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Report: ‘Largest Caravan in History’ Crosses Border Into Texas

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A caravan of more than 1,000 illegal immigrants from Cuba, Venezuela, and Nicaragua on Sunday “streamed across the southern border into Texas,” the Daily Mail reported Monday.

The caravan, which the Daily Mail says may be “the largest in history,” rushed across the Rio Grande into El Paso. Mexican police appear to have helped the immigrants cross the U.S. border, with images showing police “escorting nearly 20 buses filled with migrants into Ciudad Juarez,” directly across the border from El Paso.

The mass crossing came nine days before the expiration of Title 42, a Trump-era policy that allows law enforcement to rapidly expel illegal immigrants. A federal judge already struck down the policy, though states are appealing that ruling. The Biden administration, which earlier this year moved to end the policy, has started weighing similar policies as the border crisis worsens.

President Joe Biden has faced widespread criticism for his handling of border crossings, which have broken records since he took office. The president just last week declined to visit the border, saying that “there are more important things going on.”

Administration officials this year pressured the mayor of El Paso, where the caravan crossed Sunday, to cover up the border crisis, the Washington Free Beacon reported in October.

Migrants at that time were already “filling up the city’s shelters and hotels and straining its services,” according to El Paso officials. That strain has intensified, the Daily Mail reported:

El Paso reports that after the 1,000 crossings on Sunday night, Border Patrol now has more than 5,000 illegal immigrants in custody and has released hundreds onto the streets of U.S. cities.

The post Report: ‘Largest Caravan in History’ Crosses Border Into Texas appeared first on Washington Free Beacon.