Hi there, subscribers. I thought you’d like to know that you were part of a popular wave that graced SpyTalk’s shores this year: Subscriptions more than doubled, from 4,840 in the last week of December 2021 to this week’s 10,474. Fully paid subscriptions, without which we could not continue our work, rose nearly 25 percent, from 510 to 636.
Wow. And all this without any advertising or marketing campaigns beyond posting links to our stories on Twitter and LinkedIn (and occasionally Facebook).
Thank you, as Elvis said. Thank you very much.
I hope you’ll help boosting the wave over the holidays and new year, through gift subscriptions to friends and loved ones or moving up from free to paid yourself. We’re like your local NPR or PBS station: Sure, you can get most of our stories for free (except for our pretty great archives), but a paid subscription not only helps keep the lights on but allows us to pay our writers more and add new talent to our already impressive corps of contributors.
So won’t you help keep the ball moving along? SpyTalk’s Santa will remember. Some special things are coming along this year for paying subscribers who are naughty or nice. Merry Christmas!