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Mitch McConnell admits it’s over

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Mitch McConnell has come out against Donald Trump, saying his influence has “diminished.” Ya think? The turtle who never appeared to like Donald Trump very much is getting bolder in his Trump vitriol. And Mitch says that Trump is o-v-e-r.

His time in the limelight has come to an end, says Mitch. And McConnell appears upset at how the midterms turned out. “We lost support,” the turtle said glumly. “That we needed among independents and moderate republicans.”

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It is good that McConnell can at least admit that. The problem for him is that few other members of the GOP are inclined to say that — at least on camera. And Mitch might be chagrined because many Republicans are getting even more freaky. It seems they have learned nothing from the midterms.

There are whispers — only whispers, no confirmation — that Arizona Republicans want to rerun Blake Masters in 2024. Can one even begin to imagine? Perhaps Pennsylvania Republicans will follow and let Mehmet Oz have another go at it.

The GOP is heading into disaster again with this type of thinking. McConnell’s intentions toward his caucus might be to win, but how can he do that when he’s lost so much control over them? So the turtle appears glum. And if the GOP is on the track that it appears they are, they will once again go down in 2024.

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