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Turn out the lights

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Elon Musk (losing money rapidly, insurrection party, though he claims to be in the middle) is being sued. Musk is being sued for failing to pay rent for Twitter’s office space in California. What is it with these rich people who become anguished at the thought of following the rules and actually paying for the things they use?

The office is in San Francisco. The amount of rent is $136,250. And the ones suing are the owners of the building, Columbia Reit — 650 California LLC. According to official court documents, Twitter has not just stopped paying rent in California — they haven’t paid it at any of their global offices.

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I imagine Musk is way too busy palling around with Republicans like “Cat turd” to get around to the pesky little task of paying bills. Musk seems to want to get by for free. There are numerous reports that employees have started to actually bring their own toilet paper to work because Musk isn’t supplying it.

And there are also reports that Musk has stopped paying for janitorial services resulting in strange odors and smells permeating the floors where people are trying to work. Some reports also say Musk is trying to “renegotiate” the terms of payment for his offices to cut costs. This is likely because Musk overpaid on twitter, and he knows it. Now he needs to repay some debt.

I feel deeply for the employees working at this hellhole that is Twitter. Imagine going to work every day with a boss like Musk. It’s no wonder people are quitting right and left. In the spirit of Donald trump, Musk insists he’s doing fine. Of course, nobody seems to believe that, mainly because it isn’t true. And Musk has also set a new record. He’s become the first person in the world’s history to lose $200 Billion. It couldn’t happen to a bigger idiot.

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