The News And Times Blog

REINVESTIGATE Weiner Sexting affair! Investigate Election 2016! Investigate the FBI and its roles in it!

NY Daily News

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Anthony Weiner sexting scandal and its investigation was one of the major factors in 2016 Election. Many people have the opinion, that it was a setup, possibly by the FBI, or its “rogue” elements, and/or ex members. His accuser was involved in other similar incidents. This affair was not adequately, objectively, and independently investigated. I think, that the same forces, presently implicated in Counterintelligence aspects of Election 2016 (e.g. Giuliani) were very much at play in Weiner sexting scandal, with the same aim of hurting Hilary Clinton’s prospects. REINVESTIGATE Weiner Sexting affair! Investigate Election 2016! Investigate the FBI and its roles in it! 

Michael Novakhov | 5:32 AM 11/27/2021 

Michael Novakhov on Anthony Weiner sexting scandals and Election 2016




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NY Daily News

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Anthony Weiner sexting scandal and its investigation was one of the major factors in 2016 Election. Many people have the opinion, that it was a setup, possibly by the FBI, or its “rogue” elements, and/or ex members. His accuser was involved in other similar incidents. This affair was not adequately, objectively, and independently investigated. I think, that the same forces, presently implicated in Counterintelligence aspects of Election 2016 (e.g. Giuliani) were very much at play in Weiner sexting scandal, with the same aim of hurting Hilary Clinton’s prospects. REINVESTIGATE Weiner Sexting affair! Investigate Election 2016! Investigate the FBI and its roles in it! 

Michael Novakhov | 5:32 AM 11/27/2021 

Michael Novakhov on Anthony Weiner sexting scandals and Election 2016

