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Donald Trump and Kanye West deserve each other

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Most people agree that Donald Trump has never tried to hide who he is: a chaos-creating, troublemaking, racist. Even as his followers and enablers denied that Trump is a racist, most knew differently. Now, he has decided to come out in the open with it by breaking bread with one of the biggest racists in this country: Nick Fuentes. Surprisingly joining the dinner is a so-called Black man, Kanye West.

Do remember recently that West and Candace Owens famously wore “white lives matter” shirts to a function. Both are little more than fame wh*res who have nothing to contribute to society, and their way of remaining relevant is to pull stunts like this. For some, “no press is bad press,” and these two will do whatever it takes to get noticed. For West, however, to openly hang out with a white supremacist takes the proverbial cake.

Nick Fuentes’ racist attitude and behavior are well known. Southern Poverty Law Center deemed him an extremist and quotes him on its site: “America, for what it’s worth, was founded by white Christians.” He goes far beyond that, but the opening statement is wrong on many levels. Native Americans founded America; they were already here when everyone else came. Before that Cristobal Colon “discovered” America, and while his skin might have been white, nowhere in his history will you read that he was a “Christian.”

He was an explorer, first and foremost. It has been repeatedly refuted that Colon “discovered” America, and in fact, editor of American Archaeology Michael Bawaya believes that the first true “Americans” crossed into the country from Asia according to VOA News. So, people like Nick Fuentes are merely ignorant loud mouths who bend history to fit their narrative. They have, as stated earlier, no useful presence in any discussions, which could also describe Donald Trump. Interestingly, though Fuentes is obviously welcome at Mar-a-Lago, it was Kanye West who brought him according to New York Times.

Both West and Fuentes are confused, lost souls. Kanye West is Black. There is no reason on God’s green Earth that he should be hanging out with a white supremacist. The same can be said for Fuentes, who obviously has no use for Blacks. Perhaps they share their hatred of Jewish people, but you must ask whether, as a Black man, West should be trusting and buddying up with a white supremacist. Trump, yes; West, no.

New York Times tries to give Trump an “out” by saying: “It is unclear how much Mr. Trump knew of Mr. Fuentes’s well-documented bigotry and extremism before their dinner.” Bullshit. There is no way Trump doesn’t know Nick Fuentes and what he stands for, and he showed that by initially denying Fuentes was there. He was then heard to say that he “liked” Fuentes by saying: “He gets me.” Of course, he gets him. They are cut from the same rotten cloth. Even though several Republicans have spoken out against Trump entertaining these two losers, it is far, far too late. They helped to unleash this hell on our country and even they cannot put the proverbial genie back in the bottle.

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