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Score one for Joe Biden

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Inflation has been a Republican buzz word for much of 2022 despite that party not having an official position on how to bring it down and not really even any command of how it happens. The U.S. has largely had a mild case of it compared to the rest of the world – and that’s due in part to two major bills that worked to reduce it – ones that the GOP largely voted against only to try claiming credit later.

Anyone paying attention would realize that inflation is a largely global phenomenon and it’s going down in America – dropping to 7.1% even while rising in other countries by double digits – such as the United Kingdom, or holding steady in Japan at 9%.

While President Biden acknowledged that the U.S. still has a ways to go on inflation – and it may not be entirely under control until next year, it’s become more apparent now than ever that we’re making a strong recovery – due in large part to the efforts of his administration.

It’s happening well before the Republican House majority can take office and we’re also likely to see a number of manufacturing jobs return to America between now and 2024 that will only further improve the country’s economic outlook.

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