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Nikki Haley is falling to pieces

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Nikki Haley (real name Nimrata) is a sunken ship. Not sinking – I want to be very clear on that. Sinking implies the ship is in the process of going down. That does not apply to Haley. Darling Nimrata has SUNKEN — she’s gone under political waters, and there is no coming back.

Haley appears not to be aware of this fact even though it seems just about everyone else is. “You’ll never be president, Nikki.” This is from someone on Twitter. Haley, in recent days, has been tweeting up a storm. And it is hysterical in that she seems to be once again striving for relevancy. Only this time, she seems to want to position herself as some type of feminist du jour.

“It’s not just Iran and Afghanistan erasing women,” she tweeted cluelessly. “It’s happening here at home too. And we have to call it out.” Sure. This is from a woman who aligns herself with the party of anti-choice, forced births, and all-around hatred of women. That’ll get you far, Haley.

And many of her followers were quick to tell her this:

“Be quiet.”

“What do you think reproductive rights are all about?”

“This is a stretch even for you.”

“The deviant republican war on women.”

Perhaps in Nimrata’s world, she chooses not to see the truth. Maybe she sees, like many other Republicans, only herself. But Nimrata was not yet done with her desperate tweets. “Republicans have the solution to right Biden’s sinking ship,” she tweeted.

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Excuse me Nimrata. President Biden’s ship is doing just fine. It’s YOUR ship you should be worried about. Because your ship is long since sunk, and it isn’t making a comeback. There are whispers that Haley is upping her republican game because she might just run for President in 2024. That’ll go over well.

Haley, like many other republicans, including Kevin McCarthy, has no core belief system. She is yet another Republican chameleon. And her back and forth about whether Trump was a good guy or an insurrectionist made her into a national laughingstock.

If she thinks the people will ever trust her again, she’s in major denial. Her political ship is no more than a sunken island in the middle of nowhere, never to be heard from again except with a few chuckles from those whose feet are firmly planted on land.

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