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Key Georgia Republican bails on Herschel Walker

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It’s the final stretch. That’s where we are as it relates to the Georgia special election. We can’t let Walker win. It is as simple as that. So that is why we must: Phone bank. Donate. Door knock. Tweet. Drive people to the polls if you live in Georgia.

Republicans are working hard as well to get him elected. So it is important we do not take anything for granted. In the meantime, I do have some news on Mr. Walker. Geoff Duncan, who is the Republican lieutenant governor in Georgia, has said he just could not bring himself to vote for Walker.

Can’t say I blame him. Duncan said he wound up walking out without voting for either walker or Warnock. It doesn’t seem likely at this point that Donald Trump will stump for Walker. And Walker’s campaign manager, Scott Paradise, sent a memo to donors pleading for help.

And although most polls have Warnock ahead, we CANNOT go by the polls. So what can we do that we’re not already doing? In these last few days, anything that we’re doing can be amplified.

For example, if you are thinking about doing one phone banking shift — think about doing two or three. If you are thinking about donating five dollars (and have the money), donate ten or fifteen.

If you are thinking of sending ten postcards – send forty or fifty. It’s ALL a numbers game, people. It’s all about who turns out the most people. Numbers are where it’s at, and we have shown we’re excellent at getting our people out. That is really what it is going to come down to.

Walker’s campaign is floundering, BUT he, too, has people working for him. We need to do it better, and more efficiently, and then we can claim victory.

Senator Warnock isn’t just another Senator either. He has shown extraordinary talent. So let’s get to 51 Senators! Let’s all pitch in these last few days. We have the momentum. We just need to make sure our numbers are sky-high.

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