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Bottoms up

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“We the people.” They are the first three words in the Constitution of the United States of America. Power to the people! The power lies with us. We do not have kings in our country. We do have elected representatives.

And very shortly, the state of Georgia will have to make a choice. They will have to vote. Two men are running for Senate. There are two choices. One of them is Senator Raphael Warnock. Warnock is a good man, a conscientious man — a brilliant man.

And so it says in the Constitution. “We, the people,” make this choice. And in Georgia, we must help them make the correct choice. In just a few short hours, we will likely know who has won Georgia. And it must be Senator Warnock.

He’s been doing well on the campaign trail in the last few weeks. People have been turning out to see him. He is ahead in the polls—people like what they are hearing. And yet we still have to keep the activism going. Because — one never knows.

Do not forget the headline from all those years ago “Dewey defeats Truman.” I am saying that we cannot make assumptions. It just isn’t possible. It is going to be too close for that. So please — let’s phone bank, door knock, and help Warnock to the end. And that includes election day.

I do believe victory will be ours. But not if we grow lax and the day before or the day of an election is the time when some people do. I, for one, want 51 senators. I cannot wait to have them. I want to hear that Senator Warnock has been re-elected by the people of Georgia.

So don’t give up, and don’t stop the activism. Let’s see it through to the end. The Constitution gave us the power. With our votes, we, the people, can make a difference. And we will — be getting Senator Warnock reelected and grabbing that 51st seat.

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