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Falling apart at the seams

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It is never a good thing when hubris comes knocking at the door. Bad, bad things happen if one lets hubris in. All throughout history, that’s been proven; it is a rare thing indeed when hubris triumphs.

And right now, hubris has knocked on the door of Elon Musk. And the billionaire cheerfully told hubris to take a seat. That might be why Musk’s life is sort of spinning out of control these days. And nowhere is that more evident than with his other company, Tesla.

People — a large number of people — are starting to cancel their Tesla orders. It is being reported that many potential customers are demanding a refund. “His personality is absolutely tanking the Tesla brand,” said one biotech executive.

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It’s true. Tesla shares have fallen, and its reputation is being tarnished in real time all because the owner has apparently had or is having some right-wing meltdown. Many of the people who are cancelling their orders are saying they do not want to be associated with the brand because they are repulsed by the owner’s hijinks.

Tesla is losing money — a lot of money. Does Musk even care? Has the hubris wrapped itself around him so hard that he has stopped caring about his pride and joy? Right-wing activism will do that to you. Bill Palmer has noted that people who become conspiracy theorists seem to lose control of their lives. They almost always begin a downward spiral.

Calling social psychologists — we need a report on this phenomenon. For Musk, his livelihood, his reputation, and billions of dollars are teetering on the brink — all because he invited hubris to have a seat at the table.

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