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Kari Lake goes down the rabbit hole

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In her attempts to subvert the election results in Arizona in which she was shown the door by the voters of that state, former news anchor and all-around Branch Trumpvidian Kari Lake called on Governor Elect and current Arizona Secretary of State Kattie Hobbs to recuse herself from certifying the results of the election. Her followers – all “experts” on law, science, medicine, religion, and just about any other subject you could imagine took to social media to suggest that Hobbs acted unconstitutionally by certifying her own election as Arizona Governor.

As usual, these “experts” turned out to be totally wrong. University of Colorado law Professor Doug Spencer said that such claims are “demonstrably false.” Professor Spencer pointed out that neither the US Constitution or Arizona’s own Constitution spell out how an election should be certified, and that incumbent secretaries in Arizona often certify their own reelections. Additionally, it is not unusual for elected officials to be in the position of certifying their own elections, not just in Arizona but throughout the country. For example, former VP Pence was the one who had to certify the 2020 election win or lose, which he did for President Biden despite the terrorist attack former guy’s followers carried out that day.

These armchair “experts” have spoken and only managed to make themselves look like gosh darn fools in the process. The real problem is that they convince other fools to buy into their bullshit. If Kari Lake was an actual, functional adult she’d wouldn’t be doing all this garbage but instead be a gracious loser like 99.9% of Democratic politicians are when they lose elections.

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