facebook to promote …

Milwaukee Journal SentinelJun 13, 2018
She is now a lawful permanent resident who the FBI believes does … Prosecutors in Milwaukee have charged other terrorism-related cases in recent years. … Hamzeh’s attorney has said that his client was entrapped by FBI …
Story image for fbi entrapment cases from Washington Post

Mel Weinberg, con artist at center of Abscam sting, dies at 93

Washington PostJun 7, 2018
At the center of an FBI corruption investigation that employed fake Middle … said the bureau had overreached and accused investigators of entrapment. The case spawned stricter guidelines for FBIundercover operations, …
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What Happened During the Michael Flynn FBI Interview?

Sara A. Carter (blog)Jun 21, 2018
I spoke with a former senior FBI official familiar with the case of …. Sara: This seems like an easy way to entrap someone or get them on a …
fbi entrapment documentary – Google Search

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y the game when he says he wants $2 million …
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The DoJ IG Report: Comey and His Corrupt Clinton Cronies

Patriot PostJun 15, 2018
Clinton undertook what then-FBI Director James Comey described as a … the origins of the Trump investigation are rooted in an endeavor to entrap him. …. According to the report, “We did not find documentary or testimonial …
Story image for fbi entrapment documentary from Mediaite

Roger Stone: I Think Peter Strzok Was Behind Russian Operative …

MediaiteJun 20, 2018
… starring in a Netflix documentary, appearing once a day on InfoWars, and fighting “a … “Henry Greenberg turns out to be an FBI informant of Russian … “I think it was an FBI plant seeking to compromise and to entrap me and …
Story image for fbi entrapment documentary from New York Post

‘Newburgh Four’ terrorism case was FBI entrapment: HBO film

New York PostJul 19, 2014
On May 20, 2009, four Muslim men from upstate Newburgh were arrested by the FBI and charged with plotting to bomb two Jewish synagogues …
Revisiting the Facts, After the Convictions
New York TimesJul 20, 2014
EXCLUSIVE: Mother of man convicted of terrorism wants President …
Highly CitedNew York Daily NewsJul 21, 2014
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New York Daily News

Media image for fbi entrapment documentary from Indie Wire

Indie Wire

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New York Times

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Mother Jones
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How FBI Entrapment Is Inventing ‘Terrorists‘ – and Letting Bad Guys Off …

<a href=”” rel=”nofollow”></a> (blog)May 15, 2012
This past October, at an Occupy encampment in Cleveland, Ohio, “suspicious males with walkie-talkies around their necks” and “scarves or …
Story image for how fbi entrapment is inventing terrorists from BuzzFeed News

How The FBI Invents Terror Plots To Catch Wannabe Jihadis

BuzzFeed NewsNov 17, 2015
How The FBI Invents Terror Plots To Catch Wannabe Jihadis. Terrorism … Nobody would describe James Cromitie as a terrorist mastermind. Certainly … It sounds like a classic case of cunning entrapment by law enforcement.
Story image for how fbi entrapment is inventing terrorists from Shadowproof (blog)

FBI Policy Of Manufacturing Terrorism Plots Reaffirmed By Appeals …

Shadowproof (blog)Dec 5, 2016
They challenged the fact that Mohamud’s “defense of entrapment” was …. In the study [PDF], “Inventing Terrorism: The Lawfare of Preemptive …
Story image for how fbi entrapment is inventing terrorists from The Guardian

Government agents ‘directly involved’ in most high-profile US terror plots

The GuardianJul 21, 2014
Yet the courtroom obstacles to proving entrapment are significant, one of the … “In some cases the FBImay have created terrorists out of …
Story image for how fbi entrapment is inventing terrorists from The New Yorker

Do FBI Stings Help the Fight Against ISIS?

The New YorkerJun 10, 2016
In an affidavit, an F.B.I. agent described Lutchman as “a … groups for generating terrorism cases through sting operations and confidential informants. … preparation, and were also vulnerable to accusations of entrapment. … to invent a crime, provide weapons and money, and invite a target to participate.
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THE REAL PUTINGATE News Agency11 hours ago
In its latest shameless effort to polish up 2 years of Deep State/FBI machinations … a familiar standard-operating-procedure FBI crime creation/entrapment … Way before the 2016 election, even before Trump’s nomination, doubtless at the … whose job is to stitch up a frame that would enable the dumb-struck …
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Hernandez, Solarte hit back-to-back homers, Blue Jays sweep Nationals

Sportsnet.caJun 17, 2018
… the third, plating Solarte and advancing Kendrys Morales to third base. … game in the fifth, marking the third multi-homer game of his career.
Story image for fbi entrapment as easy way to career advancement from The Federalist

Here’s What We Can Glean From What George Papadopoulos’s Wife …

The FederalistJun 13, 2018
That same day FBI agents served Mangiante with a subpoena to appear before a grand jury. … but to date there has been no explanation of how he obtained his position … This recent development provides context to Mangiante’s earlier …. refused because he suspected entrapment,” Mangiante explained.
travel ban trump supreme court – Google Search

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Supreme Court upholds Trump travel ban

Washington Post11 hours ago
The Supreme Court ruled Tuesday that President Trump has the authority to ban travelers from certain majority-Muslim countries if he thinks it is …
The Supreme Court’s decision to uphold Trump’s travel ban, explained
OpinionThe San Diego Union-Tribune14 hours ago
Bigoted and Feckless, the Travel Ban Is Pure Trump
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The Guardian

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The San Diego Union-Tribune

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The Globe and Mail
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Read: Supreme Court upholds travel ban

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The Supreme Court upheld President Donald Trump’s travel ban Tuesday by a vote of 5 to 4, ruling that Trump’s decision to ban or restrict travel …
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Early FBI contacts with Trump campaign officials analyzed; ‘Efforts to …

Washington Times20 hours ago
Before the FBI began investigating the Trump campaign’s possible ties to Russia in an operation code-named “Crossfire Hurricane,” there were …
THE REAL PUTINGATE News Agency10 hours ago
Story image for operation crossfire hurricane from Patriot Post

Gowdy and Rubio Affirm ‘Crossfire Hurricane‘ Justification

Patriot PostMay 31, 2018
Gowdy and Rubio Affirm ‘Crossfire Hurricane‘ Justification … loose ties to the Trump campaign, Gowdy offered his assessment of that operation.
Trump Team Demands Full Disclosure of FBI “Spygate”
International<a href=”” rel=”nofollow”></a>May 31, 2018

Story image for operation crossfire hurricane from Wall Street Journal

Mueller’s Fruit of the Poisonous Tree

Wall Street JournalJun 22, 2018
… the Trump-Russia collusion inquiry, code-named Crossfire Hurricane. … the operation of bias that might otherwise be obscured,” the justices …
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‘I am just a sacrificial lamb’: Carter Page defensive over Trump …

ABC NewsJun 10, 2018
Now Dr Page is one of the most infamous names caught up in Operation Crossfire Hurricane — the FBI’s investigation opened in secret during .
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Shannon Pettypiece on Mueller’s investigation

Bloomberg54 minutes ago
Mueller’s investigation is zeroing in on allegations of collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign. @spettypi explains how it may shake out #tictocnews …
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Trump questions Warner ‘joke’ about special counsel probe

WHSV54 minutes ago
… top Democrat to joke about revealing information from special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigationinto Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential election.
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Robert Mueller Could Have an October Surprise for the GOP

Vanity Fair3 hours ago
As the Russia investigation races toward a conclusion, however, Trump and his Republican allies are due for a reckoning. Mueller is reportedly winding down …
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Robert Mueller zeroing in on Trump-Russia collusion allegations (report)

<a href=”” rel=”nofollow”></a>3 hours ago
Special Counsel Robert Mueller leaves a meeting with members of the Senate Judiciary Committee in … The FBI’s Russia investigation officially began that July.
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The Profoundly Stupid New Argument to Discredit Mueller Investigation

Patheos (blog)5 hours ago
As Robert Mueller’s investigation has amassed more indictments, Donald Trump has increasingly retreated from any defense of the facts to insisting Mueller has …
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Trump Questions Senator’s ‘Joke’ About Mueller Probe Made At …

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Trump Questions Senator’s ‘Joke’ About Mueller Probe Made At Martha’s … information from special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into Russian …
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Prince Now Cooperating with Mueller Investigation

Patheos (blog)5 hours ago
Prince, America’s most famous private military contractor, acknowledged last week that he “cooperated” with Mueller’s investigation of Russian interference in …
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Prepare to be disappointed with Russia investigation conclusion

The Hill6 hours ago
What about Mueller’s investigation into potential obstruction of justice? … subsequent firing of Comey was meant to obstruct the FBI’s Russia investigation.
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Mueller Preps To Home In On Collusion Question In Coming Weeks

TPM6 hours ago
Special counsel Robert Mueller is preparing to focus his investigation on possible collusion between President Donald Trump’s campaign and Russians in the …
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Ex-CIA director: GOP needs ‘heroes’ to put country above Trump

The Hill6 hours ago
Brennan’s tweet came hours after Bloomberg News reported that Mueller’s investigation will focus more intensely in the coming months on allegations of …
Early FBI contacts with Trump campaign officials analyzed; ‘Efforts to manufacture evidence’

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Lee Smith at Real Clear Investigations has a lengthy analysis of the early contacts with Trump campaign official prior to the official launch of the FBI’s counterintelligence probe known as “Crossfire Hurricane.”
How extensive the FBI or other US intelligence/law enforcement agencies’ contacts with Trump campaign advisers were prior to the July 31, 2016 start date for the official investigation has been a great mystery for journalists and congressmen willing to ask.
Congressman Devin Nunes, the Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee has been trying to get to the bottom of these contacts and the exact origin of the FBI probe for several months and has still been met with stonewalling from the Justice Department.
Smith has detailed as many as seven contacts with Trump campaign figures that have been made public:

Before the FBI began investigating the Trump campaign’s possible ties to Russia in an operation code-named “Crossfire Hurricane,” there were at least seven different instances when campaign advisers were approached with Russia-related offers. Most of those contacts — including Donald Trump Jr.’s much-publicized meeting with a Russian lawyer and others in June 2016 — offered the prospect of information damaging to Trump’s Democratic opponent, Hillary Clinton.
Two of these approaches were made by one U.S. government informant already publicly identified as such, Stefan Halper. Another was made by a man who swore in court that he had worked as an FBI informant. Two others were made by figures associated with Western intelligence agencies. Another two approaches included political operatives, one foreign, with ties to the Clintons.

That’s a lot of interactions with the Trump campaign at the hands of US intel affiliates. All of them, coincidentally, had the same offer: Dirt on Hillary from the Russians.
Smith’s reporting suggests that’s not a coincidence:

But Mark Wauck, a former FBI agent with experience in such tactics, sees an effort at entrapment. “What appear to have been repeated attempts to implicate the Trump campaign, in some sort of quid pro quo arrangement with Russians who claimed to have ‘dirt’ on Hillary,” Wauck told RealClearInvestigations, “look like efforts to manufacture evidence against members of the Trump campaign or create pretexts to investigate it.”
At the same time, in early spring, the Clinton campaign commissioned, through its law firm,  the Washington, D.C.-based communications firm Fusion GPS to dig up dirt on the Trump campaign’s alleged ties to Russia. The result was the infamous 35-page dossier compiled by former British spy Christopher Steele.

And we know that dossier was used to justify at least one FISA surveillance warrant against one fo the Trump figures targeted by these initial contacts, Carter Page.,
As of this date, there has been no public evidence presented to suggest that there was any coordination between the Trump campaign and the Russian government for the purpose of meddling or obstructing in the 2016 presidential election. Furthermore, the dossier that is at the center of so much of the justification of the initial investigation as well as Robert Mueller’s Special Counsel appointment has been labeled “salacious and unverified” by none other than former FBI Director James Comey and no evidence has been presented to dispute that claim.
Smith’s reporting is detailed and thorough and the entire article deserves your attention.
Two key take aways:

  • The efforts to bait the Trump camp into accepting some kind of “dirt” on Hillary from the Russians sure smells like entrapment.
  • And, despite all the efforts, the only contact that developed into anything was the Trump Tower meeting with Donald Trump Jr. which was coordinated by a figure connected with Fusion GPS, the same company who assembled the bogus Steele dossier. And that meeting, it appears, was a non-event.


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Chet Baker – The Touch of Your Lips

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Report: Gender discrimination ‘concerning’ at FBI, others

<a href=”” rel=”nofollow”></a>27 minutes ago
That’s according to a Justice Department inspector general’s report released Tuesday that examines the workforce of the FBI, Drug Enforcement Administration, …
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North Pole man found guilty after FBI finds hundreds of child porn …

<a href=”” rel=”nofollow”></a>50 minutes ago
Following an investigation by the FBI, Whitebread’s daily activity was tracked, cross-referenced with the downloading habits found on the file sharing programs …
Story image for fbi from The Epoch Times

Trump Demands Public Hearings for Strzok and Other Biased FBI …

The Epoch Times55 minutes ago
President Donald Trump called for “total transparency” in the congressional oversight hearings featuring Peter Strzok, the biased FBI official who vowed to “stop” …
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FBI director: ‘These are challenging times for the organization’

KGO-TV56 minutes ago
FBI Director Chris Wray told hundreds of current and former federal agents that the embattled bureau was “having our turn in the barrel” and attempted to chart a …
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Trump Organization has until July 5 to review files seized by FBI from …

Toronto Star1 hour ago
The Trump Organization has until July 5 to complete its review of the last of the 4 million files seized by the FBI from Michael Cohen, U.S. President Donald …
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Chet Baker – Alone Together

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” Autumn Leaves ” Chet Baker – Paul Desmond

The NSA ‘spy hubs’ hidden in plain sight across the country | Daily Mail Online

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Revealed: The towering NSA ‘spy hubs’ hidden in plain sight in cities across the country ‘peering into Americans’ lives from their own backyards’

  • The NSA is ‘spying on internet users with the help of telecoms giant AT&T’
  • AT&T data processing hubs in eight US cities allegedly used by the NSA
  • They process data from AT&T customers as well as from other internet providers
  • The hubs are ‘liable to carry everybody’s internet traffic at one point or another’



The National Security Agency is using internet data processing centers run by telecommunications powerhouse AT&T to spy on American and foreign citizens, a new investigation claims.

The Intercept has identified eight AT&T facilities across the United States which are allegedly being used by the NSA to monitor internet users’ emails, social media posts and internet browsing.

The centers are known as ‘peering’ facilities’ and processes data from both AT&T customers and those of other U.S. internet providers, as well as telecoms companies fromSweden, India, Germany and Italy.

Spy HQs: This map shows the eight locations of the AT&T facilities allegedly being used by the NSA to spy on internet users

Spy HQs: This map shows the eight locations of the AT&T facilities allegedly being used by the NSA to spy on internet users

AT&T's processing centre in New York City

This AT&T data processing hub in Chicago is one of eight facilities allegedly being used by the NSA to spy on the public

I spy: These AT&T data processing hubs in New York City, left, and Chicago, right, are two of eight facilities allegedly being used by the NSA

‘It’s eye-opening and ominous the extent to which this is happening right here on American soil,’ said Elizabeth Goitein, co-director of the Liberty and National Security Program at the Brennan Center for Justice told The Intercept.

‘It puts a face on surveillance that we could never think of before in terms of actual buildings and actual facilities in our own cities, in our own backyards.’

All eight buildings, in cities such as Los Angeles, NYC, Seattle and Washington DC, have several things in common, as well as being AT&T facilities.

They are tall and imposing structures with few or blacked out windows, and – either seemingly or confirmed to be – built to withstand a nuclear attack.

The buildings are located on 10 South Canal Street in Chicago, 1122 3rd Avenue in Seattle, 811 10th Avenue in New York City, 30 E Street Southwest in Washington DC, 51 Peachtree Center Avenue in Atlanta, 611 Folsom Street in San Francisco, 4211 Bryan Street in Dallas and 420 South Grand Avenue in Los Angeles.

Hiding in plain sight:  The processing centers, like this in San Francisco, processes data from both AT&T, other U.S. internet providers, and international telecoms companies

Hiding in plain sight:  The processing centers, like this in San Francisco, processes data from both AT&T, other U.S. internet providers, and international telecoms companies

Listening posts: By gaining access to the data which goes through these AT&T facilities identified by The Intercept, the NSA can monitor huge amounts of internet data

Same same, but different: The AT&T buildings, such as this one in Washington DC, are all tall and imposing structures with few or blacked out windows

Same same, but different: The AT&T buildings, such as this one in Washington DC, are all tall and imposing structures with few or blacked out windows

By tapping into wires in these ‘peering’ facilities, the NSA can collect ‘not only AT&T’s data, they get all the data that’s interchanged between AT&T’s network and other companies,’ according to Mark Klein, a former AT&T technician who worked with the company for 22 years, told The Intercept.

‘The peering links, by the nature of the connections, are liable to carry everybody’s traffic at one point or another during the day, or the week, or the year,’ he added.

The Intercept interviewed several former AT&T employees who confirmed the locations of the eight ‘peering sites’ used by the NSA.

Investigation: The report by The Intercept has been confirmed by former AT&T employees. Pictured is the AT&T facility in Dallas linked to the NSA by the website

Investigation: The report by The Intercept has been confirmed by former AT&T employees. Pictured is the AT&T facility in Dallas linked to the NSA by the website

Breaking news: The information that these hubs, like this one in Seattle, is being utilized by the NSA has been compared to spying on Americans 'in their own backyard'

Breaking news: The information that these hubs, like this one in Seattle, is being utilized by the NSA has been compared to spying on Americans ‘in their own backyard’

The NSA would neither confirm nor deny the claims, while AT&T told The Intercept that they were required by law to provide the authorities with information to certain extents.

The telecoms giant’s close relationship with the NSA was first revealed by the New York Times in 2015, thanks to documents leaked by whistle-blower Edward Snowden.

The company helped the spy agency in a broad range of classified activities, the documents revealed.

They describe how the NSA’s working relationship with AT&T had enabled the agency to conduct surveillance, under various legal rules, of international and foreign-to-foreign internet communications that passed through network hubs in the United States.

FBI News Review

11:02 AM 6/26/2018 – The FBI Crisis And The FBI Reform – News Review

Mike Nova’s Shared NewsLinks 

Mike Nova’s Shared NewsLinks
The FBI: political punching bag or in need of reform?
FBI Director Chris Wray knocks down the agency’s partisan critics
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9:50 AM 6/26/2018 – The FBI Crisis Of 2018 – News Review | The News and Times of Puerto Rico
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FBI Still Stonewalls Congress On Russia: More Deep State Obstruction?
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Crisis Of Trust In The FBI – Google Search
Foco federal sobre otro contratista de San Juan
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fbi san juan – Google Search
Edición del 25 junio de 2018 by El Vocero de Puerto Rico – issuu
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GOP senator places hold on Trump counterintelligence nominee
Ex-teacher accused of raping minor linked to Anthony Weiner, report says
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Crisis en el PNP | Opinión
Héctor Ferrer acusa al Gobierno de Rosselló de la situación crítica de Puerto Rico | Puerto Rico | Edición USA | Agencia EFE
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G7 leaders can’t trust Trump, former FBI director James Comey says
A crisis in leadership at the FBI
FBI may be biggest loser in investigation of investigations
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Mike Nova’s Shared NewsLinks
The FBI: political punching bag or in need of reform?

mikenova shared this story from Wires | Mail Online.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation is in the eye of a political firestorm, but does it need to clean up its image? Some experts say yes
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The Federal Bureau of Investigation is in the eye of a political firestorm, but does it need to clean up its image? Some experts say yes

The Federal Bureau of Investigation, accused of abusing its power in its probe of links between President Donald Trump’s election campaign and Russia, has become a political punching bag, experts in the US law enforcement community say.
But after two years of becoming deeply enmeshed in the swirl of American politics — at one point in 2016, it was investigating both Trump’s team and Democratic rival Hillary Clinton — the FBI also needs to clean up its image, they say.
“I think that there are troubling things that myself, many former agents, as well as current on-board employees, would like to see a full accounting of,” said retired special agent James Gagliano.
In the past few years, actions by the agency’s top management “have had a deleterious effect on the reputation of the FBI,” Gagliano, who is now an adjunct assistant professor at St John’s University in New York, told AFP.
The FBI was accused of both aiding Clinton’s campaign and causing her loss.
Since then, Trump and his Republican Party claim that the agency has tried to discredit his victory — and possibly help force him from office — by opening a special investigation into possible collusion with Moscow.
The FBI took another brutal hit Friday when Trump spearheaded a Republican effort to tar the agency as deeply politicized, with the release of a secret, controversial GOP memo.
But the agency’s director Christopher Wray — who was hand-picked by Trump six months ago, but whose future now seems unclear — has so far stood tall.
“Talk is cheap,” he told his 35,000-strong staff after the memo release, in an internal letter obtained by AFP.
– History of clashes –
Trump’s battle with the Justice Department and FBI is not new, and is just one in a long series of fights between presidents and their top law enforcement officials.
Legendary G-Man J. Edgar Hoover, the agency’s first director who served for nearly a half-century, turned the FBI into an institution feared by crooks and politicians alike.
Presidents from Harry Truman to Richard Nixon considered dismissing him, but Hoover was seen as too powerful — and dangerous.
The FBI director is appointed for a term of 10 years — a method seen as ensuring he or she remains apolitical. But some critics say that goal has not been met.

Actions taken by ousted FBI director James Comey -- seen here being sworn in at a Senate intelligence committee hearing on June 8, 2017  -- are at the root of Trump's battle with the agency
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Actions taken by ousted FBI director James Comey — seen here being sworn in at a Senate intelligence committee hearing on June 8, 2017 — are at the root of Trump’s battle with the agency

The root of the current battle is former director James Comey’s personal handling of the 2016 investigation into Clinton’s use of an unauthorized personal email server while she was secretary of state.
His attempts to keep that sensitive probe apolitical fell flat, reaping attacks from both parties even as he twice found the evidence lacking to charge her.
“The Clinton investigation put the FBI in the center of the political battle,” said Jeffrey Ringel, a veteran agent who is now director of the Soufan Group, a security consultancy.
“Either way, the FBI was going to come out bruised.”
– The Russia probe –
After becoming president, Trump took umbrage when Comey pursued allegations that Russia had meddled in the 2016 election to help the real estate mogul win.
Comey refused to back off and declare loyalty to Trump, who fired him, accusing him of being pro-Democrat.
Since then, Trump has built a campaign against the agency, alleging that Comey, his onetime deputy Andrew McCabe, agents who served on both the Clinton and Trump probes, and some Justice Department officials were biased against him.
Republicans say leaked text messages show that two investigators working both cases were deeply anti-Trump. They note that McCabe’s wife was supported by Clinton in a failed run for state office in Virginia.
Before Friday’s release of the memo, Trump said leaders of both the FBI and the Department of Justice had “politicized the sacred investigative process in favor of Democrats and against Republicans – something which would have been unthinkable just a short time ago.”
– Impossible situation –
FBI agents say Comey made the best of an impossible situation — investigating two top candidates during an election.
But he also plunged the agency too much into the limelight, and blurred the lines of impartiality, they said.

FBI Director Christopher Wray -- who was hand-picked by Donald Trump just six months ago -- is now in the president's crosshairs
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FBI Director Christopher Wray — who was hand-picked by Donald Trump just six months ago — is now in the president’s crosshairs

Gagliano says while the agency’s current predicament is not unprecedented, “it is unsettling.”
He insisted that while agents have their political leanings, they rigorously put them aside on the job, and that only “a few people” had compromised that.
“Their impartiality, their lack of a political agenda has been compromised to some extent via a few people,” he noted.
Most analysts have dismissed the criticisms in the so-called “Nunes memo” released by the House Intelligence Committee on Friday as deeply distorted and unfair to the FBI.
But current and former agents say Wray needs to strongly defend the agency — while clearing the cloud of political bias hanging over the staff.
“Wray needs to stress among the rank and file that the FBI must be seen as apolitical and cannot let their personal opinions affect their investigative actions,” Ringel said.

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FBI Director Chris Wray knocks down the agency’s partisan critics

mikenova shared this story from Politics.

FBI Director Christopher Wray on Thursday said he “appreciates” and took “very seriously” a new report from the Justice Department’s watchdog that examines the conduct of several officials including James Comey, the former director.
The report found that Comey deviated from FBI and Justice Department norms while he was leading the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server. The Justice Department’s inspector general, Michael Horowitz, released the 568-page report on Thursday.
Since shortly after President Donald Trump took office, he has railed against the FBI, Comey, and Andrew McCabe, the former deputy director, with the accusation that the bureau at large was enveloped in a conspiracy to undermine his presidency.
Many of Trump’s most vocal supporters have latched on to that narrative as the president has publicly decried the FBI’s leadership and made unsubstantiated claims that morale at the agency was low.
On Thursday, Wray offered a low-key rebuttal to those claims, without mentioning Trump’s name. “The opinions to me that matter are the opinions of the people that are relevant to our work, day in and day out, all across this country,” Wray said during a press conference.
“Those people are having to make important decisions that protect lives,” Wray said. “The opinions of the people that they have to engage with on that work, those are the opinions that matter to me.”
Wray also offered several examples of the work the FBI had done recently:

  • In the past several months, the FBI disrupted terrorist attacks from places including Fisherman’s Wharfin San Francisco and a crowded shopping mall in Miami.
  • In March, the FBI charged what it said was an Iranian state-sponsored hacker ring with stealing terabytes of data from US companies, universities, and government agencies.
  • In Austin, Texas, the FBI deployed more than 600 people to assist in the package bombings that killed two people and terrorized locals.
  • So far, 1,305 children were rescued from child predators, some of them as young as 7 months old.
  • More than 4,600 suspected gang members were arrested in the past several months.
  • The FBI’s hostage-rescue team deployed about 27 times for missions.

“I see extraordinary people doing extraordinary work,” Wray said. “Again, and again, I hear remarkable stories, frankly, inspiring stories about the work the men and women of the FBI are doing to protect the American people and uphold the Constitution.”
Wray conceded that while the report highlighted some shortcomings at the FBI, changes in policy and practice were already underway.

fbi reform – Google Search

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Story image for fbi reform from The Hill

After FBI cleared by IG report, GOP must reform itself

The HillJun 18, 2018
The Justice Department Inspector General’s (IG) report on the FBI’s …. The FBI is an arrogant organization, so scrutiny and reform are essential.
FBI Director Christopher Wray’s Statement on Release of Inspector …
Federal Bureau of Investigation (press release) (blog)Jun 14, 2018
Gowdy Says Anti-Trump Bias in FBI Can’t Be Put Aside
InternationalBloombergJun 19, 2018
Insubordination and Bias at FBI
OpinionWall Street JournalJun 14, 2018
The Latest: FBI attorney removed for anti-Trump messages
In-DepthEconomic TimesJun 14, 2018
Media image for fbi reform from Federal Bureau of Investigation (press release) (blog)

Federal Bureau of Investigation (press release) (blog)

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Wall Street Journal

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New York Post

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Business Insider
christopher wray – Google Search

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Story image for christopher wray from WABC-TV

FBI director: ‘These are challenging times for the organization’

WABC-TV7 hours ago
In his first stop in Los Angeles since taking over at the FBI, Director Christopher Wray addressed a gathering of former and current federal …
9:50 AM 6/26/2018 – The FBI Crisis Of 2018 – News Review | The News and Times of Puerto Rico

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Has the FBI Created a Constitutional Crisis?

The National Interest OnlineJun 15, 2018
The idea that agencies like the FBI are above the Constitution is a more serious threat to democracy than anything that has been credibly …
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The constitutional crisis is now

Xenia Gazette4 hours ago
A constitutional crisis does not occur suddenly like a coup that causes … First he accuses the FBI of sending a spy to secretly infiltrate his 2016 …
wray fbi – Google Search
Story image for wray fbi from The Hill

No, Christopher Wray, we don’t trust you

The HillJun 19, 2018
FBI Director Christopher Wray’s press conference Thursday, in response to the Department of Justice (DOJ) inspector general’s report on the …
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PBS NewsHour

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Wall Street Journal

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Daily Beast

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CBS Miami
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Washington Times

Director Wray is upholding the independence of the FBI

New Jersey HeraldJun 21, 2018
When President Donald Trump appointed Atlanta lawyer Christopher Wray to succeed James Comey as the director of the FBI, my initial …
Sen. Lindsey Graham quizzes inspector general over Peter Strzok’s …
InternationalWashington TimesJun 21, 2018
The disgrace of Comey’s FBI
InternationalThe Franklin SunJun 20, 2018

Héctor Ferrer acusa al Gobierno de Rosselló de la situación crítica de Puerto Rico | Puerto Rico | Edición USA | Agencia EFE
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House to grill Wray, Rosenstein over IG report on Clinton email …

Washington Examiner17 hours ago
FBI Director Christopher Wray and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein will testify Thursday at a hearing called by the House Judiciary …
Meadows: ‘Floor Action’ Is Next, After FBI Refuses Document Request
<a href=”” rel=”nofollow”></a>3 hours ago
Nunes sets new deadline for DOJ on use of FBI informant
Highly CitedThe Hill19 hours ago
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Daily Mail
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No, Christopher Wray, we don’t trust you

The HillJun 19, 2018
FBI Director Christopher Wray’s press conference Thursday, in response to the Department of Justice (DOJ) inspector general’s report on the …
FBI Director Christopher Wray knocks down the bureau’s biggest …
InternationalBusiness InsiderJun 15, 2018
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Washington Examiner

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CTV News
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FBI director: ‘These are challenging times for the organization’

WABC-TV6 hours ago
In his first stop in Los Angeles since taking over at the FBI, Director Christopher Wray addressed a gathering of former and current federal …
Story image for christopher wray from Courier Journal

Trump’s new FBI director is coming to Louisville to meet with officials

Courier JournalJun 6, 2018
The latest: FBI director tells Louisville agents to ignore criticisms from DC. FBI Director Christopher Wray, who took over when his predecessor …
Story image for christopher wray from Courier Journal

FBI director tells Louisville agents to ignore criticism from DC

Courier JournalJun 6, 2018
FBI Director Christopher Wray told officials and agency partners Wednesday in Louisville that recent criticisms from from Washington, D.C., …
FBI Still Stonewalls Congress On Russia: More Deep State Obstruction?

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Russia Investigation: After Congress threatened impeachment, the Department of Justice and FBI reluctantly handed over classified documents related to the Russia investigation. But they still haven’t fully complied with Congress’ request. Is this just more deep-state obstruction?

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Of course, that’s a loaded question. Sure, the bureaucrats at DOJ and the FBI have a responsibility to keep the nation’s secrets and to maintain the integrity of their own investigations. But they don’t have a right to hold back information legitimately requested by Congress for its investigation into the highly questionable behavior of both the DOJ and FBI during the Russia-Trump investigation.
“A spokeswoman for House Speaker Paul Ryan said Saturday that the department (of Justice) has partially complied with subpoenas from the House Intelligence and Judiciary committees after officials turned over more than a thousand new documents this week,” the Associated Press reported.
It’s that phrase “partially complied” that sticks in our throat. Imagine “partially complying” with a judge’s order to tell the whole and complete truth in a court case. Or “partially complying” with your requirement to file you taxes. Or “partially complying” with a police officer’s lawful order to stop.
“Partial” compliance isn’t enough. Congress has repeatedly requested documents for its investigation, but has been denied. And we need to be absolutely clear here: Congress has oversight authority over both the Justice Department and FBI. So saying “No” to Congress’ request, unless it’s grounded in serious national security concerns, is not acceptable. Period.
Try impeding an investigation by DOJ or the FBI and you’ll immediately be charged with obstruction or worse, with the possibility of going to prison for many years. Why should DOJ and the FBI be exempt from the law?
Some in Congress aren’t happy about all this. Republican Rep. Mark Meadows of North Carolina is one of them.
“New reports of DOJ-FBI compliance with document requests are NOT accurate,” he tweeted. “While they have turned over additional documents, the new documents represent a small percentage of what they owe.”
“The notion that DOJ/FBI have been forthcoming with Congress is false,” he wrote.
The problem is, Congress needs to get to the bottom of what looks to be a massive conspiracy within the FBI and DOJ to boost Hillary Clinton’s election chances, while impeding Trump’s. If true, and certainly evidence amassed so far indicates it is, it would be the biggest government scandal in at least 100 years. Bigger, yes, than Watergate.
That’s why Congress has sought so much documentation from FBI Deputy Director Rod Rosenstein. They demand more than 1.4 million documents, a large amount to be sure, but have only received roughly 800,000 pages. Last week’s delivery amounted to just 1,400 pages or so. So you can see why some investigation-minded representatives, such as Meadows, aren’t satisfied.
The Justice Department and FBI had a Friday deadline to hand over the documents. They only partially complied. Yet the vow by Rep. Devin Nunes “there’s going to be hell to pay” if they didn’t comply seems to have fallen on deaf ears.

Russia Investigation: Unanswered Questions

The questions about the Russia investigation launched by the FBI and later picked up by Special Counsel Robert Mueller are many.
Congress, for instance, wants access to transcripts of conversations between “confidential human sources” — spies — and Trump campaign officials.
Congressional Republicans also seek to understand how former British spy Christopher Steele, who compiled the now-infamous Trump dossier, came to be paid by the Clinton campaign, the Democratic National Committee and the FBI. Collusion, anyone?
And they also want to look into how the FBI and DOJ used the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act to spy on the Trump campaign.
These are all legitimate issues. Stonewalling is an old strategy. Maybe the deep state is hoping for a Blue Wave in November to get Congress off its back.
Regardless, whether the U.S. remains a healthy, law-abiding republic or sinks to the level of other nations now ruled by corrupt elite bureaucracies is what’s at stake here. Who decides what gets handed over — a group of unelected bureaucrats, or the representatives of the American people?
Americans deserve answers. They should demand them.
FBI Scandal: Deep State Corruption Of FBI, Justice Was There From Very Start Of Hillary Email Probe
Russia Scandal: Will Devin Nunes Investigation Prove ‘Deep State’ Collusion By FBI, DOJ?
Sorry, But Obama White House, Not Dossier, Was Behind Trump Investigation

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Conservatives grumble about House GOP’s handling of investigation …

CNN13 hours ago
(CNN) Last October, two House Republican committee chairmen announced their plans to get to the bottom of the FBI’s decision-making in …
Nunes sets new deadline for DOJ on use of FBI informant
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The Hill

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FBI director: ‘These are challenging times for the organization’

ABC News8 hours ago
In his first stop in Los Angeles since taking over at the FBI, Director Christopher Wray addressed a gathering of former and current federal …
Story image for fbi from The Hill

Trump demands open-door hearing for FBI agent who pledged to ‘stop …

The Hill12 hours ago
The hearing of Peter Strzok and the other hating frauds at the FBI & DOJ should be shown to the public on live television, not a closed door …
The Latest: Trump says FBI agent’s hearing should be open
InternationalKansas City Star12 hours ago

Crisis Of Trust In The FBI – Google Search

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Commentary: Trump wins because nobody trusts anything

CBS NewsJun 18, 2018
Is Donald Trump creating a crisis of trust in American institutions, … far America’s trust in the FBI—and law enforcement in general—has fallen.
Story image for Crisis Of Trust In The FBI from Fox News

How can FBI Director Wray clean out the swamp if he doesn’t even see …

Fox NewsJun 18, 2018
At this point, Americans can’t trust the FBI to investigate the Russia issue or … Director Wray’s tepid response to this corruption crisis is to order …
Story image for Crisis Of Trust In The FBI from The Globe and Mail

G7 leaders can’t trust Trump, former FBI director James Comey says

The Globe and MailJun 5, 2018
G7 leaders can’t trust Trump, former FBI director James Comey says … Mr. Comey said the United States is facing a crisis, because the “norms …
Story image for Crisis Of Trust In The FBI from CNN


The constitutional crisis is now

Xenia GazetteJun 25, 2018
A constitutional crisis does not occur suddenly like a coup that causes a … States tells the public it cannot trust the government of the United States. … First he accuses the FBI of sending a spy to secretly infiltrate his 2016 …
Foco federal sobre otro contratista de San Juan

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Las autoridades federales indagan sobre el contratista y productor Jeff Fontánez, propietario de la desaparecida empresa Buena Vibra y de la actual compañía Cosa Buena Corp., en relación al presunto esquema de corrupc…
Foco federal sobre otro contratista de San Juan
Las autoridades federales indagan sobre el contratista y productor Jeff Fontánez, propietario de la desaparecida empresa Buena Vibra y de la actual compañía Cosa Buena Corp., en relación al presunto esquema de corrupción en la división de compras del municipio de San Juan.
Fuentes de EL VOCERO indican que agentes del Negociado Federal de Investigaciones (FBI), averiguan sobre el empresario, sus contratos y lazos con el ayuntamiento.
De acuerdo a las fuentes, el nombre de Fontánez surgió como parte de la pesquisa que efectúa el FBI sobre supuestos actos ilegales en el municipio.
La investigación surgió tras la radicación de una demanda interpuesta contra el ayuntamiento por parte de la exdirectora de la división de compras Yadira Molina, por alegadas represalias y hostigamiento laboral luego de que la exfuncionaria denunció las presuntas prácticas ante el secretario municipal Magdiel Pérez y la Oficina del Contralor.
La pasada semana este diario informó que el propietario de BR Solutions, Corp., Leonel Pereira, está en la mirilla de las autoridades federales.
Según el recurso legal, en el municipio de San Juan se inició una práctica por parte de los supervisores de Molina de solicitar órdenes de compra en horas de la tarde para cotizaciones o la entrega de artículos para el otro día.
Se alega que el ayuntamiento tenía unos “suplidores preferidos”, quienes cobraban el triple que los suplidores regulares, debido al poco tiempo con el que se solicitaban las cotizaciones. De acuerdo al recurso legal, Pereira le informó a Molina que su compañía recibía la lista de materiales y especificaciones de compras con varios días o hasta semanas antes de que el ayuntamiento emitiera la lista oficial de los artículos.
Ni niega ni confirma
El portavoz de prensa del FBI, Carlos Osorio, dijo que no podía confirmar ni negar la existencia de la pesquisa. Entretanto, personal del municipio de San Juan no devolvió llamada solicitando su reacción a este nuevo ángulo de la pesquisa federal.
EL VOCERO se comunicó con Fontánez, quien aseguró que no ha sido contactado por el FBI y negó haber cometido actos ilegales.
“Ningún acto ilegal”
“Los contratos están en el Contralor y son públicos. No he cometido ningún acto ilegal”, afirmó.
Al ser cuestionado sobre la implicación que hizo el representante novoprogresista Georgie Navarro de que le habría pagado un viaje a Minnesota a la alcaldesa Carmen Yulín Cruz para asistir a un juego de Grandes Ligas, Fontánez respondió “no tengo nada que decir sobre esto. Es mentira”.
De acuerdo al registro de contratos de la Oficina del Contralor, Cosa Buena Group obtuvo dos contratos con el ayuntamiento capitalino que totalizaron $306,222 para las Fiestas de la Calle San Sebastián para los años 2017 y 2018.
Uno por la cantidad de $136,000 del 16 de enero de 2018 al 21 de enero de 2018 por concepto de servicios de “publicidad, de representación o artísticos”. Bajo el renglón de tipo de servicio se indica que por “servicios de productor”.
El otro contrato fue por la cantidad de $170,222 del 16 de enero de 2017 al 23 de enero de 2017 por concepto de “servicios misceláneos no personales”. Bajo el renglón de tipo de servicio indica “servicios de rotulación”.
Catorce contratos
Mientras, que la empresa Buena Vibra Group, obtuvo 14 contratos entre enero de 2013 a septiembre de 2016 por $1,159,987.
Bajo el renglón de categoría de servicios figuran: “servicios de publicidad, de representación o artísticos; compra, venta y/o alquiler de inmuebles; interagenciales y servicios misceláneos no personales”.
Según el registro del Contralor Electoral, en el 2015 Fontánez hizo una donación de $1,000 a Cruz Soto.
Por su parte, la directora de comunicaciones del municipio, Carmen Serrano, ha sostenido que “la política del municipio de San Juan es que no hacemos comentarios sobre casos sometidos ante los tribunales o bajo investigación”.
Melissa Correa Velázquez, EL VOCERO
fbi san juan yadira molina investigation – Google Search

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Puerto Rican Mayor Critical of Trump Reportedly Facing FBI …

The Western JournalJun 20, 2018
The newspaper reported that former procurement director Yadira Molina kicked off the FBI investigationinto corruption in San Juan’s government when she filed …
Story image for fbi san juan yadira molina investigation from One America News Network (press release)

FBI Investigating Mayor of San Juan, Puerto Rico for Alleged Corruption

One America News Network (press release)Jun 19, 2018
The FBI is investigating the mayor of San Juan, Puerto Rico for possible corruption … Yulin Cruz months after a lawsuit filed by former official Yadira Molina.
Story image for fbi san juan yadira molina investigation from Daily Mail

Puerto Rican mayor – who is a vocal critic of Trump – is reportedly …

Daily MailJun 18, 2018
The mayor of San Juan, Puerto Rico, is reportedly being investigated by the FBI … of Procurement, Yadira Molina, for reporting illegal acts to the local comptroller. …. An FBI spokesperson did not confirm or deny the the investigation and a San …
Story image for fbi san juan yadira molina investigation from Fox News

Fox News

FBI Investigating Puerto Rican Mayor For Allegedly Keeping ‘Critical …

MRCTV (blog)Jun 18, 2018
San Juan, Puerto Rico Mayor Carmen Yulin Cruz and her political hack … the investigation following a February lawsuit filed by Yadira Molina, the former …
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Administration of Trump-bashing Puerto Rican mayor reportedly facing …

Fox NewsJun 18, 2018
The administration of the mayor of San Juan, Puerto Rico, who shot to … FBI spokesman Carlos Osorio told Fox News that “FBI San Juan …
Edición del 25 junio de 2018 by El Vocero de Puerto Rico – issuu

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Published on Jun 24, 2018

Edición del 25 junio de 2018
Edición del 25 junio de 2018

Published on Jun 24, 2018

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World Cup 2018: Leading counter terror official warns Americans …

The IndependentJun 12, 2018
The director of the US National Counterintelligence and Security Center, William Evanina, told Reuters that travellers could be susceptible to …
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Top US counterintelligence official: Kaspersky’s move to Switzerland …

CyberScoopJun 12, 2018
William Evanina, the Director of the National Counterintelligence and Security Center, looks at the way the U.S. government handles Kaspersky …
GOP senator places hold on Trump counterintelligence nominee

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Ex-teacher accused of raping minor linked to Anthony Weiner, report says

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Brandon Goldner, WCNC-TV Published 1:06 a.m. ET June 23, 2018 | Updated 2:31 p.m. ET June 23, 2018


Busch’s case has ties to former New York congressman Anthony Weiner’s federal sexting scandal back in 2016. The name of the minor in Busch’s case matches the minor’s name in the former congressman’s sexting case. USA TODAY
Jonathan Conrad Busch, 54, a former North Carolina teacher, is charged with two counts each of statutory rape of a child under the age of 15 and indecent liberties with a child, according to the Gaston County Sheriff’s Office.(Photo: Gaston County Sheriff’s Office)

GASTONIA, N.C. — Authorities arrested a former North Carolina teacher Thursday on sex offenses involving a minor.
The Gaston County Sheriff’s Office says 54-year-old Jonathan Conrad Busch of Mooresville, North Carolina is charged with two counts each of statutory rape of a child under the age of 15 and indecent liberties with a child.
Gastonia Police Officer R.S. Lewis said in an arrest warrant the indecent liberties and statutory rape charges involved the same girl and occurred between June and September 2016.
According to WCNC-TV, Busch’s case has ties to former New York congressman Anthony Weiner’s federal sexting scandal back in 2016. The name of the minor in Busch’s case matches the minor’s name in the former congressman’s sexting case.
Weiner is currently serving a 21-month sentence in federal prison after admitting to illicit online contact with a 15-year-old girl living in Gaston County.
Weiner had been married to Huma Abedin, a prominent aide to former 2016 presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, and many political experts cited his crime as a factor in Clinton’s loss to Donald Trump.
In a letter sent to parents, Lake Norman High School Principal Keith Gentle confirmed that Busch resigned from his position as a social studies teacher due to the nature of his criminal charges.
Iredell-Statesville Schools Superintendent Brady Johnson told NBC Charlotte that none of Busch’s crimes occurred on the high school’s campus nor did they involve any current or former students at the school.
More: Women allegedly had sex with teens, bragged of being ‘sexual deviants’
Related: Teacher sentenced for sex with 15-year-old student while pregnant
According to the school system, Busch worked at Lake Norman High School for almost 15 years as a social studies teacher.
Bob Leonard, a local resident who lives just up the road from Busch’s Mooresville house, told WCNC-TV that he never spoke with him. As a grandfather, Leonard said the criminal charges concerned him.
“It’s just a little disturbing that we learn more about this,” Leonard said. “The advice I’d have to people is to pay attention and get involved and know what your kids are doing.”
Busch was arrested and released on a $20,000 bond. He’s scheduled to appear in district court on Monday, according to WCNC-TV.
Contributing: Associated Press
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Teacher Arrested For Alleged Sex With The Same Teen Who Sexted …

Oxygen (blog)3 hours ago
The teen girl whose sexting with Anthony Weiner led to the disgraced ex-congressman’s prison sentence is at the center of another sex crime …
Story image for anthony weiner from USA TODAY

Ex-teacher accused of having sex with minor linked to Anthony Weiner

USA TODAYJun 23, 2018
According to WCNC-TV, Busch’s case has ties to former New York congressman Anthony Weiner’s federal sexting scandal back in 2016.
Former Lake Norman HS teacher charged with indecent liberties with …
Highly Cited<a href=”” rel=”nofollow”></a>Jun 22, 2018

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Former congressman Anthony Weiner spends Father’s Day in jail with …

NBC MontanaJun 18, 2018
WASHINGTON (Circa) – Former New York congressman Anthony Weiner was visited by his mother Frances Finkelstein and 6-year-old son, …
Story image for anthony weiner from Fox News

Ex-teacher busted for allegedly having sex with same teen Anthony …

Fox NewsJun 22, 2018
Investigators have released little details about the case, but law experts told WSOC that they wouldn’t be surprised if Weiner became the main …
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James Comey didn’t know Anthony Weiner was married to Clinton …

Washington ExaminerJun 14, 2018
Former FBI Director James Comey admitted to the Justice Department’s inspector general that he initially forgot that Anthony Weiner was …
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The FBI ignored Anthony Weiner’s laptop. That may have cost Hillary …

Slate MagazineJun 14, 2018
Anthony Weiner, who was married at the time to Huma Abedin, a top Clinton aide. Two days later, the head of the New York FBI office told …
Inspector general: Comey not biased in Clinton probe; agent vowed to …
International<a href=”” rel=”nofollow”></a>Jun 14, 2018
Crisis en el PNP | Opinión

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Por: Lcdo. Iván Rivera
Ramón, la semana pasada el PNP demostró síntomas de su primera gran crisis en este cuatrienio. Ante la falta de oposición real, y lo inconsecuente que ha resultado ser el PPD, en este ciclo electoral todas las situaciones del diario vivir de la administración habían sido paliadas con relativo éxito.

La excepción a eso lo fueron los dos temas relacionados a los huracanes ligados a la administración Trump y que, por ende, eran “sexies” para cierto sector del “media monopoly” de EE.UU. Los cuales aún, de vez en cuando, remachan sobre los mismos. De hecho, ni tanto. Luego de aspavientos con el tema de Whitefish, ni las investigaciones congresionales, ni de las agencias investigativas federales, han levantado un ápice de ilegalidad. Pero, en fin, era sexy decir que el tipo que aspiraba a ser empresario, sin dinero y con oficina original en una choza de Montana, había obtenido un contrato millonario, no por sus conocimientos, sino porque lo traqueteó alguien en el ministerio de lo interior del gobierno de Trump. Si la era Trump hubiese sido en 1976, Steve Jobs y Steve Wozniak hubiesen sido lapidados y hoy no tendrías tu Iphone.
Pero a lo que vinimos. Tanto el choque frontal del gobernador con Rivera Schatz, así como el desaire que le realizara Trump ante su petición informal de estadidad, en sus consecuencias, representan la primera gran crisis del presente ciclo electoral para el PNP y sus aspiraciones a la reelección.
El primero sumerge a la administración en una incertidumbre fiscal que puede tener efectos políticos adversos. Además, abre una fisura de división que puede llenarles el barco de agua. El segundo, toca la fibra de lo que le da unidad al PNP: el asunto “ideológico”. Si las huestes del PNP, ante dicho desaire comienzan a perder de perspectiva eso que los une, por imposible que aparenta ser, junto con la fisura antes mencionada, puede ser el comienzo del final. Algo similar le pasó al PPD con AGP el cuatrienio anterior y su falta de liderazgo terminó enterrándolo. Ahora queda por verse el talante de liderazgo de Ricky.

Por: Lcdo. Ramón L. Rosario Cortés
Twitter: @discusionPR
Iván, discrepo con el título que seleccionas. No estamos en una crisis del PNP sino en todo nuestro entorno económico y fiscal. Y eso, no es algo que nace en esta administración, sino que venimos experimentando con distintas gradaciones desde la administración de Sila María Calderón.

Ciertamente, el gobernador y el pueblo añaden a su lista de retos, el que no se haya podido cumplir con el acuerdo con la Junta de Supervisión Fiscal sobre la derogación de la Ley 80. Cumplirlo, aseguraba mucho dinero para nuestro desarrollo económico y protegía importantes derechos de la clase trabajadora como su bono de Navidad y sus días de vacaciones y enfermedad. Luego de que al gobernador recibiera el apoyo de la comisionada residente, alcaldes del PNP y su delegación en la Cámara de Representantes, el Senado determinó no darle paso.
Iván, cada funcionario electo es escogido democráticamente para tomar las determinaciones que entiendan benefician más a sus constituyentes. Muchas veces, las cosas que benefician al pueblo no son simpáticas. No obstante, por muchas décadas, otros han tomado determinaciones simpáticas y rehusado hacer lo correcto; por eso tenemos un gobierno en quiebra y una migración sin precedentes a otras jurisdicciones de los Estados Unidos.
El gobernador y los representantes tomaron su determinación señalando los posibles riesgos de no hacer lo correcto. El Senado tomó su determinación y es su derecho y responsabilidad. Pero, cada cual debe estar consciente que cada acción tiene resultados y hay que asumirlos y explicarlos. Eso le tocará a cada uno. No creo que el gobernador pierda liderato o apoyo con esta situación. Consistentemente, todos los estudios y encuestas de opinión resaltan la figura del gobernador porque no es un político tradicional y vino a hacer grandes cambios en las áreas de energía, educación, contributiva, salud, permisos, y otras.
Sobre Trump, lo que vi fue un gobernador valiente que exige para su pueblo la igualdad que merecemos. La reacción de Trump fue una “jocosa” ante un planteamiento al que no se puede oponer. Prefiero que mi gobernador utilice cada oportunidad que tenga para exigir la igualdad que solo nos dará la Estadidad.

Héctor Ferrer acusa al Gobierno de Rosselló de la situación crítica de Puerto Rico | Puerto Rico | Edición USA | Agencia EFE

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Héctor Ferrer acusa al Gobierno de Rosselló de la situación crítica de Puerto Rico

El presidente del opositor Partido Popular Democrático (PPD) de Puerto Rico, Héctor Ferrer, acusó en entrevista con Efe al Gobierno de ineficacia en el área económica, falta de transparencia en los muertos por María y tolerar la Junta de Supervisión Fiscal, todo causa de una situación crítica. EFE/ArchivoEl presidente del opositor Partido Popular Democrático (PPD) de Puerto Rico, Héctor Ferrer, acusó en entrevista con Efe al Gobierno de ineficacia en el área económica, falta de transparencia en los muertos por María y tolerar la Junta de Supervisión Fiscal, todo causa de una situación crítica. EFE/Archivo
El presidente del opositor Partido Popular Democrático (PPD) de Puerto Rico, Héctor Ferrer, acusó en entrevista con Efe al Gobierno de ineficacia en el área económica, falta de transparencia en los muertos por María y tolerar la Junta de Supervisión Fiscal, todo causa de una situación crítica.
“Miles de personas permanecen sin energía, cientos de intersecciones tienen estropeados los semáforos y cerca de cinco mil negocios que estaban operativos antes del huracán no han podido abrir”, un complicado panorama descrito por Ferrer al que en su opinión el Gobierno liderado por Ricardo Rosselló no ha sabido responder.
Ferrer aseguró que tampoco ha contribuido a mejorar las cosas la desde su punto de vista mala administración por parte del Ejecutivo de los fondos federales llegados a Puerto Rico para paliar los daños causados por el huracán María del pasado septiembre.
El presidente del PPD, una formación que defiende el actual estatus de Puerto Rico de Estado Libre Asociado a Estados Unidos, lo que le permite al Ejecutivo local cierto grado de autonomía y contar con su propia Constitución, subraya que la isla caribeña se enfrenta a una realidad complicada a la que no se dan las respuestas adecuadas.
“El Gobierno colapso tras el huracán María”, subraya Ferrer, para quien la isla solo comenzó a ver la luz tras la llegada de las autoridades federales a Puerto Rico una semana después del desastre.
Asegura que los distintos departamentos del Gobierno, comenzando por la Agencia Estatal para el Manejo que Emergencias, no estuvieron a la altura de la situación tras María.
Ferrer indicó que la cadena de errores comenzó en la gestión de la respuesta al huracán, a lo que siguió el controvertido asunto de la cifra de muertes ocasionadas por el ciclón, que el Gobierno de Rosselló mantiene fueron 64 personas, cifra oficial que contrasta con un informe de la Universidad de Harvard que la sitúa en más de 4.500.
“El Gobierno insiste en la cifra de 64 muertos pero todo el mundo sabe que fueron muchos más” asegura el líder de la oposición, para quien no tienen sentido que el Ejecutivo trate de enmascarar la cifra real de fallecidos.
La lista de graves problemas a los que se enfrenta Puerto Rico sigue con el papel de la Junta de Supervisión Fiscal, entidad de control al Ejecutivo de San Juan impuesta por una ley aprobada por el Congreso en Washington para atender el problema de una deuda pública impagable y encauzar las cuentas públicas.
“Estoy en contra de la Junta por contradecir el derecho natural de escoger las personas que nos gobiernen”, sostuvo el líder del PPD, tras matizar que “Junta y Gobierno son la misma cosa”.
La JSF exige, tras negociar con el Ejecutivo de Rosselló, la derogación de la Ley 80 que garantiza una indemnización por despido injustificado, una medida criticada por el PPD.
“Espero que el Senado mantenga su oposición y no permita que esa ley se elimine”, resaltó Ferrer, para quien no existe estudio alguno que señale que acabar con esa norma que garantiza una indemnización por despidos vaya a suponer un estímulo para la economía.
“La responsabilidad de la Junta es enderezar las finanzas del Gobierno, pero la eliminación de la Ley 80 no tiene ninguna influencia en eso”, defendió Ferrer.
A su juicio, la economía solo mejorará si se consigue un Gobierno más eficiente y unos municipios con una gestión más óptima que la actual de los servicios que se presentan a los ciudadanos.
Además, rechazó que el Gobierno exija austeridad a los ciudadanos mientras hay jefes de agencia que cobran hasta 400.000 dólares anuales
En cuanto al asunto del estatus de Puerto Rico, dijo que los esfuerzos del Gobierno para convertir a la isla en un estado más de EEUU han sido inútiles y que el Ejecutivo utiliza el asunto de la relación política con Estados Unidos para desviar la atención de los problemas reales que no sabe solucionar.
Ferrer subrayó que defiende el desarrollo del Estado Libre Asociado para ganar mayor autonomía y permitir así que la isla goce de una economía más robusta, postura que choca con el Gobierno, que defiende la plena anexión de Puerto Rico a Estados Unidos como un estado más del país norteamericano.
El líder de la oposición criticó además la situación por la que atraviesa la isla en el ámbito de la criminalidad, en su opinión sin una respuesta contundente a causa de la mala gestión del secretario del Departamento de Seguridad Pública (DSP), Héctor Pesquera.
Pidió que prescinda de los servicios de Pesquera, un funcionario que como recordó gana anualmente cerca de 250.000 dólares, y que la Policía vuelva a ser responsabilidad exclusiva de una sola persona.
wray fbi – Google Search

mikenova shared this story from wray fbi – Google News.

Story image for wray fbi from The Hill

No, Christopher Wray, we don’t trust you

The HillJun 19, 2018
FBI Director Christopher Wray’s press conference Thursday, in response to the Department of Justice (DOJ) inspector general’s report on the …
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Daily Beast

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Media image for wray fbi from CBS Miami

CBS Miami
Story image for wray fbi from Washington Times

Washington Times

Director Wray is upholding the independence of the FBI

New Jersey HeraldJun 21, 2018
When President Donald Trump appointed Atlanta lawyer Christopher Wray to succeed James Comey as the director of the FBI, my initial …
Sen. Lindsey Graham quizzes inspector general over Peter Strzok’s …
InternationalWashington TimesJun 21, 2018
The disgrace of Comey’s FBI
InternationalThe Franklin SunJun 20, 2018

fbi crisis – Google Search

mikenova shared this story from fbi crisis – Google News.

Story image for fbi crisis from The National Interest Online

Has the FBI Created a Constitutional Crisis?

The National Interest OnlineJun 15, 2018
The idea that agencies like the FBI are above the Constitution is a more serious threat to democracy than anything that has been credibly …
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The American Conservative

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Joplin Globe
Story image for fbi crisis from

The constitutional crisis is now

Xenia Gazette4 hours ago
A constitutional crisis does not occur suddenly like a coup that causes … First he accuses the FBI of sending a spy to secretly infiltrate his 2016 …
erik prince – Google Search

mikenova shared this story from erik prince – Google News.

Story image for erik prince from The Hill

Mueller obtains Erik Prince’s communications

The Hill34 minutes ago
“Mr. Prince has a lot of opinions about the various investigations, but there is no question that they are important and serious, and so Mr. Prince …
Mueller obtains Trump ally Erik Prince’s phones, computer: ABC
<a href=”” rel=”nofollow”></a>43 minutes ago
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Raw Story
Story image for erik prince from Daily Beast

Report: Robert Mueller Analyzing Erik Prince’s Phone, Computer

Daily Beast4 minutes ago
Special counsel Robert Mueller has obtained access to the phone and computer of Erik Prince, a longtime Trump ally and Blackwater founder …
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Erik Prince says he ‘cooperated’ with Mueller

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Erik Prince, the founder of the private security firm formerly known as Blackwater, said in an interview published Tuesday that he cooperated …
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Trump Ally Erik Prince Says He’s Been Cooperating With Robert Mueller

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A new report by The Daily Beast reveals that Erik Prince, the founder of the mercenary firm Blackwater and a close ally of Donald Trump, has …
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In 2011, the UAE hired Erik Prince to set up an operation to train foreign personnel, mainly from Latin America, ostensibly for internal defense …
G7 leaders can’t trust Trump, former FBI director James Comey says

mikenova shared this story .

A crisis in leadership at the FBI

mikenova shared this story .

The institution of the FBI is not in tatters, contrary to recent reports. That’s because the identity of the FBI is not located on the seventh floor at FBI headquarters. It resides within the hearts and minds of the brick agents.
The FBI had been immune to outside influences until Robert Mueller became director. Although the FBIreports to the Justice Department, we maintained an arm’s-length distance from that politically infested agency. Previous attorneys general attempted to shroud their partisanship, but recent appointees such as Loretta “Tarmac” Lynch have openly ripped Lady Justice’s blindfold off and dropped Lois Lerner on her scales.
So how did the FBI become politicized? During his 12-year term as FBI director, Robert Mueller slowly merged the FBI into Justice. Prior to his tenure, agents could investigate cases minus interference from the U.S. attorney. The agent would submit the investigation findings to Justice, which had three options: indict, decline or request additional evidence.
After Mr. Mueller’s tenure, Justice Department’s approval was required to open sensitive cases, informants and authorize investigative techniques. This additional bureaucratic layer would be a minor speed bump had Justice not engaged in selective prosecution based on personal belief systems.
I’m an Italian who spent eight years infiltrating the Mafia, but it never occurred to me to ignore criminal activity based on shared ethnicity. FBI agents must remain fact finders because if you act upon your bias, then you turn into Peter Strzok.
Special Agent Strzok and Deputy Director “Andy” McCabe soiled their FBI credentials. Mr. McCabe’s wife accepted political dollars from a Clinton bud, while Mr. McCabe was investigating Hillary. Mr. Strzok played verbal gymnastics with a federal statute allowing Hillary a pass. Retired agents are wondering, “What the hell happened to my FBI?”
The sole function of FBI headquarters should be to support the field. If HQ disappeared tomorrow the field can still fulfill our mission of putting bad people in jail. Brick agents view HQ as an obstruction to overcome. Delays have damaged cases and cost lives. Field divisions are staffed with Senior Executive Service-level agents who are capable of making many decisions now required by headquarters.
It appears that several HQ managers had allegedly schemed to influence the 2016 presidential election. Field agents are too busy protecting America to participate in attempted government overthrows. When FBI Director James Comey announced that field agents supported his decision not to prosecute Hillary, he was suffering from a severe case of Beltway delusion. A majority of agents in Tulsa and Pittsburgh believed his decision to be a travesty of justice.
Examples of failed leadership at headquarters abound, but the handling of the Zacarias Moussaoui case is especially troubling. One month prior to the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks, Minnesota FBI agents were begging the Radical Fundamentalist Unit at headquarters for a FISA warrant. They sent HQ 70 emails warning of an “imminent” terrorist attack.
Evidence included intel from the Phoenix FBI that Osama bin Laden was sending agents to train in U.S. flight schools, a CIA warning that Moussaoui might be “involved in a larger plot to target airlines,” and pointing out Moussaoui’s $83,000 in tuition cash.
The Radical Fundamentalist Unit’s reply to a possible attack on U.S. soil was, “That ain’t gonna ever happen.” Well, it happened, and nearly 3,000 Americans were killed.
After the attacks, the FBI found documents linking Moussaoui to 11 of the hijackers. Minnesota agents testified that the leadership void inside headquarters is due to a culture of decision avoidance. The Radical Fundamentalist Unit at HQ was guilty of “obstructionism, criminal negligence, and careerism,” and that its opposition blocked “a serious opportunity to stop the 9/11 attacks.”
Messrs. Comey, Mueller and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein share a professional and personal history. In a questionable sequence of coincidences, Mr. Comey desires a special counsel and Mr. Rosenstein obliges by appointing their mutual bud Mr. Mueller, who then hires his buds, all of whom share a hatred for all things Trump. Had this team been vetted for jury duty, all would be excused for cause.
The above sequence of events does not pass the smell test. Politicians of both parties feel it suicide to fire Mr. Mueller. I disagree, since Mr. Mueller has violated several provisions of the statute which states that “the Special Counsel may be removed for a conflict of interest, or for even the ‘appearance,’ of a conflict of interest.”
Since Mr. Comey is both a witness and potential target in the Russia investigation, Mr. Mueller should immediately recuse himself or be fired for cause. In fact, this conflict of interest is so obvious that any decision made by the special counsel will be forever tainted.
The FBI is still the finest law enforcement agency on earth. We have some stress fractures, but we’ll survive and turn the page on this current crisis in leadership. We must return to our roots when the agents were viewed as knights in shining armor. I hope that Director Christopher Wray will reach out to the retired FBI ranks for some advice. I’m available.
• John Ligato is a retired FBI agent and former Marine who was the recipient of three Purple Hearts for action in Vietnam. His latest book is “The Near Enemy” (Post Hill Press, 2017).


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The biblical case for closed borders
Well stated commentary, with enough references to make the strong case for borders. The larger point of course, is what happened during the past eight years, the utter cruelty of an administration that, to score political points and expand voter rolls for Democrats, says America has open borders. In effect, they tell the coyotes that (wink wink) just any excuse for asylum will do, we won’t be able to turn away the children you either drag– or drive like a herd, on foot through the hell that is Mexico–only to find that yes, Virginia, the US does indeed have borders. We *are* striving to be charitable–but to be a normal country at the same time, with a normal border.

FBI may be biggest loser in investigation of investigations

mikenova shared this story from YouGov | News.

Favorable opinion of FBI has dropped from 52% to 43% since February

Investigations don’t seem to help anybody – even if there is no criminal finding. At least that’s what seems to be happening as the public reacts to the Department of Justice’s report on the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s probe into Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s emails. Many Americans in the latest Economist/YouGov Poll see her as culpable, though that has been the case all along.
The FBI might be the biggest loser: the percentage with a favorable opinion of the Bureau has dropped 11 points since February. The drop comes from all partisan groups – Republicans, Democrats and independents, with Republicans having the most negative views.

Most Republicans believe the agency is biased – towards Hillary Clinton (68%) during the email investigation, and against Donald Trump (67%) today in the Russia investigation. Most Democrats believe there is no bias in the Russia investigation, though fewer say that about the Clinton probe, with as many saying the FBI was biased against Clinton as say it was unbiased.
As for the man in charge of the FBI during the Clinton email investigation, there isn’t a lot of love for James Comey from any part of the political spectrum. A majority of Democrats and Republicans agree that he did not handle the investigation properly, though the two parties likely have different reasons for saying that. Most Republicans (67%) say Comey should have been fired for how he handled the Clinton investigation, though only a quarter of Democrats agree.
A majority of Democrats, and a third of Republicans, believe how the investigation was handled affected the outcome of the 2016 election.

Opinions about Clinton’s use of a private email server for government business are clearly negative in this week’s poll. But the findings on the specific questions about Clinton are not much different than they were in 2016, both in the summer, when Comey said Clinton had been “extremely careless,” and just before that year’s election, when Comey announced he was reopening the investigation. Comey then closed the probe, filing no criminal charges. In fact, opinions are marginally better today. In July 2016, 64% believed Clinton had done something wrong, this week, 55% say that. And Americans, both then and now, divide closely on whether they agree with Comey’s decision not to file criminal charges against Clinton.
The Inspector General’s critique of the Clinton investigation has done little to change the public’s view of the current investigation of Russian interference in the 2016 election, or to change minds on whether the President himself did anything wrong.
By two to one, Americans approve of the appointment of a special counsel to oversee the investigation; Republicans disapprove 45% to 30%.
They have a favorable opinion of Robert Mueller, the special counsel, but by a very narrow 5-point margin. By 42% to 17%, they don’t want him fired. Republicans are split. 30% believe Mueller should be fired, 27% disagree. 61% of Republicans say the President is being framed; the rest of the nation, by a wide margin, disagrees.
More continue to believe that the President has attempted to influence the investigation than think he hasn’t tried. Most Republicans say the President has not interfered.

Last Friday, just before the poll began, Paul Manafort, a one-time Trump campaign manager, had his bail revoked for possible witness tampering and was sent to jail. Some, especially Republicans, view this as an attempt to apply government pressure and get Manafort to flip on the President. While a majority expresses no opinion of Manafort’s guilt or innocence when it comes to the charges of financial crimes (not related to the Trump campaign), those with an opinion believe he is guilty. Republicans, two-thirds of whom say they have no opinion, are evenly divided.

Read more topline and tables results here.
Photo: Getty

FBI News Review

8:13 AM 6/24/2018 – Saved Stories – FBI: Editorial: Agency has work cut out to restore 'integrity' in FBI – Albuquerque Journal, and other stories

Saved Stories – FBI
Mueller asks judge for September sentencing for Papadopoulos – The Hill
House Judiciary chairman subpoenas Peter Strzok to be deposed – CNN
Mueller signals outside prosecutors may eventually take over Russian trolls case – Washington Post
Mueller’s Fruit of the Poisonous Tree – Wall Street Journal
FBI task force makes 22 arrests in sex trafficking operation – NTV
Mueller seeks September sentencing for Papadopoulos – Politico
FBI study reveals majority of active shooters planned attack for a week or more –
House panel subpoenas FBI agent Peter Strzok for deposition – Politico
FBI raid reveals how little Michael Cohen works as a lawyer – New York Post
7:35 AM 6/22/2018 – James Comey interview on Trump, Russia, Hillary Clinton and the USA’s border policy | NICK FERRARI – Former FBI Director James Comey’s Comments On Donald Trump Are Brutal
DHS Secretary Nielsen casts immigration crisis as ‘a national security issue’ – KABC-TV
Robert Mueller was the biggest obstacle for Sept. 11 families who wanted to sue Saudi Arabia – Washington Examiner
Revealed: Canada uses massive US anti-terrorist database at borders – The Guardian
6:42 AM 6/21/2018 – Judge Andrew Napolitano: Can the FBI be independent? The disgrace of Comey’s FBI | Editorials Inspector general FBI report is a disgrace – Las Vegas Review-Journal Have we lost our Wray? giuliani is under investigation – Google Search Giuliani is acting more like the mob lawyers he used to fight
House Republicans threaten DOJ, FBI officials with contempt in documents fight – ABC News
Clinton Email IG Report: Why Is The FBI Still Covering For Discredited Agents At The Heart Of The ‘Investigation’? – Investor’s Business Daily
Trump Decision on Mueller Session Off Until July – Crime Report
Mueller worried ‘widespread media attention’ may have biased jurors – Politico
FBI may be biggest loser in investigation of investigations – YouGov US
Top House Dem claims Judiciary chairman’s DOJ, FBI subpoena is invalid – The Hill
‘Extraordinary’ Strzok removal shows FBI agents in crosshairs from IG probe – Fox News
Trump’s unhinged attacks on the FBI and Mueller aren’t helping him – Washington Post
Majority of Americans say Trump should agree to interview with Mueller: poll – Reuters
FBI back at scene of officer-involved shooting that left man dead in November – WJLA
Feed Integration by RSS Dog.


Saved Stories – FBI
Editorial: Agency has work cut out to restore ‘integrity’ in FBI – Albuquerque Journal

Charleston Post Courier

Editorial: Agency has work cut out to restore ‘integrity’ in FBI
Albuquerque Journal
But it does lay out in painful detail sordid conduct by key players at the FBI that will do long-lasting damage to the agency. And it does provide enough questionable conduct that Horowitz has confirmed his office has begun an investigation into the 
To protect Obama and Clinton, sanitize the languageChicago Tribune
Hollis: IG report demands FBI accountabilityBoston Herald
Bias and insubordination in the FBICharleston Post Courier
YouGov US –Fox News –USA TODAY –Department of Justice
all 257 news articles »
Mueller asks judge for September sentencing for Papadopoulos – The Hill

The Hill

Mueller asks judge for September sentencing for Papadopoulos
The Hill
Mueller’s prosecutors and defense attorneys in a Friday court filing asked U.S. District Court Judge Randy Moss to set Papadopoulos’s sentencing for Sept. 7 or for a date in October barring his availability in September, Politico reported. ADVERTISEMENT.
Mueller signals outside prosecutors may eventually take over Russian trolls caseWashington Post
Mueller seeks September sentencing for PapadopoulosPolitico
Mueller to move forward with sentencing George PapadopoulosThinkProgress
SFGate –Shareblue Media
all 39 news articles »
House Judiciary chairman subpoenas Peter Strzok to be deposed – CNN


House Judiciary chairman subpoenas Peter Strzok to be deposed
Special counsel Robert Mueller removed Strzok from his team last summer after an internal investigation revealed Strzokhad exchanged text messages with another FBI official disparaging President Donald Trump. The deposition is set for Wednesday.
Mueller signals outside prosecutors may eventually take over Russian trolls case – Washington Post

Washington Post

Mueller signals outside prosecutors may eventually take over Russian trolls case
Washington Post
A handful of new federal prosecutors have joined one of special counsel Robert S. Mueller III’s cases — an indication that he is preparing to hand off at least one prosecution to others when his office completes its investigation into Russian  
Mueller seeks September sentencing for Papadopoulos – POLITICOPolitico
Mueller asks judge for September sentencing for PapadopoulosThe Hill
Mueller to move forward with sentencing George PapadopoulosThinkProgress
SFGateShareblue Media
all 38 
Mueller’s office attacked The New York Times and Washington Post for ‘inaccurately’ reporting on his investigationAOL
all 8
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Mueller’s Fruit of the Poisonous Tree – Wall Street Journal

Wall Street Journal

Mueller’s Fruit of the Poisonous Tree
Wall Street Journal
Special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation may face a serious legal obstacle: It is tainted by antecedent political bias. The June 14 report from Michael Horowitz, the Justice Department’s inspector general, unearthed a pattern of anti-Trump bias 
Trump’s unhinged attacks on the FBI and Mueller aren’t helping himWashington Post
Trump Decision on Mueller Session Off Until JulyCrime Report
A Review of Various Actions by the Federal Bureau of Investigation and Department of Justice in Advance of the 2016 …Department of Justice
all 272 274 news articles »
FBI task force makes 22 arrests in sex trafficking operation – NTV


FBI task force makes 22 arrests in sex trafficking operation
The FBI Child Exploitation Task Force includes law enforcement officers from the FBI, Omaha Police Department, Council Bluffs Police Department, La Vista Police Department, Douglas County Sheriff’s Office, Lincoln Police Department, and Nebraska State …
22 arrested in FBI sex trafficking sting1011now 
FBI task force arrests 22 in Omaha area sex trafficking operationsOmaha World-Herald

all 5 news articles »
Mueller seeks September sentencing for Papadopoulos – Politico


Mueller seeks September sentencing for Papadopoulos
Special counsel Robert Mueller is asking that George Papadopoulos, a former Trump campaign foreign policy adviser, be sentenced in September on the false-statement felony charge he pleaded guilty to last fall. In a court filing on Friday evening
Mueller signals outside prosecutors may eventually take over …Washington Post
Mueller signals outside prosecutors may eventually take over Russian trolls caseStars and Stripes
Mueller to move forward with sentencing George PapadopoulosThinkProgress
Miami Herald
all 38 seeks sentencing for former Trump adviser in Sept.WTOP
all 20
news articles »
FBI study reveals majority of active shooters planned attack for a week or more –

FBI study reveals majority of active shooters planned attack for a week or more
PALM BEACH COUNTY, Fla. – Is there a way to identify a potential active shooter before a deadly attack? The FBI says maybe, but it’s not a one-size fits all approach. The FBI was highly criticized after the Parkland shooting because concerns about the …
Most active shooters carry legal firearms, target familiar places, FBI study findsWJLA
FBI Study of Pre-Attack Behaviors of Active Shooters (Learn More, Videos) (press release) (blog)
all 34 21 news articles »
House panel subpoenas FBI agent Peter Strzok for deposition – Politico


House panel subpoenas FBI agent Peter Strzok for deposition
The House Judiciary Committee on Friday subpoenaed Peter Strzok to appear for a deposition, even though the embattledFBI agent said last week that he would appear voluntarily. Strzok, who played roles in the bureau’s investigations of Hillary Clinton 
FBI agent Peter Strzok subpoenaed after anti-Trump text messagesUSA TODAY
House Panels Subpoena FBI Official Who Sent Anti-Trump TextsBloomberg
House Judiciary Committee subpoenas FBI agent who sent anti-Trump textsThe Hill
Fox NewsDaily Signal 
all 67
USA TODAYHouse Judiciary Committee
all 72 news articles »
FBI raid reveals how little Michael Cohen works as a lawyer – New York Post

New York Post

FBI raid reveals how little Michael Cohen works as a lawyer
New York Post
A Manhattan federal judge on Friday revealed that just a tiny portion of materials seized in an FBI raid on Michael Cohen were kept from prosecutors because of attorney-client privilege – and the vast majority are tied to Cohen’s communications with 
and more »
7:35 AM 6/22/2018 – James Comey interview on Trump, Russia, Hillary Clinton and the USA’s border policy | NICK FERRARI – Former FBI Director James Comey’s Comments On Donald Trump Are Brutal

Mike Nova’s Shared NewsLinks James Comey interview on Trump, Russia, Hillary Clinton and the USA’s border policy – YouTube mikenova shared this story . James Comey interview on Trump, Russia, Hillary Clinton and the USA’s border policy Former FBI Director James Comey’s Comments On Donald Trump Are Brutal mikenova shared this story . 22 June 2018, 07:35 NICK FERRARI … Continue reading“7:35 AM 6/22/2018 – James Comey interview on Trump, Russia, Hillary Clinton and the USA’s border policy | NICK FERRARI – Former FBI Director James Comey’s Comments On Donald Trump Are Brutal”
DHS Secretary Nielsen casts immigration crisis as ‘a national security issue’ – KABC-TV


DHS Secretary Nielsen casts immigration crisis as ‘a national security issue’
Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen, under fire for her vigorous defense of the Trump administration’s “zero tolerance” immigration policy that has led to family separations at the U.S.-Mexico border, recast the issue Thursday as one about the 
and more »
Robert Mueller was the biggest obstacle for Sept. 11 families who wanted to sue Saudi Arabia – Washington Examiner

Washington Examiner

Robert Mueller was the biggest obstacle for Sept. 11 families who wanted to sue Saudi Arabia
Washington Examiner
Throughout the process, their attempts at uncovering the truth about Saudi Arabia’s role in the deadliest terrorist attack in American history have been impeded by the FBI and its former director, Robert Mueller — now famously the special counsel
Revealed: Canada uses massive US anti-terrorist database at borders – The Guardian

The Guardian

Revealed: Canada uses massive US anti-terrorist database at borders
The Guardian
The names come from the US Terrorist Identities Datamart Environment (Tide), which is vetted by the FBI’s Terrorist Screening Center and populates various US traveller databases, as well as Canada’s Tuscan and an equivalent in Australia called Tactics 
6:42 AM 6/21/2018 – Judge Andrew Napolitano: Can the FBI be independent? The disgrace of Comey’s FBI | Editorials Inspector general FBI report is a disgrace – Las Vegas Review-Journal Have we lost our Wray? giuliani is under investigation – Google Search Giuliani is acting more like the mob lawyers he used to fight

Mike Nova’s Shared NewsLinks  Mike Nova’s Shared NewsLinks Judge Andrew Napolitano: Can the FBI be independent? The disgrace of Comey’s FBI | Editorials Inspector general FBI report is a disgrace – Las Vegas Review-Journal Have we lost our Wray? giuliani is under investigation – Google Search Giuliani is acting more like the mob lawyers he … Continue reading“6:42 AM 6/21/2018 – Judge Andrew Napolitano: Can the FBI be independent? The disgrace of Comey’s FBI | Editorials Inspector general FBI report is a disgrace – Las Vegas Review-Journal Have we lost our Wray? giuliani is under investigation – Google Search Giuliani is acting more like the mob lawyers he used to fight”
House Republicans threaten DOJ, FBI officials with contempt in documents fight – ABC News

ABC News

House Republicans threaten DOJ, FBI officials with contempt in documents document fight
ABC News
A long-running battle has now escalated to the point where House Republicans are threatening top federal law enforcement officials with contempt of Congress if the Justice Department and FBI do not comply by the end of the week with document requests …
The FBI Passed Its Stress TestInsideSources 
IG report shows obvious FBI biasLewiston Sun Journal

Today’s talker: FBI and DOJ are too politicized, they must be stoppedUSA TODAY 
IG report shows obvious FBI biasLewiston Sun Journal

Washington Times– Deutsche Welle Las Vegas Review-JournalPueblo Chieftain –Department of Justice The Guardian
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all 149
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Clinton Email IG Report: Why Is The FBI Still Covering For Discredited Agents At The Heart Of The ‘Investigation’? – Investor’s Business Daily

Investor’s Business Daily

Clinton Email IG Report: Why Is The FBI Still Covering For Discredited Agents At The Heart Of The ‘Investigation’?
Investor’s Business Daily
Scandal: Two agents and an attorney at the heart of the FBI’s Clinton email “investigation” expose flagrant political bias at the heart of that probe. So why won’t the FBI release their names to the public? And given what these key players said, how 
FBI Agents Gave Trump a Weapon Against Mueller. Republicans Are Wielding It.New York Times
FBI agent
agent Peter Strzok escorted from FBI building Friday – CNNPolitics CNN

Agent Who Sent Anti-Trump Text Messages Escorted From FBI BuildingNPR 
FBI Bias Training

Wall Street Journal Politico 
PoliticoChicago Tribune

all 1,031 news articles »
Trump Decision on Mueller Session Off Until July – Crime Report

National Review

Trump Decision on Mueller Session Off Until July
Crime Report
Rudy Giuliani, President Trump’s personal attorney, said the president’s decision on whether to sit for an interview with special counsel Robert Mueller could be delayed until mid- to late July as his legal team assesses the impact of a new report by 
‘Fire MuellerNational Review
Here Might Be the Real Reason Giuliani’s Hiding Behind IG Report to Delay Mueller InterviewLaw & Crime
all 25 news articles »
Mueller worried ‘widespread media attention’ may have biased jurors – Politico


Mueller worried ‘widespread media attention’ may have biased jurors
Special counsel Robert Mueller’s team wants to use a written questionnaires to gauge whether “widespread media attention” has biased potential jurors for former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort’s upcoming criminal trial. The lead Russia …
Citing ‘Extensive’ Publicity, Mueller Seeks Jury Questionnaire For Manafort TrialTPM
Mueller Seeks Special Juror Questionnaire in Manafort TrialCourthouse News Service
all 3 news articles »
FBI may be biggest loser in investigation of investigations – YouGov US

Fox News

FBI may be biggest loser in investigation of investigations
YouGov US
The FBI might be the biggest loser: the percentage with a favorable opinion of the Bureau has dropped 11 points since February. The drop comes from all partisan groups – Republicans, Democrats and independents, with Republicans having the most …
‘Extraordinary’ Strzok removal shows FBI agents in crosshairs from …Fox News
Director Wray is upholding the independence of the FBINew Jersey Herald
Today’s talker: FBI and DOJ are too politicized, they must be stoppedUSA TODAY
Walton Sun –National Review –Washington Times –Department of Justice
all 208 news articles »
Top House Dem claims Judiciary chairman’s DOJ, FBI subpoena is invalid – The Hill

The Hill

Top House Dem claims Judiciary chairman’s DOJ, FBI subpoena is invalid
The Hill
According to Gowdy, Ryan “made it very clear; there’s going to be action on the floor of the House this week if the FBI and DOJ do not comply with our subpoena request.” “We will expect to see things from them this week or the heat is going to continue  
House Republicans threaten DOJ, FBI officials with contempt in documents fightABC News
House Republicans threaten DOJ, FBI officials with contempt in document
House Republicans threaten DOJ, FBI officials with contempt in …Yahoo News
all 37 news articles »
and more »
‘Extraordinary’ Strzok removal shows FBI agents in crosshairs from IG probe – Fox News

Fox News

‘Extraordinary’ Strzok removal shows FBI agents in crosshairs from IG probe
Fox News
The watchdog, as part of his Clinton case review, found that Strzok and four other FBI employees sent “hostile” anti-Trump messages on bureau devices. The FBI’s Office of Professional Responsibility is expected to further investigate the findings 
Three of the five FBI employees dinged for anti-Trump bias in IG report ended up on Mueller probeWashington Times
 report noted that it was specifically concerned about text messages exchanged between FBI officials Strzok and Lisa Page that “potentially indicated or created the appearance that investigative decisions were impacted by bias or improper  

FBI agent Strzok escorted from FBI building amid conduct probePittsburgh Post-Gazette 
AG Sessions: Peter Strzok was escorted out of the FBI because he lost his security clearanceHot Air
Boston HeraldThe Providence Journal
The IG’s report: Americans need to know who ‘we’ isWilliamsport Sun-Gazette
IG Report Highlights FBI Counterspy Failings – Free BeaconWashington Free Beacon
Yated.comBoston Herald
 –Department of Justice
all 218
The Guardian
all 188 news articles »
Trump’s unhinged attacks on the FBI and Mueller aren’t helping him – Washington Post

National Review

Washington Times

Trump’s unhinged attacks on the FBI and Mueller aren’t helping him
Washington Post
As with practically every other issue, Trump is making his wackadoodle base more estranged from reality, but he’s not developing a political coalition that would help him survive a possibly withering report from special counsel Robert S. Mueller III  
Mueller Investigation on Obstruction: IG Report Should End It …National Review

Three of the five FBI employees dinged for anti-Trump bias in IG report ended up on Mueller probeWashington Times 
Andy McCarthy: IG Report Should End Mueller Obstruction ProbeNewsmax
Department of Justice
all 220 
all 187
 news articles »
Majority of Americans say Trump should agree to interview with Mueller: poll – Reuters


Majority of Americans say Trump should agree to interview with Mueller: poll
In recent months, Trump has threatened to fire Mueller, drawing bipartisan criticism from lawmakers and the public. A Reuters/Ipsos poll conducted in May showed that 40 percent of Americans said Trump should not fire Mueller, while 27 percent said he … 
and more »
The IG Report Should End Mueller’s Obstruction InvestigationNational Review
all 23 news articles »
FBI back at scene of officer-involved shooting that left man dead in November – WJLA


FBI back at scene of officer-involved shooting that left man dead in November
Seven months after the US Park Police shot and killed Bijan Ghaisar, FBI agents returned to Fort Hunt Road and Alexandria Avenue with rakes, metal detectors and cameras Thursday. The bureau took over the investigation from US Park Police days after the …
FBI Recreates Scene of Deadly Park Police ShootingNBC4 Washington
FBI recreates scene of deadly US Park Police Shooting in AlexandriaWHAG –
all 63 news articles »
FBI News Review

8:34 AM 6/22/2018 – James Comey – News Update

In Brief – Saved Stories

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7:35 AM 6/22/2018 – James Comey interview on Trump, Russia, Hillary Clinton and the USA’s border policy | NICK FERRARI – Former FBI Director James Comey’s Comments On Donald Trump Are Brutal
james comey – Google Search
james comey interview – Google Search
James Comey interview on Trump, Russia, Hillary Clinton and the USA’s border policy – YouTube
Most shooters don’t have mental illness, get guns legally
fbi report on mass shootings – Google Search
Exclusive: James Comey talks Trump, Russia probe and FBI legacy Deutsche Welle – Google Search
Exclusive: James Comey talks Trump, Russia probe and FBI legacy | News | DW
Exclusive: James Comey talks Trump, Russia probe and FBI legacy – YouTube
Report: Tabloid ran stories by Trump before publishing – The Mercury News
Charles Krauthammer, prominent conservative voice, has died – KCAU 9
The feds are moving ahead with private land seizures to make room for Trump’s border wall – Business Insider
Putin warns Trump’s Space Force could spark WW3 in outer space – Daily Star
Many recommend teaching mental health in schools. Now 2 states will require it – The Herald-Times
America’s Gulf Ally: A Hub for Terrorist Money Laundering – The American Conservative
America’s Gulf Ally: A Hub for Terrorist Money Laundering – The American Conservative
The Diseased, Lying, Condition, of America’s ‘News’Media – RINF Alternative News
Russians Are Using Florida Environmental Groups to Manipulate the Energy Market – Sunshine State News
There’s nearly a Nixon ’74 level of public support for impeaching Trump
Trump wants a single federal food safety agency put under USDA – Food Safety News
DHS Secretary Nielsen casts immigration crisis as ‘a national security issue’ – KABC-TV
James Comey: ‘I’d rate Donald Trump a one out of ten as president’ –
James Comey Says Donald Trump Is Not the Worst US President Ever – Newsweek
Trump Says Mexico Doing Nothing ‘Except Taking Our Money And Sending Us Drugs’
CNN Poll: Americans think Russia investigation is serious and should continue – CNN

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7:35 AM 6/22/2018 – James Comey interview on Trump, Russia, Hillary Clinton and the USA’s border policy | NICK FERRARI – Former FBI Director James Comey’s Comments On Donald Trump Are Brutal

Mike Nova’s Shared NewsLinks James Comey interview on Trump, Russia, Hillary Clinton and the USA’s border policy – YouTube mikenova shared this story . James Comey interview on Trump, Russia, Hillary Clinton and the USA’s border policy Former FBI Director James Comey’s Comments On Donald Trump Are Brutal mikenova shared this story . 22 June 2018, 07:35 NICK FERRARI … Continue reading“7:35 AM 6/22/2018 – James Comey interview on Trump, Russia, Hillary Clinton and the USA’s border policy | NICK FERRARI – Former FBI Director James Comey’s Comments On Donald Trump Are Brutal”
james comey – Google Search

Story image for james comey from The Guardian

James Comey: ‘You stare at children crying – what kind of people are …

The GuardianJun 21, 2018
James Comey: ‘You stare at children crying – what kind of people are we?’ … It has been 13 months since Trump fired Comey from the job he …
But her emails? You’re dang right her emails.
OpinionChicago TribuneJun 20, 2018
Hollis: IG report demands FBI accountability
OpinionBoston Herald5 hours ago
Media image for james comey from Newsweek


Media image for james comey from CNBC


Media image for james comey from JOE


Media image for james comey from LBC


Media image for james comey from Deutsche Welle

Deutsche Welle

Media image for james comey from Channel 4 News

Channel 4 News
Story image for james comey from

James Comey: ‘I’d rate Donald Trump a one out of ten as president’ hours ago
In a scathing interview on LBC, former FBI Director James Comey tells Nick Ferrari Donald Trump isn’t quite the worst president in US history, …
Story image for james comey from CNN

Comey: I support Justice watchdog report that ‘ripped me’

CNNJun 20, 2018
Washington (CNN) Former FBI Director James Comey reiterated on Tuesday his support of the Justice Department inspector general’s report …
Story image for james comey from TIME

Here’s Why the Inspector General’s Report Was Such a Blow to James

TIMEJun 14, 2018
James Comey came to the FBI five years ago with a reputation almost as towering as his 6-foot-8 frame. He had famously stood up to the White …
Story image for james comey from AOL

Comey responds to Hillary Clinton’s tweet: She still ‘doesn’t …

AOL12 hours ago
Former FBI Director James Comey recently defended his use of a private email server while at the bureau and said he will not be apologizing to …
Story image for james comey from Irish Examiner

James Comey: President Trump ‘threatens the core of our country’

Irish Examiner2 hours ago
Former FBI director James Comey has voiced his concerns about Donald Trump’s leadership and his “zero-tolerance” immigration policy along …
Story image for james comey from Yellowhammer News

James Comey echo of J. Edgar Hoover — amassing power, declaring …

Yellowhammer News19 hours ago
In the current testimony, we have been informed that further reports on the investigation of the previous director of the FBI, James Comey, has yet to be published …
Story image for james comey from Lawfare (blog)

James Comey’s ‘Higher Loyalty’ and His Response to the Inspector …

Lawfare (blog)Jun 19, 2018
Almost as soon as the Justice Department Office of the Inspector General (OIG) issued its sharp criticism of James Comey’s actions in the 2016 …
james comey interview – Google Search

Story image for james comey interview from The Guardian

James Comey: ‘You stare at children crying – what kind of people are …

The GuardianJun 21, 2018
In the hotel room set aside for interviews, surrounded by multiple editions of his book waiting to be signed, he looks relaxed in loose jacket and …
Media image for james comey interview from Deutsche Welle

Deutsche Welle

Media image for james comey interview from Business Insider

Business Insider

Media image for james comey interview from The Hill

The Hill
Story image for james comey interview from

James Comey: ‘I’d rate Donald Trump a one out of ten as president’ hours ago
In a scathing interview on LBC, former FBI Director James Comey tells Nick Ferrari Donald Trump isn’t quite the worst president in US history, …
Story image for james comey interview from Newsweek

James Comey Says Donald Trump Is Not the Worst US President Ever

Newsweek3 hours ago
The former head of the FBI, James Comey, says that Donald Trump is … In an interview with the London, U.K., radio station LBC, Comey was …
Story image for james comey interview from ABC News

If I’d kept quiet I would have been criticized: Comey on DOJ inspector …

ABC NewsJun 19, 2018
… former FBI Director Jim Comey said Tuesday he doesn’t regret the way … sees it differently,” Comey said while during an interview in Berlin …
Story image for james comey interview from TIME

The Inspector General’s Report Criticizes James Comey. Here’s What …

TIMEJun 14, 2018
A Department of Justice report found that former FBI Director James Comey …. The report then states that, in an interview, Comey said “I did not …
Story image for james comey interview from The Hill

Grassley wants to subpoena Comey, Lynch after critical IG report

The Hill14 hours ago
Grassley wants to subpoena Comey, Lynch after critical IG report … During an interview for C-SPAN’s “Newsmakers” show set to be aired …
James Comey interview on Trump, Russia, Hillary Clinton and the USA’s border policy – YouTube

James Comey interview on Trump, Russia, Hillary Clinton and the USA’s border policy
Most shooters don’t have mental illness, get guns legally


A mass shooting researcher discusses how a shooter’s history can push people to commit mass killings. USA TODAY
A FBI truck sits in front of the church while investigators worked at the scene of a mass shooting at the First Baptist Church in Sutherland Springs, Tex. The FBI had access to the shooter’s cell phone but couldn’t access its contents.(Photo: EPA-EFE/LARRY W. SMITH)

As mass shootings filter in and out of the news cycle at an almost dizzying pace with each new tragedy, the FBI has continued to probe why these atrocities continue and what can be done to stop them.
In a new report released Wednesday, the bureau shed light on behaviors of shooters before they acted out, finding most obtained a gun legally and did not have diagnosed mental health issues, points that run contrary to some popular beliefs.
Active shooting incidents have continued to plague the nation but last year, there were 30 incidents across the U.S. — the highest number since the FBI began tracking the phenomenon. Last year also broke a record for the highest death toll in any single year.
“Faced with so many tragedies, society routinely wrestles with a fundamental question: can anything be done to prevent attacks on our loved ones, our children, our schools, our churches, concerts and communities?” the study says. “There is cause for hope because there is something that can be done.”
More: FBI: More active shooting incidents in 2017 than any other year recorded

The 30-page report examines active shooter incidents from 2000 to 2013 and suspects in 63 cases, finding suspects showed signs before they attacked but law enforcement wasn’t notified in more than half the cases until it was too late.
Forty percent of suspects purchased a firearm or multiple guns legally for the sole purpose of an attack. Another 35 percent already legally owned a gun before planning an attack, meaning 75 percent of active shooter incidents reviewed by the FBI legally owned the gun they used in the attack.
The remaining suspects stole, borrowed or purchased a weapon illegally.
The FBI could only verify that 25 percent of the gunmen examined in the study had any type of mental illness diagnoses, including disorders affecting mood, anxiety and personality.
The study noted, although, that a large portion of shooters, about 62 percent, were dealing with stressors in their lives such as depression, anxiety and paranoia before their attack.
Those symptoms don’t mean the suspect was necessarily dealing with a mental illness and the conclusion that all active shooters are mentally ill is both “misleading and unhelpful,” the bureau said.
“In light of the very high lifetime prevalence of the symptoms of mental illness among the U.S. population, formally diagnosed mental illness is not a very specific predictor of violence of any type, let alone targeted violence,” the study says. “Careful consideration should be given to social and contextual factors that might interact with any mental health issue before concluding that an active shooting was ’caused’ by mental illness.”
Follow Christal Hayes on Twitter: Journo_Christal


Australia hasn’t had a fatal mass shooting since 1996. Here’s what changed about the country’s gun laws.

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fbi report on mass shootings – Google Search

Story image for fbi report on mass shootings from USA TODAY

Most shooters got their guns legally, didn’t have diagnosed mental …

USA TODAY9 hours ago
mass shooting researcher discusses how a shooter’s history can push people … A FBI truck sits in front of the church while investigators worked at the scene … In a new report released Wednesday, the bureau shed light on …
Most shooters didn’t have diagnosed mental illness, new FBI report says
<a href=”” rel=”nofollow”></a>7 hours ago
Story image for fbi report on mass shootings from Mother Jones

New FBI Study Shows Mass Shooters Aren’t Loners Who Suddenly …

Mother Jones13 hours ago
But the reality of mass shootings in America is starkly different from … Here, the FBI report underscores a crucial distinction—that this is not the …
Story image for fbi report on mass shootings from National Review

New FBI Data on Active Shooters Shows the Importance of Armed …

National ReviewMay 25, 2018
In many ways, it’s a better metric for our nation’s massshooting problem …. In the conclusion of the latest report, it declares that the “selfless” …
Story image for fbi report on mass shootings from Reuters

US judge dismisses Charleston shooting lawsuits, criticizes FBI

ReutersJun 19, 2018
… has dismissed 16 lawsuits filed by survivors of a 2015 mass shooting at … a police report in which Roof admitted to unlawful drug possession, …
Exclusive: James Comey talks Trump, Russia probe and FBI legacy Deutsche Welle – Google Search

Story image for Exclusive: James Comey talks Trump, Russia probe and FBI legacy Deutsche Welle from Deutsche Welle

ExclusiveJames Comey talks TrumpRussia probe and FBI legacy

Deutsche Welle13 hours ago
In an exclusive interview, former FBI director James Comey told DW’s Conflict Zone that despite his career in law enforcement, he doesn’t draw …
Story image for Exclusive: James Comey talks Trump, Russia probe and FBI legacy Deutsche Welle from Deutsche Welle

Russia probe: Donald Trump ex-aide Paul Manafort pleads not guilty …

Deutsche WelleOct 30, 2017
Paul Manafort, former campaign manager for Donald Trump’s successful … in a federal district court in the US capital on Monday, while a third campaign …. In July, an FBI team raided Manafort’s home. …. DW James Comey bei Conflict Zone. ExclusiveJames Comey talks TrumpRussia probe and FBI legacy20.06.2018.
Story image for Exclusive: James Comey talks Trump, Russia probe and FBI legacy Deutsche Welle from Deutsche Welle

Are Turkey and Russia at odds in northern Syria?

Deutsche WelleJan 31, 2018
DW: Turkey has launched a military offensive against the Kurdish-held enclave of Afrin in northern Syria. Meanwhile, there are reports on …
Story image for Exclusive: James Comey talks Trump, Russia probe and FBI legacy Deutsche Welle from Deutsche Welle

Fake news ‘casts wide net but has little effect’

Deutsche WelleJan 4, 2018
The study, published on Wednesday as a collaboration between … the most fake news websites, which were overwhelmingly pro-Trump.”.
Exclusive: James Comey talks Trump, Russia probe and FBI legacy | News | DW

In an exclusive interview, former FBI director James Comey told DW’s Conflict Zone that despite his career in law enforcement, he doesn’t draw “the darkest inference” about US President Donald Trump’s vehement denials of collusion with Moscow.
“The fact that someone acts this way doesn’t necessarily mean that they’re guilty of something,” Comey told DW. “It could just be this president’s lifelong habit of attacking, attacking, attacking when he feels threatened. But I don’t know what it is, honestly.”
When asked whether he felt like he might get “tainted” by remaining in the Trump administration, Comey said that although there was potential for that, “I thought that was my duty.”
“The nature of the president actually increased my commitment to stay in my role and serve and protect the FBI and the American people,” Comey said.
“I knew it was going to be hard. I knew there were going to be all kinds of difficult situations, but I thought what a coward I would be to walk away from that when I’m supposed to be leading an organization that’s, by spirit and culture, independent.”

Donald Trump shakes hands with James ComeyUS President Donald Trump fired James Comey as FBI director, saying he “was not able to effectively lead the bureau”

Comey was nominated in 2013 by former US President Barack Obama to head the FBI, the US principal federal law enforcement agency.
He rose to notoriety in 2016 when he famously announced that the FBI had found no evidence of criminal intention during Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server during her stint as state secretary.
Clinton later blamed him for losing the election after he sent lawmakers a letter 11 days before the vote, informing them that the FBI had found new emails deemed “pertinent to the investigation” He later said no evidence had been uncovered that could incriminate Clinton.
In May 2017, Trump fired Comey in a move that was criticized as potentially undermining a probe into Russian collusion with the Trump campaign. Critics have accused him of harming the FBI’s credibility, which he has denied.
In DW’s Conflict Zone episode with James Comey set to air next week, the former FBI director talks about those challenges and more.

  • Former FBI Director James Comey


    A divisive figure

    The seventh in a lineage of FBI directors with law degrees, James Comey has shaped politics in the US as the head of the law enforcement agency. But who is the man behind the headlines? From prosecuting an American celebrity to refusing to sanction the NSA’s mass surveillance program, DW explores the contentious life of James Comey.

  • Martha Stewart leaving a courthouse in New York


    Taking down a celebrity

    Serving as Manhattan’s chief federal prosecutor, Comey rose to notoriety in 2002, when he led the prosecution of US celebrity Martha Stewart for securities fraud and obstruction of justice. Stewart, widely known in the US for her cooking and lifestyle shows, served a 5-month jail sentence following the highly-publicized case.

  • A prisoner being escorted by military personnel at the Guantanamo Bay detention center


    Enhanced interrogation

    In late 2003, Comey was confirmed as the US deputy attorney general, making him the second-highest-ranking official in the Justice Department. Serving under former President George W. Bush, Comey endorsed a memorandum approving the use of 13 enhanced interrogation techniques during the War on Terror, including waterboarding. He later said he lobbied to have the policy toned down.

  • Security cameras at the 9/11 Memorial and Museum


    Mass surveillance

    Comey has warned of the consequences of domestic mass surveillance, saying in March: “There is no such thing as absolute privacy in America.” While serving as acting attorney general during the hospitalization of John Ashcroft in 2004, he refused to endorse the legality of the NSA’s domestic surveillance program, even when pressured by the Bush administration.

  • James Comey and Barack Obama


    Obama’s choice

    In 2013, then-President Barack Obama nominated Comey to serve as the seventh director of the FBI. He received the nomination despite being a registered member of the Republican party. Later that year, he received congressional approval to takeover the office. In his installation speech, he said the bureau’s work is founded on integrity. “Without integrity, all is lost,” he said.

  • Jews wearing Star of David badges


    More Holocaust education

    In 2015, Comey penned an op-ed on why he required new FBI special agents and intelligence analysts to visit the Holocaust Museum in Washington. He said the reason was to have them understand the consequences of abusing power and to be confronted by the atrocities humans are capable of. “I believe that the Holocaust is the most significant event in human history,” he said.

  • Hillary Clinton speaking during the Women in the World Summit in New York


    Election scandal

    In July 2016, Comey announced that the FBI had found no evidence of criminal intention in Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server as state secretary. But days before the presidential election, he issued a letter to lawmakers informing them of new emails deemed “pertinent to the investigation.” He later said no evidence was uncovered. Clinton has since blamed Comey for losing the election.

  • US President Donald Trump and then-FBI Director James Comey shake hands


    ‘You’re fired’

    On May 9, Trump sent Comey an unusual letter firing the FBI director, cutting short his 10-year mandate to lead the bureau. Given the ongoing FBI-led investigation into election-meddling by Russia, critics have warned that the move may amount to obstruction of justice for undermining the probe. Trump later appeared to threaten Comey over the existence of “tapes” of their conversations.

  • US President Donald Trump speaks to Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and Russia's ambassador to the US Sergey Kislyak


    Trump-Russia nexus

    Comey reportedly kept memos of interactions between him and President Donald Trump, which appear to implicate the head of state in attempts to obstruct a federal probe into Russia’s alleged involvement in influencing the 2016 election. The day after US media reported on the existence of the memos, the Justice Department named a special counsel to lead the probe amid fears of White House influence.

  • Then-FBI Director James Comey speaking before a Senate Judiciary Committee


    Damning testimony?

    In June 2017, shortly after being fired, Comey testified in Congress that he believed Trump fired him over the Russia probe. “I was fired in some way to change, or the endeavor was to change, the way the Russia investigation was being conducted,” he told lawmakers. He has since released a book, in which he described Trump as a “mafia boss” who is “untethered to the truth.”
    Author: Lewis Sanders IV

Exclusive: James Comey talks Trump, Russia probe and FBI legacy – YouTube

Exclusive: James Comey talks Trump, Russia probe and FBI legacy
Report: Tabloid ran stories by Trump before publishing – The Mercury News

The Mercury News

Report: Tabloid ran stories by Trump before publishing
The Mercury News
An FBI raid executed April 8 on Cohen’s office and residences sought all of the lawyer’s records of communications with AMI, Pecker and Howard regarding two women who claimed to have had affairs with Trump while he was married, according to three …
Lawyer reviewing Cohen documents submits $338000 billFox News
all 124 news articles »
Charles Krauthammer, prominent conservative voice, has died – KCAU 9


Charles Krauthammer, prominent conservative voice, has died
“I used to think Trump was an 11-year-old, an undeveloped schoolyard bully,” he wrote in August 2016, around the time Trump officially became the Republican nominee. “I was off by about 10 years. His needs are more primitive, … In the late 1970s 
and more »
The feds are moving ahead with private land seizures to make room for Trump’s border wall – Business Insider

Business Insider

The feds are moving ahead with private land seizures to make room for Trump’s border wall
Business Insider
The federal government is moving to seize private land in a section of southern Texas to make room for President Donald Trump’s border wall. The land seizures would take place in the Rio Grande Valley, the Texas Tribune reported on Thursday. About $1.6 …
and more »
Putin warns Trump’s Space Force could spark WW3 in outer space – Daily Star

Daily Star

Putin warns Trump’s Space Force could spark WW3 in outer space
Daily Star
The Russian Foreign Ministry (RFM) said The Donald’s plans to create a so-called “Space Force” could lead to an intense arms race. Pentagon chiefs were told to create the new branch to guarantee “American dominance in space”. RFM spokeswoman Maria …
and more »
Many recommend teaching mental health in schools. Now 2 states will require it – The Herald-Times

Many recommend teaching mental health in schools. Now 2 states will require it
The Herald-Times
By educating children of all ages about mental health, the hope is that they will learn how to recognize early symptoms in themselves and their friends and seek help before a crisis develops, said Paul Gionfriddo, president and CEO of Mental Health 
and more »
America’s Gulf Ally: A Hub for Terrorist Money Laundering – The American Conservative

The American Conservative

America’s Gulf Ally: A Hub for Terrorist Money Laundering
The American Conservative
This organization has serviced some of the most notorious members of the underworld, including India’s top organized crimeoutfit, D Company. That group’s leader, Dawood Ibrahim, is believed to have masterminded a series of terrorist bombings in Bombay …
America’s Gulf Ally: A Hub for Terrorist Money Laundering – The American Conservative

The American Conservative

America’s Gulf Ally: A Hub for Terrorist Money Laundering
The American Conservative
Remarkably, despite sanctions against an array of individuals connected with Khanian, the Center for Advanced Defense Studies discovered 59 properties valued at $22 million that were linked to his criminal organization. These kinds of discoveries are 
The Diseased, Lying, Condition, of America’s ‘News’Media – RINF Alternative News

RINF Alternative News

The Diseased, Lying, Condition, of America’s ‘News’Media
RINF Alternative News
Both President Trump and former President Obama are commonly said in America’s ‘news’ media to be or to have been “ceding Syria to Russia” or “ceding Syria to Russia and Iran,” or similar allegations. They imply that ‘we’ own (or have some right to 
and more »
Russians Are Using Florida Environmental Groups to Manipulate the Energy Market – Sunshine State News

Sunshine State News

Russians Are Using Florida Environmental Groups to Manipulate the Energy Market
Sunshine State News
No hard evidence has emerged that says Donald Trump knowingly colluded with Russia during the 2016 campaign.” But “plenty of evidence” presented during two congressional committees … ties a money pipeline from the Kremlin to environmental groups in …
There’s nearly a Nixon ’74 level of public support for impeaching Trump

(CNN)There is a truly remarkable number in the most recent CNN poll, conducted by SSRS and out this morning. In it, 42% of Americans say President Donald Trump should be impeached and removed from office. What makes it remarkable is that he’s on par with …
Trump wants a single federal food safety agency put under USDA – Food Safety News

Food Safety News

Trump wants a single federal food safety agency put under USDA
Food Safety News
President Donald J. Trump wants to consolidate federal food safety under a single agency housed in the U.S. Department of Agriculture. President Barack Obama also wanted to consolidate food safety, only he preferred housing it in the U.S. Department of …
Trump’s government overhaul plan at a glanceCharlotte Observer
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DHS Secretary Nielsen casts immigration crisis as ‘a national security issue’ – KABC-TV


DHS Secretary Nielsen casts immigration crisis as ‘a national security issue’
Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen, under fire for her vigorous defense of the Trump administration’s “zero tolerance” immigration policy that has led to family separations at the U.S.-Mexico border, recast the issue Thursday as one about the 
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James Comey: ‘I’d rate Donald Trump a one out of ten as president’ –

James Comey: ‘I’d rate Donald Trump a one out of ten as president’
In a scathing interview on LBC, former FBI Director James Comey tells Nick Ferrari Donald Trump isn’t quite the worst president in US history, but he’d only score a “one or two out of ten”. Video block text …
James Comey Says Donald Trump Is Not the Worst US President Ever – Newsweek


James Comey Says Donald Trump Is Not the Worst US President Ever
U.S. President Donald Trump and Former FBI director James Comey (R) appear in Washington, DC, U.S., on May 24 and April 30, 2018 respectively. REUTERS/Kevin Lamarque (L) and Jonathan Ernst/File Photo. When asked about Barack Obama, who …
Trump Says Mexico Doing Nothing ‘Except Taking Our Money And Sending Us Drugs’

The president said undocumented immigrants were able to “walk through Mexico like it’s walking through Central Park.”
CNN Poll: Americans think Russia investigation is serious and should continue – CNN


CNN Poll: Americans think Russia investigation is serious and should continue
(CNN) Most Americans continue to believe that the Russian effort to influence the 2016 presidential election is a serious matter that should be investigated, but the constant criticism by President Donald Trump of special counsel Robert Mueller is
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7:35 AM 6/22/2018 – James Comey interview on Trump, Russia, Hillary Clinton and the USA’s border policy | NICK FERRARI – Former FBI Director James Comey’s Comments On Donald Trump Are Brutal
6:56 AM 6/21/2018 – “Public opinion is a reed that moves with the wind. The rule of law is a rock that keeps us free.” – Judge Andrew Napolitano: Can the FBI be independent? – Mike Nova’s Shared NewsLinks Review
8:47 AM 6/19/2018 – The Caldero effect
5:48 PM 6/18/2018 – Mexico arrests ex-prosecutor in disappearance cases
6:01 AM 6/18/2018 – “The wound will not heal if the whole truth does not come out. The archives and the formerly secret files and pages have to be opened.”
11:09 AM 6/17/2018 – News Update: Francisco Reyes Caparrós – Google Search
5:56 AM 6/17/2018 – The Crisis OF Credibility In The Office Of Federal Prosecutor
4:50 AM 6/17/2018 – Como hacer Cabrito, A Mi Manera Boricua – YouTube
12:55 PM 6/15/2018 – Puerto Rico ya se ve alumbrado desde el espacio
3:10 PM 6/14/2018 – A Review of Various Actions by the Federal Bureau of Investigation and Department of Justice in Advance of the 2016 Election
2:25 PM 6/14/2018 – Mayor Carmen Yulín Cruz and her administration are under FBI investigation after reports that corruption – Google Search | Jefe del FBI en Puerto Rico prepara arrestos de políticos
10:33 AM 6/13/2018 – Leff’s Interview: Bajo la mira del FBI la corrupción en Puerto Rico
11:47 PM 6/12/2018 – Proyecto para privatizar la AEE espera por firma de Rosselló
10:51 AM 6/12/2018 – Update: Crime In Puerto Rico: “So far this year, there have been 296 murders, this is three less than the previous year.” | Meet Inspector Drone: A Single Drone Helped Mexican Police Drop Crime 10 Percent (!)
10:08 AM 6/11/2018 – FBI apuesta a la experiencia: Leff indicó que el FBI tiene abiertas más de cinco pesquisas por el mal uso de fondos asignados por FEMA tras el azote de María. | M.N.: I think that this is very good initiative, and hopefully it will work: “Given the high incidence of violent crimes on the island, the deputy director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) of the United States, David Bowdich, undertook to assign new agents to Puerto Rico and veterans from other districts of that dependency with experience in gang cases, revealed the director of the FBI on the island, Douglas Leff.”
8:58 AM 6/11/2018 – John Kelly Says The White House Is A ‘Miserable’ Place To Work: Report – HuffPost
4:51 AM 6/11/2018 – “This transatlantic rift is a gift to Russia that amply repays Vladimir Putin’s investment in helping the Trump campaign,” wrote the conservative foreign policy expert Max Boot.
4:00 AM 6/11/2018 – National Puerto Rican Day Parade… | ‘What does Putin have on you?’ Verhofstadt MOCKS Donald Trump on Twitter –
3:25 AM 6/11/2018 – M.N.: Merkel gets so much mileage out of Trump-Russia affair, that it becomes increasingly hard to believe that it was not a German design…
1:03 PM 6/10/2018 – Merkel: “What does Putin have on you?” Trump: “None of your bidniz. You worry about your own problems. See you later, Alligator!” Merkel: “In a while, Krokodile!”
8:08 AM 6/10/2018 – Learning English: Give them the boot! Carlos Cases FBI | Rosa Emilia Rodriguez-Velez DOJ 
7:26 AM 6/10/2018 – ¡Puerto Rico no es la República Banana! – Puerto Rico is not the Banana Republic!
5:34 AM 6/10/2018 – Photo of Angela Merkel Staring Down Donald Trump at G-7 Summit – Shared Newslinks
4:09 PM 6/8/2018 – The Countless Israeli Connections: Mueller’s Investigation into Trump, Russia Turns Focus on Israel
“There are some clear reasons why Trump would want Putin back in the G7 – Business Insider”, And with all this, it still is not very clear. – M.N.

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1. News in Photos from mikenova (5 sites) World News: Malaysia’s Tall Order: Trying to Recoup 1MDB Funds

Malaysia’s new government is seeking to recover money that officials say has gone missing from state investment fund 1Malaysia Development Bhd. and use it to reduce the country’s debts. World News

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mikenov on Twitter: 7:35 AM 6/22/2018 – NICK FERRARI – Former FBI Director James Comey’s Comments On Donald Trump Are Brutal…
The News and Times of Puerto Rico: 7:35 AM 6/22/2018 – James Comey interview on Trump, Russia, Hillary Clinton and the USA’s border policy | NICK FERRARI – Former FBI Director James Comey’s Comments On Donald Trump Are Brutal
mikenov on Twitter: Former FBI Director James Comey’s Comments On Donald Trump Are Brutal – LBC @LBC
Saved Stories – The News and Times: 6:42 AM 6/21/2018 – Judge Andrew Napolitano: Can the FBI be independent? The disgrace of Comey’s FBI | Editorials Inspector general FBI report is a disgrace – Las Vegas Review-Journal Have we lost our Wray? giuliani is under investigation – Google Search Giuliani is acting more like the mob lawyers he used to fight
mikenov on Twitter:… Exclusive: James Comey talks Trump, Russia probe and FBI legacy
Public RSS-Feed of Mike Nova. Created with the PIXELMECHANICS ‘GPlusRSS-Webtool’ at 7:52 AM 6/21/2018 – FBI report on mass shootings: Most shooters don’t have mental illness, get guns …
mikenov on Twitter: 7:52 AM 6/21/2018 – FBI report on mass shootings: Most shooters don’t have mental illness, get guns legally…
mikenov on Twitter: Most shooters got their guns legally, didn’t have diagnosed mental illness, new FBI report says via @usatoday
Public RSS-Feed of Mike Nova. Created with the PIXELMECHANICS ‘GPlusRSS-Webtool’ at 6:56 AM 6/21/2018 – “Public opinion is a reed that moves with the wind. The rule of law is a rock that…
mikenov on Twitter: 6:56 AM 6/21/2018 – “Public opinion is a reed that moves with the wind. The rule of law is a rock that keeps us free.” – Judge Andrew Napolitano: Can the FBI be independent? – Mike Nova’s Shared NewsLinks Review…
The News and Times of Puerto Rico: 6:56 AM 6/21/2018 – “Public opinion is a reed that moves with the wind. The rule of law is a rock that keeps us free.” – Judge Andrew Napolitano: Can the FBI be independent? – Mike Nova’s Shared NewsLinks Review
Public RSS-Feed of Mike Nova. Created with the PIXELMECHANICS ‘GPlusRSS-Webtool’ at 6:42 AM 6/21/2018 – Judge Andrew Napolitano: Can the FBI be independent? The disgrace of Comey’s FBI…
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Public RSS-Feed of Mike Nova. Created with the PIXELMECHANICS ‘GPlusRSS-Webtool’ at 6:42 AM 6/21/2018 – Judge Andrew Napolitano: Can the FBI be independent? The disgrace of Comey’s FBI…
mikenov on Twitter: The disgrace of Comey’s FBI | Editorials Inspector general FBI report is a disgrace – Las Vegas Review-Journal Have we lost our Wray? giuliani is under investigation – Google Search Giuliani is acting more like the mob lawyers he used to fight…
FBI News Review: 6:42 AM 6/21/2018 – Judge Andrew Napolitano: Can the FBI be independent? The disgrace of Comey’s FBI | Editorials Inspector general FBI report is a disgrace – Las Vegas Review-Journal Have we lost our Wray? giuliani is under investigation – Google Search Giuliani is acting more like the mob lawyers he used to fight
mikenov on Twitter: Judge Andrew Napolitano: Can the FBI be independent? #FoxNews
mikenov on Twitter: The disgrace of Comey’s FBI… via @OuachitaCitizen
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Former FBI Director James Comey’s Comments On Donald Trump Are Brutal
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Most shooters don’t have mental illness, get guns legally
Psalms 104 sung in ancient Hebrew | ברכי נפשי את ה’ – תהלים ק”ד – YouTube
Judge Andrew Napolitano: Can the FBI be independent?
The disgrace of Comey’s FBI | Editorials
Inspector general FBI report is a disgrace – Las Vegas Review-Journal
Have we lost our Wray?
giuliani is under investigation – Google Search
Giuliani is acting more like the mob lawyers he used to fight
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Giuliani says he was interviewed earlier this year about leaks regarding Clinton investigation
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Judge Andrew Napolitano: Can the FBI be independent?

The disgrace of Comey’s FBI | Editorials

Inspector general FBI report is a disgrace – Las Vegas Review-Journal

Have we lost our Wray?

giuliani is under investigation – Google Search

Giuliani is acting more like the mob lawyers he used to fight

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Giuliani says he was interviewed earlier this year about leaks regarding Clinton investigation
FBI agent Strzok escorted from FBI building Friday CNN – Google Search
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A la luz diferencias entre alcaldesa y Calixto Rodríguez | Gobierno
The commissioner of the Municipal Police of San Juan resigns
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Carmen Yulín exime a Caldero de la mordaza que tiene en SJ
Carmen Yulín 2020 y el efecto Caldero | Opinión
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Comey: “I Didn’t Know That I Knew” Weiner Was Married to Huma Abedin
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Judge Andrew Napolitano: Can the FBI be independent?

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When President Donald Trump appointed Atlanta lawyer Christopher Wray to succeed James Comey as the director of the FBI, my initial reaction was not positive. Wray is a veteran of the Department of Justice and is part of that good-old-boy DOJ network that knows how to protect its own. Indeed, when then-New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, a former U.S. attorney, needed a good criminal defense lawyer — whose millions in fees were paid by New Jersey taxpayers — he hired Wray.
Christie was never indicted in the Bridgegate scandal, but defense counsel for those who were sought Christie’s cellphone to demonstrate to jurors the governor’s involvement in the plot to shut down lanes near the George Washington Bridge for political retaliation. Christie claimed that he gave his phone to federal prosecutors, but they told the court that they did not have the phone. Where was it? In a safe of the Atlanta law firm that employed Wray.
The FBI director-to-be, sitting in his office in Atlanta, failed to provide evidence he had that he knew a federal court in Newark was seeking. This sordid episode was not dwelled upon during Wray’s confirmation hearings, at the end of which he was confirmed to a 10-year term running the FBI. So Trump’s search for an outsider who would change the Comey-led culture of political justice and run the nation’s premier law enforcement agency according to the rule of law turned up the ultimate insider.
Earlier this week, Wray testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee on the behavior of FBI agents — including the former director and former deputy director — during the criminal investigation of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Wray had to thread a small needle.
On the one hand, the FBI is an investigative entity only. It does not decide whom or what to charge; it merely reports its findings to federal prosecutors in conjunction with their presentation of evidence to grand juries. As such, the FBI is subject to the DOJ prosecutors for whom it works, and the DOJ, of course, works for the president.
On the other hand, because both the DOJ and the FBI are guided by the ethical rules that govern lawyers and by the values of the rule of law implicit in American culture and recognized by the courts, the DOJ enjoys some independence from the president, and the FBI enjoys some independence from the DOJ. Principles such as equal protection under the law and due process of law protect life, liberty and property and trump instructions of the president to the DOJ and instructions of the DOJ to the FBI. Stated differently, the FBI must go where the evidence of crime leads it, and the DOJ must prosecute when the evidence is lawfully sufficient, no matter the subject.
This obviously becomes complex and treacherous when the president is the subject of the FBI’s investigation, because one of the rule-of-law principles is that no one can be the judge or prosecutor in his own case. And it was in that context that Director Wray testified earlier this week. His testimony was largely about the response of the present-day FBI to the political excesses of the Comey-led FBI as articulated in a 568-page report issued by the inspector general of the DOJ.
That report found that there was political bias at the FBI and the DOJ in favor of Clinton while she was the subject of a criminal investigation and that there was political prejudice against Trump at the same time. But it also found that the bias and prejudice were not the deciding factors in the ill-advised decision by Comey to announce that Clinton would not be charged and then to recount all the damning evidence the FBI had amassed against her or in his decision to reopen and then reclose the investigation.
In Wray’s testimony, I detected not a political defense of the FBI but rather a careful assessment of the constitutional relationship between Congress and the FBI that demonstrated a grasp of nuance and a defense of the rule of law.
Wray has been battling the House Intelligence Committee over its demands to get a peek at a portion of special counsel Robert Mueller’s files on the president. The committee has threatened Wray and his boss, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, with censure, contempt and even impeachment if Wray fails to deliver the files. Wray’s message to the committee, uttered in his Senate testimony, was that the FBI will follow the law and not surrender privileged information.
A privilege is the ability of the entity that enjoys it to prevent the revelation of information that the privilege covers. The attorney-client and priest-penitent privileges, for example, permit the client or the penitent to prevent the lawyer or the priest from revealing their communications. Wray knows that law enforcement, too, enjoys privileges, such as the obligation to keep matters that have been presented to a grand jury, the thoughts and impressions and strategies of investigators and prosecutors, and information developed from confidential sources secret.
By signaling that he will honor those privileges in the investigation of President Trump, Wray is upholding the rule of law. Were he not to do this, he’d be spilling the contents of a criminal file to the political allies of the subject of the file — a spill that the law would not condone because it would put the president above the law.
In defending these rule-of-law privileges, Director Wray is upholding the independence of the FBI against an unforgiving political onslaught orchestrated by the president’s allies. I hope this is resolved in a court of law and not in the court of public opinion. Public opinion is a reed that moves with the wind. The rule of law is a rock that keeps us free.

Andrew P. Napolitano, a former judge of the Superior Court of New Jersey, is the senior judicial analyst at Fox News Channel.
The disgrace of Comey’s FBI | Editorials

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The long-awaited Inspector General’s report on the FBI’s handling of the Hillary Clinton investigation makes for depressing reading for anyone who cares about American democracy. Self-government depends on public trust in its institutions, especially law enforcement. The IG’s 568-page report makes clear that the FBI under former director James Comey betrayed that public trust in a way not seen since J. Edgar Hoover.
We use the Hoover analogy advisedly, realizing that the problem in this case was not rampant illegal spying. Though IG Michael Horowitz’s conclusions are measured, his facts are damning. They show that Mr. Comey abused his authority, broke with long-established Justice Department norms, and deceived his superiors and the public.
While the IG says Mr. Comey’s decisions were not the result of “political bias,” he presided over an investigating team that included agents who clearly were biased against Donald Trump. The damage to the bureau’s reputation—and to thousands of honest agents—will take years to repair.
The issue of political bias is almost beside the point. The IG scores Mr. Comey for “ad hoc decisionmaking based on his personal views.” Like Hoover, Mr. Comey believed that he alone could protect the public trust. And like Hoover, this hubris led him to make egregious mistakes of judgment that the IG says “negatively impacted the perception of the FBI and the department as fair administrators of justice.”
The report scores Mr. Comey in particular for his “conscious decision not to tell [Justice] Department leadership about his plans to independently announce” an end to the investigation at his July 5 press conference in which he exonerated but criticized Mrs. Clinton. And the IG also scores his action 11 days before the 2016 presidential election, on October 28, to send a letter to Congress saying the investigation had been reopened.
The decision to prosecute belongs to the Attorney General and Justice, not the FBI. And the FBI does not release derogatory information on someone against whom it is not bringing charges. Regarding the October letter informing Congress that the FBI was renewing the investigation, FBI policy is not to announce investigations. “We found unpersuasive Comey’s explanation,” deadpans the IG.
“We found that it was extraordinary and insubordinate for Comey to conceal his intentions from his superiors, the Attorney General and Deputy Attorney General, for the admitted purpose of preventing them from telling him not to make the statement, and to instruct his subordinates in the FBI to do the same,” says the report.
“Comey waited until the morning of his press conference to inform [Attorney General Loretta] Lynch and [Deputy Attorney General Sally ] Yates of his plans to hold one without them, and did so only after first notifying the press. As a result, Lynch’s office learned about Comey’s plans via press inquiries rather than from Comey. Moreover, when Comey spoke with Lynch he did not tell her what he intended to say in his statement.”
All of this underscores the case that Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein made when he advised President Trump in May 2017 that he should fire Mr. Comey. The President’s mistake was not firing Mr. Comey immediately upon taking office on Jan. 20, 2017, as some of us advised at the time.
As for political bias, the IG devotes a chapter to the highly partisan texts exchanged over FBI phones between FBI personnel. The IG says he found no evidence that political bias affected investigative decisions, but the details will be fodder for those who think otherwise.
The report also chronicles a long list of other questionable judgments by the FBI and Justice. These include waiting until late October to announce that the FBI was seeking a search warrant for Anthony Weiner’s laptop, though “virtually every fact that was cited” to justify the move had been known a month before.
The unavoidable conclusion is that Mr. Comey’s FBI became a law unto itself, accountable to no one but the former director’s self-righteous conscience. His refusal to follow proper guidelines interfered with a presidential election campaign in a way that has caused millions of Americans in both parties to justifiably cry foul.
This should never happen in a democracy, and steps must be taken so that it never does again. Mr. Horowitz deserves credit for an investigation that was thorough, informative and unplagued by leaks. But it is not the final word. Next week he will be testifying before Congress to flesh out and clarify his findings. Congress should also call FBI agents as witnesses.
The larger damage here is to trust in institutions that are vital to self-government. Mr. Trump will use the facts to attack the FBI, but most agents are honest and nonpartisan. Christopher Wray, the new FBI director, promised Thursday to implement the IG’s recommendations, but his cleanup task is larger. He can start by ending the FBI’s stonewall of Congress on document requests.
Mr. Wray and Attorney General Jeff Sessions have to understand that radical measures are needed to restore public trust in both the FBI and Justice Department. If they won’t do it, someone else must.
— The Wall Street Journal
Inspector general FBI report is a disgrace – Las Vegas Review-Journal

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AP Photo/Jon ElswickAP Photo/Jon Elswick
Charles E. Feddersen Henderson
June 20, 2018 – 9:00 pm
In response to the report from Inspector General Michael Horowitz regarding the FBI: FBI Director Christopher Wray excusing subversive behavior completely erases trust in the Department of Justice.
Upper-level DOJ personnel are not summer hires or neophyte civil service employees. They are highly trained, highly educated, highly benefited professionals with an exceptionally keen sense of right from wrong and equity over bias. Most have taken an oath of allegiance to this country and to lady justice. But now, many illegal transgressions have been exposed.
The criminal, seditious and/or treasonous acts that have occurred should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. Such behavior is not above the law.
Have we lost our Wray?

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We hope we’re wrong. But James Comey’s replacement as head of the FBI, Christopher Wray, doesn’t give us much hope for a turnaround at the embattled agency.
“We may never know what happened to James Comey. It may become one of the great enigmas of our time. His solid reputation has become this generation’s Jimmy Hoffa – suddenly vanished from sight, perhaps buried in a putrid landfill of dirty politics.”
— Augusta Chronicle editorial, July 2016, after James Comey’s bizarre, unsupported exoneration of Hillary Clinton
We hope we’re wrong. But James Comey’s replacement as head of the FBI, Christopher Wray, doesn’t give us much hope for a turnaround at the embattled agency.
To fix a problem, you first have to acknowledge it.
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Instead, in his formal reaction last week to an Inspector General’s report of shredded impartiality and permissive procedures at the FBI under Comey, Wray sounded like the rush chairman’s slick, disingenuous defense of his debauched fraternity in the movie Animal House.
Using a twisted series of non sequiturs, the character asks if valid allegations of his fraternity’s reckless revelry are “an indictment of our entire American society? Well, you can do whatever you want to us, but we’re not going to sit here and listen to you badmouth the United States of America!”
Not that the FBI is the Delta House. Far from it. It is filled bottom to near-top with good men and women of high ideals and integrity. But Wray’s haughty defense of the agency was blissfully dismissive of the egregious affronts to equal justice and fairness under his predecessor – who allowed a handful of Democrat partisans to back over the Constitution and any sense of neutrality in the Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump probes.
“Wray’s performance was worse than disappointing,” writes New York columnist Michael Goodwin. “It was infuriating proof that it will take more than one election to change the corrupt culture of Washington.”
Indeed, Wray’s tone conveyed more than indifference to the scandalous goings-on under Comey – agents plotting to prevent Trump’s ascendancy, rubbing elbows with the Clinton camp, expressing profane contempt for Trump voters, accepting bribes from reporters whom they leaked information to, and more.
Wray seems to think a series of “policies, procedures, and training” will fix any slight shortcomings at the agency. How in the world can you train out such virulent political bias? A strongly worded PowerPoint?
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Then, setting up a straw man – that “nothing in the report impugns the integrity of our workforce as a whole, or the FBI as an institution,” which nobody has ever claimed – he channels the Animal House rush chairman: “The FBI’s men and women are doing all this work with the unfailing fidelity to our Constitution and laws that it demands, the bravery that it deserves, and the integrity that the American people rightly expect.”
Unfailing fidelity? Doesn’t the IG report kind of destroy that argument?
“The way Wray tells it, the FBI is doing just peachy,” writes the Washington Examiner’s Becket Adams. “Did Wray even read the report?”
Either way, he apparently won’t stand here and listen to the rest of us badmouth the United States of America.
giuliani is under investigation – Google Search

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Giuliani says he was interviewed earlier this year about leaks …

CNN17 hours ago
Giuliani made the remarks in October 2016, just before then-FBI … into whether the Weiner investigationwould find more Clinton emails.
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The Hill

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Rudy Giuliani Says FBI Questioned Him On Leaks That Hurt Clinton …

HuffPost18 hours ago
WASHINGTON ― Rudy Giuliani says FBI agents interviewed him in his … Comey closed the investigationagain just days before the election, …
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Giuliani is acting more like the mob lawyers he used to fight

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‘Kangaroo court’: Giuliani says he would be crazy to let Trump be …

Washington Post1 hour ago
President Trump’s personal lawyer Rudolph W. Giuliani referred to the team of special counsel Robert S. Mueller III on Tuesday night as a …
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The Hill

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Giuliani is acting more like the mob lawyers he used to fight

Washington Post19 hours ago
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TIMEJun 17, 2018
(WASHINGTON) — Donald Trump’s lawyer Rudy Giuliani said Sunday the president might pardon his jailed, onetime campaign chairman and …
Giuliani says he was interviewed earlier this year about leaks regarding Clinton investigation

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FBI agent Strzok escorted from FBI building Friday CNN – Google Search

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FBI agent Strzok escorted from FBI building Friday

CNN16 hours ago
Washington (CNNFBI agent Peter Strzok was escorted from the FBI building Friday as part of the ongoing internal proceedings at the bureau …
Story image for FBI agent Strzok escorted from FBI building Friday CNN from National Review

Report: Agent Peter Strzok Was Escorted from FBI Building Friday

National Review14 hours ago
FBI agent Peter Strzok was escorted from the FBI building Friday as part of the … interference in the 2016 presidential campaign, CNN reported.
Story image for FBI agent Strzok escorted from FBI building Friday CNN from CNN

House GOP presses DOJ watchdog on bias in Clinton investigation

CNN18 hours ago
(CNN) House Republicans went on the attack Tuesday over the Justice … text messages exchanged by FBI agent Peter Strzok and former FBI lawyer Lisa Page, … And Gowdy focused his questioning on the FBIinterview of Clinton, … amid reports Tuesday that Strzok was escorted from the FBI building last …
Story image for FBI agent Strzok escorted from FBI building Friday CNN from Just Security

The Early Edition: June 20, 2018

Just Security29 minutes ago
Laura Koran reports at CNN. “We take …. Strzok was escorted from the F.B.I. building Friday and effectively relieved of work responsibilities, though Strzok technically remains an agent of the bureau according to his lawyer.
James Bond 007 – Blood Stone Theme Song – YouTube

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James Bond 007 – Blood Stone Theme Song

A la luz diferencias entre alcaldesa y Calixto Rodríguez | Gobierno

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Por cerca de tres años, ocasionalmente el tema de las malas relaciones entre la alcaldesa de San Juan, Carmen Yulín Cruz Soto, y el comisionado de la Policía Municipal, Guillermo Calixto Rodríguez, salía a la luz pública y se anticipaba la renuncia del funcionario, finalmente formalizada en la noche del martes.
Como ejemplo, EL VOCERO reseñó el 4 de octubre de 2016 que “las relaciones entre la alcaldesa de la capital Carmen Yulín Cruz Soto y el comisionado de la Policía Municipal, Guillermo Calixto, se encuentran deterioradas desde hace bastante tiempo y tras el arresto el sábado del activista Alberto ‘Tito Kayak’ de Jesús Mercado por bajar la bandera de Estados Unidos y colocar la de Puerto Rico durante un concierto del grupo Cultura Profética en el Estadio Hiram Bithorn están en cero”.
En aquella ocasión el arresto de Tito Kayak provocó reacciones como la del licenciado William Ramírez Hernández, director ejecutivo de la Unión Americana de Libertades Civiles (ACLU) en la Isla, quien emitió un comunicado exigiendo que la Policía, el municipio de San Juan y el Estado Libre Asociado desistieran de perseguir y detener a ciudadanos por incurrir en una protesta simbólica cobijada por la Constitución.

La salida de Calixto Rodríguez del municipio se pospuso por las cercanías de las elecciones generales de noviembre de 2016.
Para esa fecha, este rotativo supo de acercamientos de allegados de la alcaldesa a un coronel jubilado y a otro coronel activo en la Policía, ambos vinculados al Partido Popular Democrático (PPD), ofreciéndoles el puesto.
Una serie de incidentes, atribuidos por conocedores al mal genio de Cruz Soto, fue minando la relación entre ambos. Para finales de 2017, Calixto Rodríguez había comunicado su intención de irse de la Policía Municipal, donde mediante contrato devengaba algo más de $90,000 anuales.

Sin embargo, no se fue y siguieron los problemas entre la alcaldesa y el comisionado, sumándosele a Calixto Rodríguez otras situaciones como la investigación estancada en la Fiscalía por supuestamente agredir a una agente estatal que fue asignada a las pasadas Fiestas de la Calle San Sebastián.
Calixto Rodríguez se acogió a su derecho constitucional para no declarar en el caso de la agente que denunció la supuesta agresión. Tras casi seis meses, fuentes policiales de EL VOCERO señalan que no se han radicado cargos por presiones de distinta índole.
Hace varias semanas un agente municipal pereció trágicamente en un accidente mientras ejercía sus funciones en la autopista Luis A. Ferré, Oficiales de la Uniformada aseguran que la alcaldesa le reclamó al comisionado por no haber utilizado los recursos de la Policía Municipal para escoltar el cortejo fúnebre. En su lugar se usaron recursos del Negociado de la Policía.

El pasado fin de semana se caldearon nuevamente los ánimos cuando un brote de violencia cobró 10 vidas en la ciudad capital entre la noche del viernes y la madrugada del lunes. Aunque oficialmente nadie se expresa, a la Policía le cuesta realizar labores con los guardias municipales de San Juan, cosa que logran con facilidad con los de Carolina, Ponce y Bayamón.
Calixto Rodríguez habría ingresado a la Policía Municipal de San Juan entre 1982 y 1983 y en 1997 pasó a ser uno de los encargados de la seguridad de la alcaldesa. Posteriormente, se convirtió en policía estatal y se jubiló en 2013, aunque mantuvo contratos con el municipio.
EL VOCERO solicitó ayer una entrevista con Cruz Soto sobre la salida de Calixto Rodríguez y no se obtuvo respuesta.

The commissioner of the Municipal Police of San Juan resigns

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The major of San Juan , Carmen Yulín Cruz Soto, accepted today, Tuesday, the resignation of the Commissioner of the Police of said municipality, Guillermo Calixto, effective on June 15.
The first municipal executive said in a press release that from June 16, Deputy Commissioner Raymond Ferrer will be assuming the position on an interim basis.
He maintained that ” besides, immediately, I am designating Captain Ferrer to attend the special operation that we are coordinating in support of the state police for the increase in the criminal incidence that occurred last week in the areas of Río Piedras and Cupey. I am sure that Captain Ferrer will perform, as he has done up to now, with the highest sense of responsibility, the tasks assigned to continue taking all the measures at our disposal to combat the criminal activity that, unfortunately, has experienced an increase in the level of Puerto Rich”.
Calixto Rodríguez is commissioner of the Municipal Police since January 2013, when Cruz began his work as mayor of San Juan.
The commander was one of the agents of the State Police who sued the municipal government of San Juan, for the incident of the Betsy cafeteria, located in the Caimito neighborhood, in which the mayor Jorge Santini was involved.
Guillermo Calixto – Google Search

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Story image for Guillermo Calixto from El Nuevo

José Caldero acepta el reto de liderar la Policía Municipal de San Juan

El Nuevo <a href=”” rel=”nofollow”></a>11 hours ago
… a Guillermo Calixto, quien renunció al cargo a principios de este mes. … salida de Calixto, pero la funcionaria no quiso comentar al respecto.
Vuelve al ruedo Caldero López
El Vocero de Puerto Rico6 hours ago
José Caldero es el nuevo jefe de la Policía municipal de San Juan
InternationalDiario Metro de Puerto RicoJun 18, 2018
Media image for Guillermo Calixto from El Vocero de Puerto Rico

El Vocero de Puerto Rico

Media image for Guillermo Calixto from Primera Hora

Primera Hora

Media image for Guillermo Calixto from NotiCel


Media image for Guillermo Calixto from Hoy Los Angeles

Hoy Los Angeles

Media image for Guillermo Calixto from Diario Metro de Puerto Rico

Diario Metro de Puerto Rico
Story image for Guillermo Calixto from El Nuevo

Renuncia el comisionado de la Policía Municipal de San Juan

El Nuevo <a href=”” rel=”nofollow”></a>Jun 5, 2018
… Yulín Cruz Soto, aceptó hoy, martes, la renuncia del Comisionado de la Policía de dicho municipio, Guillermo Calixto, efectiva el 15 de junio.
Carmen Yulín exime a Caldero de la mordaza que tiene en SJ

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El coronel José Caldero es el nuevo Comisionado de la Policía Municipal de San Juan. (Archivo / NotiCel)

El coronel José Caldero es el nuevo Comisionado de la Policía Municipal de San Juan. (Archivo / NotiCel)

La alcaldesa de San Juan, Carmen Yulín Cruz Soto, admitió que ejerce control sobre las expresiones de todos sus subalternos en el municipio, pero la única excepción a esa normativa lo será el ahora comisionado de la Policía municipal, José Caldero López.
“Cuando tú asumes una posición como la que está asumiendo Caldero tienes que saber que quien está por encima de ti jerárquicamente te va a dar todo su apoyo. No solamente él tiene todo mi apoyo, sino que usualmente, y se los digo aquí, nosotros le requerimos a ustedes, los medios de prensa, que vengan a la oficina de comunicaciones con los directores para que los directores entonces hablen con ustedes”, expresó la alcaldesa en rueda de prensa en el Coliseo Roberto Clemente.
“El coronel Caldero tiene mano libre en hablar con quien él estime necesario en términos de los medios de prensa, sin recibir autorización previa ni de esta servidora ni de la directora de comunicaciones”, agregó Cruz Soto.
En el caso del municipio de San Juan, la práctica común dentro el equipo de comunicaciones que mantiene la alcaldesa es referir cualquier petición de entrevista sobre cualquier asunto de la ciudad capital a la propia Cruz Soto. Esto aún cuando la alcaldesa no sea el recurso con el peritaje en el tema. El obstáculo al libre flujo de la información se agrava si se toma en cuenta que, como ha sucedido, la funcionaria no está disponible al momento de la solicitud, por estar en alguna actividad en uno de sus múltiples viajes fuera del país.
De hecho, la experiencia de este medio ha sido que los jefes de dependencias municipales en San Juan no están autorizados a emitir comentario alguno a los medios y referir la petición a la directora de la Oficina de Comunicación, Carmen Serrano. Por su parte, Serrano ha indicado en varias ocasiones a este medio que la alcaldesa es la única persona que representa el municipio, por lo que funcionarios no están autorizados a hablar con la prensa.
Esta mordaza que impone el municipio se pudo apreciar en marzo de este año cuando se difundió un video de la alcaldesa regañando a un empleado municipal y verbalizando que no puede hablar con la prensa.
Servicios profesionales de Caldero López son a $100 por hora
Caldero López fue contratado por el municipio el pasado viernes 15 de junio bajo la modalidad de servicios profesionales. Esto pese a que el municipio cuenta con el puesto de Comisionado de la Policía, el cual ocupaba Guillermo Calixto antes de su salida.
Tal como adelantó la alcaldesa durante la rueda de prensa, el costo anual del contrato con Caldero López es de $120,000 al año. No obstante, el contrato actual que otorgó el municipio tiene vigencia hasta el próximo 30 de junio, que corresponde al final del presente año fiscal, por una cuantía de $10,000.
La práctica de culminar contratos el 30 de junio de cada año es común dentro el gobierno, como también es común la renovación y establecimiento de nuevos contratos a partir de julio, cuando entra en vigor el nuevo presupuesto del gobierno.
El contrato establece una tarifa de $100 por hora para los servicios de Caldero López. Entre sus responsabilidades figura la coordinación de las dependencias del orden público de San Juan, establecer estrategias anticrimen, servir de enlace con la Policía para la coordinación de adiestramientos, participar en reuniones del equipo municipal y redactar informes estadísticos sobre querellas ciudadanas y delitos,  entre otras.
Curiosamente, aun cuando la alcaldesa eximió a Caldero López de la mordaza impuesta sobre otros funcionarios municipales, el contrato contiene una cláusula de confidencialidad que dispone que en caso que el comisionado divulgue información de índole confidencial para el municipio, sea de forma oral, escrita o de manera electrónica a cualquier persona, se considerará razón suficiente para terminar el acuerdo.

Carmen Yulín 2020 y el efecto Caldero | Opinión

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“Para nosotros una sola vida que se ha perdido es suficiente”. Así comenzó la alcaldesa de San Juan, Carmen Yulín Cruz Soto, la conferencia de prensa que se llevó a cabo ayer en el Coliseo Roberto Clemente para anunciar la designación del coronel José Luis Caldero como comisionado de la Policía Municipal capitalina.
En Análisis 630 por NotiUno habíamos adelantado el pasado viernes que este nombramiento estaba ya adjudicado, lo cual nos llevó a anunciar el título de esta columna, pues entendemos que políticamente es un nombramiento de IMPACTO.
La alcaldesa de San Juan vio la crisis en su abandonado municipio cuando a principios de junio de 2018 se reportaron seis asesinatos en ese primer fin de semana. Según datos publicados en este periódico por el reportero Miguel Rivera Puig, podemos ver que marzo, junio y julio en los pasados años han sido meses calientes con respecto a los asesinatos en la ciudad capital.

Caldero, por su parte, trae en su hoja de servicio el haber comandado durante tres años la superintendencia de la Policía de Puerto Rico bajo la administración de Alejandro García Padilla; unos tres años de baja en prácticamente todas las estadísticas de criminalidad en Puerto Rico. Aun cuando no fue la primera opción de García Padilla para la superintendencia, logró lo que otros no habían podido.
Bajo su mando en la superintendencia, el coronel Caldero dio ascensos a tutiplén, los cuales redundarían en apoyo a sus nuevas funciones. No se ocupó de la División de Drogas y Narcóticos como se requería en aquel momento, lo cual luego llevó a varios arrestos por parte del Negociado Federal de Investigaciones (FBI).
En la conferencia de prensa para anunciar la designación del coronel Caldero, la alcaldesa habló más de las estadísticas de criminalidad en su municipio que de los atributos y necesidades de la Policía Municipal.

Esas conversaciones y negociaciones entre la alcaldesa y Caldero deben haber sido bien interesantes.
Caldero de por sí es un hábil y experimentado negociador y la alcaldesa es de por sí mandona y exhibe quién manda.
Cómo esos dos jueyes machos se van a llevar está por verse. Lo que sí es CLARO para mí es que la alcaldesa necesita urgentemente de Caldero y no él de ella. Por ende, estoy seguro que Caldero le debe haber establecido los límites de su entrometimiento y hasta dónde no será aceptable el maltrato verbal a sus subordinados.

La alcaldesa va a tener que tragar hondo, suprimir sus impulsos de rabia y malacrianzas para que esto funcione, pues si funciona políticamente ella luciría espectacular.
Si ambos logran lo que Caldero anunció ayer en cuanto a “traer paz y seguridad a los residentes y visitantes de San Juan”, esto la pondría a ella en una posición muy ventajosa para lo que decida hacer políticamente de camino al 2020.
Ayer en la conferencia de prensa la alcaldesa llevó varios mensajes, mensajes subliminales, pero directos.
El primero fue que ella no es “anti yankee” y que puede y está trabajando a “full swing” con las autoridades federales.
Esto quedó demostrado con la presencia del “special agent in charge” del FBI para Puerto Rico e Islas Vírgenes, Douglas Leff. También envió un mensaje de compromiso con la reforma de la Policía estatal al invitar y estar allí presente el monitor (para mí es el oficial de probatoria de la Policía de Puerto Rico), Arnaldo Claudio.
La presencia del máximo líder en Puerto Rico del FBI es significativa, pues según se ha publicado en este periódico por Melissa Correa, el FBI está investigando malos manejos en la división de compras del municipio de San Juan, lo cual me llama la atención que la jefa de Fiscalía federal, Rosa Emilia (qué se harían si no nos tuvieran) Rodríguez no estuviese allí.
Mis fuentes me indican que durante el almuerzo en la mesa donde estaban los federales y Caldero se acordó compartir información (sobre la criminalidad) entre los federales y Caldero, algo nunca antes visto. Eso además de las motoras que Caldero pidió y que ya se las aprobó la alcaldesa.
El efecto Caldero ya comenzó a rendir frutos; ahora hay que ver qué va a hacer el gobernador Ricardo Rosselló con la Policía estatal, la cual está en TOTAL y COMPLETO ABANDONO, muy similar a la de la alcaldesa.
Algo bueno va a salir de esta competencia, al menos por ahora para los residentes y visitantes de San Juan; el resto de Puerto Rico tendrá que esperar.

Puerto Rico Officials Investigated for Corruption During Hurricane Relief

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Corruption in Puerto Rico may have been the cause of U.S. relief supplies not reaching those in need following Hurricane Maria in September 2017.
The administration of San Juan Mayor Carmen Yulín Cruz (D), who made headlines for her criticisms of President Donald Trump’s handling of the relief efforts, is now being investigated for alleged corruption.
According to a local news report from El Vocero de Puerto Rico, the FBI is investigating several suppliers for alleged corruption in San Juan.
It says the investigation was launched after former procurement director Yadira Molina filed a lawsuitclaiming she faced punishment for reporting illegal activities to the local comptroller. The investigation has since grown to include several contractors.
“On February 21, Molina sued the city council after reporting alleged acts of corruption in the shopping division in the town hall under the administration of Mayor Carmen Yulín Cruz Soto,” the report says.
The complaint states that Molina was blocked from her right “to report wrongdoing in her capacity as a private citizen, not as a public employee.” It says she was retaliated against for reporting an allegedly rigged system and was fired for attempting to report corruption, and includes other additional claims.
There were many reports following the hurricane that U.S. supplies were trapped in the ports, with local corruption preventing proper distribution. The claims were largely dismissed by legacy news outlets as conspiracy, and were used to frame Trump’s relief efforts in a negative light. The Trump administration later bypassed local officials, and the U.S. military began delivering the goods directly.
Carlos Osorio, the FBI media representative at the San Juan field office, told The Epoch Times in October 2017 that the FBI received several complaints of alleged corruption in the distribution of relief goods, and that the FBI is required to look into criminal complaints.
carmen yulín cruz soto – Google Search

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Story image for carmen yulín cruz soto from Fox News

Trump-bashing Puerto Rican mayor reportedly facing FBI corruption …

Fox News19 hours ago
Mayor Carmen Yulin Cruz and her administration are under fire for … the town hall under the administration of Mayor Carmen Yulin Cruz Soto,” …
Story image for carmen yulín cruz soto from NotiCel

Carmen Yulín exime a Caldero de la mordaza que tiene en SJ

NotiCel3 hours ago
La alcaldesa de San Juan, Carmen Yulín Cruz Soto, admitió que ejerce control sobre las expresiones de todos sus subalternos en el municipio …
José Caldero acepta el reto de liderar la Policía Municipal de San Juan
El Nuevo <a href=”” rel=”nofollow”></a>9 hours ago

Story image for carmen yulín cruz soto from NotiCel

Carmen Yulín nombra nuevo comisionado de la Policía en San Juan

NotiCel18 hours ago
La alcaldesa de San Juan, Carmen Yulín Cruz Soto designó hoy al exsuperintendente de la Policía, José Caldero López, como el …
Story image for carmen yulín cruz soto from BU Today

Mayor of San Juan: What Will You Do in a Moral Crisis?

BU TodayMay 21, 2018
Carmen Yulín Cruz Soto (CAS’84, Hon.’18) recounted her role as global troubadour for her island after Hurricane Maria devastated Puerto Rico …
Story image for carmen yulín cruz soto from The Epoch Times

Puerto Rico Officials Investigated for Corruption During Hurricane Relief

The Epoch TimesJun 12, 2018
The administration of San Juan Mayor Carmen Yulín Cruz (D), who … the administration of Mayor Carmen Yulín Cruz Soto,” the report says.
Hurricane Maria has taken heavy toll on Puerto Rican elderly
InternationalAllentown Morning CallJun 12, 2018
Story image for carmen yulín cruz soto from Elite Daily

Carmen Yulin Cruz’s Boston University Commencement Speech …

Elite DailyMay 21, 2018
Delivered on Sunday, May 20, Carmen Yulín Cruz’s Boston University … San Juan Mayor Carmen Yulín Cruz Soto, a Democrat, is a former …
Story image for carmen yulín cruz soto from El Nuevo

Carmen Yulín Cruz activa personal de emergencia debido a la lluvia

El Nuevo <a href=”” rel=”nofollow”></a>May 31, 2018
La alcaldesa de San Juan, Carmen Yulín Cruz Soto, activó personal de la Oficina Municipal de Manejo de Emergencias, la Policía Municipal, …
Culpan a Carmen Yulín por inundaciones en Caimito
InternationalDiario Metro de Puerto RicoJun 1, 2018
Story image for carmen yulín cruz soto from Townhall

San Juan Mayor Who Criticized Trump Now Being Investigated for …

TownhallJun 13, 2018
San Juan Mayor Carmen Yulín Cruz infamously picked a fight with … the town hall under the administration of Mayor Carmen Yulín Cruz Soto,” …
Francisco Reyes Caparros – Google Search

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Story image for Francisco Reyes Caparros from NotiCel

Rosa Emilia tilda de “inmaduro” al que le ganó demanda de acoso …

NotiCelJun 13, 2018
Luego de que el exempleado de la Fiscalía federal en Puerto Rico, Francisco Reyes Caparrós, realizara expresiones sobre un alegado ambiente de “terror” …
Story image for Francisco Reyes Caparros from NotiCel

Crisis de credibilidad en la Fiscalía federal

NotiCelJun 16, 2018
La discusión pública sobre el desempeño de Rodríguez Vélez se intensificó después de que Francisco Reyes Caparrós, exempleado de la Fiscalía, ganara …
Story image for Francisco Reyes Caparros from El Nuevo

El director del FBI dijo que pronto habrá arrestos por fraude tras María

El Nuevo <a href=”” rel=”nofollow”></a>Jun 12, 2018
Sin embargo, el funcionario no quiso comentar sobre las denuncias hechas por Francisco Reyes Caparróscontra este grupo. Es que el exespecialista de …
José Caldero es el nuevo comisionado de la Policía Municipal de San Juan

mikenova shared this story from Radio Isla 1320 AM.

SAN JUAN (CyberNews) – El exsuperintendente de la Policía, José Caldero es el nuevo comisionado de la Policía Municipal de San Juan.
El anuncio lo hizo el lunes la alcaldesa, Carmen Yulín Cruz.
El exjefe de la Policía capitalina, Guillermo Calixto Rodríguez renunció a ese puesto efectivo el pasado viernes.
Caldero llevaba cerca de 35 años laborando en la Uniformada cuando fue nombrado para dirigir la Policía en 2014 por el exgobernador, Alejandro García Padilla.


Comey: “I Didn’t Know That I Knew” Weiner Was Married to Huma Abedin

mikenova shared this story from Frontpage Mag.

James Comey doesn’t know a whole lot. Whenever he’s asked to testify, out spill a lot of Clintonesque claims of ignorance. But even by the standard of things that Comey doesn’t know, this section from the IG report is truly impressive.
James Comey doesn’t know what he knows.
Act 1: Comey plays really dumb.

“Comey told the OIG that he recalled first learning of the presence of the additional emails on the Weiner laptop at some point in early October 2016, although Comey said it was possible this could have occurred in late September. Comey explained: I was aware sometime in the first week or two of October that there was a laptop that a criminal squad had seized from Anthony Weiner in New York and someone said to me that—and I’m thinking it might have been Andrew McCabe, but someone said to me kind of in passing, they’re trying to figure out whether it has any connection to the Midyear investigation. And the reason that’s so vague in my head is I think—I never imagined that there might be something on a guy named Anthony Weiner’s computer that might connect to the Hillary Clinton email investigation, so I kind of just put it out of my mind.”

Aww shucks. You can’t expect a small town sheriff to stay on top of all this big city stuff. Who knows which aspiring politician the chief gatekeeper to Hillary Clinton is married to? Not an outsider like Jimbo Comey.
Act 2: Comey plays really, really dumb

“Comey described himself as having a “reasonably good memory” and speculated, “[T]he reason I didn’t index it is, it was a passing thing that almost seemed like he might be kidding, and so I don’t think I indexed it hard.”

Which FBI bigwig hasn’t dropped a joke about a presidential candidate’s classified emails illegally ending up on a sex offender suspect’s computer? Wait till you hear the one about the engineer and the stolen atom bomb plans. Or the one about the Muslim terror plot against a Mohammed cartoon contest in Texas.

“And I think it was the beginning of October and then I think it disappears from my memory. And then I remember for certain when Andy emails me, I think it’s the 27th [of October] saying, the Midyear team needs to meet with you urgently or right away or something.”

It’s funny how Comey’s funny memory improves when the thing he’s fudging is documented. It’s…. Clintonesque.
Act 3: Comey doesn’t know what he knows.

“We asked Comey to explain why this initial information about the Weiner laptop did not “index” with him given that Abedin was closely connected to Clinton. Comey stated, “I don’t know that I knew that [Weiner] was married to Huma Abedin at the time.”

Comey doesn’t know what he knows? I hadn’t realized that a Higher Loyalty was meant in a Cheech and Chong way.
This is what you claim when you know there may be documented evidence of you knowing what you claim not to know.
There are known knowns, known unknowns, and unknown unknowns. Also Comey unknowns.

gonen segev – Google Search

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Story image for gonen segev from The Times of Israel

Former Israeli minister Gonen Segev charged with spying for Iran

The Times of Israel7 hours ago
Former energy minister Gonen Segev seen at the Supreme Court in Jerusalem during an appeal hearing on August 18, 2006. (Flash90).
Israel Charges a Former Minister With Spying for Iran
In-DepthNew York Times1 hour ago
Former Israeli minister charged with spying for Iran
InternationalYnetnews3 hours ago
Media image for gonen segev from BBC News

BBC News

Media image for gonen segev from CNN


Media image for gonen segev from Haaretz


Media image for gonen segev from Ynetnews


Media image for gonen segev from RadioFarda


Media image for gonen segev from Arutz Sheva

Arutz Sheva
Story image for gonen segev from The Times of Israel

Report: Israel behind Syria airstrike that killed dozens of regime fighters

The Times of Israel7 hours ago
Former minister Gonen Segev had access to Israeli diplomats and officials in Nigeria at the same time he was allegedly spying for Iran, …
Story image for gonen segev from Yeshiva World News

BREAKING: Former Israeli Minister Gonen Segev Arrested And …

Yeshiva World News7 hours ago
Former Israeli Minister Gonen Segev has been arrested by the Shin Bet, and charged with spying for Iran. Segev has previously been jailed for drug smuggling.
Story image for gonen segev from Jordan Times

‘Israel indicts ex-Cabinet minister over alleged spying for Iran’

Jordan Times27 minutes ago
Former Israeli prime minister Yitzhak Rabin speaks with former energy minister, Gonen Segev, during a conference in Jerusalem, in this file …
Story image for gonen segev from The Times of Israel (blog)

Ex-minister said to claim Iran contacts were to help Israel

The Times of Israel (blog)10 hours ago
Former minister Gonen Segev admitted to investigators was in contact with Iranian officials, but claims he did so in order to help Israel, …

Israel arrests former government minister for Iran spying

<a href=”” rel=”nofollow”></a>5 hours ago
The Shin Bet said Gonen Segev was extradited from Equatorial Guinea and arrested upon arrival in Israel last month on suspicion of ..
‘GOOD POINT!’ James Comey’s professed ignorance about Weiner-Abedin marriage gets ‘even MORE disturbing’ –

mikenova shared this story from

As Twitchy told you last week, the OIG report revealed that super-brilliant former FBI Director James Comey had claimed he was unaware that Anthony Weiner and Huma Abedin were married when he found out about the Hillary Clinton emails on Huma Abedin’s laptop. Assuming he was telling the truth about that and was straight-up admitting to being the only person on the face of the earth who didn’t know Weiner and Abedin were married, this raises a very important point:
And you thought Comey couldn’t possibly come out of this looking any worse.
It’s pretty clear at this point that Comey’s either a liar or an idiot. Neither of those options is comforting given that he was, you know, the director of the friggin’ FBI.
Dr Moreau, the Devil & Genetic Experimentation – YouTube

mikenova shared this story .

Dr Moreau, the Devil & Genetic Experimentation

The Island of Dr. Moreau | Dr moreaus death scene – YouTube

mikenova shared this story .

The Island of Dr. Moreau | Dr moreaus death scene

Secret FBI files on 100,000 Puerto Ricans…thousands arrested…Chaos in 1950 Puerto Rico

mikenova shared this story from WAR AGAINST ALL PUERTO RICANS.

Book - 12-10
              Justice is incidental to law and order. 
– FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover
Starting in the mid-1930s, and continuing for over half a century, the FBI developed a secret information program in Puerto Rico – it was called carpetas. These were secret police files, containing intimate personal information. The files were built by a network of police officers, confidential informants, FBI agents – and the amount of information they contained was staggering.
Over 100,000 Puerto Ricans had carpetas opened on them. Of these, 74,412 were under “political” police surveillance. An additional 60,776 carpetas were opened on vehicles, boats, and organizations. Carpetas were even opened on geographic areas: entire neighborhoods had carpetas filed on them by the FBI. Eventually, the carpetas became a part of the larger COINTELPRO program developed jointly by the FBI and CIA, to monitor and suppress political dissent against the U.S.

Over time, the carpetas eventually totaled 1.8 million pages. The average carpeta contained roughly 20 pages but others were more extensive. The file on Albizu Campos filled two boxes with 4,700 pages.
The information in carpetas included school transcripts; employment history; religious practice; political affiliations; club memberships; bank accounts; property holdings; taxes paid; family and marital records; travel history; auto registration and license plates; meetings attended; publications written or received. They also included personal information: friends, business partners, sexual partners, mistresses, gigolos, debtors and creditors, personal letters (intercepted at the post office), recorded phone calls, photos, wedding lists, laundry tickets and “miscellaneous items.”
The carpetas were used to imprison people, ruin their careers, fire them from their jobs, terminate their education, and permanently discredit them – even if they weren’t members of the Nationalist Party.
One stunning carpeta is the file on Luis Muñoz Marín, the first “democratically elected” governor of Puerto Rico.  His file included this:

FBI Document

According to this document, Governor Luis Muñoz Marín was a narcotics addict, and the U.S. government knew it as of April 1943. Since this information was never released by the FBI, it appears that the U.S. government withheld this information from the general public, so that it could have some “very dirty laundry” on Luis Muñoz Marín.

Gov. Muñoz Marín (seated), after a rough night

In this manner, the U.S. acquired enormous control over Luis Muñoz Marín when he became the “democratically elected” governor of Puerto Rico in 1948. They could expose him as a narcotics addict at any time…so they had the “democratically elected governor” on a very short leash, indeed.
This is a prime example of how the carpetas program was used to control the politics and society of Puerto Rico: through fear, intimidation and outright blackmail. The program was so pervasive, that the following cartoon ran in a Puerto Rican newspaper:

cartoon - Carpeta
Yo se precisamente como cortar tu pelo...
lo veo aquí en tu carpeta.

In the cartoon, a barber tells his client, “I know precisely how to cut your hair…I see it right here in your carpeta.”
A government fund was established in 1999 to assist some of the victims of carpetas. Later in 2000, FBI Director Louis J. Freeh admitted in a House Appropriations subcommittee hearing that: “(T)he FBI did operate a program that did tremendous destruction to many people, to the country and certainly to the FBI.” Freeh then vowed to “redress some of the egregious illegal action, maybe criminal action that occurred in the past.”  Unfortunately by that time, the damage was already done – and the degree of harm caused by these carpetas, had become incalculable. This damage extended beyond any individual or group, and even beyond the issue of independence.
As befits a sun-kissed island with wonderfully fertile soil, Puerto Ricans were an open, gregarious, cheerful people – but sixty years of carpetaspolice informants, and neighbors spying upon each other, had affected the national character of Puerto Rico. It had burned fear, secrecy, lying, betrayal and mistrust into its collective experience.
The carpetas drove a permanent wound into the psyche of Puerto Rico. It is a wound that may never fully heal.
For a more complete understanding of how 100,000 Puerto Ricans were followed by FBI agents, please read…
War Against All Puerto Ricans: Revolution and Terror in America’s ColonyBuy it now

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FBI News Review

9:36 AM 6/20/2018 – Investigators Questioned Giuliani as Part of Leak Inquiry, He Says

Saved Stories – FBI
Democrats divided over Comey’s handling of Clinton probe – Washington Times
Investigators Questioned Giuliani as Part of Leak Inquiry, He Says – New York Times
Peter Strzok, FBI agent removed from Mueller probe, escorted from building – KSJB
Giuliani Promised a Surprise Before the Election. Comey Delivered One. – New York Times
Giuliani: FBI asked me about tease of a ‘surprise’ before election – The Hill
Trump Lawyer Rudy Giuliani to Trump 2020 Campaign Manager Brad Parscale: ‘Keep Quiet’ – Daily Beast
US judge dismisses Charleston shooting lawsuits, criticizes FBI – Reuters
Editorial: Have we lost our Wray? – The Augusta Chronicle
FBI may have modified witness reports, misled DOJ watchdog with ‘false information,’ GOP Rep says – Fox News
US Judge Lambastes FBI Over Dylann Roof’s Gun Purchase – New York Times
Mueller Investigation Is ‘Trying to Frame’ Trump, Giuliani Tells Hannity – Newsweek
Marc Thiessen: The overlooked bombshell of the IG report – Fox News
FOX NEWS FIRST: Strzok escorted from FBI building, but still on payroll; Unruly Dems heckle Trump over immigration – Fox News
Did Putin Buy the World Cup? The FBI’s Not Saying—Yet – Daily Beast
FBI Agents Gave Trump a Weapon Against Mueller. Republicans Are Wielding It. – New York Times
FBI Director Defends Bureau Against Criticism – Voice of America
Two FBI agents sought to ‘stop’ Trump – Fox News
Trump says IG report shows bias at FBI top. IG says bias didn’t taint probe (Corrects Trump quote, adds context) – WTOP
Trump: IG report ‘destroys’ ex-FBI Director Comey – CNN
Giuliani: FBI, prosecutors investigating Trump belong in the psych ward – The Hill
Giuliani: FBI And Prosecutors Investigating Trump Are ‘Wackadoodles’ Who Belong In Psych Ward – Newsweek
WaPo: Former Trump operative Roger Stone met with Russian who wanted $2M for Clinton dirt – CNN
Conway: Has the FBI Agent Who Called Trump Supporters ‘Retarded’ Been Fired Yet? – Townhall
Peter Strzok, FBI agent pulled from Mueller probe over anti-Trump texts, open to testify to Congress – Fox News
Feed Integration by RSS Dog.


Saved Stories – FBI
Investigators Questioned Giuliani as Part of Leak Inquiry, He Says

The president’s lawyer was interviewed as part of an inspector general investigation into leaks to the news media by the F.B.I. during the 2016 campaign.
Democrats divided over Comey’s handling of Clinton probe – Washington Times

Washington Times

Democrats divided over Comey’s handling of Clinton probe
Washington Times
Democrats are deeply divided over fired FBI Director James BComey, with some saying he’s been irreparably damaged by the new inspector general’s report on his handling of the Clinton probe, and others determined to keep him viable as a weapon … 
FBI agents gave Trump a weapon against Mueller. Republicans are wielding it.MyAJC
Investigators Questioned Giuliani as Part of Leak Inquiry, He SaysNew York Times

Left Can’t Face Scornful FBI They CreatedNewsmax 
Strzok was moving to fast-track Russia investigation as he texted vow to ‘stop’ TrumpWorld Tribune
all 1,034 
Robert Kennedy Would Have wanted Hillary ProsecutedWizbang (blog)
World TribuneThe Inquisitr
all 657
 news articles »
Investigators Questioned Giuliani as Part of Leak Inquiry, He Says – New York Times

New York Times

Investigators Questioned Giuliani as Part of Leak Inquiry, He Says
New York Times
The F.B.I. director at the time, James BComey, was criticized in a new inspector general report for flouting Justice Department policy to announce at a news conference in July that the bureau was not recommending she be charged. The investigation was …
Robert Kennedy Would Have wanted Hillary ProsecutedWizbang (blog)
What Did Rudy Giuliani Know? FBI Grilled Donald Trump’s Lawyer About Anti-Clinton Leaks During 2016 ElectionThe Inquisitr
all 26 news articles »
Peter Strzok, FBI agent removed from Mueller probe, escorted from building – KSJB

Peter Strzok, FBI agent removed from Mueller probe, escorted from building
ERSKINE, MN (iNewZ.TV) A man, woman and dog were involved in pickup rollover, on the road, just outside the Union Lake Sarah Campround at 1:33 a.m. this Memorial Day. * Check back later. Waiting for details from Polk County Sheriff’s Dept. * Honda …
and more »
Giuliani Promised a Surprise Before the Election. Comey Delivered One. – New York Times

New York Times

Giuliani Promised a Surprise Before the Election. Comey Delivered One.
New York Times
Richard Blumenthal of Connecticut asked. “Senator, I’m certainly not aware of any,” Mr. Wray replied. Last week, the Justice Department released a 500-page report on the F.B.I.’s work in its 2016 investigation of Hillary Clinton’s use of a private 
and more »
Giuliani: FBI asked me about tease of a ‘surprise’ before election – The Hill

The Hill

Giuliani: FBI asked me about tease of a ‘surprise’ before election
The Hill
“Did I get any leaks from the FBI? I said no,” Giuliani said Tuesday, reiterating that the “surprise” he mentioned in October 2016 was for a 20-minute national television ad he wanted Trump to buy to deliver a speech “hitting very hard on the Comey
Giuliani says FBI agents interviewed him on behalf of DOJ watchdogFox News
Rudy Giuliani reveals FBI agents questioned him about possible Clinton probe leaks that proved beneficial to TrumpNew York Daily News 
The FBI’s New York Office Really Hated Hillary ClintonMother Jones
all 45 
Investigators Questioned Giuliani as Part of Leak Inquiry, He SaysNew York Times
all 30
 news articles »
Trump Lawyer Rudy Giuliani to Trump 2020 Campaign Manager Brad Parscale: ‘Keep Quiet’ – Daily Beast

Daily Beast

Trump Lawyer Rudy Giuliani to Trump 2020 Campaign Manager Brad Parscale: ‘Keep Quiet’
Daily Beast
In any case, “Mueller’s team is falling apart,” he said, pointing to FBI agent Peter Strzok’s removal from the FBI premises on Tuesday after a Justice Department inspector general report faulted him with improper conduct during the investigations into
and more »
US judge dismisses Charleston shooting lawsuits, criticizes FBI – Reuters


US judge dismisses Charleston shooting lawsuits, criticizes FBI
(Reuters) – A federal judge has dismissed 16 lawsuits filed by survivors of a 2015 mass shooting at a South Carolina church who sued the government over the failure of an FBI-run background check system to prevent the purchase of the murder weapon. 
US Judge Lambastes FBI Over Dylann Roof’s Gun PurchaseNew York Times

Judge throws out Charleston church shooting victims lawsuits against
Judge dismisses lawsuits from Charleston church shooting victims filed against the FBIWYFF Greenville
all 40
 Emanuel lawsuits, says FBI can fix gun checksThe State
Judge crucifies FBI for failed Dylann Roof background check in Emanuel AME shootingABC NEWS 4
all 29 
news articles »
Editorial: Have we lost our Wray? – The Augusta Chronicle

The Augusta Chronicle

Editorial: Have we lost our Wray?
The Augusta Chronicle
We hope we’re wrong. But James Comey’s replacement as head of the FBI, Christopher Wray, doesn’t give us much hope for a turnaround at the embattled agency. “We may never know what happened to James Comey. It may become one of the great …
FBI may have modified witness reports, misled DOJ watchdog with ‘false information,’ GOP Rep says – Fox News

Fox News

FBI may have modified witness reports, misled DOJ watchdog with ‘false information,’ GOP Rep says
Fox News
C, also raised the possibility that the FBI misled the DOJ watchdog in an attempt to hide the identities of FBI employees who were caught sending anti-Trump messages. The House Judiciary and Oversight committees were questioning Justice Department … 
FBI Agents Gave Trump a Weapon Against Mueller. Republicans Are Wielding It.New York Times

Agent Who Sent Anti-Trump Text Messages Escorted From FBI BuildingNPR
Congress missed its chance to start fixing the FBINew York Post 
FBI agent Strzok escorted from FBI building FridayCNN
 Wall Street Journal Department of Justice
all 1,126 Politico
all 1,034
news articles »
US Judge Lambastes FBI Over Dylann Roof’s Gun Purchase – New York Times

New York Times

US Judge Lambastes FBI Over Dylann Roof’s Gun Purchase
New York Times
“We are all sick this happened,” James BComey, the former F.B.I. director, said when explaining the background check failures weeks later. “We wish we could turn back time. From this vantage point, everything seems obvious.” Mr. Roof, a white
and more »
Mueller Investigation Is ‘Trying to Frame’ Trump, Giuliani Tells Hannity – Newsweek


Mueller Investigation Is ‘Trying to Frame’ Trump, Giuliani Tells Hannity
Donald Trump’s lawyer Rudy Giuliani told Fox News host Sean Hannity that he believes special counsel Robert Mueller is “trying to frame” the president. Russia is accused by American intelligence agencies of attempting to undermine the presidential  
‘Fire MuellerNational Review
Giuliani suggests Trump may pardon Manafort after Mueller’s probeThe Oakland Press
all 33 news articles »
and more »
Marc Thiessen: The overlooked bombshell of the IG report – Fox News

Washington Times

Marc Thiessen: The overlooked bombshell of the IG report
Fox News
Before the report was released, we knew from Comey’s July 2016 statement that Clinton’s private emails included “seven e-mail chains concern matters that were classified at the Top Secret/Special Access Program level when they were sent and received.
Democrats divided over Comey’s handling of Clinton probeWashington Times 
But her emails? You’re dang right her emails.Washington Post
FBI agents gave Trump a weapon against Mueller. Republicans are wielding it.MyAJC
Department of Justice
all 1,114 
FBI Agents Gave Trump a Weapon Against Mueller. Republicans Are Wielding It.New York Times
Mueller Removed FBI Agent From Russia Probe Over Anti-Trump MessagesNPR
all 859
 news articles »
FOX NEWS FIRST: Strzok escorted from FBI building, but still on payroll; Unruly Dems heckle Trump over immigration – Fox News

Fox News

FOX NEWS FIRST: Strzok escorted from FBI building, but still on payroll; Unruly Dems heckle Trump over immigration
Fox News
THE LEAD STORY – STRZOK ‘ESCORTED,’ BUT STILL ON PAYROLL: Peter Strzok, the FBI agent under fire over a series of anti-Trump text messages, was “escorted” from the FBI building, his lawyer confirmed to Fox News . … Strzok is still employed by the FBI 
and more »
Did Putin Buy the World Cup? The FBI’s Not Saying—Yet – Daily Beast

Daily Beast

Did Putin Buy the World Cup? The FBI’s Not Saying—Yet
Daily Beast
LONDON—When players break the rules on the soccer pitch, the referee blows the whistle. When politicians and oligarchs break the rules, and laws, to win the multibillion-dollar hosting rights for the soccer World Cup, they seem to think they’re 
FBI Agents Gave Trump a Weapon Against Mueller. Republicans Are Wielding It. – New York Times

New York Times

FBI Agents Gave Trump a Weapon Against Mueller. Republicans Are Wielding It.
New York Times
WASHINGTON — President Trump’s congressional allies trained their fire on the special counsel investigation on Tuesday, armed anew with a damaging report showing that the lead F.B.I. agent assigned to the case held strong anti-Trump views when the …
FBI may have modified witness reports, misled DOJ watchdog with ‘false information,’ GOP Rep saysFox News
House GOPer unmasks identities of anti-Trump FBI agentsNew York Post
FBI agent Strzok escorted from FBI building FridayCNN
Chicago Tribune
all 805 news articles »
FBI Director Defends Bureau Against Criticism – Voice of America

Voice of America

FBI Director Defends Bureau Against Criticism
Voice of America
FBI Director Christopher Wray defended the bureau on Monday against criticisms leveled by Republicans following a scathing inspector general report about its handling of the 2016 Hillary Clinton email server investigation. Appearing before the Senate …
FBI director charts way forward after harsh criticism from inspector generalWashington Post
Director: FBI won’t repeat mistakes noted in watchdog reportSanta Fe New Mexican
Report Criticizes Comey but Finds No Bias in FBI Decision on ClintonNew York Times
The HillDepartment of Justice
all 5,645 won’t repeat Clinton probe mistakes, director tells panelPress Herald
Horowitz, FBI boss Christopher Wray face Senate grilling on bombshell reportFox News
Inspector General Disputes Trump’s Exoneration ClaimWall Street Journal
all 646
news articles »
Two FBI agents sought to ‘stop’ Trump – Fox News

Fox News

Two FBI agents sought to ‘stop’ Trump
Fox News
KURTZ: About his angry rhetoric towards the president and his criticism of the press especially Fox News. I’m Howard Kurtz and this is “Media Buzz.” The Justice Department’s inspector general ripped James Comey in that report, finding that the former 
Trump says IG report shows bias at FBI top. IG says bias didn’t taint probe (Corrects Trump quote, adds context) – WTOP

Trump says IG report shows bias at FBI top. IG says bias didn’t taint probe (Corrects Trump quote, adds context)
WASHINGTON (AP) — Trump says IG report shows bias at FBI top. IG says bias didn’t taint probe (Corrects Trump quote, adds context). Copyright © 2018 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, written or …
and more »
Trump: IG report ‘destroys’ ex-FBI Director Comey – CNN


Trump: IG report ‘destroys’ ex-FBI Director Comey
Washington (CNN) President Donald Trump on Saturday continued to try to capitalize on the Justice Department’s internal watchdog report on the department’s handling of the Hillary Clinton email probe in an attempt to discredit special counsel Robert …
FBI agent’s text disclosed by Justice watchdog: ‘We’ll stop’ Trump from becoming presidentCNBC
Top Agent Said FBI Would Stop Trump From Becoming PresidentNew York Times
FBI Report: Anti-Trump Texts ‘Cast a Cloud’ Over Email
NECNThe Hill
Inspector general report could convince even skeptics of FBI’s anti-Trump biasThe Hill
Trump claims he’s ‘totally exonerated’ by Justice report, and that FBI was ‘plotting against my election’Washington Post
 –Department of Justice

all 5,305 4,741 news articles »
Giuliani: FBI, prosecutors investigating Trump belong in the psych ward – The Hill

The Hill

Giuliani: FBI, prosecutors investigating Trump belong in the psych ward
The Hill
… suggested on Saturday that FBI agents and special counsel prosecutors should go to a psychiatric ward instead of investigating Trump. “Instead of investigating President Trump, they should go to Bellevue,” Giuliani said, referencing the infamous  
Giuliani: FBI And Prosecutors Investigating Trump Are ‘Wackadoodles’ Who Belong In Psych WardNewsweek
Giuliani suggests Trump may pardon Manafort after Mueller’s probeWashington Post
A Review of Various Actions by the Federal Bureau of Investigation and 
Goodlatte moves to subpoena FBI agent accused of anti-Trump biasPolitico
Trump pounces on Justice Department report findingsCNN
As Mueller moves to finalize obstruction report, Trump’s allies ready for political battleChicago Tribune
 Department of Justice in Advance of the 2016 …Department of Justice 

New York Daily News
all 301 390 news articles »
Giuliani: FBI And Prosecutors Investigating Trump Are ‘Wackadoodles’ Who Belong In Psych Ward – Newsweek


Giuliani: FBI And Prosecutors Investigating Trump Are ‘Wackadoodles’ Who Belong In Psych Ward
President Donald Trump’s lawyer Rudy Giuliani has commented that the FBI agents and prosecutors investigating the president were “wackadoodles” who belong in a psychiatric ward. Speaking at a campaign rally for Republican Dan Donovan on Saturday, …
Giuliani: FBI, prosecutors investigating Trump belong in the psych wardThe Hill 
Giuliani suggests Trump may pardon Manafort after Mueller’s probeWashington Post
all 635 
Rudy Giuliani: No regrets saying FBI agents, prosecutors involved in Trump-Russia case belong in psych wardWashington Examiner
Giuliani: Trump won’t pardon targets in Russia probe while investigation is taking placeUSA TODAY
Washington PostIdaho StatesmanDepartment of JusticeNew York Daily News
all 461
 news articles »
WaPo: Former Trump operative Roger Stone met with Russian who wanted $2M for Clinton dirt – CNN


WaPo: Former Trump operative Roger Stone met with Russian who wanted $2M for Clinton dirt
The disclosure of the meeting comes a month after multiple reports that the FBI dispatched a confidential source to speak with at least two advisers to Trump’s presidential campaign after the bureau obtained evidence that the aides had ties to Russia.
Roger Stone: Russian wanted Trump to pay $2M for dirt on Clinton during the campaignThe Hill
Trump associate Roger Stone reveals new contact with Russian national during 2016 campaignChicago Tribune
all 62 news articles »
Conway: Has the FBI Agent Who Called Trump Supporters ‘Retarded’ Been Fired Yet? – Townhall


Conway: Has the FBI Agent Who Called Trump Supporters ‘Retarded’ Been Fired Yet?
On September 9th, the same day that Hillary Clinton would go on to refer to President Trump’s supporters as irredeemable and deplorable. The same day, an FBI agent according to the IG report referred to Trump’s supporters in Iowa, excuse me, Ohio as …
and more »
Peter Strzok, FBI agent pulled from Mueller probe over anti-Trump texts, open to testify to Congress – Fox News

Fox News

Peter Strzok, FBI agent pulled from Mueller probe over anti-Trump texts, open to testify to Congress
Fox News
Horowitz cited numerous exchanges between Strzok and Page, who were in a romantic relationship, but ultimately concluded that there was no evidence that anti-Trump bias played a role in the FBI’s investigation of Hillary Clinton’s private email server.
and more »