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Donald Trump is unraveling

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There is this tricky little fact about malignant narcissists. And that fact is — there is no cure. There is no medicine one can take to make narcissism go away. It is a personality disorder, and though one can live with such a disorder, there is no way of curing that which is not curable.

And many times, narcissists get worse in their disorder. That is precisely what is happening to Donald Trump. Like a spool of thread, the narcissist is unraveling. It gets worse every day now. But the other day, it definitely got better for special prosecutor Jack Smith because Donald Trump confessed.

Of course, this took place on Truth Social. Trump was in the midst of yet another meltdown when he said the following: “When will you invade the other presidents’ homes in search of documents which are voluminous, which they took with them, but not nearly so openly and transparently as I did?”

“As I did.”

Sounds like a confession to me. After all, if it walks like a duck and talks like a duck, it certainly is a duck.

These words were likely unnecessary as there seems to be so much evidence against his royal narcissist that I think they could charge him without these words.

But every bit helps. And these words show premeditation. And they show Trump did not take any documents “by accident.” He knew what he was doing.

That is why when dealing with a narcissist — particularly one under criminal investigation for espionage — it is pretty important if one is representing the narcissist to keep him away from any little gadget he might confess his sins on.

Apparently, this did not work with Trump. And now everybody is talking about his confession — when they’re not talking about his antisemitic dining companion, of course.

This really is the unraveling of a narcissist — the ultimate narcissist. Wouldn’t it be funny if it is his own words that doom him? It looks like that just might be the case.

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