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Skripal, Yanukovych, Deripaska, Firtash, Mogilevich, Vekselberg, Akhmetov – (Sounds Like a Law Firm but it ain't. – M.N.) – Google Search – 8:04 AM 10/9/2018

Image result for Skripal, Yanukovych, Deripaska, Firtash, Mogilevich, Vekselberg, AkhmetovSkripal, Yanukovych, Deripaska, Firtash, Mogilevich, Vekselberg, Akhmetov – (Sounds Like a Law Firm but it ain’t. – M.N.) – Google Search
Mike Nova’s Shared NewsLinks

Mike Nova’s Shared NewsLinks
Skripal, Yanukovych, Deripaska, Firtash, Mogilevich, Vekselberg, Akhmetov – Google Search
Skripal, Yanukovych, Deripaska, Firtash, Mogilevich, Vekselberg, Akhmetov – Google Search
Skripal, Yanukovych, Deripaska, Firtash, Mogilevich, Vekselberg, Akhmetov – Google Search
Skripal, Yanukovych, Deripaska, Firtash, Mogilevich, Vekselberg, Akhmetov – Google Search
Skripal, Yanukovych, Deripaska, Firtash, Mogilevich, Vekselberg, Akhmetov – Google Search
Skripal, Yanukovych, Deripaska, Firtash, Mogilevich, Vekselberg, Akhmetov – Google Search
Skripal, Yanukovych, Deripaska, Firtash, Mogilevich, Vekselberg, Akhmetov – Google Search
Trump Campaign Aide Requested Online Manipulation Plans From Israeli Intelligence Firm – New York Times
The Skripal Revenge | Russia News
Фант — Википедия
oleg deripaska – Google Search
budyonny – Google Search
budyonny – Google Search
budyonny – Google Search
apt 28 – Google Search
В ГРУ нашли виновного в провалах — Блоги — Эхо Москвы, 09.10.2018
budenovka – Google Search
budenovka – Google Search
budenovka – Google Search
oleg deripaska – Google Search
oleg deripaska – Google Search
FBI ‘freezes US assets’ of Putin ally Oleg Deripaska
Putin’s ‘hero of Russia’ has been accused of the Skripal poisoning, but four years ago he possibly led a key attack against Ukraine. Here’s what happened
Фантик — Википедия
‘A tradition:’ Autumn Jubilee shines in 39th year – Google Search
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Mike Nova’s Shared NewsLinks
Skripal, Yanukovych, Deripaska, Firtash, Mogilevich, Vekselberg, Akhmetov – Google Search

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Skripal, Yanukovych, Deripaska, Firtash, Mogilevich, Vekselberg, Akhmetov – Google Search

mikenova shared this story .

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Skripal, Yanukovych, Deripaska, Firtash, Mogilevich, Vekselberg, Akhmetov – Google Search

mikenova shared this story .

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Skripal, Yanukovych, Deripaska, Firtash, Mogilevich, Vekselberg, Akhmetov – Google Search

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Skripal, Yanukovych, Deripaska, Firtash, Mogilevich, Vekselberg, Akhmetov – Google Search

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Skripal, Yanukovych, Deripaska, Firtash, Mogilevich, Vekselberg, Akhmetov – Google Search

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Skripal, Yanukovych, Deripaska, Firtash, Mogilevich, Vekselberg, Akhmetov – Google Search

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Story image for Skripal, Yanukovych, Deripaska, Firtash, Mogilevich, Vekselberg, Akhmetov from Hill Reporter (blog)

How Cohen’s and Manafort’s Ukraine Ties Tell the Deeper Story of …

Hill Reporter (blog)Aug 1, 2018
Ivankov reported to Russian mafia “boss of bosses” Semion Mogilevich, perhaps …. Manafort and Gates even allegedly worked directly with Firtash to launder some of … Oleg Deripaska on various projects serving Russia’s and/or Putin’s interests and … Yanukovych financier Akhmetov had apparently narrowly missed out on …
Trump Campaign Aide Requested Online Manipulation Plans From Israeli Intelligence Firm – New York Times

mikenova shared this story from Top Stories – Google News.

New York Times
Trump Campaign Aide Requested Online Manipulation Plans From Israeli Intelligence Firm
New York Times
Rick Gates, a top Trump campaign aide, expressed interest in an Israeli company’s proposal for a social media manipulation effort in 2016, documents and interviews show.CreditCreditDamon Winter/The New York Times. By Mark Mazzetti, Ronen Bergman, …
New York Times: Top Trump campaign official requested online manipulation plans from Israeli companyCNN
Rick Gates solicited social media manipulation proposals to boost Trump campaignWashington Examinerall 72 news articles »
The Skripal Revenge | Russia News

mikenova shared this story from Russia News.

The Skripal Revenge: “Будёновцы”! | «Ещё бы буденовки надели»!!! – 10.9.18 – They should have put on their “budenovka” hats, too!!! – В ГРУ нашли виновного в провалах — Блоги — Эхо Москвы, 09.10.2018

The Skripal Revenge

Did Skripal arrange all that to denigrate the GRU and to present them as the “hapless amateurs”, AS HIS REVENGE?!

Hypothetically, it is also possible that Skripal had organized this “plot”, including his “poisoning”, himself, in order to gain publicity, to get his share of the royalties from the book “The Skripal File”, and to exact the revenge on his former colleagues who jailed him. It is also possible that he introduced, skillfully, the implied allegation about the possible connections between the Ukrainian Intelligence, that he apparently was very close with, the Donbass separatists, the GRU (or more exactly, the Yanukovych) affiliated units, such as “Wagner Group”, and the “New Abwehr”, in order to demonstrate the GRU’s “incompetence”. Skripal has very big ego, extraordinary skills, experience, and connections, and he is perfectly capable of pulling this off. 
Me zinkz, humbly, that this line of thought should be investigated further, and very thoroughly. 
The “Operation Trump”, with its “demonstrative operational sloppiness”, so to speak, might also be a part of the “Skripal Revenge” phenomenon, with the similar aims: to sarcastically denigrate the GRU as the “hopeless and hapless amateurs” they became after “His Majesty” Skripal was separated from the agency; with the larger and more practical goal of manipulating the Trump Presidency into supporting “Yanukovich for Ukraine” via Manafort and Deripaska. And with even broader and the most ultimate, truly “New Abwehrian” in scope and breadth, goal of solidifying the gain of Ukraine into the German sphere of influence and limiting it to the others, including both Russia and the U.S. (See the German Hypothesis of “Trump – Russia Affair“.) This gain includes very much the relative realignment and reintegration of their respective Intelligence Services, of course. 
And since Skripal most likely, was the “New Abwehr’s” agent from the beginning, under the multiple covers; this whole “affair”, or the series of affairs related to Skripal starting from his release in 2010, is just the “Skripal chapter” in their  book, where everything is planned and staged for years ahead. 
Do they, the New Abwehr, plan to behead the Russian Military Intelligence in the same way they beheaded the US intelligence (Gen. Petreus) and some others, years ago?
Do they try to correct the strategic “mistakes of the past”, do they try now to finish off America first, and Russia second; and invisibly, this time? 
Think about it. 
Michael Novakhov
M.N.: These and other postcards might have been sent by Mr. Skripal himself, or by his true handlers, the New Abwehr. 

SALISBURY POISONING – Novichok Signatures

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The Coloring Of Troops: they stand on the common neo-auburn ground. 
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Salisbury Poisonings and Sergey Skripal
Salisbury Poisoning 2018 News Review from mikenova (8 sites) – Headlines

Salisbury Poisoning 2018 News Review from mikenova (18 sites)
Novichok Signatures – Google News: Identity of second Russian Novichok suspect uncovered – he’s thought to be a military doctor – TVNZ
salisbury poisoning – Google News: Salisbury FC: The non-league club offering a city relief from poisoning crisis – BBC Sport
Germany AND Novichok – Google News: Climate Change, Saudi Consulate, Bulgaria: Your Tuesday Briefing – New York Times
Sergei Skripal – Google News: Salisbury poisoning: Bellingcat identifies second Skripal suspect – KEYT
salisbury poisoning – Google News: Salisbury poisoning: Bellingcat identifies second Skripal suspect – KRTV Great Falls News
salisbury poisoning – Google News: Salisbury poisoning: Bellingcat identifies second Skripal suspect – CNN International
salisbury novichok – Google News: Second Salisbury Novichok suspect named as GRU doctor Alexander Mishkin – The Irish Sun
salisbury poisoning – Google News: Skripal attack: Second Russian Salisbury suspect named – BBC News
Sergei Skripal – Google News: Skripal attack: Second Russian Salisbury suspect named – BBC News
Germany AND Novichok – Google News: Online investigators identify second Skripal poisoner as GRU doctor – Herald-Mail Media
salisbury poisoning – Google News: Salisbury poisoning: What we know about doctor accused of nerve agent attack – Yahoo News UK
salisbury poisoning – Google News: Salisbury poisoning: What we know about doctor accused of nerve agent attack – Yorkshire Coast Radio
salisbury poisoning – Google News: Report: UK poison suspect is doctor for Russian intelligence – KLFY
salisbury poisoning – Google News: 2nd suspect in UK poisoning is doctor for Russian intelligence, group says – CBS News
Sergei Skripal – Google News: Novichok attack: Second Sergei Skripal poisoning suspect named as Russian military doctor by UK media – ABC News
Sergei Skripal – Google News: Second Skripal poisoning suspect named as ‘Russian GRU doctor’ – FRANCE 24
salisbury novichok – Google News: Extra costs of Novichok poisonings for Wiltshire Police revealed – Salisbury Journal
Sergei Skripal – Google News: Report: UK poison suspect is doctor for Russian intelligence – WCJB
salisbury poisoning – Google News: Report: UK poison suspect is doctor for Russian intelligence – WCJB
salisbury poisoning – Google News: Report: UK poison suspect is doctor for Russian intelligence – 13abc Action News
Sergei Skripal – Google News: Report: UK poison suspect is doctor for Russian intelligence – KOLO


Image result for budenovka


«Ещё бы буденовки надели»!!!

Image result for budyonny
Semyon Budyonny – That’s the WHISKERS!
“Во время учебы в ВДА, Бахтина с семьей поселили в общежитии Российского государственного гуманитарного университета по адресу Кировоградская улица, 25, корп. 1. Проживал «студент» Бахтин в квартире № 10,

а в квартире № 28 

жил теперь уже знаменитый на весь мир один из «отравителей» Скрипалей Анатолий Чепига, он же Руслан Боширов.”

Is this the same “Apt 28“?

Image result for apt 28

Salisbury poisoning: Bellingcat identifies second Skripal suspect – CNN International
Tue, 09 Oct 2018 02:31:59 GMT

CNN International
Salisbury poisoning: Bellingcat identifies second Skripal suspect
CNN International
… Metropolitan Police Service said it would not comment on speculation regarding the true identities of the two men accused of poisoning Russian spy Sergei Skripal and his daughter with the nerve agent Novichok in the southern English city of 
Skripal attack: Second Russian Salisbury suspect namedBBC News
Second Skripal Poisoning Suspect Identified as Dr. Alexander Mishkinbellingcatall 733 news articles »


В ГРУ нашли виновного в провалах — Блоги — Эхо Москвы, 09.10.2018

Сергей Канев: В ГРУ нашли виновного в провалах: им оказался близкий друг Чепиги-Боширова — полковник Константин Бахтин
В минувшую субботу в Минобороны РФ прошло секретное совещание по следам громких провалов российской военной разведки в США, Англии, Голландии и Черногории. Среди прочих нелестных оценок звучали «дремучая некомпетентность», «беспредельное разгильдяйство», «дебилы» и «еще бы буденовки надели». Судя по всему, скоро в Главном управлении Генштаба РФ (ранее ГРУ) предстоит большая зачистка, и некоторых генералов попросят на выход.
В числе прочих виновных в неудачах разведки назвали работающего под «крышей» посольства РФ в Нидерландах полковника ГРУ Константина Бахтина, который оказался близким другом «отравителя» Скрипалей Анатолия Чепиги («Руслан Боширов»).
По словам источника «Центра Досье», в штаб-квартире ГРУ (в/ч 45 807, на сленге разведчиков — «Аквариум») детально проанализировали действия всех групп, засланных проводить диверсии и спецмероприятия за рубежом. Итог оказался неутешительным: сами разведчики и их непосредственные командиры не соблюдали элементарных основ нелегальной и агентурной работы за рубежом, общались между собой по телефонным номерам, зарегистрированным в московском регионе, а сами разговоры с указанием подробностей велись почти открытым текстом.
Особый разнос получили кибер-диверсанты, пытавшиеся взломать компьютерную сеть Организации по запрещению химического оружия (ОЗХО) в Гааге.
Как известно, в апреле этого года возле штаб-квартиры ОЗХО полиция Нидерландов задержала с поличным четверых россиян, имевших при себе дипломатические паспорта на имя Олега Сотникова, Алексея Моренца, Евгения Серебрякова и Алексея Минина. При задержании Моренец пытался разбить свой телефон, а при досмотре у него была обнаружена квитанция на поездку на такси в аэропорт Шереметьево от Несвижского переулка, где расположен комплекс зданий Минобороны РФ, в том числе в/ч № 26 165, в которой он официально служит. Моренец сохранил квитанцию для отчета в бухгалтерии воинской части.

По данным «Центра Досье», руководил группой хакеров в погонах кадровый офицер ГРУ Алексей Минин, окончивший 1-й факультет Военно-Дипломатической академии (ВДА), расположенной в Москве на ул. Народного ополчения дом 50 (в/ч 22 177, на языке грушников — «Консерватория»). Выпускники 1-го факультета ВДА (стратегическая агентурная разведка, на сленге грушников «пиджаки») в дальнейшем работают под «крышами» российских посольств, Аэрофлота и внешнеэкономических организаций. Еще один задержанный Евгений Серебряков служил в в/ч 26 165, которая расположена по адресу Комсомольский проспект дом 20, а Олег Сотников поступил в военную разведку после учебы в МАДИ.
По словам все того же источника в военном ведомстве, диверсанты изначально были обречены на провал: «Голландская контрразведка пасла их с самого начала. Скорее всего, они прослушивали телефон второго секретаря нашего посольства Кости Бахтина, который постоянно созванивался с «Хорошевкой» (в/ч 45 807) и обсуждал детали операции. Он, кстати, отвечал и за техническую сторону и передал этим придуркам нужную аппаратуру. В ближайшее время его отзовут в Москву и, возможно, снимут не только погоны».

Как удалось выяснить, полковник Константин Бахтин родился в 1978 году в Башкирии и проходил службу в в/ч 54 902 в Хабаровском крае, больше известной как военный аэродром Гаровка-2. В дальнейшем воинскую часть расформировали, а Бахтина, после собеседования, откомандировали в ВДА, и он поступил слушателем на 1-й факультет (стратегическая агентурная разведка).

Во время учебы в ВДА, Бахтина с семьей поселили в общежитии Российского государственного гуманитарного университета по адресу Кировоградская улица, 25, корп. 1. Проживал «студент» Бахтин в квартире № 10, а в квартире № 28 жил теперь уже знаменитый на весь мир один из «отравителей» Скрипалей Анатолий Чепига, он же Руслан Боширов. Чепиги и Бахтины дружили семьями и вместе отмечали праздники. Потом Бахтина отправили в посольство РФ в Нидерландах, и в качестве 2-го секретаря он усиленно искал агентурные подходы к международной следственной группе, расследующей обстоятельства гибели в 2014 году в небе над Донецкой областью малайзийского Боинга (по версии следствия, пассажирский лайнер был сбит российским комплексом «Бук», погибли 298 человек). А в последнее время полковник Бахтин координировал подготовку спецопераций по кибератакам на штаб-квартиру ОЗХО в Гааге.

По данным Судебного участка № 164 Тушинского района Москвы, в 2016 году Бахтину присудили штраф 30 тыс. рублей, но выяснить, где и как «накосячил» полковник, нам не удалось.

Тем временем, в Минобороны ходят усиленные слухи, что в середине сентября на ковер к Путину вызывали начальника Главного управления генштаба ВС РФ (ранее ГРУ) генерал-полковника Игоря Коробова, и по возвращении домой ему стало плохо.
Генерал Коробов проживает с супругой в элитном жилом комплексе «Ближняя дача» на Староволынской улице, в котором получили квартиры высокопоставленные чиновники, генералы ФСБ, ФСО, МВД и Следственного комитета. «Многоуровневая система безопасности, созданная в нашем комплексе соответствует уровню VIP, обеспечивает надежную охрану жителей нашего дома и членов их семей. Собственная инфраструктура предназначенная только для жителей комплекса, избавит вас от ненужных контактов», — указано на сайте ЖК «Ближняя дача».

Не исключено, что до конца года Коробова снимут с должности, а на его место поставят родившегося в Ленинграде генерала Сергея Гизунова. Питерца Гизунова называют глазами и ушами Путина в военной разведке. Биография путинского «смотрящего» строго засекречена, но имеется одна любопытная подробность: в сентябре 1999 года оперативники из ОВД «Черемушки» за хранение оружия задержали уроженца Украины Анатолия Девятку и провели у него обыск. Среди вещей обнаружилась визитка тогда еще подполковника Гизунова.

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    Сергей Канев: В ГРУ нашли виновного в провалах: им оказался близкий друг Чепиги-Боширова — полковник Константин Бахтин #salisburypoisoning #feedly

    Блоги / МБХ медиа: Сергей Канев: В ГРУ нашли виновного в провалах

    По словам все того же источника в военном ведомстве, диверсанты изначально были обречены на провал…

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apt 28 – Google Search

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В ГРУ нашли виновного в провалах — Блоги — Эхо Москвы, 09.10.2018

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Сергей Канев: В ГРУ нашли виновного в провалах: им оказался близкий друг Чепиги-Боширова — полковник Константин Бахтин
В минувшую субботу в Минобороны РФ прошло секретное совещание по следам громких провалов российской военной разведки в США, Англии, Голландии и Черногории. Среди прочих нелестных оценок звучали «дремучая некомпетентность», «беспредельное разгильдяйство», «дебилы» и «еще бы буденовки надели». Судя по всему, скоро в Главном управлении Генштаба РФ (ранее ГРУ) предстоит большая зачистка, и некоторых генералов попросят на выход.
2988732В числе прочих виновных в неудачах разведки назвали работающего под «крышей» посольства РФ в Нидерландах полковника ГРУ Константина Бахтина, который оказался близким другом «отравителя» Скрипалей Анатолия Чепиги («Руслан Боширов»).
По словам источника «Центра Досье», в штаб-квартире ГРУ (в/ч 45 807, на сленге разведчиков — «Аквариум») детально проанализировали действия всех групп, засланных проводить диверсии и спецмероприятия за рубежом. Итог оказался неутешительным: сами разведчики и их непосредственные командиры не соблюдали элементарных основ нелегальной и агентурной работы за рубежом, общались между собой по телефонным номерам, зарегистрированным в московском регионе, а сами разговоры с указанием подробностей велись почти открытым текстом.
Особый разнос получили кибер-диверсанты, пытавшиеся взломать компьютерную сеть Организации по запрещению химического оружия (ОЗХО) в Гааге.
Как известно, в апреле этого года возле штаб-квартиры ОЗХО полиция Нидерландов задержалас поличным четверых россиян, имевших при себе дипломатические паспорта на имя Олега Сотникова, Алексея Моренца, Евгения Серебрякова и Алексея Минина. При задержании Моренец пытался разбить свой телефон, а при досмотре у него была обнаружена квитанция на поездку на такси в аэропорт Шереметьево от Несвижского переулка, где расположен комплекс зданий Минобороны РФ, в том числе в/ч № 26 165, в которой он официально служит. Моренец сохранил квитанцию для отчета в бухгалтерии воинской части.

По данным «Центра Досье», руководил группой хакеров в погонах кадровый офицер ГРУ Алексей Минин, окончивший 1-й факультет Военно-Дипломатической академии (ВДА), расположенной в Москве на ул. Народного ополчения дом 50 (в/ч 22 177, на языке грушников — «Консерватория»). Выпускники 1-го факультета ВДА (стратегическая агентурная разведка, на сленге грушников «пиджаки») в дальнейшем работают под «крышами» российских посольств, Аэрофлота и внешнеэкономических организаций. Еще один задержанный Евгений Серебряков служил в в/ч 26 165, которая расположена по адресу Комсомольский проспект дом 20, а Олег Сотников поступил в военную разведку после учебы в МАДИ.
По словам все того же источника в военном ведомстве, диверсанты изначально были обречены на провал: «Голландская контрразведка пасла их с самого начала. Скорее всего, они прослушивали телефон второго секретаря нашего посольства Кости Бахтина, который постоянно созванивался с «Хорошевкой» (в/ч 45 807) и обсуждал детали операции. Он, кстати, отвечал и за техническую сторону и передал этим придуркам нужную аппаратуру. В ближайшее время его отзовут в Москву и, возможно, снимут не только погоны».
Как удалось выяснить, полковник Константин Бахтин родился в 1978 году в Башкирии и проходил службу в в/ч 54 902 в Хабаровском крае, больше известной как военный аэродром Гаровка-2. В дальнейшем воинскую часть расформировали, а Бахтина, после собеседования, откомандировали в ВДА, и он поступил слушателем на 1-й факультет (стратегическая агентурная разведка).
Во время учебы в ВДА, Бахтина с семьей поселили в общежитии Российского государственного гуманитарного университета по адресу Кировоградская улица, 25, корп. 1. Проживал «студент» Бахтин в квартире № 10, а в квартире № 28 жилтеперь уже знаменитый на весь мир один из «отравителей» Скрипалей Анатолий Чепига, он же Руслан Боширов. Чепиги и Бахтины дружили семьями и вместе отмечали праздники. Потом Бахтина отправили в посольство РФ в Нидерландах, и в качестве 2-го секретаря он усиленно искал агентурные подходы к международной следственной группе, расследующей обстоятельства гибели в 2014 году в небе над Донецкой областью малайзийского Боинга (по версии следствия, пассажирский лайнер был сбит российским комплексом «Бук», погибли 298 человек). А в последнее время полковник Бахтин координировал подготовку спецопераций по кибератакам на штаб-квартиру ОЗХО в Гааге.
По данным Судебного участка № 164 Тушинского района Москвы, в 2016 году Бахтину присудили штраф 30 тыс. рублей, но выяснить, где и как «накосячил» полковник, нам не удалось.
Тем временем, в Минобороны ходят усиленные слухи, что в середине сентября на ковер к Путину вызывали начальника Главного управления генштаба ВС РФ (ранее ГРУ) генерал-полковника Игоря Коробова, и по возвращении домой ему стало плохо. Генерал Коробов проживает с супругой в элитном жилом комплексе «Ближняя дача» на Староволынской улице, в котором получили квартиры высокопоставленные чиновники, генералы ФСБ, ФСО, МВД и Следственного комитета. «Многоуровневая система безопасности, созданная в нашем комплексе соответствует уровню VIP, обеспечивает надежную охрану жителей нашего дома и членов их семей. Собственная инфраструктура предназначенная только для жителей комплекса, избавит вас от ненужных контактов», — указано на сайте ЖК «Ближняя дача».
Не исключено, что до конца года Коробова снимут с должности, а на его место поставят родившегося в Ленинграде генерала Сергея Гизунова. Питерца Гизунова называют глазами и ушами Путина в военной разведке. Биография путинского «смотрящего» строго засекречена, но имеется одна любопытная подробность: в сентябре 1999 года оперативники из ОВД «Черемушки» за хранение оружия задержали уроженца Украины Анатолия Девятку и провели у него обыск. Среди вещей обнаружилась визитка тогда еще подполковника Гизунова.

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oleg deripaska – Google Search

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oleg deripaska – Google Search

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FBI ‘freezes US assets’ of Putin ally Oleg Deripaska hour ago
Mr Deripaska, an industrialist worth an estimated $3.3 billion (£2.5bn) according to Forbes, was placed on a list of individuals sanctioned by the …
In the United States froze the assets of Russian oligarch
InternationalThe Stopru4 hours ago
Media image for oleg deripaska from New York Post

New York Post

Media image for oleg deripaska from Daily Mail

Daily Mail

Media image for oleg deripaska from The Sun

The Sun

Media image for oleg deripaska from

Media image for oleg deripaska from Bloomberg


Media image for oleg deripaska from RT

Story image for oleg deripaska from Daily Beast

Russian Oligarch Oleg Deripaska’s US Assets Frozen, Including NYC …

Daily BeastSep 29, 2018
The New York City mansion of Oleg Deripaska—the Russian oligarch very closely linked to Paul Manafort—has been frozen alongside all of …
FBI ‘freezes US assets’ of Putin ally Oleg Deripaska

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He is also believed to have purchased, in 2006, one of the most prestigious homes in Washington DC.
The 23,000-square-foot, seven-bedroom home — featuring Italian marble floors and a chandelier that had once hung in the Paris Opera House — was sold for $15 million.
The house in New York is listed as the address for the children and ex-wife Roman Abramovich, Mr Deripaska’s friend and former business partner. According to Treasury officials, when the government freezes assets, that means anyone who does business with a sanctioned person, and sanctioned companies, could be subject to sanctions themselves.
Putin’s ‘hero of Russia’ has been accused of the Skripal poisoning, but four years ago he possibly led a key attack against Ukraine. Here’s what happened

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Four years ago, on the afternoon of 23 March, Russian troops with armour smashed through the walls of a Ukrainian airbase, Belbek, after a tense and bitter siege. It was the first serious military action between the two countries in Crimea not long before the territory would be annexed by the Kremlin.

I was among a group of journalists at the base reporting on the attack in which, according to recent reports, Colonel Anatoliy Chepiga, one of the men accused of carrying out the novichok poisoning in Salisbury, played a key role. The operation there was one of main reasons, it is claimed, the GRU officer had received the highly prestigious “hero of Russia” award at the direct orders of Vladimir Putin.

Another officer in the GRU, the Russian military intelligence service, Colonel Alexander Popov, had also received the same award for services in Crimea. Both of them were members of Russia’s Spetsnaz special forces at the time. Popov, it should be stressed, was not the second man allegedly involved in the attempted assassination of Sergei Skripal, who travelled to Britain on a passport under the name of Alexander Petrov.

The role of Chepiga – who had used a passport in the name of Ruslan Boshirov for the Salisbury plot – in Crimea has been revealed by Novaya Gazeta in Moscow. The campaigning opposition newspaper, which has had a string of scoops over the years, had discovered that he and Popov had also been involved in two other operations in Crimea – the disarmament of a Ukrainian marine infantry brigade in Feodosia and the capture of the Council of Ministers building in Simferopol.

We, the journalists, covered the events in Feodosia and Simferopol. But the dramatic and memorable episode in Belbek served to encapsulate what was unfolding in Crimea during those extraordinary weeks following the street protests in Kiev – protests that had driven out the pro-Moscow government of Viktor Yanukovych, and made the future of Ukraine seem to hang in balance.

The conflict in Crimea was the start of the bitter battles that were to come in the east of Ukraine. The Russian presence in the peninsula was overt (unlike the Donbass) with President Putin arriving for the celebrations after a referendum declared illegal by Kiev and the West. But it was also one of the first examples of a secret, hybrid war carried out by the GRU for Moscow in which propaganda and cyberattacks were extensively used alongside open military operations.

The assault by the Russian forces on Belbek, with the Spetsnaz among them in black combat fatigues and Chepiga and Popov in their ranks if reports are correct, came with bursts of automatic fire and explosions from stun grenades. It was the culmination of a standoff, highly charged and emotional, that had become a cause célèbre, with Ukrainian forces barricaded behind the gates of the base while their families kept vigil outside.

Three weeks previously, my Crimean translator and I had gone to the airfield at Belbek, near Sevastopol, after hearing that it had been surrounded by Russian forces. The base was of strategic significance because it could be used to monitor the air corridor into Sevastopol, where the Russian navy’s Black Sea Fleet was based, as well having a complement of Mig-29 Fulcrum fighters, Mi-24 and Czech-made L-39 helicopter-gunships stationed there.

The Ukrainian regiment based there were not hardened soldiers but a mixture of pilots and technical support for the aircraft. They were, however, brave, dedicated and led by a redoubtable commanding officer, Colonel Yuliy Mamchur. An ultimatum came on the day we arrived, delivered by a Russian officer, who identified himself as Lieutenant Colonel Vladimir Mirnov of the Black Sea Fleet. He warned that the Ukrainians had 24 hours to surrender or face a full-scale attack.

Mamchur and his men and women had no intention of leaving. We stayed with them at the base to see what happened, but no attack materialised. But the respite did not last long: a few days later a Russian unit arrived during the night and took over a part of the base.

Mamchur, along with a small group of his soldiers and a few journalists, marched up the hill to meet them in the morning flying the Ukrainian and regimental flag and singing the national anthem.

The path was soon blocked by Russian soldiers in balaclavas, who shouted orders to turn back and then fired shots over our heads. But no one halted and there were increasingly angry threats. At one point, as several Russians took aim with their assault rifles, an officer stepped forward, pushing aside one of the raised rifles, and beckoned Mamchur forward to talk.

But then the colonel was kept waiting. The only person the Russians offered to carry out the negotiations was Yuri Balduk, a man who claimed to be a leader of the separatist “self-defence volunteers”, who turned up unshaven, in dirty jeans and trainers and unsure, at first, about what he was meant to do.

It appeared to be an obvious attempt to snub and belittle. Balduk demanded that Mamchur hand over the base to him – the colonel refused. There followed an example of how dysfunctional the Ukrainian government back in Kiev was at the time. The colonel called the Ministry of Defence. It was a short conversation. “They asked me to use my own initiative, that has been the case ever since the day the Russians had arrived wanting to take over the base. We have no guidance, we can expect no help, we are really on our own here,” he explained, spreading his hands.

Members of the emergency services in hazard suits fix the tent over the bench where Sergei and Yulia Skripal were found unconscious on a park bench in Salisbury in March 2018.

The retired Russian colonel and former double agent for MI6 was in a critical condition in hospital for more than two months after being exposed to novichok in Salisbury. He was given refuge in the UK after being jailed in Moscow for treason. Mr Skripal came to Britain as part of a high-profile “spy swap” in 2010 in which four men were exchanged for ten Russian “sleeper agents” in the US. In this image he is speaking to his lawyer from behind bars in Moscow in 2006.
Yulia Skripal was struck down by a novichok poison alongside her father Sergei.
A police officer stands guard outside a branch of the Italian chain restaurant Zizzi where the pair dined at before falling ill. It was boarded off whilst investigators worked on the building and later found traces of the chemical weapon within it.
Large areas of central Salisbury were cordoned off by police following the discovery of the Skripals. Traces of nerve agent were also found in The Mill pub.
Detective Sergeant Nick Bailey, rushed to the aid of the Russian ex-spy and his daughter who were targeted with a nerve agent. He was hospitalized after aiding them and didn’t leave until three weeks after the attack.
Wiltshire Police/Rex
Police believe they were poisoned at home, and detectives found the highest concentration of novichok on the front door of Mr Skripal’s house.
Britain’s Prime Minister Theresa May spokes with Wiltshire Police’s Chief Constable Kier Pritchard near where the Skripal’s were found. Britain expelled 23 Russian diplomats over the nerve agent poisoning and suspended high-level contacts, including for the World Cup on March 14. Theresa May told parliament that Russia had failed to respond to her demand for an explanation on how a Soviet-designed chemical, Novichok, was used in Salisbury.
Sergei Skripal days before he was exposed to Novichok, that has left him fighting for life.
ITV News
British soldiers were deployed soon after the attack to help a counter-terrorism investigation into the nerve agent attack. One of the places they were asked to help out with was Skripal’s home and it’s surrounding. They were asked to remove a vehicle connected to the agent attack in Salisbury, from a residential street in Gillingham.
Personnel in protective coveralls and breathing equipment cover an ambulance with a tarpaulin at the Salisbury District Hospital.
The investigation extended to the grave of Sergei Skripal’s son Alexander in London Road cemetery.
The Counter Terrorism Policing Network requested assistance from the military to remove a number of vehicles and objects from Salisbury.
Home Secretary Amber Rudd visited the scene of the nerve agent attack at the Maltings shopping centre on 9 March.
Yulia Skripal, speaking for the first time, said she felt lucky to have survived the nerve agent attack in Salisbury which left her fighting for life. Ms Skripal said her life had been “turned upside down” by the assassination attempt. But the Russian national added she hoped to return to her homeland one day, despite the Kremlin being blamed for the attack.

Ten Ukrainians were allowed to go into the control tower and the hangars to check the aircraft. The Russian stationed snipers drove up an armoured personnel carrier, and put in perimeter defences. The Ukrainians decided to have a game of football, inviting the Russians to join in, but they refused to play.

After a while the Russians agreed to stay at the part of the base where they were, the Ukrainians returned to their side with the headquarters building. The standoff continued. In our travels around Crimea we heard the Russians were getting increasingly annoyed at the publicity Manchur and his men were attracting. Other Ukrainian bases were following their examples of defiance and Moscow wanted the matter brought to an end. The time for games was coming to a close.

We could see more Russian troops arriving in the area, including Spetsnaz setting up camp on a nearby field one Friday. They were not talkative, but not particularly hostile either. The advice was to stay away from the base. A couple of them spoke surprisingly good English.

Mamchur felt an attack was imminent. He ordered his troops to lock away their weapons; attempts at armed resistance would fly against the odds facing them – but there would be no surrender.

Waiting for the attack on that Saturday was a strange experience. Under an azure blue sky and apple blossom in the air two young lieutenants, Galina Vladimirova Volosyanick and Ivan Ivanovich Benera, got married. Local champagne and lemonade, figs and nuts, chocolates and cakes, had been laid out on a long trestle table covered with a bright golden plastic cover. Toasts were drunk, troops clapped and whistled as the bride and groom kissed each other.

The mood soon change,  a vocal and aggressive pro-Russian crowd had turned up outside the base demanding it be handed over. Members of the “self-defence volunteer” group joined them and tried to destroy a video camera mounted on the gate, first shooting at it and then pulling it down with ropes.

The Ukrainian forces inside were getting increasingly worried by reports that some of their relatives had been harassed, their homes broken into. Posters had been put up with photographs of Mamchur and other officers, calling them traitors to Russia. The commander’s wife, Larissa, who had come into the base earlier, told me she had seen posters in Sevastopol demanding that her husband be executed for his supposed treachery. She was deeply worried about what may happen.

The attack came at 4.48pm with three armoured personnel carriers (APCs) punching a hole through the perimeter wall of the base and crashing in followed by soldiers. A few of the Ukrainians were injured, none seriously.

The Ukrainians lined up and faced the Russians who crouched 10 feet away, guns pointed, behind ballistic shields. There were jeers exchanged between the two sides. A Russian officer, trying to calm the situation, shouted: “It’s OK, no more shooting, you’re safe.” The riposte was: “You are making us safe by attacking us?! We are here without guns, why are you hiding behind guns and your masks?”

But it was obvious there was little the Ukrainians could do. As more and more Russians came in, Mamchur called his men to attention and led them in singing the national anthem. The Russians, in combat stations, watched in silence as the verses were roared out, followed by full-throated cries of: “Glory to Ukraine, Glory to our heroes.”

Mamchur then told his men: “You have done all that honour demands. You should be proud of yourselves, I am proud of you.” He had been summoned to a meeting with senior Russian officers and he would, if allowed, come back and tell them what had been agreed.

The journalists were told by the Russians to leave the base. We all shook Mamchur’s hand and wished him luck. There was, we felt, something heroic in his obstinate yet calm refusal to give in against overwhelming odds.

The members of the media were ushered out by the Russians through the hole created by their armour. Memory cards were taken away from cameras, laptops had to be switched on and inspected. A Spetsnaz soldier said to me: “I am sorry, but I am doing my job, you are doing yours. We are soldiers. It’s the politicians you see.”

I went back to Belbek the next day. The Russian flag was flying over the base. Things were calm and peaceful after all that had happened the day before. A group of Russian soldiers sat in the sunshine, on the football field smoking and drinking coffee.

Several of them had been among those searching the journalists as we left, taking memory cards. “Of course we knew some photos would get out, you guys are good at hiding things like that,” said one. “But no matter, we have peace now.” What of Yuliy? “He is being questioned. We have nothing against him personally,” a sergeant shrugged. “He kept us waiting for a long time, but he would say he was doing his duty. He was quite brave, Soviet training you see.”

I met Mamchur again a couple of years later in Kiev. He was an MP, returning to Ukraine after refusing an offer to join the Russian military. We sat in a park reminiscing about those days in Belbek.

As for the Colonels Chepiga and Popov, could we have met them unknowingly at the time? I called and asked two Crimean translators I had worked with at the time. One, like me, simply did not know. The other thought he recognised him from the photographs which have appeared at the base over the past week and several times on the afternoon of the attack. “Perhaps he came to Crimea as a tourist and just got caught up in it all,” he laughed.

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Фантик — Википедия

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Фа́нтик (от слова «фант») — народное название обертки, которая служит для заворачивания конфет и иной кондитерской продукции (карамельирисжевательная резинка). Материалом служит бумага, полимер (обычно фольгированный), фольга. Кроме основного предназначения в качестве упаковки, является также объектом коллекционирования и для игры в «фантики», которая была популярна среди детей в дореволюционное и советское время.

‘A tradition:’ Autumn Jubilee shines in 39th year – Google Search

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