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Israeli man assaulted in Berlin


An Israeli man was assaulted in Berlin Friday in what police describe as an anti-Semitic attack.

The attack occurred at the Noeldnerplatz commuter train station. The 29-year-old man was wearing a pullover with the IDF emblem when he was addressed by someone who commented about his Jewish faith.

The victim told investigators that when he turned towards the speaker a gas was sprayed in his face and he was struck to the ground.

Medical personnel treated the man at the scene and police have opened an investigation into the assault.

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An Israeli man was assaulted in Berlin Friday in what police describe as an anti-Semitic attack.

The attack occurred at the Noeldnerplatz commuter train station. The 29-year-old man was wearing a pullover with the IDF emblem when he was addressed by someone who commented about his Jewish faith.

The victim told investigators that when he turned towards the speaker a gas was sprayed in his face and he was struck to the ground.

Medical personnel treated the man at the scene and police have opened an investigation into the assault.