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House Republicans stunned into silence as George Santos scandal gets even more bizarre

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Congressman-Elect George Santos could give any con artist a run for his money. The congressman-elect has been making news lately mainly because it appears he may have lied about – well — everything.

Where he went to college? Lie. Where he lives? Lie. Where he worked? Lie. You get the picture. All of this points to a despicable man who conned the good people he is SUPPOSED to represent into voting for him. This is not someone we want in Congress, that’s for sure.

And yet there’s nothing. Nothing from the GOP. Silent as the night. Kevin McCarthy? What say you about George Santos? Silence. Lindsey Graham? What say you about George Santos? Silence. Imagine, if you will, that Santos was a democrat. Picture the tantrums that would be going on now from the GOP.

But not for George Santos. The GOP is — quiet as little mice. Where are you, dear Republicans? Why are you not outraged and calling for a full investigation? I think we all know why.

McCarthy, in particular, needs George Santos to help propel him to the speaker’s position. But the others? Where are the others? They do appear to have wandered off, do they not?

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Well, they’re out there, alright. But they do seem to be hiding from this story. The GOP has done a bit of a vanishing act. This is one thing they happen to be very good at. One can always count on the GOP to vanish when the going gets tough.

These accusations are quite serious. If true, that means a two-bit con artist is now about to take his place among Congress. And the GOP says nothing. They have truly done a vanishing act. If I were them (and thank goodness I’m not), I’d be demanding the man’s resignation.

It’s going to get hard for the GOP if they do not do this. We won’t forget come 2024. We won’t forget the GOP’s vanishing act and their stupid and irrational fear of — everything.

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