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Donald Trump’s goose is cooked

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Karma. Many believe in it. Many write about it. Karma is “the universal causal law by which good or bad actions determine the future modes of an individual’s existence.” Karma has been studied by writers and philosophers, shamans, and prophets. It’s been written about for centuries.

And if one does believe in karma than one would have to acknowledge that Donald Trump’s Karma has gone to the birds. Donald John Trump has never, I suspect, done one act of kindness for one person. I’d say his bad Karma is on overload about now.

And this has been proven to be true in the last few weeks. In these weeks, the roar of bad Karma has undoubtedly come at Donald Trump, shrieking and digging its claws into the psyche of the orange beast.

We had the news of a special counsel. But that barely scratches the surface, The Supreme Court has allowed the House committee to get its hands on his tax returns. That was likely not expected by the Donald, who expects only good Karma to come his way. And then there’s the eleventh circuit.

I cannot possibly describe what a shit-show this was on Tuesday.Trump’s attorney Jim Trusty received a brutal takedown while trying to defend and support Jude’s Cannon’s insane decisions.

It must have been humiliating for him. Why DO these Trump lawyers do this? The panel of three judges including two trump appointees appeared not only skeptical but insulted by the lame arguments the Trump lawyer made. If I were him, I would have been embarrassed.

Not a few seconds after beginning to speak, Trusty was admonished by one of the judges for using the word “raid” to describe a perfectly legal and authorized warrant It was bad Karma at its finest. put it brilliantly: “It’s only Tuesday, but this turkey appears to be just about cooked. Gobble, gobble.” So yes, if there is such a thing as Karma, bad karma is now crawling all over assolini — and he will find out he can’t get rid of it anytime soon. Happy Thanksgiving, Donald Trump.

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