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Donald Trump’s F-list

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It is always dark in the house of Mar-a-Lago. At least that is according to Trump’s advisors who claim that Trump’s world has been diminishing in real-time. “So, so small.” That is what’s being whispered behind Trump’s back. Sources close to him say he is “holed up” in Mar-a-lago, skipping activities such as rallies to sit in the artificial comfort in his inner sanctum.

But the would-be king is alone — always, always alone. “Sad. Lonely. Thirsty. And Broken.” Trump is a man without an anchor. According to these sources, he rarely leaves his home and is always defensive. “The magic is gone.” (What magic?)

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A sad and woebegone picture of the emperor with no clothes is emerging. “He doesn’t have anything to do.” Trump wanders the halls of his home. His footsteps echo through corridors with few there to hear them. “He wants to be relevant.” The world has moved on — all except for Justice, who remains close, hovering over the head of the exiled traitor.

“His world is so, so small.” We know. And it is about to get smaller — which is no less than he deserves. “When Seb Gorka and Raheem Kassam and Kash Patel and Devin Nunes are your stars, that’s the D- list.”

Yes, but I’d go further. I’d say it’s the F List. “He is sensitive about his smallness.” He’d perhaps do well to get used to it. So yes, a picture has been painted of Donald’s life at Mar-a-lago. Unsurprisingly things are not looking great for Trump. And he brought it all on himself.

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The post Donald Trump’s F-list appeared first on Palmer Report.