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This week in stupid

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Herschel Walker had two Senators as chaperones for his latest television interview and he still referred to the election as the “erection.” This really happened. And no one is even surprised. Walker sounded completely mentally vacant at the beginning of this campaign. It now feels like he’s getting even worse, though that should be impossible.

– Trump’s 2016 “win” was a compromised fluke and everyone learned the wrong lessons from it. GOP still runs shitty public figures like Oz, Lake, Walker, and wonders why they lose. Media still obsessing over Trump’s base. No one will admit Trump was always an ineffective campaigner.

– Donald Trump and Kanye West met yesterday to discuss who can do the stupidest job of pretending they’re running for President in 2024.

– Mental health is a crisis, but addressing it will cost money, so right wingers always want to ignore it. Except when there’s a mass shooting and we need to talk about the gun crisis, in which case right wingers suddenly want to talk about the mental health crisis instead.

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