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The News And Times: 6:42 AM 11/19/2020 – Tweets by ‎@mikenov: Face masks may only offer limited protection against COVID-19

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    A study published on Wednesday in the Annals of Internal Medicine designed to test the efficacy of face mask wearing … has shown that there is no statistical difference between the group wearing masks and the group that did not wear them.

  2. Oxford Covid-19 vaccine trial shows similar effects in older and younger…  via @YouTube

  3. Alleged war crimes: Report finds Australian soldiers allegedly murdered …  via @YouTube

  4.  Michael Novakhov Retweeted

    💬 : Полагаем, что в 🇺🇸 Вашингтоне должны проанализировать и осознать все последствия своей 2⃣0⃣-летней военной кампании в 🇦🇫 Афганистане, имея в виду в первую очередь жертвы среди мирного гражданского населения в результате ошибочных авиаударов США и НАТО

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    Pennsylvania Supreme Court rejects the Trump campaign’s claim that Philadelphia violated state election law in the way it handled ballot observers at a city ballot counting center. 

  6. New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio announces schools are closing as COVI…  via @YouTube

  7. How dangerous can mutated coronavirus strains be? | COVID-19 Special  via @YouTube

  • US to drop drug charges against Mexico’s former defence chief  via @YouTube

  • AlJazeeraEnglish’s YouTube Videos: US to drop drug charges against Mexico’s former defence chief 

  • Trump News TV from Michael_Novakhov (10 sites): msnbcleanforward’s YouTube Videos: Doctor Calls On Trump WH To Share Virus Data With Biden Team | Morning Joe | MSNBC 

  •  Michael Novakhov Retweeted

    As Russia struggles to handle the second wave of the coronavirus pandemic, Moscow has begun converting sites such as a massive ice skating rink into makeshift hospitals for treating Covid-19 patients 

  • John Bolton on Trump leaving office: ‘I do not expect him to go gracious…  via @YouTube

  • John Bolton on Trump leaving office: ‘I do not expect him to go gracious…  via @YouTube

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    of the Day (Luke 19,11-28)
    “I tell you, to everyone who has, more will be given, but from the one who has not, even what he has will be taken away.” 

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  • President Trump in legal, financial jeopardy after leaving office  via @YouTube

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    Good to see President @Zourabichvili_S in Tbilisi today. U.S. cooperation with Georgia is of paramount importance, and our support for Georgia’s sovereignty in the face of Russian occupation is unwavering.

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    Republicans start turning the page on Trump era 

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    Biden on Thanksgiving: “There should be no group more than 10 people” 

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    The Palestinian Authority’s resumption of civilian and security coordination with Israel is yet another message to the Palestinians that their leadership has no clear strategy | Analysis 

  •  Michael Novakhov Retweeted

    .@tomfriedman asks: Are we supposed to forget this G.O.P.’s behavior as soon as Trump leaves, and let its leaders say, “He’s gone now, so you can trust us to do the right things again”? 

  • National Security Advisor Robert O’Brien Delivers Remarks  via @YouTube

  • Facebook and Twitter CEOs testify before Senate about handling of election  via @YouTube

  • NYT: Trump Asked About Striking Iran Before Biden Takes Power | The 11th…  via @YouTube

  •  Michael Novakhov Retweeted

    BREAKING: Latest report from @DoD_IG concludes “It is unclear at this point whether the is upholding its commitments”

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    The Pentagon expects to fail its third attempt at a clean financial audit, but officials say the progress made could save taxpayers hundreds of millions of dollars. 

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  •  Michael Novakhov Retweeted

    Synagogues Ask SCOTUS to Stop Gov. Cuomo from Unlawfully Targeting Jewish Community with COVID-19 Restrictions 

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  • The News And Times