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Donald Trump has total meltdown after he’s referred for criminal prosecution

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Donald Trump rants on his own social network on a regular basis. Most days we just ignore him, because what he says is as false as it is predictable as it is boring. But on days like this, when the January 6th Committee referred him to the Department of Justice for criminal prosecution, it can be useful to check in with Trump and see how bad he thinks it is for him.

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Sure enough, Trump seems to be particularly troubled by this criminal referral. He may have convinced himself that these widespread major media reports about the DOJ grand jury indictment process against him weren’t real. He may have even convinced himself that Special Counsel Jack Smith isn’t going to do anything. After all, Trump is delusional in his rationalizations. When Congress feels so confident that Trump will be indicted and convicted that it’s willing to put its own stamp on the process, it’s probably difficult for Trump to rationalize it away.

Trump is now insisting that he was already acquitted on the criminal charges he was referred on today. He’s making the argument, presumably with a straight face, that his second impeachment trial means the DOJ can’t bring criminal charges due to “double jeopardy.”

There’s an episode of The Office in which the idiot manager accidentally hits an employee with his company car in the company parking lot, and tries to make the argument that it’s “double jeopardy” because he hit her with company property on company property. Trump’s argument really isn’t any less ridiculous. If Trump goes into trial and tries to use something like this as his defense, he’ll get convicted almost automatically. If that’s how he wants to play this, more power to him.

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