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Danchenko is a telling name. – 8:40 AM 11/5/2021

8:40 AM 11/5/2021 – Post Link

Danchenko is a telling name

Igor Danchenko, a Russia analyst who gathered material for the Steele dossier, in Washington on October 2, 2020.

Dan – дань” – a condescending tribute to the FBI for their “diligence”, possibly analogous with the Canaris‘ “Duquesne spy ring“, a tribute to the Duke of Marlboro Winston Churchill). 

Nemirovich (“NO PEACE” – with Ukraine-?)-Danchenko is a (criminal) Signature for  V. Surkov who is the GRU & Putin‘s man, the nexus for “Terrorism-Intelligence Complex“, incl. Zolotov, Kadyrov, mafiaoligarchs, etc.  

Turn the tables on them: It is Ukraine which is behind the Trump Dossier & Trump Affair, not ErovinkinSechin & Russia” – #Putin issued the directive, & #Surkov carried it out & signed it: N.M.: “#NemirovichDanchenko“. 

I also suspect that it was the simular “turn the tables on them” psychological mechanism behind the long, many years spate of Mass School Killings after the Beslan School Massacre of 2004



The News And Times Information Network – Blogs By Michael Novakhov –
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8:40 AM 11/5/2021 – Post Link

Danchenko is a telling name

Igor Danchenko, a Russia analyst who gathered material for the Steele dossier, in Washington on October 2, 2020.

Dan – дань” – a condescending tribute to the FBI for their “diligence”, possibly analogous with the Canaris‘ “Duquesne spy ring“, a tribute to the Duke of Marlboro Winston Churchill). 

Nemirovich (“NO PEACE” – with Ukraine-?)-Danchenko is a (criminal) Signature for  V. Surkov who is the GRU & Putin‘s man, the nexus for “Terrorism-Intelligence Complex“, incl. Zolotov, Kadyrov, mafiaoligarchs, etc.  

Turn the tables on them: It is Ukraine which is behind the Trump Dossier & Trump Affair, not ErovinkinSechin & Russia” – #Putin issued the directive, & #Surkov carried it out & signed it: N.M.: “#NemirovichDanchenko“. 

I also suspect that it was the simular “turn the tables on them” psychological mechanism behind the long, many years spate of Mass School Killings after the Beslan School Massacre of 2004



The News And Times Information Network – Blogs By Michael Novakhov –