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No shame at all

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Oh Republicans, Republicans — have you no shame? The answer to that question is no, they do not. If lies were like snowflakes, the GOP would be perpetually snowed in. Since the midterms, Republican lying has reached critical mass. On and on the lies go, falling in masses of fluffy white flakes, down from the sky. Where do they end? I don’t think they do.

One of the lies that Republicans have started telling us is that Jack Smith, our new special prosecutor, has it in for Trump. We knew this was coming. They can’t seem to help themselves. The GOP, indeed, has a lying problem.

Smith’s wife donated to Democrats! That is the latest scream of outrage from many a republican misfit. We are hearing it from the New York Post. We hear it from Fox non-news. On and on the Republican spin goes. They have worked themselves into a tizzy because — democrats bad.

Of course, these are the SAME people who continue to insist that Democrats are unfairly persecuting Extreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas’s wife for the minor issue of sympathizing with insurrectionists.

Rules for thee but not for me should be the Republican motto. Smith’s wife is also credited for producing a documentary about the Michelle Obama. One would think the sky had fallen the way Republicans are carrying on about this.

And it’s funny. Republicans are great at manufacturing false outrage. In the coming months, I am sure they will manufacture more. The reason is because the Republican Party is now the party of outrage — not of ideas.

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