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George Santos’ first day didn’t exactly go well for him

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George Santos, or whoever he’s calling himself these days, appears to be in hiding. That is because, on the first day on Capitol hill, reporters lay in wait for the pathological liar. “George”, “George,” some reporters called out. The reports milled around, shouting questions and asking about his lies. And apparently, that was more than Mr. Ripley could take.

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And according to CBS News reporter Scott MacFarlane Santos refused to enter his office — because of the team of reporters staking it out. “Rep-elect Santos will eventually have to go to his office,” MacFarlane tweeted. “Rep-elect Santos can’t simply lay low and avoid the media.”

“Not here.” And yet a desperate Santos appears to be trying to do just that. I do not blame the media for sticking around. They probably want to see what lie Santos, tells next. Will he claim to have won Time’s person of the year? Perhaps he will say he wrote the book “1984.”

Or maybe he will claim that Donald Trump asked him to be his running mate. This one, would not surprise me. So yes, the first day on the hill for Santos was not a good one. And with Brazil and others looking into his criminality, 2023 is definitely not turning out to be a good year for George Santos.

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