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Lindsey Graham spirals downward

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The country is tired of Donald Trump and has moved on. Almost everybody. For there is one person who has NOT moved on. There is one person whose devotion shines like glimmering pearls from his sleepy eyes. There is one politician whose voice trills in adoring wonder as he speaks of his hero, Donald Trump. That person is Lindsey Graham.

Graham (Trump personal assistant, insurrection party, South Carolina) heaped effusive praise on his man. Never one to hold back (though we often wish he would), Graham had nothing but delicious things to say about his hero: “If President Trump continues this tone and delivers this message on a consistent basis, he will be hard to beat,” a joyous Graham wrote on Twitter.

Oh Lindsey, Lindsey, have you no shame? The answer to that question is no. Graham does not. Here is more from the starry-eyed child.

“His speech tonight, contrasting his policies and results against the Biden administration, charts a winning path for him in the primaries and general election.”

Methinks SOMEONE has firmly lost their grasp on reality. But there’s more.

“As we listen to President Trump remind us of what is possible regarding our borders, economy, and national security, it is my hope that he will continue to focus on the solutions that he offered tonight to restore a broken America.”

These comments firmly demonstrate Lindsey Graham’s ongoing insanity. Ans if the senator was seeking praise, he did not find it:

“You make Ted Cruz look courageous.”

“Lindsey just can’t quit him.”

“Desperately trying to stay relevant.”

“Reeks of desperation.”

I do not know what Graham’s problem is, but he makes himself look more insane by the day. And he may be the only human being in the world who actually watched Donald Trump’s speech straight through.

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