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FBI agents say Director Christopher Wray ‘has got to go,’ lost control of agency

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FBI Director Christopher Wray has lost the confidence of rank-and-file FBI agents after a senior bureau official left under a cloud of accusations that he shielded Hunter Biden’s laptop from a criminal probe — and some believe the top G-man should step down, a new report says.

“I’m hearing from [FBI personnel] that they feel like the director has lost control of the bureau,” Kurt Siuzdak, a lawyer representing FBI whistleblowers, told the Washington Times in a report published Tuesday. “They’re saying, ‘How does this guy survive? He’s leaving. He’s got to leave.’

“[The FBI agents] are telling me they have lost confidence in Wray. All Wray does is go in and say ‘We need more training and we’re doing stuff about it,’ or ‘We will not tolerate it,’” Siuzdak said.

His comments come in the wake of Timothy Thibault, the top agent in charge of the FBI field office in Washington, resigning amid claims he blocked investigations into the first son’s laptop. Thibault’s lawyer said his resignation was unrelated to these claims and that he did not seek to close the laptop investigation.

A photo of Hunter Biden.
A senior bureau official accused FBI Director Christopher Wray of shielding Hunter Biden’s laptop from a criminal probe.
Hunter Biden’s laptop

A photo of Hunter Biden in a bath tub.
An image of Hunter Biden from his laptop.
Hunter Biden’s laptop

A photo of Hunter Biden sleeping.
FBI Director Christopher Wray called allegations that Thibault blocked an investigation into Hunter Biden’s laptop “deeply disturbing.”
Hunter Biden’s laptop

Thibault was escorted out of the field office last Friday by “headquarters-looking types,” the Washington Times reported, while U.S. officials said this is common practice for anyone who retires.

Siuzdak told The Post that he left the bureau in March after a 25-year career, because management failed to hold bosses accountable, a problem that stems from politicization at the highest levels of the agency. 

He told the Times that the whistleblowers have alleged that Wray, who was appointed by President Donald Trump in 2017, did not take action when confronted with issues inside the bureau that ranged from agents being forced to sign false affidavits to sexual harassment claims. 

A photo of documents seized from an FBI search of former President Trump Florida estate.The FBI searched for and seized documents from former President Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida. AP

The FBI, which has been taking heat for the Aug. 8 raid on Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort in search of classified documents, emphasized the integrity of its agents in a statement to the Times. 

“The men and women of the FBI work hard every day to protect the American people and uphold the Constitution. All employees are held to the highest standards of professional and ethical conduct, and we expect them to focus on process, rigor, and objectivity in performance of their duties,” the statement said.

“Allegations of misconduct are taken seriously and referred to the Inspection Division or appropriate investigative body,” it said.

Wray, at a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing earlier this month, called allegations that Thibault blocked an investigation into Hunter Biden’s laptop “deeply disturbing.”

A photo of FBI Director Christopher Wray.FBI Director Christopher Wray testified at a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing earlier this moth. AP

Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), the ranking Republican on the panel, wrote to Wray and Attorney General Merrick Garland in July to raise accusations from whistleblowers that the agency is burying “verified and verifiable” information about President Biden’s son by incorrectly labeling it as “misinformation.”

The Iowa senator said in his missive that if the accusations are true, the FBI and the Justice Department are “institutionally corrupted to their very core.”