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Featured Posts Review – The News And Times – 11.28.22 – Current 250 Posts

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Brooklyn News Review – The Brooklyn Times – BrooklynVegan: Japandroids’ ‘Celebration Rock’ turns 10 It holds up after all these years not just because it rocks so hard, though, but because underneath all the ruckus, Japandroids conveyed enough raw emotion to shake the hearts of anyone who listened to the core. Continue reading… BrooklynVegan…
All Articles – The News And Times Review – RSS Page from You apparently do not have JavaScript enabled on your browser lest you would be viewing an RSS Feed here from RSS Dog All Articles – The News And Times Review – RSS Page from  The post All Articles – The News And Times Review first appeared…

Vladimir Putin was born on October 7, 1952. And less than a year later, the leader of the Soviet Union Joseph Stalin died at a dacha near Moscow. Comrade Putin, his Politburo, and the big Ukraine Crisis | Post Link | Google Search  Uncle Joe Jr., our little Comrade Stalin wantz hiz NONAGGRESSION PACT! First time as tragedy, second as farce. “Amid…

The Brooklyn Times – A clear indication of the TOC-Russian Mob involvement: Haiti’s Leader Kept a List of Drug Traffickers. His Assassins Came for It. — Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) December 12, 2021 M.N.: FBI is lagging in the fight against the Russian Mob, who are just the foot soldiers for the…
US intelligence says Russia planning Ukraine offensive with 175K troops: reports — The Hill (@thehill) December 5, 2021 The post US intelligence says Russia planning Ukraine offensive with 175K troops: reports first appeared on The Brookyn Times.

The News And Times Review of News and Opinions Is there a causal connection between the “unofficial” Oktoberfest 2021 (September 18 to October 3) and the sharp increase in Covid cases in Germany soon after it? – 6:36 AM 12/5/2021 — Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) December 5, 2021…

December 04, 2021 #Diplomacy: This should be a symbol of Diplomacy … – Selected Tweets – 12:47 PM 12/4/2021  #Diplomacy This should be a symbol of Diplomacy: The #Fireman extinguishes small pockets of the build-up methane by igniting them, one by one, in the controlled fashion; and thus prevents the large build-ups and the disastrous […] The post The…

(Salon/Benjamin Wheelock/Getty Images) Michael Novakhov – SharedNewsLinks℠ The Russian Fifth Column (the so called “Coordinating Council of Organizations of Russian Compatriots in the United States – KSORS”) Doth Protest Too Much! Friday November 19th, 2021 at 4:01 AM The News And Times 1 Share “The lady doth protest too much, methinks”: Coordinating…
Shoigu and Harris in Paris, und Putin in Dostoyevsky House, und that’s how it is. – Tweets Review – 3:30 PM – 11.12.21 The post Shoigu and Harris in Paris, und Putin in Dostoyevsky House, und that’s how it is. – Tweets Review – 3:30 PM – 11.12.21 first appeared on The Brookyn Times.
President Biden Turns 80, Making Him the First Octogenarian in the Oval Office – The New York Times President Biden Turns 80, Making Him the First Octogenarian in the Oval Office  The New York Times The post President Biden Turns 80, Making Him the First Octogenarian in the Oval Office – The New York Times first […] The post Selected Posts – 11.20.22…
posted 20h ago by Admin via Featured Posts – The News Links
What Is Investigative Journalism? › Investigative Journalism is the systematic, in-depth, and original research and reporting, often involving the unearthing of secrets. journalistic investigation – Google Search… The post What Is Investigative Journalism? › Investigative Journalism is the systematic,…
posted 1d ago by Admin via FBI Reform –
The FBI sting had elements of a B-movie production. Federal agents used a car chop shop in Seattle that was an FBI front, placed a prayer rug and a copy of the Quran inside the office, and designated it the scene for the final bust. The FBI’s informant was a registered sex offender named Robert […] The post A Criminal Ratted Out His Friend to the FBI….
posted 1d ago by Admin via FBI Reform –
The post Putin’s Power Failure appeared first on Kyiv Post. The post Putin’s Power Failure first appeared on The Russia News – The News And Times.
Audio | Video | Top News | On Twitter | Security | FBI | Capitol Riot | JOSSICA | Trump | Russia | Putin | Russia – Ukraine War | Covid-19 | Brooklyn NY | Puerto Rico | World  The Internet Guide USA – News Reviews | November 19, 2022 8:10 am The News And Times | Featured Posts | All Articles | Current News | Selected Articles | Shared Links | Opinions | In…
Link to the original article Ukraine has always been a leader in peacekeeping efforts, and the world has witnessed it. And if Russia says that it supposedly wants to end this war, let it prove it with actions. President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky said this in his speech at the G20 summit, Ukrinform reports. The […] The post Zelensky: If Russia wants…
Por Marina Villén Agencia EFE De la mujer afrocaribeña a la fauna de la región, las distintas caras del Caribe son protagonistas de una serie de murales de artistas puertorriqueños y extranjeros que se ha convertido en una gran exposición permanente al aire libre. La segunda edición del festival «Color Caribe», que abrió el pasado […] The post El Expresso:…
Michael_Novakhov shared this story from The News And Times. 1:04 PM 2/15/2021 The New Abwehr Hypothesis The 9/11 was inadequately investigated and incorrectly and superficially diagnosed. The price was the twenty years of relentless Hybrid (Intelligence) War attacks, large and small, deadly and symbolic, intimidating and threatening in their nature…
Michael_Novakhov shared this story . La mayoría de los estados tienen leyes que requieren que los electores voten por el candidato al que se comprometieron (en casi todos los casos, el ganador del voto popular de su estado), limitando la posibilidad de “electores infieles”. (Hubo varios en 2016, pero no cambiaron el resultado final). La […] The post…
Después de ser azotado por el huracán María en 2017, Puerto Rico sufrió una extraordinaria crisis económica y humanitaria, y el presidente Trump calumnió el territorio y su gobierno. Pero con la elección de Joe Biden como el 46 ° presidente de los Estados Unidos y la posibilidad de que los demócratas controlen el Senado […] The post “puerto rico governor”…
Michael Novakhov retweeted: Just friends #johnlock #sherlock #john The post Michael Novakhov retweeted: Just friends #johnlock #sherlock #john first appeared on The Gay Land.
posted 3d ago by admin via Featured Posts | The Gay Land
While in some countries LGBTQ agendas are being shoved down everyone’s throat even at kindergarten level, in other societies people are going to the opposite extreme. Ahmed was supposed to receive asylum in Canada in two months, but instead was brutally murdered. The violent “honor killing” took place in early October, but because of its […] The post…
posted 3d ago by admin via Featured Posts | The Gay Land
“Our ability to simply go out onto the street will be threatened, as well as our safety,” said Anna Kosvintseva, a web designer in the southern Russian city of Astrakhan, when asked about legislation currently making its way through parliament that would virtually ban any mention of same-sex relationships or transgender issues. “After all, we […] The…
posted 3d ago by admin via Featured Posts | The Gay Land
2022-11-24T08:10:20Z Ukrainian Ambassador to Turkey Vasyl Bodnar speaks during a news conference in Ankara, Turkey February 24, 2022. REUTERS/Cagla Gurdogan Representatives from Russia and Ukraine met in the United Arab Emirates last week to discuss the possibility of a prisoner-of-war swap that would be linked to a resumption of Russian ammonia exports,…
posted 3d ago by Mikenova via Featured Posts – Brooklyn NY
Massed offensives of high-tech Russian tanks attacking in unstoppable waves of armor and firepower aren’t just taking place less and less – they are probably close to extinct. Oryx, a Dutch defense analysis website and research group, reported in a Nov. 20 analysis Moscow has lost fully 40 percent of all the tanks Russia had […] The post Massed Russian…
The News And Times Information Network Contact Form | Blogs | Sites | News Reviews | Links | Advertising  All The News That’s Fit To Web Audio | Video | Top News | On Twitter | Security | FBI | Capitol Riot | JOSSICA | Trump | Russia | Putin | Russia – Ukraine War | Covid-19 | Brooklyn NY | Puerto Rico | World  The FBI Reform – The News And Times The…
posted 6d ago by Admin via FBI Reform –
2022-11-16T04:09:14Z Global leaders gathered for the G20 meeting in Bali, Indonesia, were holding an emergency meeting on Wednesday after deadly explosions in Poland that Ukraine and Polish authorities said were caused by Russian-made missiles. The United States and its NATO allies are investigating the blast that killed two people in Poland, but early…
Yevgeny Prigozhin, a Russian businessman and oligarch who controls the Wagner Group, is presumably entering Russian politics, with a claim to get power. Preliminary reports suggest Prigozhin is about to register a radical political party. Prigozhin started his life and childhood in Leningrad, like most of those close to Putin. His adolescence, the difficult…
Оппозиционер отметил, Путин заставил воевать Генштаб РФ и армию, а теперь пытается их сделать ответственными за поражения на фронте. Генералы с самого начала были против войны Путина / скриншот видео В войне России против Украины произошел слом, однако на падение фашистского режима в РФ освобождение Херсона не повлияет. Российский оппозиционер и журналист…
The Shared Links – The News And Times | The News And Times Blog | All Articles | Selected Articles | Saved Web Pages | Tweets | Links | Blogs | Sites | Audio | Video | Advertising: We Connect!  The post Top Links first appeared on The FBI Reform –
posted 3w ago by Admin via FBI Reform –
Democrats in the state Legislature are in for a close fight, as early returns on election night showed several incumbents in extremely tight races – including several potential surprise upsets. While few of the state Legislature’s most competitive races were called as of 1 a.m. on Wednesday – and Suffolk County had yet to report any […] The post 2022…
posted 3w ago by Mike Nova via Brooklyn News – FP –
Here’s why a judge granted Trump’s request for a special master For the first time ever, a special master has been granted to review documents in the criminal investigation of a former president. Here’s why. Experts say it’s important to act swiftly to identify whether secret sources were compromised. Because human sources report on foreign […] The…
posted 3w ago by Admin via Trump News –
Spread the news Putin has ‘small man syndrome’ and would ‘not have invaded if he were a woman’ posted at 08:05:19 UTC via MAD Vlad Putin has “small man syndrome” and is a bonified “lunatic”, Ben Wallace blasted today. The Defence Secretary piled in after Boris Johnson claimed the dictator would not have invaded Ukraine if […] The post…
posted Jun 2022 ago by Mikenova via Featured – Sticky Posts – My News Links
Spread the News Любимые статьи Михаила Новахова на Inoreader Россия нанесла удар по Кременчугу. Пострадал торговый центр, в котором находились окружающие люди опубликовано в 16:08:50 UTC через 27 июня 2022 г., 14:27 МСКОбновлено минуту назад Приложение Русской службы BBC News доступно для IOS и Android . Вы можете также подписаться на наш канал…
posted Jun 2022 ago by Admin via Featured – Sticky Posts | The Russia News Review
Spread the News Selected Articles – RSS Page | Review Новости Украины: G-7 наложит новые санкции на российское военное производство опубликовано в 13:08:22 UTC через Российское вторжение в Украину, начавшееся 24 февраля, продолжается, потери с обеих сторон растут. Украинские силы оказывают сопротивление на востоке, куда сместился очаг…
posted Jun 2022 ago by Admin via Featured – Sticky Posts | The Russia News Review
Spread the newsEurope: Putin’s aggressive autocracy reduces Russian soft power to ashes The writer is an FT contributing editor and chair of the Centre for Liberal Strategies, Sofia, and fellow at IWM Vienna Rumour has it that, asked who are Vladimir Putin’s most trusted advisers, one of his inner circle replied drily: “Ivan the Terrible, […] The post…
posted Jun 2022 ago by Mikenova via Featured – Sticky Posts – My News Links
Spread the NewsHow has Russia’s disinformation method changed? | Peter Pomeranzev posted at 10:42:41 UTC by Times Radio via Times Radio “The really powerful stuff Russia is doing internationally is drawing this very effective false equivalence between Europe’s generosity towards Ukraine and self-interest. LSE senior fellow Peter Pomeranzev talks about…
posted Jun 2022 ago by Admin via Featured – Sticky Posts | The Russia News Review
Spread the news Berlin crash: Attack on capital’s streets was ‘cruel rampage’ – Scholz posted at 10:42:28 UTC via Local media has reported that the suspect, who has been identified as a German-Armenian man who lives in the city, is co-operating with investigators. However, Ms Giffey cautioned that he has made a series of “confused statements”….
posted Jun 2022 ago by Mikenova via Featured – Sticky Posts – My News Links
Spread the news СБУ заподозрила в госизмене членов “временной администрации Харьковской области” posted at 10:36:29 UTC via Управление Службы безопасности Украины по Харьковской области заочно уведомило о статусе подозреваемых по делу о государственной измене группу из восьми человек, в том числе мэра города Купянск Геннадия Мацегору и бывшего…
posted Jun 2022 ago by Mikenova via Featured – Sticky Posts – My News Links
Spread the newsHenry Kissinger’s Long History of Appeasing Dictatorships  The Dispatch Henry Kissinger’s Long History of Appeasing Dictatorships posted at 09:55:34 UTC via (Photograph by Adam Berry/Getty Images.) Speaking at the Davos, former U.S. Secretary of State and National Security Adviser Henry Kissinger counseled Ukraine to cede…
posted Jun 2022 ago by Mikenova via Featured – Sticky Posts – My News Links
Spread the news The Satanist Neo-Nazi Plot to Murder U.S. Soldiers via @RollingStone — Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) June 8, 2022 Michael_Novakhov shared this story .     Ethan Phelan Melzer’s secret life of hate ran deep. The 24-year-old private in the 173rd Airborne Brigade appeared to be just another young soldier, trying to…
posted Jun 2022 ago by Mikenova via Featured – Sticky Posts – My News Links
Spread the newsMichael Novakhov on Twitter from Michael_Novakhov (4 sites): mikenov on Twitter: Where Trump’s long list of legal challenges stand | Monkeypox now confirmed in 12 states, Washington D.C. as cases grow | Intelligence and the War in Ukraine: Part 2 War on the Rocks………
posted Jun 2022 ago by Mikenova via Featured – Sticky Posts – My News Links

Spread the newsReview: The New Abwehr Hypothesis By Michael Novakhov Post Link New Abwehr Hypothesis By Michael Novakhov – Google Search On the New Abwehr Hypothesis – Russia News – Russia News … › on-the… · Translate this page By Michael Novakhov (Mike Nova) More on the New Abwehr Hypothesis Investigate…
posted Jun 2022 ago by Mikenova via Featured – Sticky Posts – My News Links
Spread the news intelligence assessments and analysis of the Russia – Ukraine War 2022 – Google Search — Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) June 4, 2022 Spread the news The post Intelligence assessments and analysis of the Russia – Ukraine War 2022 – Google Search first appeared on My News Links.
posted Jun 2022 ago by Mikenova via Featured – Sticky Posts – My News Links
Spread the news — Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) June 4, 2022 American spy agencies review their misses on Ukraine, Russia Saturday June 4th, 2022 at 11:13 AM 1 Share WASHINGTON (AP) — The question was posed in a private briefing to U.S. intelligence officials weeks before Russia launched its invasion in late February: Was Ukraine’s…
posted Jun 2022 ago by Mikenova via Featured – Sticky Posts – My News Links
Spread the news Israel and Electronic Warfare In Russia-Ukraine war 2022 – Google Search — Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) June 4, 2022 Spread the newsThe post Israel and Electronic Warfare In Russia-Ukraine war 2022 – GS first appeared on My News Links.
posted Jun 2022 ago by Mikenova via Featured – Sticky Posts – My News Links

Spread the news Deadly secret: Electronic warfare shapes Russia-Ukraine war Saturday June 4th, 2022 at 6:42 AM 1 Share KYIV, Ukraine (AP) — On Ukraine’s battlefields, the simple act of powering up a cellphone can beckon a rain of deathly skyfall. Artillery radar and remote controls for unmanned aerial…
posted Jun 2022 ago by Mikenova via Featured – Sticky Posts – My News Links
Spread the NewsРадио Свобода: “Вашему русскому миру не бывать!” Барышников ответил Путину posted at 18:01:36 UTC by Michael_Novakhov via Russia News and News In Russian from Michael_Novakhov (57 sites) | Информационный дайджест “Время Свободы”, 2 июня  Радио Свобода Spread the News The post Радио Свобода: “Вашему русскому миру не бывать!” Барышников…
posted Jun 2022 ago by Admin via Featured – Sticky Posts | The Russia News Review
Spread the NewsNATO: Corruption is a Security Challenge and Russia’s Strategic Tool  OCCRP “Nato Russia” – Google News   Corruption is a Security Challenge and Russia’s Strategic Tool Thursday June 2nd, 2022 at 1:50 PM 1 Share The NATO Parliamentary Assembly (PA) condemned Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, pledged to further sanction Moscow and concluded that…
posted Jun 2022 ago by Admin via Featured – Sticky Posts | The Russia News Review

Spread the news The mass and school shootings, russia-ukraine war, and sanctions – GS Tulsa Natalie building shooting – GS Putin, GRU, Zolotov, Russian Mafia, and mass killings as the special Intelligence operations of psychological warfare – GS Rosgvardiya and the special Intelligence operations abroad 8:43 AM 6/2/2022 – Post Link Spread…
posted Jun 2022 ago by Mikenova via Featured – Sticky Posts – My News Links
Spread the News — Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) June 1, 2022 Spread the News The post Bucha’s Wounds: Images of a mourning city first appeared on The Russia News Review.
posted Jun 2022 ago by Admin via Featured – Sticky Posts | The Russia News Review
Spread the News Единственное решение войны в Украине — на поле боя Опубликовано 1 июня 2022 г.   |  Лента новостей AMAC   |  Добавить комментарий  Эксклюзивно для AMAC – Дэниел Берман Война на Украине только что шла четвертый месяц. Прошли темные февральские дни, когда российские войска, казалось, были на грани оккупации Киева, но вместе с тем исчезло…
posted Jun 2022 ago by Admin via Featured – Sticky Posts | The Russia News Review
Spread the News Владимир Путин потерпел поражение в войне с Украиной, и Россия не может объявить о своей победе, считает эксперт   The Mirror Российская армия продолжает  нести разгромные потери в войне  с Украиной, и Владимир Путин теперь вряд ли сможет объявить о победе, считает эксперт. Объявления | Реклама в The News And Times –…
posted Jun 2022 ago by Admin via Featured – Sticky Posts | The Russia News Review
Spread the News Germany to send IRIS-T air defence system to Ukraine -Scholz — Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) June 1, 2022 Spread the News The post Germany to send IRIS-T air defence system to Ukraine -Scholz first appeared on The Russia News Review.
posted Jun 2022 ago by Admin via Featured – Sticky Posts | The Russia News Review
Spread the News — Yvonne 🇺🇦 (@simbatipps) May 31, 2022 Spread the News The post Ukrainian intelligence obtained videos that show fighters from the Russian republic of Chechnya trying to make macho fighting videos—but they’re just shooting at trees. – @MavkaSlavka · May 31, 2022 first appeared on The Russia News Review.
posted Jun 2022 ago by Admin via Featured – Sticky Posts | The Russia News Review
Spread the NewsSpread the News The post Лидер Русской Православной Церкви в центре амбиций Путина first appeared on The Russia News Review.
posted Jun 2022 ago by Admin via Featured – Sticky Posts | The Russia News Review
Spread the News Когда началось вторжение России в Украину, патриарх Кирилл I, лидер московской Русской православной церкви, провел неловкую встречу в Zoom с Папой Франциском. Два религиозных лидера ранее работали вместе, чтобы преодолеть 1000-летний раскол между христианскими церквями Востока и Запада. Но встреча в марте застала их по разные стороны…
posted Jun 2022 ago by Admin via Featured – Sticky Posts | The Russia News Review
Spread the News Michael_Novakhov shared this story from – RSS Results in seattle_times of type article.   As Russia’s invasion of Ukraine unfolded, Patriarch Kirill I, the leader of the Moscow-based Russian Orthodox Church, had an awkward Zoom meeting with Pope Francis. The two religious leaders had previously worked together…
posted Jun 2022 ago by Admin via Featured – Sticky Posts | The Russia News Review
Spread the News Putin: The New Abwehr’s Kremlin Rat 11:40 AM 3/5/2022 | My Opinion Putin is the agent, possibly or partially unwitting, of the KGB-STASI-New Abwehr. He was run in pair with Stasi Merkel, as the part of their grand global strategy to integrate Russia with Germany financially. By now it was achieved, and […] The post Putin: The New Abwehr’s…
posted Jun 2022 ago by Admin via Featured – Sticky Posts | The Russia News Review
Spread the News The more I read, on the Web of course, about Vladislav Klyushin, the more confusing and murky it becomes, possibly by the deliberate design (of the GRU?).  The following is the list of the Google Search terms, the only source of the publicly available information.  Who really is Vladislav Klyushin?  Who is Artyom Klyushin (also […] The…
posted Jun 2022 ago by Admin via Featured – Sticky Posts | The Russia News Review

Putin and History #KremlinGremlin #PutinKhan #КГБешный #ХулиганЧто ни #слово, то #обманИ Историю в карман Michael Novakhov on Twitter: Putin and History – Google Search — Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) August 5, 2021  Mr. Putin, History is not your WHORE! Michael Novakhov on…
posted Jun 2022 ago by Admin via Featured – Sticky Posts | The Russia News Review

  Review: The New Abwehr Hypothesis By Michael Novakhov – 12:36 PM 8/2/2021 Post Link New Abwehr Hypothesis By Michael Novakhov – Google Search On the New Abwehr Hypothesis – Russia News – Russia News … › on-the… · Translate this page By Michael Novakhov (Mike Nova) More on the New…
posted Jun 2022 ago by Admin via Featured – Sticky Posts | The Russia News Review
Spread the News Recent Posts | Dismantle the Inept, Incompetent, Brainless, Psychopathic FBI-KGB! They are the main source of the problems, pervasive stupidity and the deeply rooted evil in America! — Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) April 26, 2021 Michael_Novakhov shared this story from The News And Times. Michael Novakhov on FBI…
posted Jun 2022 ago by Admin via Featured – Sticky Posts | The Russia News Review

Spread the news REUTERS | June 1, 20224:14 AM EDT  Sending rocket systems to Kyiv is still under consideration by the Biden administration, but Washington will not send long-range rockets for use beyond the battlefield in Ukraine, White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said on Tuesday. Russian troops on Wednesday pressed their assault on…
posted Jun 2022 ago by Mikenova via Featured – Sticky Posts – My News Links

Spread the newsNo credible evidence Putin is ill despite appearance, anger in public: experts  Business Insider Putin is increasingly angry in public but top US intel and military experts warn there’s no ‘credible’ evidence that he’s ill John Haltiwanger and Mattathias Schwartz  9 hours ago Russian President Vladimir Putin…
posted May 2022 ago by Mikenova via Featured – Sticky Posts – My News Links
Spread the news This is #Mariupol. Dead bodies of Ukrainians rot at a supermarket. There are so many dead that there isn’t a capacity to bury them, even considering mass graves and mobile crematoriums. This should tell you everything you need to know about Russia’s war in Ukraine — Anastasiia Lapatina (@lapatina_) May 29,…
posted May 2022 ago by Mikenova via Featured – Sticky Posts – My News Links
Spread the news Michael_Novakhov shared this story . What’s Up? (May 22-28) U.S. Blocks Russian Bond Payments On Wednesday at midnight, the Biden administration let lapse an exemption in the sweeping sanctions against Russia that had allowed the country to continue making payments on its foreign debts during its war on…
posted May 2022 ago by Mikenova via Featured – Sticky Posts – My News Links
Spread the newsRussia Has a History of Extorting Its Own Soldiers for Money  Newsweek Russia Has a History of Extorting Its Own Soldiers for Money Sunday May 29th, 2022 at 7:51 AM 1 Share Ever since Russia’s wars in Chechnya, the country has allegedly attempted to extort some of its own soldiers for money,…
posted May 2022 ago by Mikenova via Featured – Sticky Posts – My News Links

Spread the news 2022-05-29T11:03:49Z Pope Francis attends the inauguration of the ‘Laudato Si’ School in Rome, Italy, May 19, 2022. REUTERS/Guglielmo Mangiapane Pope Francis announced on Sunday that he would appoint 21 new cardinals in August, including an Italian leading the Church in Mongolia, again putting his stamp on the future of Catholicism….
posted May 2022 ago by Mikenova via Featured – Sticky Posts – My News Links
Michael_Novakhov shared this story . ‘Madman Despot’ TheoryOnly Serves to Embolden Vladimir Putin Dimitris Dimitriadis and Iain Overton 25 April 2022 New to Byline Times? Find out more about us SUBSCRIBE TO THE PRINT EDITION A new type of newspaper – independent, fearless, outside the system. Fund a better media. SUBSCRIBE FROM £3.50 A MONTH […] The…
posted May 2022 ago by Admin via Featured Posts – The News Links –
Michael_Novakhov shared this story from The News And Times. 1:04 PM 2/15/2021   The New Abwehr Hypothesis The 9/11 was inadequately investigated and incorrectly and superficially diagnosed. The price was the twenty years of relentless Hybrid (Intelligence) War attacks, large and small, deadly and symbolic, intimidating and threatening in their nature…
posted May 2022 ago by Admin via Featured Posts – The News Links –
Pashinyan stated that relations with the Russian Federation should remain strategic and allied: _________________________________________________ Armenia, Azerbaijan and Nagorno-Karabakh: Germany is pretending not to see or hear  “Uyar: Both the EU and Germany are pretending they cant see or hear anything. This appears to be a…
posted May 2022 ago by Admin via Featured Posts – The News Links –
Mink and the Coronavirus: What We Know – The New York Times Tuesday November 10th, 2020 at 12:32 PM 1 Share Last week, Denmark announced its intention to cull all farmed mink, some 17 million, out of fear that a mutated version of the coronavirus might diminish the effectiveness of potential vaccines. The decision has since been put […] The post 12:35…
posted May 2022 ago by Admin via Featured Posts – The News Links –
Audio Review: Trump administration plans “flood” of sanctions on Iran by Jan. 20 |U.S. Tried a More Aggressive Cyberstrategy, and the Feared Attacks Never Came | Armenia Accepts a Deal in Nagorno-Karabakh War | Opinion | The Joe Biden I Knew Has Been Humbled – The New York Times| Trump shows transition will be as turbulent as his […] The post SharedNewsLinks℠…
posted May 2022 ago by Admin via Featured Posts – The News Links –
 Mike Nova 2 · New York Times Review – 11:18 AM 11/10/2020 Mike Nova’s favorite articles on Inoreader Trump Fires Mark Esper, Defense Secretary Who Opposed Use of Troops on U.S. Streets Tue, 10 Nov 2020 16:14:10 +0000 Mr. Espers removal was quickly followed by speculation that the president was not finished: The F.B.I. […] The post New York Times…
posted May 2022 ago by Admin via Featured Posts – The News Links –
Covid-19 Live Updates: At Least 3 at White House Election Party, Including Carson, Test Positive for Virus – NYTimes   Michael Novakhov – SharedNewsLinks℠ Michael Novakhov – SharedNewsLinks℠ | In Brief | 7:58 AM 11/10/2020 Audio Report:  FDA Allows Emergency Use of Antibody Drug to Fight COVID-19 Esper, on his way out, says he was no yes man […] The…
posted May 2022 ago by Admin via Featured Posts – The News Links –
Opinion | The Joe Biden I Knew Has Been Humbled – The New York Times Tuesday November 10th, 2020 at 7:26 AM 1 Share You no doubt saw or heard at least some of Joe Biden’s pitch-perfect victory speech last weekend, but what about the victory video that his campaign released hours earlier, just after CNN and other networks […] The post Opinion | The…
posted May 2022 ago by Admin via Featured Posts – The News Links –
6:51 AM 11/10/2020 – Tweets by ‎@mikenov Michael Novakhov Retweeted Reuters ✔@Reuters Attorney General William Barr told federal prosecutors to look into any ‘substantial’ allegations of irregularities in #Election2020, prompting the top lawyer overseeing voter fraud investigations to resign in protest  8m Michael Novakhov Retweeted…
posted May 2022 ago by Admin via Featured Posts – The News Links –
Selected Articles – Mike Nova’s favorite articles on Inoreader 6:35 AM 11/10/2020 – News Review: US Election 2020: Attorney General William Barr approves fraud investigation Sky News Mike Nova’s favorite articles on Inoreader FOX News: Steven Spielberg’s daughter Mikaela says working in adult entertainment has been part of ‘healing journey’…
posted May 2022 ago by Admin via Featured Posts – The News Links –
Michael Novakhov – SharedNewsLinks℠ Michael Novakhov – SharedNewsLinks℠ | In Brief |  – Michael Novakhov – SharedNewsLinks  The National Interest (США): Турция и Россия ведут борьбу за власть на Южном Кавказе Политолог: Россия свела роль Запада в Закавказье к нулю 12 самолетов с российскими миротворцами отправлены в Нагорный Карабах В Москве задержали…
posted May 2022 ago by Admin via Featured Posts – The News Links –
Esper, on his way out, says he was no yes man Monday November 9th, 2020 at 6:53 PM 1 Share As had long been expected, President Donald Trump fired Defense Secretary Mark Esper on Monday, cutting short what would have otherwise been his final months at the Pentagon, in anticipation of President-elect Joe Biden’s transition in January. Delivered via tweet,…
posted May 2022 ago by Admin via Featured Posts – The News Links –
Mike Nova’s favorite articles on Inoreader – ___________________ The post Selected Articles first appeared on The News Links –
posted May 2022 ago by Admin via Featured Posts – The News Links –
Spread the newsUkraine War Likely Ends With Putin’s Death: Official  Newsweek Spread the newsThe post Ukraine War Likely Ends With Putin’s Death: Official – Newsweek first appeared on My News Links.
posted May 2022 ago by Mikenova via Featured – Sticky Posts – My News Links

Spread the newsScholz, Macron ask Putin for ‘serious direct negotiations’ with Zelensky  The Straits Times Scholz, Macron ask Putin for ‘serious direct negotiations’ with Zelensky The two EU leaders urged Russian president Vladimir Putin to find a diplomatic solution to the conflict. PHOTO: EPA-EFE PUBLISHED 1 HOUR AGO FacebookTwitter…
posted May 2022 ago by Mikenova via Featured – Sticky Posts – My News Links

Spread the newsCoup to remove Vladimir Putin a ‘realistic possibility’ as top security officials rebel  The Mirror Coup to remove Vladimir Putin a ‘realistic possibility’ as top security officials rebel A Russian expert believes the possibility of Vladimir Putin launching a nuclear strike are receding because it is likely his order would…
posted May 2022 ago by Mikenova via Featured – Sticky Posts – My News Links

Spread the newsRussian Forces Advance in the East of Ukraine; Zelenskyy Says Donbas Situation ‘Very Difficult.’ Follow Our Live Updates  NBC 6 South Florida BUSINESS Russian Forces Advance in the East of Ukraine; Zelenskyy Says Donbas Situation ‘Very Difficult.’ Follow Our Live Updates By Sam Meredith, CNBC • Published 2 hours ago • Updated…
posted May 2022 ago by Mikenova via Featured – Sticky Posts – My News Links

Spread the news Michael_Novakhov shared this story from The Times of Israel. Otto Skorzeny, Austrian-born German SS-Obersturmbannführer (lieutenant colonel) in the Waffen-SS in World War II. (WikiCommons) American director Doug Liman has signed on to direct a limited-run television series based on a nonfiction book…
posted May 2022 ago by Mikenova via Featured – Sticky Posts – My News Links

Spread the news Michael_Novakhov shared this story from The News And Times. The News And Times Review – Selected Articles and Links – Post Link – The News And Times Information Network The News And Times Information Network – News Reviews – RSS Pages – – Page Link News Reviews – RSS Pages…
posted May 2022 ago by Mikenova via Featured – Sticky Posts – My News Links

Spread the news5:50 AM 12/31/2021 – News Review: President Biden speaks with Russian President Vladimir Putin as Ukraine tensions rise – Post Link The New York Times @nytimes: What happens at a newspaper when there’s not very much news? At The New York Times, editors are always preparing for that situation. …
posted May 2022 ago by Mikenova via Featured – Sticky Posts – My News Links

Spread the news All Articles – TNT News Review Current News In Brief | Selected Articles In Brief Selected Articles News Review Links from | The Brookyn Times Posts | – On Twitter  The Brookyn Times Posts |Links and Pages | The News And Times Blog| The Brooklyn News And Times Blog  All Articles Review | Selected Articles Review | Shared…
posted May 2022 ago by Mikenova via Featured – Sticky Posts – My News Links

Spread the news Tweets by ‎@mikenov Michael Novakhov Retweeted Pope Francis @Pontifex Jesus is born close to the forgotten ones on the peripheries. He comes to ennoble the excluded and He is first revealed to them: not to educated and important people, but to the shepherds, to poor working people. #Christmas…
posted May 2022 ago by Mikenova via Featured – Sticky Posts – My News Links

Spread the news #JOSSICA: Int Jl #OpenSource #StrategicIntelligence #Counterintelligence #Analysis #News #Times #TNT #Security #FBI #FBINews #US #ODNI #CIA #DOJ #Russia #USRUSSIA #Psychoanalysis Of #IntelligenceOperations #NewAbwehrHypothesis The post #JOSSICA: Int Jl #OpenSource #StrategicIntelligence…
posted May 2022 ago by Mikenova via Featured – Sticky Posts – My News Links

Spread the news Post Link Afghanistan: Taliban face mounting challenges ahead • FRANCE 24 English posted at 10:12:58 UTC by FRANCE 24 English via FRANCE 24 English Celebratory gunfire resounded across #Kabul on Tuesday (August 31) as #Taliban fighters took control of the #airport before dawn, after the withdrawal of the last US troops.The…
posted May 2022 ago by Mikenova via Featured – Sticky Posts – My News Links

Spread the news Afghanistan – News Review – Post Link from Michael Novakhov on Inoreader Afghan Defence Minister urges Interpol to arrest Ashraf Ghani for treason – Economic Times posted at 13:44:19 UTC via “Ashraf Ghani” – Google News Afghan Defence Minister urges Interpol to arrest Ashraf Ghani for treason  Economic Times …
posted May 2022 ago by Mikenova via Featured – Sticky Posts – My News Links

Spread the News More on the New Abwehr Hypothesis  Investigate the Investigators! GRU, the Russian Military Intelligence masks as FBI – (?!). Do we know about it? Do we think about it? | Suspect in Capitol car attack posted about fears of FBI and CIA week before ramming officer. | M.N.: FBI: Declassify and disclose all the background information…
posted Apr 2021 ago by Admin via FBI Reform –
Howie Carr: FBI whiffs again on Colorado mass shooting suspect by Howie Carr So now it turns out that the FBI knew all about the accused Boulder shooter, but paid no attention to the obvious warning signs until police say the rabidly anti-American immigrant…
posted Mar 2021 ago by The News And Times Information Network via News and Opinions Our Famous But Incompetent, THE BANANA REPUBLIC FBI – Google Search Howie Carr: FBI whiffs again on Colorado mass shooting suspect by Howie Carr – Post Link Michael Novakhov shared this story from Howie Carr – Boston Herald. Howie Carr: FBI whiffs again…
posted Mar 2021 ago by Mike Nova via Mike Nova

Michael_Novakhovshared this story.______________________________________________Advertising ______________________________________________Why are coronavirus cases dropping in the U.S.? Experts point to four reasons.Wednesday February 24th, 2021 at 2:55 PMSome point to the quickening pace of coronavirus vaccine administration, some say it’s because…
posted Feb 2021 ago by admin via NAT –
9:26 AM 2/24/2021 – Sund: Capitol Riot was a military-style operation Podcasts Review –
posted Feb 2021 ago by The News And Times Information Network via News and Opinions
Steve Bannon believed Trump had dementia and plotted to remove him as president, according to new book | Investigation of Donald Trump and Trumpism – What role did the retired FBI agents play in Capitol riot? | In new defense, dozens of Capitol rioters say law enforcement ‘let us in’ to building By Michael Novakhov (Mike Nova)…
posted Feb 2021 ago by The News And Times Information Network via News and Opinions
5:27 AM 2/15/2021 – Behind Capitol Riot is Russian Mob and Russian Mafia State. And FBI officers?! The News And Times Information Network – –…
posted Feb 2021 ago by The News And Times Information Network via News and Opinions
7:00 AM 2/15/2021 – Podcasts The News And Times Information Network – Blogs By Michael Novakhov –
posted Feb 2021 ago by The News And Times Information Network via News and Opinions
5:58 AM 2/15/2021 – Podcasts The News And Times Information Network – Blogs By Michael Novakhov –
posted Feb 2021 ago by The News And Times Information Network via News and Opinions
The News And Times Information Network – Blogs By Michael Novakhov – February 13, 2021 – In My Opinion: Capitol Riot and Trump’s role in it WERE NOT INVESTIGATED PROPERLY YET. WHO ARE THE MAIN HIDDEN ACTORS?! –…
posted Feb 2021 ago by The News And Times Information Network via News and Opinions
9:10 AM 2/13/2021 – The decline of Proud Boys – The Guardian – – The News And Times Information Network – Blogs By Michael Novakhov – –
posted Feb 2021 ago by The News And Times Information Network via News and Opinions
Thomas Edward Caldwell, Oath Keeper Leader, Charged With Conspiracy in Capitol Riots – The News And Times Information Network – Blogs By Michael Novakhov – – Updated Jan. 19, 2021…
posted Feb 2021 ago by The News And Times Information Network via News and Opinions
6:16 AM 2/13/2021 – INVESTIGATE THE INVESTIGATORS!!! The false flags and the very real flagpoles: The Capitol Riot – The News And Times Information Network – Blogs By Michael Novakhov – –…
posted Feb 2021 ago by The News And Times Information Network via News and Opinions
3:17 PM 2/12/2021 – Podcasts Review The News And Times Information Network – Blogs By Michael Novakhov –
posted Feb 2021 ago by The News And Times Information Network via News and Opinions
7:24 AM 2/12/2021 – Headlines Review The News And Times Information Network – Blogs By Michael Novakhov – – Selected Articles Review In Brief » Former FBI official, a Navy veteran, is ‘key figure’ in Jan. 6 riot, prosecutors allege » Katko: Capitol riots…
posted Feb 2021 ago by The News And Times Information Network via News and Opinions
5:52 PM 2/11/2021 – Podcasts Review The News And Times Information Network – Blogs By Michael Novakhov – –
posted Feb 2021 ago by The News And Times Information Network via News and Opinions
1:49 PM 2/11/2021 – FBI investigates the Counterintelligence aspects of the Capitol Riot FBI probing if foreign governments, groups funded extremists who helped execute Capitol attack
posted Feb 2021 ago by The News And Times Information Network via News and Opinions

Share The News FBI probing if foreign governments, groups funded extremists who helped execute Capitol attack Thursday February 11th, 2021 at 1:20 PM 1 Share WASHINGTON — The FBI is investigating whether foreign governments, organizations or individuals provided financial support to extremists…
posted Feb 2021 ago by mikenova via SharedNewsLinks℠ –
11:51 AM 2/11/2021 – Michael Novakhov – Shared News Links: The Capitol Riot as the focus of the Counterintelligence Investigation – Articles
posted Feb 2021 ago by The News And Times Information Network via News and Opinions

Share The News February 11, 2021 – Michael Novakhov – Shared News Links: The Capitol Riot as the focus of the Counterintelligence Investigations Articles German intelligence warns Capitol riot, Covid lockdown fuel right-wing extremism. Alleged Oath Keeper leader Thomas Caldwell was former FBI agent with top-secret clearance, attorney…
posted Feb 2021 ago by mikenova via Featured Posts –

Share The News February 11, 2021 – Michael Novakhov – Shared News Links: The Capitol Riot as the focus of the Counterintelligence Investigations Articles German intelligence warns Capitol riot, Covid lockdown fuel right-wing extremism. Alleged Oath Keeper leader Thomas Caldwell was former FBI agent with top-secret clearance, attorney…
posted Feb 2021 ago by mikenova via SharedNewsLinks℠ –

5:07 PM 2/10/2021 – News Review
posted Feb 2021 ago by Mike Nova via Mike Nova
5:07 PM 2/10/2021 – News Review
posted Feb 2021 ago by The News And Times Information Network via News and Opinions

1:40 PM 2/10/2021 – News Review Raskin presents opening argument against Trump at Senate impeachment trial posted at 18:34:52 UTC by CBS News via CBS News
posted Feb 2021 ago by Mike Nova via Mike Nova

1:07 PM 2/10/2021 – News Reviews – – – The News And Times Information Network – Blogs By Michael Novakhov – – –…
posted Feb 2021 ago by Mike Nova via Mike Nova

The News And Times Information Network – Blogs By Michael Novakhov – – – –
posted Feb 2021 ago by Mike Nova via Mike Nova

9:01 AM 2/10/2021 – Podcasts Review The News And Times Information Network – Blogs By Michael Novakhov –
posted Feb 2021 ago by Mike Nova via Mike Nova
9:01 AM 2/10/2021 – Podcasts Review The News And Times Information Network – Blogs By Michael Novakhov –
posted Feb 2021 ago by The News And Times Information Network via News and Opinions
8:08 AM 2/10/2021 – Podcasts Review The News And Times Information Network – Blogs By Michael Novakhov –
posted Feb 2021 ago by The News And Times Information Network via News and Opinions

8:08 AM 2/10/2021 – Podcasts Review The News And Times Information Network – Blogs By Michael Novakhov –
posted Feb 2021 ago by Mike Nova via Mike Nova
6:01 AM 2/10/2021 – Podcasts Review – Latest episodes The News And Times Information Network – Blogs By Michael Novakhov –
posted Feb 2021 ago by The News And Times Information Network via News and Opinions
2:48 PM 2/9/2021 – Donald Trump’s second impeachment trial begins The News And Times Information Network – Blogs By Michael Novakhov –
posted Feb 2021 ago by The News And Times Information Network via News and Opinions
11:29 – 8:31 AM 2/9/2021 – Podcasts Review The News And Times The News And Times Information Network – Blogs By Michael Novakhov – –
posted Feb 2021 ago by The News And Times Information Network via News and Opinions
7:39 AM 2/9/2021 – Investigate The Investigators! FBI agents and the Capitol Riot –…
posted Feb 2021 ago by The News And Times Information Network via News and Opinions

7:39 AM 2/9/2021 – Investigate The Investigators! How many of the current and past FBI agents participated in the organizing, planning, and the execution of the Capitol Riot? The estimates of the rioters with the military background is between 20 and 50%. What are the estimates of the rioters with the FBI background? In my humble opinion, the FBI is the biggest and the most clear, imminent, and present threat and danger to the American Democracy. It is the tool of the totalitarian suppression of Freedom and dissent. Abolish the inept, incompetent, and brainless FBI! Investigate all the past and the current FBI CRIMES in depth, exhaustively and objectively. The FBI criminals should not have any part of the State Power! Keep the FBI guard dogs on a short leash or this hungry bunch will devour you, this country, and everything in sight. Michael Novakhov
Share The News 7:39 AM 2/9/2021 – Investigate The Investigators! How many of the current and past FBI agents participated in the organizing, planning, and the execution of the Capitol Riot? The estimates of the rioters with the military background is between 20 and 50%. What are the estimates of the rioters with the FBI background? …
posted Feb 2021 ago by mikenova via SharedNewsLinks℠ –
5:14 AM 2/9/2021 – Latest Podcasts Episodes By Michael Novakhov (Mike Nova) February 09, 2021 The News And Times Information Network – Blogs By Michael Novakhov –
posted Feb 2021 ago by The News And Times Information Network via News and Opinions

News Review Links – The News And Times The News And Times Information Network – Blogs By Michael Novakhov – – – – –
posted Feb 2021 ago by Mike Nova via Mike Nova
News Review Links – The News And Times The News And Times Information Network – Blogs By Michael Novakhov – – – – –
posted Feb 2021 ago by The News And Times Information Network via News and Opinions

9:31 AM 2/8/2021 – News Review The News And Times The News And Times Information Network – Blogs By Michael Novakhov – – – – –
posted Feb 2021 ago by Mike Nova via Mike Nova
9:31 AM 2/8/2021 – News Review The News And Times The News And Times Information Network – Blogs By Michael Novakhov – – – – –
posted Feb 2021 ago by The News And Times Information Network via News and Opinions

4:13 AM 2/8/2021 – Podcasts Review – Latest episodes The News And Times Information Network – Blogs By Michael Novakhov –
posted Feb 2021 ago by Mike Nova via Mike Nova
4:13 AM 2/8/2021 – Podcasts Review – Latest episodes The News And Times Information Network – Blogs By Michael Novakhov –
posted Feb 2021 ago by The News And Times Information Network via News and Opinions
12:19 PM 2/7/2021 – News Review
posted Feb 2021 ago by The News And Times Information Network via News and Opinions

10:33 AM 2/7/2021 – News Review: It’s Still January 6 on Capitol Hill – – The News And Times – Blogs By Michael Novakhov – –
posted Feb 2021 ago by Mike Nova via Mike Nova
10:33 AM 2/7/2021 – News Review: It’s Still January 6 on Capitol Hill – – The News And Times – Blogs By Michael Novakhov – –
posted Feb 2021 ago by The News And Times Information Network via News and Opinions
Latest episodes – Podcasts Review – 1:26 PM 2/6/2021
posted Feb 2021 ago by The News And Times Information Network via News and Opinions
Podcasts Review – 8 – 9 AM 2/6/2021: Cuomo Prime Time with Chris Cuomo – 9 hours ago – Trump Propaganda Video May Have Helped Incite Capitol Rioters – Podcasts Review – 8:08 AM 2/6/2021: Cuomo Prime Time with Chris Cuomo – 9 hours ago – Trump Propaganda Video May…
posted Feb 2021 ago by The News And Times Information Network via News and Opinions
5:04 AM 2/6/2021 – The mysterious puzzle of the Covid-19 falling rates: too fast, too soon – Michael Novakhov COVID cases in the Midwest drop to a QUARTER of the seven-day average at its peak…
posted Feb 2021 ago by The News And Times Information Network via News and Opinions

Share The News Michael_Novakhov shared this story from News | Mail Online. COVID cases in the Midwest drop to a QUARTER of the seven-day average at its peak Saturday February 6th, 2021 at 4:08 AM – Cases of COVID-19 are continuing to drop across the United States with all four regions reporting a decline in new daily…
posted Feb 2021 ago by mikenova via Featured Posts –

Share The News Michael_Novakhov shared this story from News | Mail Online. COVID cases in the Midwest drop to a QUARTER of the seven-day average at its peak Saturday February 6th, 2021 at 4:08 AM – Cases of COVID-19 are continuing to drop across the United States with all four regions reporting a decline in new daily…

Share The News Michael_Novakhov shared this story from News | Mail Online. COVID cases in the Midwest drop to a QUARTER of the seven-day average at its peak Saturday February 6th, 2021 at 4:08 AM – Cases of COVID-19 are continuing to drop across the United States with all four regions reporting a decline in new daily…
posted Feb 2021 ago by mikenova via SharedNewsLinks℠ –

Spread the newsChet Baker in Tokyo (1996) (Full Album)The News And Times Information Network – Blogs By Michael Novakhov – The News And TimesSpread the newsThe post The News And Times: Chet Baker in Tokyo (1996) (Full Album) first appeared on My News Links – – Current News.
posted Feb 2021 ago by Admin via Featured Posts – My News Links –
11:54 AM 2/4/2021 – Podcasts Review By Michael Novakhov (Mike Nova) February 04, 2021 –
posted Feb 2021 ago by The News And Times Information Network via News and Opinions
7:24 AM 2/2/2021 – News Review: Trump takes his mask off … A secret GOP election autopsy says Trump’s COVID shitshow cost him the White House – The News And Times Information Network
posted Feb 2021 ago by The News And Times Information Network via News and Opinions
1:23 PM 2/1/2021 – South African Coronavirus variant with no travel history in England The News And Times Information Network – South African Coronavirus variant with no travel history in England – one more indication…
posted Feb 2021 ago by The News And Times Information Network via News and Opinions
11:15 AM 2/1/2021 – Podcasts and News Review: Melania would ‘lift Trump’s spirits’ and tell him ‘how wonderful and great he is’ after every rally, former friend claims The News And Times Information Network – Blogs By Michael Novakhov –…
posted Feb 2021 ago by The News And Times Information Network via News and Opinions

Share The News Michael_Novakhov shared this story . The Day – 5,000 arrested at anti-Putin protests across Russia Monday February 1st, 2021 at 2:54 AM MOSCOW (AP) — Chanting slogans against President Vladimir Putin, tens of thousands took to the streets Sunday across Russia to demand the release of jailed opposition…
posted Feb 2021 ago by mikenova via SharedNewsLinks℠ –
3:04 AM 2/1/2021 – AP – The Day – 5,000 arrested at anti-Putin protests across Russia – – – – The Day – 5,000 arrested at anti-Putin protests…
posted Feb 2021 ago by The News And Times Information Network via News and Opinions
5:00 PM 1/31/2021 – Podcasts Review
posted Jan 2021 ago by The News And Times Information Network via News and Opinions
1:49 PM 1/31/2021 – Trump and the Capitol Riot of January 6, 2021: Trump bears responsibility – Selected Articles Headlines In 25 Posts Trump and the Capitol Riot of January 6, 2021 » Trump bears responsibility » Trump loses lead impeachment lawyers…
posted Jan 2021 ago by The News And Times Information Network via News and Opinions
12:03 PM 1/31/2021 – Podcasts Review: The Russian protesters are suppressed by the Police – – The News And Times Information Network – Blogs By Michael Novakhov – –
posted Jan 2021 ago by The News And Times Information Network via News and Opinions
10:26 AM 1/31/2021 – News Review The News And Times Information Network – Blogs By Michael Novakhov Cover Image: Benjamin Wittes @benjaminwittes The #BeastOfTheDay is the green tree monitor.
posted Jan 2021 ago by The News And Times Information Network via News and Opinions
9:28 AM 1/31/2021 – News Review Cover Image : Joe Biden Will Meet the Queen at Buckingham Palace in June Plus, Charles and William become besties, Harry plans a U.K. visit maybe without Meghan, Kate plans a series of “secret” coronavirus initiatives, and a hunky royal birthday. 9:20 AM · Jan…
posted Jan 2021 ago by The News And Times Information Network via News and Opinions
8:17 AM 1/31/2021 – News Review –
posted Jan 2021 ago by The News And Times Information Network via News and Opinions
7:01 AM 1/31/2021 – News Review –
posted Jan 2021 ago by The News And Times Information Network via News and Opinions
5:12 AM 1/31/2021 – News Review –
posted Jan 2021 ago by The News And Times Information Network via News and Opinions
1/30/21 7:32 AM – UK – EU “Vaccine War” Post Link – The News And Times – Blogs By Michael Novakhov – Foster: “An Incredible Act of Hostility” | M.N. To me, this UK – EU “Vaccine War” itself is the “Incredible Act of Hostility”, reminding…
posted Jan 2021 ago by The News And Times Information Network via News and Opinions
3:59 AM 1/30/2021 – Audio News Review – –
posted Jan 2021 ago by The News And Times Information Network via News and Opinions
1:58 PM 1/29/2021 – News Review The News And Times Information Network – Blogs By Michael Novakhov
posted Jan 2021 ago by The News And Times Information Network via News and Opinions
The original Sars-Cov-2 may also “be occurring independently …” The News And Times Information Network – Blogs By Michael…
posted Jan 2021 ago by The News And Times Information Network via News and Opinions

Share The News“The same mutation may be occurring independently in many parts of the world.” – Can it be the same or similar situation with the original, pre-mutations virus or viruses, whatever they are, presumably Sars-Cov-2? Yes, most definitely it can. It means that the original virus may also “be occurring independently in many parts of the world….
posted Jan 2021 ago by mikenova via SharedNewsLinks℠ –

Share The News“The same mutation may be occurring independently in many parts of the world.” – Can it be the same or similar situation with the original, pre-mutations virus or viruses, whatever they are, presumably Sars-Cov-2? Yes, most definitely it can. It means that the original virus may also “be occurring independently in many parts of the world….
9:36 AM 1/29/2021 – News Review The News And Times Information Network – Blogs By Michael Novakhov
posted Jan 2021 ago by The News And Times Information Network via News and Opinions
8:03 AM 1/29/2021 – News Review The News And Times Information Network – Blogs By Michael Novakhov –
posted Jan 2021 ago by The News And Times Information Network via News and Opinions
7:06 AM 1/29/2021 – Audio News – Podcasts Review
posted Jan 2021 ago by The News And Times Information Network via News and Opinions
3:33 PM 1/28/2021 – Mink farms in China could be the cradle of Covid-19 – – – It seems increasingly plausible that Covid-19 originated…
posted Jan 2021 ago by The News And Times Information Network via News and Opinions
4:30 AM 1.28.21 – Reuters Now 5-minute briefing
posted Jan 2021 ago by The News And Times Information Network via News and Opinions
Just 5 Republican Senators Vote to Proceed With Trump’s Second Impeachment Trial – TIME’s Top Stories – 19 hours ago – – (WASHINGTON) — All but five Senate Republicans voted in favor of an effort to dismiss Donald Trump’s historic second impeachment trial on Tuesday, making clear a conviction…
posted Jan 2021 ago by The News And Times Information Network via News and Opinions
9:03 AM 1/27/2021 – Selected Articles – Headlines Audio Review | See Links at: – – » Biden, Putin Discuss Cyber Breach, Arms Control, In Phone Call » “trump authoritarianism” – Google News: Trump impeachment trial vote sees too many GOP senators dooming the…
posted Jan 2021 ago by The News And Times Information Network via News and Opinions
8:07 AM 1/27/2021 – News Review
posted Jan 2021 ago by The News And Times Information Network via News and Opinions
7:30 AM 1.27.21 – News Review: Why Are U.S. Covid Cases Falling? And Will the Trend Last? – – The Daily 1 hour ago Why Are U.S. Covid Cases Falling? And Will the Trend Last? The number of new coronavirus cases in the United States is falling, but has the country turned a corner in the pandemic? And what kind…
posted Jan 2021 ago by The News And Times Information Network via News and Opinions
2:43 AM 1/27/2021 – How the KGB Cultivated Donald Trump under the watchful eyes of the FBI! – – Author Craig Unger makes the revelations in his new book, American Kompromat, How the KGB Cultivated Donald Trump,…
posted Jan 2021 ago by The News And Times Information Network via News and Opinions
3:58 PM 1/26/2021 – News Review: BBC & NPR – The News And Times Information Network – Blogs By Michael Novakhov – –
posted Jan 2021 ago by The News And Times Information Network via News and Opinions
2:01 PM 1/26/2021 – News Review The News And Times Information Network – Blogs By Michael Novakhov –
posted Jan 2021 ago by The News And Times Information Network via News and Opinions
12:46 PM 1/26/2021 – World Radio News Review –
posted Jan 2021 ago by The News And Times Information Network via News and Opinions
VOA Headlines | NPR News: 01-26-2021 10 AM ET – –
posted Jan 2021 ago by The News And Times Information Network via News and Opinions
6:07 AM 1/26/2021 – INVESTIGATE THE INVESTIGATORS! How many of the current and former FBI agents participated in planning and performing of the Capitol Riot of January 6, 2021? – – 6:07 AM 1/26/2021 – INVESTIGATE THE INVESTIGATORS! 6:07 AM 1/26/2021 – INVESTIGATE THE…
posted Jan 2021 ago by The News And Times Information Network via News and Opinions

In ambulances, an unseen, unwelcome passenger: COVID-19 – Associated Press posted at 11:39:49 UTC Michael Novakhov’s favorite articles on Inoreader New York Weather: Cold Stretch Continues posted at 11:39:21 UTC by CBS New York via YouTube subscriptions via Mike Nova on Inoreader CBS2’s Elise Finch has the latest weather…
posted Jan 2021 ago by admin via Brooklyn News – FP –

Share The News Michael_Novakhov shared this story from News | Mail Online. Did a homegrown coronavirus strain cause California’s recent COVID surge? Monday January 25th, 2021 at 5:02 AM News | Mail Online Health officials in California are investigating whether a homegrown coronavirus strain could be partly…
6:48 AM 1/24/2021 – Headlines: Senate Leaders Agree on Impeachment Trial Delay – – Senate Leaders Agree on Impeachment Trial Delay, Giving Biden Breathing Room ReutersVideo’s YouTube Videos: Russia detains thousands of Alexei Navalny supporters Russia police violence under review after…
posted Jan 2021 ago by The News And Times Information Network via News and Opinions
4:54 AM 1/24/2021 – ‘An encouraging step’: Russia and US to extend nuclear treaty – – ‘An encouraging step’: Russia and US to extend nuclear treaty – The Christian Science Monitor Pfizer Will Ship Fewer Covid-19 Vaccine Vials to Account for ‘Extra’…
posted Jan 2021 ago by The News And Times Information Network via News and Opinions
3:44 AM 1/24/2021 – Selected Articles Headlines: Trump paid for Capitol Riot. Capitol Attack Was Culmination of Generations of Far-Right Extremism – The Intercept – -…
posted Jan 2021 ago by The News And Times Information Network via News and Opinions
Capitol insurrectionists: They have a lot in common with ISIS Saturday January 23rd, 2021 at 5:21 AM – Following the Capitol riot earlier this month, Congress is taking actions against those it holds responsible. House Democrats have committed to sending the article of impeachment to the Senate on Monday,…
posted Jan 2021 ago by The News And Times Information Network via News and Opinions
Investigation into US Capitol riot moves into more complicated phase – – Investigation into US Capitol riot moves into more complicated phase Saturday January 23rd, 2021 at 1:44 AM Law enforcement officials say they are moving from the so-called low-hanging fruit arrests and charges to…
posted Jan 2021 ago by The News And Times Information Network via News and Opinions
9:21 AM 1/22/2021 – News Review In Brief – Biden halts border wall building … – – – The News And Times Information Network – Selected Articles Review In Brief » Biden halts border wall…
posted Jan 2021 ago by The News And Times Information Network via News and Opinions
Selected Articles – 7:44 AM 1/22/2021 – ‘Dissatisfaction with Putin and His Government,’… – – Michael Novakhov’s favorite articles on Inoreader Biden halts border wall building after Trump’s final surge – KGBT-TV posted at…
posted Jan 2021 ago by The News And Times Information Network via News and Opinions
3:26 PM 1/21/2021 – Selected Articles Review In Brief – Audio – – – » FBI arrests Wixom man accused of hockey stick assault at U.S. Capitol storming – The Detroit News » Son of Yaser Said, FBI Ten Most…
posted Jan 2021 ago by The News And Times Information Network via News and Opinions
11:03 AM 1/21/2021 – News Review – Capitol rioter accused of stealing … – – – 11:03 AM 1/21/2021 – News Review Capitol rioter accused of stealing Nancy Pelosi’s laptop with plans to sell it to Russian intelligence: Feds …
posted Jan 2021 ago by The News And Times Information Network via News and Opinions
10:16 AM 1/21/2021 – News Review: Clinton, Pelosi call for ‘9/11-style commission’ into Capitol riot, Putin’s role – – Listen to this article Covid-19 News: Live Updates – The New York Times FOX News: Heavy rains…
posted Jan 2021 ago by The News And Times Information Network via News and Opinions
8:13 AM 1/21/2021 – News Review – – The News And Times Blogs Network – The News And Times Information Network – Selected Articles Review In Brief » Books by young inaugural poet Amanda Gorman become quick best sellers on Amazon – GeekWire » Biden administration will…
posted Jan 2021 ago by The News And Times Information Network via News and Opinions
To incite the Civil War in America was the most cherished dream of the Russian Ruling Mafia – – – 10:58 AM 1/18/2021 – To incite the Civil War in America was the most…
posted Jan 2021 ago by The News And Times Information Network via News and Opinions
January 18, 2021 – 6:30 AM – Latest Headlines Review – – The News And Times Information Network – Trump to issue around 100 pardons and commutations Tuesday, sources say – Parler CEO barred from platform backend amid Big Tech crackdown:…
posted Jan 2021 ago by The News And Times Information Network via News and Opinions
Researchers Discover Coronavirus Variants Likely Originating in America – Audio Posts and Shared Links – January 16, 2021 – 8 AM – – Unknowns remain about coronavirus origins Russian…
posted Jan 2021 ago by The News And Times Information Network via News and Opinions
Headlines Review – 4:56 PM 1/15/2021: ‘Stunning and disturbing’: Ex-intel chief reacts to new details about Capitol attackers – – ‘Stunning and disturbing’: Ex-intel chief reacts to new details about Capitol attackers Federal prosecutors say Capitol rioters intended to ‘capture and assassinate’…
posted Jan 2021 ago by The News And Times Information Network via News and Opinions
Capitol rioters included highly trained ex-military and cops – AP – – – Capitol rioters included highly trained ex-military and cops – Google…
posted Jan 2021 ago by The News And Times Information Network via News and Opinions
10:48 AM 1/15/2021 – Capitol rioters included highly trained ex-military and cops – – Capitol rioters included highly trained ex-military and cops New Governor Sworn in as a Wary Puerto Rico Demands Changes – Voice of America WATCH LIVE: Pelosi offers update ahead of Trump trial, Biden inauguration WATCH…
posted Jan 2021 ago by The News And Times Information Network via News and Opinions
8:47 AM 1/15/2021 – News Review – – Biden taps David Cohen to be CIA deputy director – Selected Articles » Biden taps former deputy CIA director David Cohen for spy agency again – Reuters » DC police detail their fight to defend the Capitol against pro-Trump mob – The Washington…
posted Jan 2021 ago by The News And Times Information Network via News and Opinions
Was Achilles gay? Twitter users debate – 11:30 AM January 14, 2021 – Current News Review – The News And Times Information Network –…
posted Jan 2021 ago by The News And Times Information Network via News and Opinions
Researchers Discover Coronavirus Variants Likely Originating in America – Headlines Review From The News And Times Information Network – 10 AM January 14, 2021 – – The News And Times Blogs Network – The News And Times…
posted Jan 2021 ago by The News And Times Information Network via News and Opinions
Audio Review – Questions Over Possible ‘Insider’ Help for Capitol Attack – 7:15 AM January 14, 2021 – Trumpism And Trump – RealClearInvestigations – Homepage: Questions Over Possible ‘Insider’ Help for Capitol…
posted Jan 2021 ago by The News And Times Information Network via News and Opinions
Angela Merkel blames ‘Brit virus’ – 3:15 PM – January13, 2021 Angela Merkel blames ‘Brit virus’ for German lockdown amid fears Covid deaths could be TEN TIMES higher after – The Sun Fearing new variant, Merkel warns Germany may lock down until April – CGTN Officials ramp…
posted Jan 2021 ago by The News And Times Information Network via News and Opinions
Selected Headlines Audio Review – 2:30 PM, January 13, 2021 – ‘He must go,’ Pelosi says as U.S. House nears impeaching Trump Europe: Italy’s government in crisis as Renzi ministers resign NYT > World > Europe: Another French Intellectual Falls After Comments…
posted Jan 2021 ago by The News And Times Information Network via News and Opinions
Did Law Enforcement Have No Information About Capitol Riot Plans? – Newsweek – 1:02 PM 1/13/2021 – – Fact Check: Did Law Enforcement Have No Information About Capitol Riot Plans? – Newsweek Incitement Timeline: Year of Trump’s Actions Leading to the Attack on the Capitol – Just Security Capitol rioter…
posted Jan 2021 ago by The News And Times Information Network via News and Opinions
Capitol rioter, who wore a ‘Camp Auschwitz’ is ARRESTED – 11:55 AM, January 13, 2021 – – Capitol rioter, 56, who wore a ‘Camp Auschwitz’ sweatshirt is ARRESTED CDC to require all air travelers to US to show negative…
posted Jan 2021 ago by The News And Times Information Network via News and Opinions
Headlines Review – 9:30 AM, January 13, 2021 – Attack on the Capitol and the German far right – Cleveland American COVID causing problems getting a tourist visa extension while in U.S. – New York Daily News Russia approves Sputnik V COVID-19 vaccine for people over 60: media –…
posted Jan 2021 ago by The News And Times Information Network via News and Opinions
Top Capitol Security Officials Resign After Insurrection – 8 AM January 13, 2021 – Headlines Audio Review – – Top Capitol Security Officials Resign After Insurrection Under Pressure From Lawmakers U.S….
posted Jan 2021 ago by The News And Times Information Network via News and Opinions
January 13, 2021, 7 AM – Selected Articles Review – –
posted Jan 2021 ago by The News And Times Information Network via News and Opinions
Washington Tense as DHS Chief Quits, FBI Warns of Armed Protests – January 12, 2021 – 5 PM – –
posted Jan 2021 ago by The News And Times Information Network via News and Opinions
Trump’s disastrous end to his shocking presidency – CNN – 2:47 AM 1/12/2021 – – – – Michael Novakhov – SharedNewsLinks℠ –…
posted Jan 2021 ago by The News And Times Information Network via News and Opinions
So much for America – Audio News Review – 12:03 PM January 10, 2021 – – So much for America Republicans pushed election lies and armed protests, but say their rhetoric didn’t spur U.S. Capitol…
posted Jan 2021 ago by The News And Times Information Network via News and Opinions
8:05 AM January 10, 2021 – Headlines Review | | The News And Times Information Network – 8:05 AM January 10, 2021 – Headlines Review Travel security tightened for members of Congress after harassment – NBC News Biden presidency could be boosted by Georgia results…
posted Jan 2021 ago by The News And Times Information Network via News and Opinions
Recent Audio Posts Review – 5:51 AM 1/10/2021 – Ex-agent faces drug-ring charges Self-pardon could backfire | Editors Pick Iowa man seen chasing cop in Capitol riot video arrested Arrests are mounting in wake of riot at Capitol ‘There’s something seriously wrong’: Local law enforcement…
posted Jan 2021 ago by The News And Times Information Network via News and Opinions

Recent Audio Posts Review – 5:51 AM 1/10/2021 – Ex-agent faces drug-ring charges Self-pardon could backfire | Editors Pick Iowa man seen chasing cop in Capitol riot video arrested Arrests are mounting in wake of riot at Capitol ‘There’s something seriously wrong’: Local law enforcement…
posted Jan 2021 ago by Mike Nova via Mike Nova
Law enforcement missed key signs ahead of riot on US Capitol – – –
posted Jan 2021 ago by The News And Times Information Network via News and Opinions

Share The News Michael_Novakhov shared this story . During conference calls that included federal agencies and the city’s police ahead of the rally, federal law enforcement officials say the US Capitol Police assured counterparts they had the situation under control—they knew how to deal with large demonstrations at the Capitol,…
posted Jan 2021 ago by mikenova via Featured Posts –
Vaccines may not protect against a new variant of the coronavirus – January 4th, 2021 at 12:48 PM – –…
posted Jan 2021 ago by Michael Novakhov via News and Opinions

Vaccines may not protect against a new variant of the coronavirus – January 4th, 2021 at 12:48 PM – –…
posted Jan 2021 ago by Mike Nova via Mike Nova

Share The News Michael_Novakhov shared this story from Nick Sibilla. Setting an important precedent for law enforcement accountability and religious liberty, the U.S. Supreme Court last month sided with three Muslim men who say they were forced onto the No-Fly List when they refused to becomes informants for the FBI. With…
posted Jan 2021 ago by mikenova via Featured Posts –

Share The News Michael_Novakhov shared this story from Nick Sibilla. Setting an important precedent for law enforcement accountability and religious liberty, the U.S. Supreme Court last month sided with three Muslim men who say they were forced onto the No-Fly List when they refused to becomes informants for the FBI. With…
posted Jan 2021 ago by mikenova via SharedNewsLinks℠ –

Share The News Michael_Novakhov shared this story . The US Congress has authorized the White House to impose sanctions against companies constructing the Nord Stream 2 natural gas pipeline from Russia to Germany, with lawmakers overriding President Donald Trump’s veto of a broader Defense Department spending authorization bill….
posted Jan 2021 ago by mikenova via SharedNewsLinks℠ –
New US cases raise fears UK Covid variant is already widespread – The Guardian – 4:54 AM 1/2/2021 –
posted Jan 2021 ago by Michael Novakhov via News and Opinions

New US cases raise fears UK Covid variant is already widespread – The Guardian – 4:54 AM 1/2/2021 –
posted Jan 2021 ago by Mike Nova via Mike Nova

Southern Brooklyn do-gooders gifted financial support to 15 struggling neighbors this holiday season, as the coronavirus pandemic left them struggling to make ends meet.  “I think, more than anything, it represents hope to some of these families, that others are thinking about them, that they are not alone and that their community supports them,”…
posted Dec 2020 ago by admin via Brooklyn News – FP –

Michael_Novakhov shared this story . Russian President Vladimir Putin on Sunday hailed the country’s “courageous” spies as he visited the headquarters of the Foreign Intelligence Service to mark its 100th birthday. Putin, who has spent most of the coronavirus epidemic at his residences outside the Russian capital and on the…
posted Dec 2020 ago by admin via Brooklyn News – FP –
Brooklyn News Review – 3:56 AM 12/29/2020 New York Leaders Refuse a Lifeline For Small Business Mon, 28 Dec 2020 09:52:46 +0000 The covid crisis has shown that the future of our small businesses cannot be left in the hands of powerful lobbies and ambitious politicians, or they will have no future. If City Hall continues to do nothing, as it has for…
posted Dec 2020 ago by admin via Brooklyn News – FP –

Brooklyn News Review – 3:56 AM 12/29/2020 Brooklyn News via Mike Nova on Inoreader  New York Leaders Refuse a Lifeline For Small Business Mon, 28 Dec 2020 09:52:46 +0000 The covid crisis has shown that the future of our small businesses cannot be left in the hands of powerful lobbies and ambitious politicians, or they will have no…
posted Dec 2020 ago by admin via Brooklyn News – FP –
Blake Is Dead – The Washington Post – 12.26.20 – – Michael_Novakhov shared this story . Russia’s Foreign Intelligence Service, known as SVR, announced his death on Dec. 26 but provided no further details. Russian President Vladimir Putin praised Mr. Blake…
posted Dec 2020 ago by Michael Novakhov via News and Opinions

Share The News Michael_Novakhov shared this story from The Nation. On a Monday night in August, Robert Habeck sat on a train to Berlin from the eastern German city of Cottbus, attempting to eat a falafel sandwich. The yellow sauce was dripping, first on the floor, then on his gray trousers. The pita bread was falling apart,…
posted Dec 2020 ago by mikenova via Featured Posts –

Share The News Michael_Novakhov shared this story from The Nation. On a Monday night in August, Robert Habeck sat on a train to Berlin from the eastern German city of Cottbus, attempting to eat a falafel sandwich. The yellow sauce was dripping, first on the floor, then on his gray trousers. The pita bread was falling apart,…
posted Dec 2020 ago by mikenova via SharedNewsLinks℠ –

Share The News Michael Novakhov – SharedNewsLinks℠ – Michael Novakhov – SharedNewsLinks℠ – Recent Posts – Michael Novakhov – SharedNewsLinks℠ 3:15 PM 12/25/2020 – The new Red–Green–Brown alliance, its political agenda, Covid-19, and the New Abwehr…

Share The News Michael Novakhov – SharedNewsLinks℠ – Michael Novakhov – SharedNewsLinks℠ – Recent Posts – Michael Novakhov – SharedNewsLinks℠ 3:15 PM 12/25/2020 – The new Red–Green–Brown alliance, its political agenda, Covid-19, and the New Abwehr…
posted Dec 2020 ago by mikenova via Featured Posts –

Share The News Michael Novakhov – SharedNewsLinks℠ – Michael Novakhov – SharedNewsLinks℠ – Recent Posts – Michael Novakhov – SharedNewsLinks℠ 3:15 PM 12/25/2020 – The new Red–Green–Brown alliance, its political agenda, Covid-19, and the New Abwehr…
posted Dec 2020 ago by mikenova via SharedNewsLinks℠ –

Spread the news (ATLANTA) — The United States will require airline passengers from Britain to get a negative COVID-19 test before their flight, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention announced late Thursday.The U.S. is the latest country to announce new travel restrictions because of a new variant of the coronavirus that is spreading in Britain…
posted Dec 2020 ago by Admin via Featured Posts – My News Links –

Video Post – U.S. to Require All U.K. Arrivals to Show Negative COVID-19 Test in Bid to Stop Spread – (ATLANTA) — The United States will require airline passengers from Britain to get a negative COVID-19 test before their flight, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention announced late Thursday….
posted Dec 2020 ago by Mike Nova via Mike Nova
Audio Post – U.S. to Require All U.K. Arrivals to Show Negative COVID-19 Test in Bid to Stop Spread of Mutant Strain – (ATLANTA) — The United States will require airline passengers from Britain to get a negative COVID-19 test before their flight, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention announced…
posted Dec 2020 ago by Michael Novakhov via News and Opinions
Audio – 11:35 AM 12/23/2020 – Headlines Review – – AUDIO REVIEW – SELECTED ARTICLES FEATURED POSTS Audio – 11:35 AM 12/23/2020 – Headlines Review Post…
posted Dec 2020 ago by Michael Novakhov via News and Opinions
Spread the newsCoronavirus Has Reached Every Continent, Including Antarctica : Coronavirus Updates – NPRTrump White House staffers receive conflicting messages about their departure – POLITICOEvery country has vaccine skeptics. In Russia, doctors are in their ranks – CTV NewsThe Latest: Crematoria in Germany’s Saxony reaching limits – WKMG News 6 &…
posted Dec 2020 ago by Admin via Featured Posts – My News Links –
Spread the news11:35 AM 12/23/2020Coronavirus Has Reached Every Continent, Including Antarctica : Coronavirus Updates – NPRTrump White House staffers receive conflicting messages about their departure – POLITICOEvery country has vaccine skeptics. In Russia, doctors are in their ranks – CTV NewsThe Latest: Crematoria in Germany’s Saxony reaching limits…
posted Dec 2020 ago by Admin via Featured Posts – My News Links –
Spread the newsRecent Posts – mynewslinks.com2020: The year media split into 2 realitiesThis is the full list of Trump’s pardons and commutationsListen to Trump’s sudden stipulation for Covid-19 stimulus billFlint Has Clean Water Now. Why Won’t People Drink It? – POLITICOBiden laying out stimulus priorities, but GOP may not support more aid – Business…
posted Dec 2020 ago by Admin via Featured Posts – My News Links –
Nato-Russia tensions: what a Biden administration can do to lower the temperature – 6:39 AM 12.23.20 – -…
posted Dec 2020 ago by Michael Novakhov via News and Opinions

Nato-Russia tensions: what a Biden administration can do to lower the temperature – 6:39 AM 12.23.20 – -…
posted Dec 2020 ago by Mike Nova via Mike Nova

Spread the newsNews Review By Michael Novakhov (Mike Nova) December 23, 2020 –  6:39 AM 12/23/2020The News And Times Blogs Network – newsandtimes.netThe News And Times Network – newsandtimes.netSelected Articles – In 250 Brief Posts» Nato-Russia tensions: what a Biden administration can do to lower the temperature – Yahoo News UK» Man commits suicide…
posted Dec 2020 ago by Admin via Featured Posts – My News Links –
2:37 PM 12/22/2020 – Brooklyn News –
posted Dec 2020 ago by Michael Novakhov via News and Opinions
Leading Headlines New York Daily News: Deaths in 2020 top 3 million, deadliest in U.S. history | The Brooklyn News New York Daily News: Cuomo calls on N.Y. hospitals to test for highly contagious U.K. COVID variant | The Brooklyn News New York Daily News: Two cardinals close to Pope Francis have tested positive for COVID | The Brooklyn…
posted Dec 2020 ago by admin via Brooklyn News – FP –

The Brooklyn News The Brooklyn News – | Audio Posts in English   Brooklyn Paper: Six injured after FDNY truck smashes through Gravesend storefront 12.22.20 – Brooklyn News Leading Headlines   New York Daily News: SEE IT: Santa rescued after getting wrapped up in power…
posted Dec 2020 ago by admin via Brooklyn News – FP –
The News And Times Information Network – Blogs By Michael Novakhov –