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This just keeps getting uglier for Kevin McCarthy

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Right now, as I write these words, one can hear rumblings on a distant shore. These rumblings are the result of a powerful earthquake — a tsunami — that is being caused by a displacement of waves blowing angrily across the sea’s bottom.

This tsunami is red in nature and is preparing to drop like a rock into the lives of Republican House members all over DC who, at this very moment, are prepping for the basins of crap about to be dropped on top of them.

The GOP is in tatters. They cannot agree on a speaker. And now, this futile struggle with troubled waters has caused the delay of key House committee assignments. These decisions are indefinitely “on hold.”

McCarthy’s opponents are growing more emboldened. They are clear — they do not want him. Matt Gaetz said they’re prepared to hold up things in the house. Andy Biggs is once again challenging McCarthy. McCarthy’s allies are literally begging holdouts to support him. It’s a tsunami, alright. And water levels have reached the highest levels.

Anger and frustration are swirling about in the House, made worse by the fact that the Democratic Senate is moving smoothly and seamlessly. The contrast between parties could not be more stark and embarrassing for the GOP.

And now the different factions of the GOP have taken to trading insults. Rep. Don Bacon, a moderate, said, “We’re not going to be held, hostage.” All over the house, members are turning on each other as nobody seems to be able to find a solution that pleases everybody.

So how will this end? I have no idea. But it’s been very amusing to watch it happen. If anything shows the internal chaos of the GOP, it’s this internal fight for House Speaker. On and on they go, chugging away, fuming, pleading, and begging with no end in sight.

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