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“Loser.” That whisper above — vicious in its simplicity is Donald Trump’s biggest fear We all have our worries and fears, and they can vary tremendously. Donald Trump does not fear breaking the law, as we’ve seen time and time again. “Loser.”

He does not fear the inability to give and receive love — affection, and friendship, as we’ve seen time and again. “Loser.”

No. What he fears is that one word. He fears its soft and silken viciousness, its meaning and its possible attachment to — him. “Loser.”

This one word, so weightless and yet so horrifying, is the stuff that Donald’s nightmares are made of. He fears it as the GOP fears him. What if Trump laughs at us? What if we lose voters?

All the GOP’s fears swirl, and the Donald’s too, loom large. And the editorial board of the Kansas City star has called the GOP out on their fears as well as using the one word that Trump never could bear hearing. “Loser.”

In the editorial, the Star completely eviscerates republicans for their mousy and obsequious ways and their meek obedience. “Aren’t you sick of being scared of whatever idiocy Donald Trump is going to drag you into next?” They demand.

“Why on earth aren’t you coming together as a party and taking the chance to formally renounce this historic loser once and for all?”

“Historic loser.” Those two words will be imprinted on Donald’s brain once he sees this editorial. And for the Star, in one single op-ed, they have called upon two cowards — Trump and the GOP — taking on their biggest fears.

And wiping the floor with them. They singled out Josh Hawley, and that was good to see. It is so very good to see this calling out. The GOP is scared of their own shadows. Donald Trump is terrified of his own loser-hood. And this editorial showed that both the GOP and the Donald are precisely that which they so fear.

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