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Turns out the lights Kevin McCarthy is over

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I write this as I watch Kevin McCarthy fail vote after vote. At this point I am not sure what number they are on. I’ve stopped counting. And you know what keeps going through my mind, refusing to stop? That Kevin McCarthy’s speaker dream has turned to ash.

Ashes, ashes, Kevin’s dream falls down. It is fascinating to see the disintegration happening right in front of us. Ashes to ashes, dust to dust. Many people are calling what’s happening Groundhog day. It sort of is, but there is one crucial thing to note.

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Every time they vote — every time they reject McCarthy — not only does HE get a little weaker, but so does the Republican brand. Look, the Democrats are smart — brilliant, in fact. Do you not think this will come up in the 2024 elections?

Perhaps it will come up in debates, in commercials — the discord, the disorganization, the utter CRAZINESS of the GOP. They can’t lead, can’t govern, can’t do much of anything, and don’t know how to stop the trainwreck they have become.

Right now, we don’t have a Congress. It’s not because of us. We have remained unified against shocking odds. No it’s the GOP whose whole agenda has turned to dust. They look so deeply foolish on the House floor, Fighting and taking sides and sowing more and more discord. Meanwhile the American people watch the collapse — the turning to ash — of a whole political “party” that knows not a thing about what the american people need.

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