The News And Times Blog

7:04 AM 12/19/2020 – Investigate Trump and Trumpism in depth, including its very possible German Fascist and Abwehr roots!

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Put the Trump Criminal Family in prison, and ASAP! 

Investigate Trump and Trumpism in depth, including its very possible German Fascist and Abwehr roots! 

Investigate the GOP, the FBI, the CIA and other related structures for their roles in creating and bringing to power the historical monstrosity and aberration of Trumpism. 

I suspect strongly that Trump is the Very Special Agent of the FBI. 

Investigate the Invesdtigators! 


Michael Novakhov 

7:04 AM 12/19/2020



  1.  Michael Novakhov Retweeted

    Does anybody still believe that Trump works for the US? I don’t. He behaves as if he serves Netanyahu, MBS & Putin. Tragically, the US lacks checks & balances & is unable to stop his misdeeds. He can cause a lot of damage to the US during his hopefully last month.

  2.  Michael Novakhov Retweeted

    Cuomo open to Bills Stadium hosting some fans if Buffalo makes playoffs 

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