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This House Republican “majority” is a dumpster fire already

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The Republican party’s slim majority in the House of representatives is quickly shaping up to be Dante’s inferno and very possibly worse. What we’re seeing is utter and complete chaos. It is not just the House speaker position which, at this moment, nobody has the votes for. It’s everything else as well.

Republicans cannot agree on whom to start investigating first. Not just content to investigate people, it seems as if none of the fools can even decide on who those subjects should be.

Hunter Biden’s name is, of course, out there. But some think Joe Biden himself, not Hunter, should be the target. Others want to investigate the prison conditions of the January 6 insurrection insurrectionists. THAT should really make the moderates happy!

Everybody is trying behind-the-scenes maneuvers. The GOP caucus is filled with chaos as nobody can agree on much of anything. Maga has gotten into the act, too, as all over social media, many are demanding that Kevin McCarthy not be elected speaker.

But Maga cannot even agree on who they want to be investigated. Should it be Hunter? How about Fauci? Nancy Pelosi? Joe Biden? It’s like the children stranded on the island in “Lord of the Flies” have completely taken over the caucus.

Mayhem sings its merry song as total disorganization runs around, making everybody within striking distance miserable. Added to all the insanity are the moderates in the House, who are quickly getting fed up and who are calling for the House to work together for the American people. That does not seem like it’s happening anytime soon.

The GOP is on fire right now as the chaotic and insane inmates have escaped the asylum and are quickly finding out their new hideout is not a sane place to be. So what will become of this newer, crazier, more pathetic Republican party? Nothing good, I imagine. But I must admit — it is fun to watch it burn.

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