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From the sinking of the Titanic to the 9/11 commission: Here’s where January 6 committee will go down in history

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Bennie Thompson, Liz CheneyRep. Bennie Thompson and Rep. Liz Cheney attend a January 6 committee hearing.

Bill Clark/CQ-Roll Call, Inc via Getty Images

  • The House January 6 committee has begun to wrap up its lengthy investigation into the Capitol riot.
  • The probe will go down in history for its damning portrayal of the final days of the Trump White House.
  • But it is far from the only congressional investigation that will be remembered.

From the sinking of the Titanic to the 9/11 commission: Here’s where January 6 committee will go down in history 

The House January 6 committee’s blockbuster report on the Capitol riot and the culpability of former President Donald Trump is now finally public.

Even in the long and often checkered history of congressional probes, the panel that investigated the worst breach of the Capitol since British forces tried to torch the building to the ground in 1814 has made history.

The committee subpoenaed sitting members of Congress, flexed its power to hold recalcitrant witnesses in contempt, and challenged the foundation of presidential privilege. One of its final acts was subpoenaing a former president. By House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s own admission, even its formation was an unprecedented exercise as she blocked two Republicans from joining the probe. 

But this is far from the first major congressional investigation. The mixture of subpoena power and political interests has for over a century led to highly touted findings on national tragedy and apparent scandal. There’s a reason why the prep sessions are known somewhat lovingly as murder boards.

Here’s a look back at some of the most notorious and influential probes in Congress’ history:

The aftermath of the Titanic sinking: 1912The committee investigating the Titanic's sinking gather at the Waldorf AstoriaThe committee investigating the Titanic’s sinking gather at the Waldorf Astoria in 1912

Library of Congress

It took just four days. Huddled in the ornate Waldorf Astoria in New York, senators rushed to hear from the survivors of the Titanic disaster. The inquiry led by Sen. William Alden Smith, a Republican from Michigan, would later move to Washington. In fact, the hearings the panel held inaugurated what later became the main Senate venue for investigations into Pearl Harbor and Watergate. Now named after the Kennedy family, the Russell Office Building room has also been where some of the most contentious Supreme Court confirmations have played out.

In the end, Smith’s probe was not without controversy. Many in the British press felt the senator was too hard on witnesses and lacking in basic maritime knowledge. In the end, the subcommittee’s final report paved the way for new regulations, including the number of lifeboats a ship must have on board.

The Church Committee: 1976Frank Church holds up a poison dart gunSen. Frank Church, a Democrat from Idaho, holds up poison dart gun during a 1975 hearing investigating the US intelligence community.


Long before Sen. Dianne Feinstein of California led the torture investigation, Democratic Sen. Frank Church of Idaho investigated America’s intelligence agencies about allegations of unconstitutional spying on Americans. 

Among the committee’s bombshell findings was that the National Security Agency spied on the likes of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Muhammad Ali, and even Church himself, according to a Constitution Center recap of the panel’s legacy. All of the surveillance was done without a warrant.

The panel’s revelations later led to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, which established a surveillance court that has remained at the center of American politics, including concerning warrants to spy on Trump campaign officials during the 2016 election over possible collusion with Russian state actors.

The 9/11 Commission: 2004The 9/11 Commission Report: 2004The 9/11 Commission’s report is seen for sale at a book store in July 2004.

Seth Perlman/AP

Congress moved swiftly to investigate the 9/11 attacks. Just under three years later, a bipartisan panel composed of former lawmakers and a governor responded with what quickly became a New York Times bestseller. The commission’s report traced the rise of Osama Bin Laden’s al-Qaeda and faulted the CIA for not fully cooperating with the investigation.

The commission fought with the Bush administration for months over access to some of the most sensitive intelligence about what senior officials, including President George W. Bush, were told before the attacks. Ultimately, this led to the rare declassification of a portion Presidential Daily Brief. The brief, which is a summary of highly classified intelligence prepared for the president, is closely guarded and often not publicly released for decades.

The Torture Report: 2014Dianne Feinstein speaks to reportersDemocratic Sen. Dianne Feinstein speaks to reporters after the release of a Senate Intelligence Committee probe into the CIA’s interrogations tactics often called the torture report.

J. Scott Applewhite/AP

The scenes seem ripped right out of a spy novel. Senators alleging the CIA snooped on their computers while they investigated the agency for its use of cruel interrogation techniques after the September 11th attacks. In total, the Senate Intelligence Committee investigation led by Feinstein took over five years and resulted in a blistering 528-page report full of horrific details such as the use of waterboarding, rectal rehydration, and other brutal techniques. As The Washington Post reported at the time, the panel uncovered evidence that medical personnel were stunned by what they saw and that senior officials took steps to hide what was happening from members of Congress and the White House.

Discussing the committee’s findings, President Obama bluntly told reporters “We tortured some folks.” Attorney General Eric Holder later concluded that since CIA interrogators were told that their actions were legal, it would have been unfair to prosecute anyone who carried out the disavowed tactics. A movie starring Adam Driver was made about the committee’s investigation. The full report remains classified. 

House Committee on Un-American Activities: 1938-1975Richard Nixon (center) speaks to reportersRep. Richard Nixon, seen here in 1948, addresses reporters about the House Un-American Activities committee


HUAC as it’s often known is a quintessential relic of Cold War America. Precursor probes into fascism in America quickly became Democrat Rep. Martin Dies Jr.’s perch to rail against FDR’s New Deal progressivism and both the real and perceived threat of subversion within the US government. Later investigations would coin the infamous “friendly” and “unfriendly” witnesses as the Hollywood 10 refused to answer the panel’s questions. The committee went through multiple leaders and structures over its history. Future President and then-Rep. Richard Nixon was among the lawmaker who served on the panel.

While not a member of the House, Sen. Joseph McCarthy would later take up the mantle of ardent anti-Communism turning his ire toward the US military. But McCarthy finally went too far and became ostracized within the Senate.


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