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It’s all coming to a head now

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The House Select Committee has concluded its work, and criminal referrals are expected. Donald Trump has learned nothing from the various investigations surrounding him. Instead of trying to humble himself and mitigate the damage he has caused, Raw Story reported that he went on the warpath by threatening the investigations will lead to a “dark period in American history.” Someone should tell him it’s already dark. Never in the history of this country have we seen such turmoil created by one elected to high office and one who cannot accept that he lost his reelection bid.

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Raw Story reported that Trump spent 40 minutes on Sunday morning, ranting on his social media platform. He still mistakenly believes everything is about his power and ability to win, claiming that “Democrats will do anything not to run against me.” Sorry, Trump, but DeSantis is way more of a threat than you could ever be. This is about him paying for his crimes. What continues to be so amazing is Trump sees everything but the truth and tries to push his own misdeeds onto others calling Democrats the “the Party of MISINFORMATION” and claiming that he is “beating everybody in the REAL Polls.” Those must be his personal polls, as every other one shows him either second or third among Republicans.

Trump is a modern-day snake oil salesman. Just like the snake oil salesmen of the past, he deceives to get what he wants. He honestly believes that if he tells his tall tales often enough, people will believe him. He’s just too dumb to see that fewer and fewer people are listening to him, let alone believing him. He still thinks he’s the smartest man in the room when he is, in fact, the dumbest. He’s still talking about the stolen election myth when there was absolutely no fraud, other than that committed by Republicans like Mark Meadows. Trump had better be worried about what’s coming next for him instead of continuing to live in the past, but others are freely weighing on that conversation.

Joyce Vance and Barbara McQuade, both former U.S. Attorneys, appeared on MSNBC around the same time Trump was ranting, and they discussed the possibilities of indictments against Trump. As they pointed out, prosecutors go after charges they can prove. Thanks to Trump’s arrogance, there is plenty out there, including videotapes, phone calls, text messages, and who knows what else. Trump’s arrogance has not waned and has, instead, ramped up. Most people under criminal investigation would quietly slink into the background, but not a narcissist like Donald Trump. He is under some misguided belief that people love him and see him as a savior or a superhero like his ridiculous post. All of this is merely “smoke and mirrors” as Trump tries in vain to change the conversation. His company is in trouble, and Congress has his tax returns. Georgia is winding up its preliminary investigation, and the DOJ investigations continue. There is no place for Trump to go but down, and he is trying like hell to hang on.

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