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CNN’s elevator politics are heading for the basement

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We knew it had to happen. For the past year and some months, CNN has been cheerlessly sliding into irrelevancy. On and on the network goes, losing viewers, it would seem, every month. CNN now reminds me of elevator music. You know, the type of music (muzak) that would put one to sleep. Yes, “elevator politics” is surely what CNN has become.

But this article is about CNN’s President, Chris Licht. Because apparently, Licht is becoming agitated at all the criticism being thrown his way. And he’s blaming all of this on — liberals? Yes. That is exactly what he is doing.

I am curious why so many in politics choose US to blame whenever they have a problem. What will we be blamed for next? So Licht, in the spirit of many deniers before him, is saying he is shocked — shocked, I tell you! By the “uninformed vitriol” of the criticism thrown his way. And he is saying it is especially bad from the liberals.

“The uninformed vitriol, especially from the left, has been stunning,” a stunned Licht said, stunnedly. “Which proves my point,” he went on. “So much of what passes for news is name-calling, half-truths, and desperation.”

Well, he’s right about THAT. But what he isn’t right about is that CNN is above the fray. In fact, CNN is down in it as deep as it gets. Scandal after scandal plagued the network, and many of the pundits have reportedly been neutered — because of Licht.

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And it is just stunning to me that the man can’t see that. Does he think the majority of people want a vanilla, lightweight, numbingly dull elevator station?

There is no edge left in CNN. Watching them is like watching a watered-down version of the news. Everyone looks miserable, and half the regular faces are gone. I’d be inclined to say more than half.

The prime-time hour at 9:00 PM remains open, like a yawning open wound. It is Licht’s responsibility to fill this hour. He has not done it. It would seem fear rules CNN’s every move. That Licht can’t see that tells me sadly that CNN is likely to stay the elevator station of our time.

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