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Tucker Carlson sinks to a whole new low

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Tucker Carlson is up to his old tricks again, and this time they’re aimed at Pete Buttigieg. Carlson is undoubtedly the king of homophobia. I will say right now that I feel he has blood on his hands for his unhinged lunacy and continued verbal attacks on LGBTQ people.

On Wednesday evening, Carlson appeared to go nuts, railing against Pete for not admitting he was gay earlier than he did. What business it is of Tucker’s, I do not know. Carlson also accused Pete of lying about being gay for years. And Tucker wants an explanation why.

Pete has been a friend to the LGBTQ people, while Tucker has been an enemy. But Tucker always seemed a bit obsessed with Pete. In the past, he has mocked him even for taking time off from work to care for his child.

So yes, this is what happened. And in the second half of this article, I want to ask you for help. It is tragic, tiring, and horrible to continue to see these diatribes against the LGBTQ community. I think it’s time we started calling for boycotts of Fox and Tucker’s show again.

This is in the news now, and we need to do what we can. I do not fool myself into thinking Tucker’s show will be gone tomorrow. But I think we need to use our activism to tell his advertisers how we feel and perhaps start some petitions calling for his firing.

His advertisers seem to change by the hour so rather than list them here and perhaps be incorrect,, I ask you to use Google. You can also find them on Twitter if you’re a member. There are people on there who are already doing this.

It might not work, but one doesn’t know if one doesn’t try. Tucker Carlson is a grave danger to the LGBTQ community. His rhetoric is unhinged, the man is unhinged, and his show is garbage. Anything we can do to shine a light on these issues would be great.

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