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The hits just keep on coming

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Texts — thousands of them — of out of control seditious republicans communicating with Mark Meadows were handed over to the January 6 committee. Altogether, these texts to Mark Meadows number around 2,319 texts. And I want to talk about one of them. And one House representative. Say his name. It’s Rep. Ralph Norman of South Carolina.

Say his name and remember it because we are going to defeat him and get him out of office. Norman, in the text, appears to have been imploring Meadows to ask Trump to impose Martial Law. Well, no, that’s not quite right. You see, Norman misspelled Martial. He wanted “Marshall Law.”

Here are the exact words: “Mark, in seeing what’s happening so quickly and reading about the Dominion lawsuits attempting to stop any meaningful investigation, we are at a point of no return in saving our republic.”

“Our last hope is invoking Marshall Law!!”

“Please urge to president to do so.”

Wow. This text, so open in its seething arrogance, managed to shock even me. A bit about Norman: he is the representative for South Carolina’s 5th Congressional district and has been in office since 2017.

I would like to see this “human” expelled from Congress. Of course, he will not be. Whoever the House speaker turns out to be, they will likely give this wretched person a promotion. That’s my opinion.

We need to name and shame the people who do this- those who choose to engage in insurrection. Over on social media, thousands are demanding the Congressman either resign or be expelled from Congress. It is very sad that this is what the GOP has turned into. They’re a mess. And if they continue on the route they’ve chosen, they will continue to lose elections.

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