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Samuel Alito exposed as Supreme Court leaker

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I’m so glad Extreme Court Justice Alito was not a Judge way back when during the Salem Witch trials. For we know, do we not, what Alito’s judgments would have been. And I somehow doubt they would have offered good news to these poor girls accused of witchcraft. But now it is Alito who is being accused of some funny business. The irony here is great.

A report from the New York Times says that there was another leak from the extreme court. It had to do with the Burwell v. Hobby Lobby case which was back in 2014. Former anti-abortion campaigner Rev. Rob Schenck is saying he knew the outcome of this decision before it was ever released. And he knew it because friends of his had dinner with Justice Alito and told him. Uh-oh.

Just what was said during this dinner? What was on the menu? Could the main course have been Alito crow? Naturally, our extreme justice is reacting. And he is reacting with indignation. He even put out a statement. In the statement, he claims any suggestion of impropriety is “completely false.”

Well, what would one expect him to say? “Yes, I leaked it, and I’m damned proud” doesn’t seem to be Sammy’s style. And yet — why should we believe him? After all, one remembers Sammy-boy and all his extreme Justice friends saying in their confirmation hearings that Roe was precedent. And look how THAT turned out.

You see, lying is sort of like that. Once when tells a lie, it becomes impossible to believe anything they say. Is Sammy crying wolf here? Or is he telling the truth?

I tend to think the wolves are howling at Sammy right now. I’ll tell you what. I will believe him as much as he likely believes women are equal to men and deserve their own bodily autonomy. That seems fair to me.

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