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Herschel Walker runs and hides

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It’s the last few days of the Georgia special election. And as we move closer to D-day, a certain vampire is losing his mind. Walker is desperately pleading for money. I suppose it’s only natural for the pretend cop to be freaking out. Senator Warnock has been eviscerating Walker in campaign ads, and voters have been showing up for early voting.

Mr. Walker also appears to have put in place a new rule as it relates to reporters. And that rule is: stay away. It’s being reported that Walker will not let journalists within 20 feet of him. I suppose I can’t blame him, really. After all, they might just have questions that Walker cannot answer. So far, Walker has demonstrated an inability to answer most questions.

And one of Walker’s ex-girlfriends has come forward to say Walker attacked her while in a state of complete rage. So no, these last few days have not smiled upon Walker. And he could still win. This is an article to warn you — that we can’t get complacent.

Republicans are turning out too. And they’re making calls. How do I know this? Because I’ve read the stories of some of them. They are door-knocking. They are doggedly working hard — just as we are.

So that means we must work harder. No matter how much we think we may have in the bag — we do not. Every vote matters. It is indeed possible this race could come down to a mere hundred votes or less. Remember, Georgia only recently became a swing state. Remember how close it will be.

So please — let’s use these last few days to donate, phone bank, tweet, door knock, send postcards, and basically push ourselves to do whatever we possibly can to capture that 51st seat. Lots of people are counting on us. Let’s not let them down.

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